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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀFalling Unconscious During ŚalātOn the 29th of Ramadan, Ĥađrat fell in the first rak‘a (unit of śalāt)of śalāt and remained sick for the next eighteen days. Everyonewas puzzled as to what had happened. Even Ĥađrat said nothingbeyond asking the doctors what had happened, but no one gavea satisfactory reply. A long time after, one of Ĥađrat’s favoritesuccessors, Shaikh ‘Abd al- Raĥīm Mutāla once asked Ĥađrat,“And Mūsa fell unconscious?” 19 Ĥađrat acknowledged with a simple“Yes.”Ĥađrat spent many Ramadan in Niżām al-Dīn. After a fewyears, when Shaikh Yūsuf became established as the amir of theJamā‘a [and was not in need of Ĥađrat’s support as he had been inthe beginning of his tenure] and Ĥađrat no longer felt the need tospend Ramadan in Niżām al-Dīn, he began the month of Ramadanin Sahāranpūr. The main benefit of this move was that he becamemore focused spiritually in Sahāranpūr, as will be mentioned in thenext few pages.19 This is reference to the aya, “You cannot see Me, but look upon the mountain ifit stands still In its place Then You shall see me.” So when his Lord appeared to the mountain, He made it collapse to dust, and Mūsa e fell down unconscious. 7:14214

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