
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter fiveThe Ramadan of Ĥađrat from1345/1927 to 1383/ 1964Aside from the Ramadan in Raipūr and Niżām al-Dīn, Ĥađratspent 40 years of Ramadan in Sahāranpūr in seclusion and quietude.His meetings, letter-writing, and correspondence with the murīdīnwere terminated until the end of Ramadan, all his time beingspent reciting Qur’an. From Ramadan of 1338/1920, he made thehabit of staying awake the nights of Ramadan, a difficult devotionwhich continued until the last years when he became extremelysick. Ĥađrat says in his Āp Bītī:The nights of Ramadan are for none other than to stay awake.I performed my first hajj in 1338/1920. From that time, I madeit my habit to stay awake in the nights of Ramadan and haveonly discontinued this practice in the last few years due toprolonged sickness. I adopted this practice from the Arabs,who stayed awake in the nights of Ramadan.His RoutineThe Ramadan of those years were as follows:He prayed Fajr in its earliest time; rested for a short while, then[this was the only time he slept] awoke after 2 or 2½ hours andbegan voluntary śalāt in which he recited a few parts of Qur’an.Shortly before the adhān of Ẓuhr, he recited a few parts in theSunnas of Ẓuhr and finished once the second call [iqāma] was made.15

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀAfter the obligatory śalāt, he recited a few parts in the Sunna andthen went home, where he recited a few parts from the Qur’an.After praying ‘Aśr in the masjid, he recited the Qur’an to someone[different people]. Muftī Sa‘īd Aĥmad or Shaikh MuĥammadĤusain Ajrārwī listened in the beginning of Ramadan while MuftīMuĥammad Yaĥyā or Ĥakīm Muĥammad Ilyās in the last days. Hecontinued reciting his Qur’an to someone until the time for ifţār (thetime to break fast). Shortly before Maghrib, he became absorbed inmeditation. Most often, he ate Madanī dates and drank Zamzamto break the fast, then had a cup of tea. He didn’t eat anything elsebesides the aforementioned until after ‘Ishā. He recited some partin the voluntary śalāt after Maghrib. After he prayed ‘Ishā in themasjid, he returned home and lead the women in tarāwīĥ, in whichhe again recited many parts of the Quran.After tarāwīĥ, a special gathering was held, attended by manyof the closest devotees of Ĥađrat for about 30 to 45 minutes. Thiswas the only time anyone could meet Ĥađrat in a 24 hour timeperiod. Ĥađrat rarely took anything but for a cup of tea at the timeof breaking fast. After this gathering, he studied various exegesesand contemplated the meanings of the Qur’an. He then stood upfor voluntary śalāt and recited many parts in it. He ate seĥr in thelast minutes and did not drink tea. This was the only time he ate.Recitation of 30 to 35 parts per day was his routine.An Effort to Finish 60 Qur’ans in One RamadanIt is known that Imam Abū Ĥanīfa completed 61 Qur’an in Ramadan;one in the day, one at night and one in tarāwīĥ. Likewise, it is said ofImam Shāfi‘ī that he completed 60 Qur’an every Ramadan. Once,Ĥađrat encouraged his murīds and devotees to do the same.He said:Once, I wrote to some of my friends and asked them to finishreciting 60 Qur’an in one Ramadan. Many of my friendsstrived to reach that goal. Maulwī In‘ām finished 61 Qur’an,one did 56 and some did 60.16

Chapter fiveThe Ramadan of Ĥađrat from1345/1927 to 1383/ 1964Aside from the Ramadan in Raipūr and Niżām al-Dīn, Ĥađratspent 40 years of Ramadan in Sahāranpūr in seclusion and quietude.His meetings, letter-writing, and correspondence with the murīdīnwere terminated until the end of Ramadan, all his time beingspent reciting Qur’an. From Ramadan of 1338/1920, he made thehabit of staying awake the nights of Ramadan, a difficult devotionwhich continued until the last years when he became extremelysick. Ĥađrat says in his Āp Bītī:The nights of Ramadan are for none other than to stay awake.I performed my first hajj in 1338/1920. From that time, I madeit my habit to stay awake in the nights of Ramadan and haveonly discontinued this practice in the last few years due toprolonged sickness. I adopted this practice from the Arabs,who stayed awake in the nights of Ramadan.His RoutineThe Ramadan of those years were as follows:He prayed Fajr in its earliest time; rested for a short while, then[this was the only time he slept] awoke after 2 or 2½ hours andbegan voluntary śalāt in which he recited a few parts of Qur’an.Shortly before the adhān of Ẓuhr, he recited a few parts in theSunnas of Ẓuhr and finished once the second call [iqāma] was made.15

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