
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter Onea large number of his votaries from Punjab, many of them scholars,employees of the schools [madāris] and successors [khalīfas] whohad gained their successorship [khilāfa] from other shaikhs arrivedat the end of Sha‘bān to spend the month of Ramadan with him.They isolated themselves from the material world and gathered ina remote village that was without a paved road or a railway stationleading to the outside world in order to devote their days and nightsto dhikr, ashgāl, and recitation of Qur’an. They spent all their timein worship of Allah u from the first day of Ramadan until thelast, only leaving after they prayed Eid śalāt. To understand thebeautiful atmosphere of the khanqā and the spirituality of thestudents who took refuge there in the month of Ramadan, one canrefer to my book, “Biography of Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qādir Raipūrī.”Aside from Raipūr, Ĥađrat spent a few Ramadan in Bahit house[Sahāranpūr, U.P, India], ‘Abd al-Ĥamīd’s [former minister ofPunjab Province] villa in Lahore [Pakistan], Ghaura Galī [MurreeHills, Pakistan], and Masjid Khalsa College [Faisalabad, Pakistan].The same fervor and spiritual zeal were observed in these Ramadanwhen hundreds of votaries and devotees gathered and filled the airof the khanqā with the chants of the dhikr of Allah u, recitationof Qur’an, and other devotions.7

Chapter twoĤađrat Shaikh [Shaikh Zakariyyā]and the Month of RamadanThe revival and propagation of this dying Sunna was destinedto take place at the hands of a personality who was the inheritorof his predecessors’, teachers’, and mentors’ sublime character andspirituality. He became an author of many books and is seen as onewho picked up where his predecessors had left off and succeeded inreviving the Dīn.One thing common to all the ‘ārifīn was their devotion toworship, recitation of Qur’an, seclusion from the material world,and fervor for worship during every second of this blessed month.Ĥađrat contributed much to the attainment of these attributesby increasing the intensity of the seclusion from the materialworld and in the fervor brought towards attaining the pleasureof Allah u. This is better understood with a humorous episodefrom the life of the Shaikh, which also serves as a reminder of theextraordinary awe with which he approached and celebrated themonth of Ramadan.It was difficult enough for anyone to meet with the Shaikh,but to talk to him was completely out of the question,especially when it was his routine to finish one Qur’an plus alittle more every day [in case Ramadan was 29 days]. In thatcase, there was no chance of meeting him, despite his lovefor guests who came to meet him and his hospitality towardsthem.8

Chapter Onea large number of his votaries from Punjab, many of them scholars,employees of the schools [madāris] and successors [khalīfas] whohad gained their successorship [khilāfa] from other shaikhs arrivedat the end of Sha‘bān to spend the month of Ramadan with him.They isolated themselves from the material world and gathered ina remote village that was without a paved road or a railway stationleading to the outside world in order to devote their days and nightsto dhikr, ashgāl, and recitation of Qur’an. They spent all their timein worship of Allah u from the first day of Ramadan until thelast, only leaving after they prayed Eid śalāt. To understand thebeautiful atmosphere of the khanqā and the spirituality of thestudents who took refuge there in the month of Ramadan, one canrefer to my book, “Biography of Shaikh ‘Abd al-Qādir Raipūrī.”Aside from Raipūr, Ĥađrat spent a few Ramadan in Bahit house[Sahāranpūr, U.P, India], ‘Abd al-Ĥamīd’s [former minister ofPunjab Province] villa in Lahore [Pakistan], Ghaura Galī [MurreeHills, Pakistan], and Masjid Khalsa College [Faisalabad, Pakistan].The same fervor and spiritual zeal were observed in these Ramadanwhen hundreds of votaries and devotees gathered and filled the airof the khanqā with the chants of the dhikr of Allah u, recitationof Qur’an, and other devotions.7

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