
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Ramadan of the Elderseffort in caring for the guests. The next year in 1374/1954,Ĥađrat spent his Ramadan in Ghaura Gallī again. The yearafter in 1375/1955 he spent Ramadan in Faisalabad. Therewere approximately 200 people this year. In 1376/1956, Ĥađratspent his Ramadan in Lahore. Chaudhry ‘Abd al-Ĥamīd[commissioner of rehabilitation] was the host this Ramadan. In1378/1958, Ĥađrat once again spent his Ramadan in Faisalabad.This was to be Hađrat’s last Ramadan in Pakistan, the last twoRamadan’s of 1380 and 1381/1961 and 1962 both being spent inRaipūr, India. 85As mentioned above, Ĥađrat spent the Ramadan of 1372/ May,1953 in Manśūrī. The year 1377/1958 has been left out by ‘Alī Miāń.That year was also spent in Lahore in Sufi ‘Abd al- Ĥamīd’s residence.In his book, Shaikh ‘Alī Miāń wrote that Ĥađrat spent the Ramadanof 1378/1959 in Faisalabad. Shaikh ‘Alī Miāń took this informationfrom my diary but in reality, either my transcriber or Shaikh ‘AlīMiāń’s transcriber has made a mistake because the Ramadan of1378/1959 was actually spent in Sahāranpūr in Bahit House while theRamadan of 1379/ February 27, 1960 was in Faisalabad.Devotions of Shaikh Muĥammad Yaĥyā Kāndhelwī 86Recitation of Qur’an was my father’s life; he could not do withoutit. Maybe I have written somewhere that he was a bookseller andpackaged the books and noted down the addresses himself. As heworked, he recited the Qur’an loudly without confusing any aya ormaking any mistake.85 Sawāniĥ-e-Ĥađrat Raipurī.86 Maulānā Muĥammad Yaĥyā Kāndhelwī (1871-1917) was Shaikh Zakariyyā’sfather. He was appointed by his shaikh, Shaikh Khalīl Aĥmad Sahāranpūrī, toteach the books of hadith after he [Shaikh Khalīl Aĥmad] left to settle down inĤijāz. Throughout his life he taught hadith without pay and recited one Qur’andaily for six months after he memorized Qur’an at the age of seven [approximately464 Qur’an]. He possessed the rare ability of being able to recite Qura’nwhile doing any work without stumbling in his recitation.159

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀShaikh ‘Ashiq Ilāhī writes in Tadhkirat al-Khalīl:Once at my request he came to Mīrat to recite the Qur’an intarāwīĥ. I saw that whatever he was doing throughout the dayhe was reciting the Qur’an simultaneously and in this mannercompleted one Qur’an daily. When the time of ifţār came, youheard him reciting the last Sura, Sūrat al-Nās. When he steppedoff the train it was ‘Ishā time. It was his habit to be in the stateof ablution all the time. When he entered the masjid, he walkedstraight to the place where the imam led, recited ten part in threehours smoothly and without any mistakes, without stumbling orany confusion between two assimilated ayas, as if he was recitingfrom the Qur’an clearly and calmly. He finished on the third dayand returned to Sahāranpūr. There was no need for a listener or torecite it with anyone else.Another thing my father mentioned about this journey was thatsome of the people of Mīrat told him that when people learned aĥāfiż is arriving from Sahāranpūr to finish the Qur’an in three days,thirty to forty ĥuffāż stood behind him in tarāwīĥ to test him.My father never caught a ‘fever’ like myself in the monthof Ramadan. He went whenever his friends insisted, completedthe Qur’an in two or three days in tarāwīĥ and returned toSahāranpūr. Once, he went on the request of Shāh Zāhid Ĥussain,the mayor of Bahit, led tarāwīĥ in his house, and completed theQur’an in two days. I also remember him going to the NawābWalī Masjid in Qisābpūra, Dehli for tarāwīĥ. Once, MaulwīNaśīr al-Dīn was leading tarāwīĥ in Ĥakīm ‘Ishāq’s masjid whenmy father walked in [he had just returned from a long journey].Naśīr al-Dīn was on the 14th part and the listener was correctinghim repeatedly. In the state of ablution, he walked into themasjid, asked Naśīr al-Dīn to move from the imam’s place andcompleted 16 part in 16 rak‘as. The prayers in the back were certainlyexhausted and irritated but their joy over the completionof Qur’an did away with everything. They all forgot they wereexhausted when they realized the Qur’an was completed on the12th of Ramadan.160

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀShaikh ‘Ashiq Ilāhī writes in Tadhkirat al-Khalīl:Once at my request he came to Mīrat to recite the Qur’an intarāwīĥ. I saw that whatever he was doing throughout the dayhe was reciting the Qur’an simultaneously and in this mannercompleted one Qur’an daily. When the time of ifţār came, youheard him reciting the last Sura, Sūrat al-Nās. When he steppedoff the train it was ‘Ishā time. It was his habit to be in the stateof ablution all the time. When he entered the masjid, he walkedstraight to the place where the imam led, recited ten part in threehours smoothly and without any mistakes, without stumbling orany confusion between two assimilated ayas, as if he was recitingfrom the Qur’an clearly and calmly. He finished on the third dayand returned to Sahāranpūr. There was no need for a listener or torecite it with anyone else.Another thing my father mentioned about this journey was thatsome of the people of Mīrat told him that when people learned aĥāfiż is arriving from Sahāranpūr to finish the Qur’an in three days,thirty to forty ĥuffāż stood behind him in tarāwīĥ to test him.My father never caught a ‘fever’ like myself in the monthof Ramadan. He went whenever his friends insisted, completedthe Qur’an in two or three days in tarāwīĥ and returned toSahāranpūr. Once, he went on the request of Shāh Zāhid Ĥussain,the mayor of Bahit, led tarāwīĥ in his house, and completed theQur’an in two days. I also remember him going to the NawābWalī Masjid in Qisābpūra, Dehli for tarāwīĥ. Once, MaulwīNaśīr al-Dīn was leading tarāwīĥ in Ĥakīm ‘Ishāq’s masjid whenmy father walked in [he had just returned from a long journey].Naśīr al-Dīn was on the 14th part and the listener was correctinghim repeatedly. In the state of ablution, he walked into themasjid, asked Naśīr al-Dīn to move from the imam’s place andcompleted 16 part in 16 rak‘as. The prayers in the back were certainlyexhausted and irritated but their joy over the completionof Qur’an did away with everything. They all forgot they wereexhausted when they realized the Qur’an was completed on the12th of Ramadan.160

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