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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀThe last Ramadan and Last Journey to PakistanĤađrat’s Ramadan of 1381/ February, 1962 was spent in Raipūr also.Upon Ĥađrat’s insistence, Shaikh [Shaikh Zakariyyā] made it hishabit to leave for Raipūr immediately after Jumu‘a in Sahāranpūrand return Monday morning. As it was difficult to commute eachweek back and forth between Raipūr and Sahāranpūr, it was decidedthat half of Ramadan be spent in Sahāranpūr and half in Raipūr.Ĥađrat Shaikh al-Ĥadīth arrived in Raipūr on the 17th of Ramadan/February 21, 1962. Tarāwīĥ was led by Shaikh ‘Abd al-Mannān’s sonShaikh Ĥāfiż Fađl al-Raĥmān. Shaikh ‘Abd al- Ĥafīż Gamthalwīhad also arrived before Ramadan. How was anybody to know thatthis was going to be Ĥađrat’s last Ramadan and the time to departfrom this world was arriving closer and closer. The reading sessionof Khawāja Ma‘śūm’s letters was held from ‘Aśr to shortly beforeMaghrib. The number of guests was big and was getting biggereach day. Ĥađrat prayed Eid śalāt behind Shāh Mas‘ūd. The moststirring spectacle was when they took Ĥađrat in the wheelchair tohis shaikh’s [Shāh ‘Abd al-Raĥīm Raipūrī] grave after Eid. It said,اَنْتُمْ‏ لَنَا سَ‏ لَفٌ‏ وَنَحْ‏ نُ‏ لَكُ‏ مْ‏ خَ‏ لَفٌ‏ وَاِنَّا اِنْ‏ شَ‏ اءَ‏ اللهُ‏ بِكُ‏ مْ‏ الَ‏ حِ‏ قُونَ‏You are our predecessors [salaf ], we are your successors [khalaf ] and weshall certainly meet you soon, Allah u willingIn another place, Shaikh ‘Alī Miāń writes:Ramadan came upon him during his stay in Pakistan also.His helpers and devotees from Pakistan hoped Ĥađrat wouldspend Ramadan with them in Pakistan so that their Ramadanwould be illuminated with blessings [Ramadan arrived inthe summer in those days]. In 1371/1951, Ĥađrat spent hisRamadan in Kauhi Marī at Sufi ‘Abd al-Ĥamīd’s residence. In1373/1953, he spent his Ramadan in Ghaura Gallī [Kauhi Marī]on the sincere invitation and request of Muĥammad Shafī‘Qureshi and Malik Muĥammad Dīn. There were more thana hundred guests that year. They [Muĥammad Shafī‘ Qureshiand Malik Muĥammad Dīn] both dedicated their time and158

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