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Chapter fourThe Ramadan of Ĥađratin Niżām al-Dīn 15The founder of the Tablīghī Jamā‘a, Shaikh Ilyās, 16 was verymuch attached to Ĥađrat. Though his mentor and shaikh, and moreof a father than an uncle, Shaikh Ilyās thought highly of Ĥađrat. Heoften went to Ĥađrat for spiritual company and sometimes calledĤađrat to stay with him. He also often insisted Ĥađrat spend hisRamadan with him, as has been narrated in Ĥađrat’s and ShaikhIlyās’s biographies, letters and talks. Below, we reproduce one suchletter.My heart always wished for your company this Ramadan, butit is better you stay wherever you feel more peace of mind. Myheart does not accept putting hurdles [of family and relatives]in the way of aspiring people like you. But anyhow it is bestthat you follow your heart regardless of the circumstances.15 Center of the Tablīghī Jamā‘a in New Delhi, India.16 Maulānā Muĥammad Ilyās Dehlawī (1886-1944)- was the founder of theworldwide Tablīghī Jamā‘a. He began nightly śalāt [tahajjud] as a child and keptthis habit to the end. He spent many years in seclusion, praying long voluntaryśalāt and meditating [murāqaba]. Once, while in Madina Munawwara he decidedto settle down there permanently. He went to the blessed grave of the BlessedProphet s and was told to go back to India because Allah u wanted to takesome work of Dīn from him. He returned to India and started Tablīghī Jamā‘aafter much reflection. This flourished immeasurably and is still active.11

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