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Ramadan of the Eldersmadan. Workers and laborers took breaks, the teachers of the schoolsalso took this opportunity to join Ĥađrat, and a large number ofscholars and ĥuffāż also came at this time. Before the partition, mostof the devotees, helpers and scholars came from East Punjab. Thedevotees of Raipūr and surrounding areas took the responsibilityof caring for the ifţār, seĥr, and dinner of the guests and people ini‘tikāf. In Ramadan, all gatherings [that were held throughout theyear-translator] were cancelled in respect for Ĥađrat’s wishes [whowas strict about seclusion in the month of Ramadan -translator] anddiscussion time and appointments [with Ĥađrat] were also cancelled.All mail was also terminated. Ĥađrat remained by himself throughouta 24 hour period except in śalāt times. Ĥađrat became irritated ifsomebody came with whom he was forced to meet. Before his illness,he did ifţār with the gathering with dates and Zamzam. Immediatelyafter Maghrib, before his sickness became worse, he ate dinner thendrank tea with the gathering until the adhān of ‘Ishā. This was theonly time of sitting with Ĥađrat in 24 hours. After adhān, peopleprepared for śalāt. During this time, a large group of scholars sittingin the first row asked Ĥađrat important questions and then Ĥađratresponded. After that, he either rested or sat up and the helpers massagedhim. Tarāwīĥ was held in the masjid and khanqā. The Qur’anwas recited and completed in both places. Many ĥuffāż were presentbut Ĥađrat preferred those who recited beautifully and who knewQur’an well.Ĥađrat spent one Ramadan [Ramadan of 1372 hijri/1953] in Manśūrī.There were approximately fifty to sixty volunteers and Maulwī ‘Abdal-Mannān led the tarāwīĥ. Ĥađrat’s routine was to hold a gatheringafter tarāwīĥ. At this time Ĥađrat was in a lively mood and in goodspirits. Many people stayed awake the whole night. In essence, nightor day, there was a feeling of liveliness in the area.Shaikh ‘Alī Miāń came from Lucknow on the 16th [Saturday,May 29, 1953] straight to Manśūrī and left after Eid.In another place, Shaikh ‘Alī Miāń writes about Ĥađrat’s lastRamadan,157

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