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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀĤađrat recited from half of the 14th part to the end of Sura BanīIsrāīl. He recited the part in twenty rak‘as so calmly it was truly anenjoyable experience. The second time was in 1364/ 1954 in whichĤađrat lead the first tarāwīĥ in the railway station of Sahāranpūr.On the morning of 29th of Sha‘bān/ August 8, 1945, Bukhārī wascompleted at 4 a.m. That night, Ĥađrat came with his family onan omnibus from Deoband to Sahāranpūr, arriving at the stationat 12 a.m. There, he led a large gathering of people in tarāwīĥ. Asstudents, teachers, and city people finished their tarāwīĥ in theirplaces, they gathered at the station and joined behind Ĥađrat topray voluntary śalāt behind him. Ĥađrat told Zakariyyā,“Stand by me, you are going to be my listener.” I said,“You think it’s easy to correct you? There are many good ĥuffāżin the crowd. I will call one of them for you.” Ĥađrat refused andI gained the honor of being Ĥađrat’s listener].”Since people came from all over, near and far, the masjid wasfull by the time the adhān was called and no space was left for latecomers.A small opening was made in the middle for Ĥađrat topass through. When Ĥađrat entered, the caretaker of the masjidawaited Ĥađrat in front with a glass of water. This was becauseĤađrat drank tea at home then ate pān. Once he washed his mouthhe set off in the car straight for the masjid. One or two people werealways present to say takbīr loudly because of the scores of peopleand the growing numbers in the last ten days.Two and a half parts were recited in tarāwīĥ. Shaikh Jalīl recitedone and a quarter part in the first four rak‘as while Ĥađrat repeatedthe same one and a quarter part in the next sixteen rak‘as. The intervalswere very long. Sometimes, while reciting Ĥađrat becamepassionate and an electric feeling passed through the crowd [a feelingknown only to them]. Tarāwīĥ was followed by a long du‘ā inwhich people sobbed, cried and trembled. Sometimes the wholemasjid resonated with their cries.After tarāwīĥ, Ĥađrat sat there with the devotees and his helpersto drink tea. After approximately ten minutes, he stood up and gavea talk. People who had prayed tarāwīĥ elsewhere also assembled in148

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