
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter SixRamadan of 1397/1977This Ramadan was also spent in Sahāranpūr. There were morepeople than in the previous year and the daily program was alsothe same as in the previous year. The following is an excerpt fromĤađrat’s diary:Due to dizziness, I could not recite Qur’an after MaghribOther daily devotions were about the same as in the previousyears: taĥiyyat al-shukr, śalāt al-ĥāja, different aurād 29 (uttereddevotions) [i.e. Ĥizb al-Baĥr, a du‘ā booklet]Tea only; I was unable to eat anything due to sicknessAfter dinner, public gathering from 8:30 p.m 9 p.m; Bai‘a wasalso performed at this time.Adhān after 9 p.m.Tarāwīĥ led by Salmān from 9:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m. followedby reading of Akābir kā Ramađān to 11:30 p.m.Doors closed from 12:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. but opened half anhour early because of the large gathering.Rest after Fajr to 9 a.m.After 9 a.m.: reciting any sura in pre-noon śalāt thenrecitation of one part two times from the Qur’anRecite Sura Yāsīn three times and send the rewards to theeldersMeeting with different people from 11 a.m. to 1 p.mRest from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.Since the fever began from Monday [29th of Sha‘bān], Icould take no more than a cup of tea [he drank only a half a29 Aurād are devotions which require movement of the tongue whetherthey be du‘ās read from a book or tasbīĥ with beads. Ashgāl, on the other hand,are purely meditative where no movement of the tongue is required. Both aurādand asghāl are not objectives in taśawwuf but means to the objective which is:that you worship Allah u as if you see Him, and that if you cannot see Him,that He sees you [Bukhārī, Su’āl Jibrā’īl e al-Nabiyy s].39

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀcup] and two eggs daily throughout the month of Ramadan.Guests begin arriving from 2:30 a.m. to 4 a.m.After seĥr and tea, everything is wrapped up by 4:15 a.m.Shaikh Balyāwī gave the talk from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. untilhe became sick. Muĥammad ‘Inayat took over after him.After Ẓuhr: khatm-e-Khawājagān then dhikrAfter ‘Aśr, Akābir kā Sulūk then Irshād al-Mulūk then Ikmālal-ShiyamAfter tarāwīĥ: Akābir kā Ramađān then Fađā’il-e-RamađānTalk by Muĥammad ‘Ināyat from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m;Shaikh Balyāwī gave the talks the previous Ramadan butfell sick. Shaikh ‘Abd al-Ĥalīm took his place but was laterdismissed when he became overzealous and started criticizingthe schools and khanqās.This year, I could neither recite much Qur’an nor say it toanyone because of dizziness. I finished two Qur’ans recitingin the Qur’an.The gatherings from Maghrib to the adhān of ‘Ishā werecancelled but for discussions and meetings with the scholarsregarding different methods of increasing funds for theschools and exhorting them to eliminate hostilities amongstthemselves.This excerpt informs us of other devotions of Ĥađrat thathave not been previously mentioned in this book or in his ĀpBītī.Ramadan of 1399/1979This was the last Ramadan of Ĥađrat in Sahāranpūr. The programsand devotions were the same as in the previous Ramadan.40

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀcup] and two eggs daily throughout the month of Ramadan.Guests begin arriving from 2:30 a.m. to 4 a.m.After seĥr and tea, everything is wrapped up by 4:15 a.m.Shaikh Balyāwī gave the talk from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. untilhe became sick. Muĥammad ‘Inayat took over after him.After Ẓuhr: khatm-e-Khawājagān then dhikrAfter ‘Aśr, Akābir kā Sulūk then Irshād al-Mulūk then Ikmālal-ShiyamAfter tarāwīĥ: Akābir kā Ramađān then Fađā’il-e-RamađānTalk by Muĥammad ‘Ināyat from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m;Shaikh Balyāwī gave the talks the previous Ramadan butfell sick. Shaikh ‘Abd al-Ĥalīm took his place but was laterdismissed when he became overzealous and started criticizingthe schools and khanqās.This year, I could neither recite much Qur’an nor say it toanyone because of dizziness. I finished two Qur’ans recitingin the Qur’an.The gatherings from Maghrib to the adhān of ‘Ishā werecancelled but for discussions and meetings with the scholarsregarding different methods of increasing funds for theschools and exhorting them to eliminate hostilities amongstthemselves.This excerpt informs us of other devotions of Ĥađrat thathave not been previously mentioned in this book or in his ĀpBītī.Ramadan of 1399/1979This was the last Ramadan of Ĥađrat in Sahāranpūr. The programsand devotions were the same as in the previous Ramadan.40

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