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Chapter SevenSa‘dī’s Masjid. At 10 a.m, Ĥađrat went to Madrasa Śaulatiyya andprayed voluntary śalāt while the murīdīn either completed theirdaily devotions next to Ĥađrat or went to the Blessed Precinct [forţawāf (circumambulation)-translator]. The gathering of dhikr afterẒuhr were attended by locals and outsiders. After the gathering,some stayed on to recite Qur’an or complete their daily devotionswhile others rested. Ĥađrat himself rested during this time. Before‘Aśr, he went to the Blessed Precinct and recited Qur’an to oneof his helpers [mostly Shaikh Ismā‘īl Badāt]. During this time,his devotees either performed ţawāf or recited Qur’an. Ifţār wasimmediately after adhān of Maghrib; Ĥađrat broke his fast withMadāni dates and Zamzam [there was about a ten minute intervalbetween the adhān and śalāt]. After Maghrib and voluntary śalāt,Ĥađrat left for Madrasa Śaulatiyya. As was his habit, he never ateanything, though the attendees and his devotees did. After Ĥađratattended to his personal needs and performed ablution, he departedfor the Blessed Precinct. After ‘Ishā and tarāwīĥ, he returned toMadrasa Śaulatiyya, attended to his needs and performed ablution.He then sat in the car to go to Tan‘īm and perform his ‘umra. Themurīdīn and others also followed Ĥađrat to perform their ‘umra.After ‘umra, everyone went to Brother Sa‘dī’s house and had a lightsnack of samosas, toasted rice, and fruits, etc. Then, Ĥađrat restedfor a short time while the devotees went to the Blessed Precinctfor ţawāf or rested for a short while. After about two hours of rest,Ĥađrat recited Qur’an in tahajjud. Everyone came together at seĥr.After Fajr, Ĥađrat rested while the devotees either rested or prayedvoluntary after post-sunrise śalāt [ishrāq] then went to sleep.On the 15th of Ramadan, Ĥađrat departed from Makka toMadina. For five days, Ĥađrat moved back and forth between hisresidence and al-Masjid al-Nabawiyy. On the 20th of Ramadanafter ‘Aśr, he moved in with his helpers to al-Masjid al-Nabawiyyfor the last ten days of i‘tikāf. Besides the Indians and Pakistanis,hundreds of people joined Ĥađrat in i‘tikāf from South Africa,England, and many other countries. Ĥađrat made everyonehis guest and provided for their food and drink and other basic43

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