
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Ramadan of the Elderstarāwīĥ in Masjid Ibn ‘Abbās during the first days of Ramadan butas the route to the masjid was dangerous, Ĥađrat put himself inserious danger by going to the masjid.Then an incident occurred one night. He had just prayedMaghrib and began the voluntary śalāt, and darkness had comeover when the Bedouins attacked a Turkish garrison [near themasjid]. A small squadron of Turkish troops was standing guardon the minarets and roof of the masjid and a few lay behind thebarracks at the entrance of the masjid. The battle between the twowas fierce and heavy firing continued for several hours. The insideof the masjid was also pockmarked with bullet holes. People stuckin the masjid huddled in one corner to protect themselves fromstray bullets. Tarāwīĥ was not held on that day except for somemen who gathered for ‘Ishā and prayed in one corner. When thefiring stopped and the situation calmed down, they rushed home.After that, his devotees begged him not to go to Masjid Ibn ‘Abbāsand to pray in congregation in the neighborhood masjid next towhere he stayed. Therefore, Ĥađrat prayed all five śalāt in the localmasjid throughout the remainder of Ramadan.This year tarāwīĥ was prayed with Surāt al-Fīl. After that,Ĥađrat stayed in the masjid praying voluntary śalāt throughoutthe night until seĥr. Maulwī Udhair Gul and I [Shaikh ĤusainAĥmad Madanī] prayed voluntary śalāt in the same masjidindividually. Since it was summer, the time of seĥr came quickly.We returned home and cooked seĥr [sweet rice most of the time]but as there was no sugar we used honey in the rice and tea. Whenwe made rice we filled it with camel meat. Due to the conditions,it was difficult to get hold of rice and chappatti, and we wereforced to pay eight times the price for chappatti. One of thebusinessmen of Dehli, al-Hāj Harūn, sent some premium qualityrice as a gift for Ĥađrat, which helped us through. During thattime [about two months], we spent some twelve ashrafī becauseof our situation.Ĥađrat al-Hājj Syed Aśghar Ĥussain Miāń Deobandī writes inSawāniĥ Shaikh al-Hind:131

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀHis spiritual state in the month of Ramadan was unlike any. Hedid nothing but worship day and night. He rested in the day butspent most of his night, in fact the whole night, in listening toQur’an [Shaikh al-Hind was not ĥāfiż- Zakariyyā]. He assignedvarious ĥuffāż to lead him in voluntary śalāt throughout the nightand if they were not local, he provided them with a place, food anddrink and took care of all their expenses. Sometimes he insistedupon having his Shaikh’s son, Shaikh Ĥāfiż Muĥammad Aĥmad[dean of ‘Dār al-‘Ulūm] recite and listened to him recite theQur’an many times. Sometimes he assigned his trusted friend [bothwere murīds of the same shaikh] Ĥāfiż Anwār al-Ĥaqq, sometimeshis younger brother, Maulwī Muĥammad Muĥsin, and at othertimes his beloved nephew Maulwī Muĥammad Ĥanīf. In the lastyears, Maulwī Ĥāfiż Kifāyat Allāh took over this duty and Ĥađratlistened to his recitation of the Qur’an.After tarāwīĥ, Ĥađrat talked to the gathering for a long time.People enjoyed these gatherings in which Ĥađrat narrated storiesof the elders and explained profound matters of taśawwuf. Thenif he had time, he slept for a short while, then awoke to performvoluntary śalāt again. One ĥāfiż completed two to four parts andwent off to rest while Ĥađrat waited for the next ĥāfiż to arrive.In this way, Ĥađrat listened to many ĥuffāż throughout the night.The recitors changed but Ĥađrat stood in his spot. Sometimes, helistened until 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. and sometimes until seĥr. In someRamadan, Ĥađrat prayed the obligatory śalāt in the masjid thenreturned to the house, where a congregation of his helpers stoodwaiting to pray tarāwīĥ with Ĥađrat. Sometimes, they completedfour to six parts or even ten parts in tarāwīĥ. After tarāwīĥ, a ĥāfiżstood up to lead Ĥađrat in voluntary śalāt, and then this enchantingspiritual scene continued throughout the night. Ĥađrat’s feet bloatedfrom continuous standing and his devotees became concerned, butĤađrat was ecstatic that he had followed the Sunna of the BlessedProphet s, to the extent that his feet would bloat. 6868 Bukhārī, Qiyām al-Nabiyy.132

Ramadan of the Elderstarāwīĥ in Masjid Ibn ‘Abbās during the first days of Ramadan butas the route to the masjid was dangerous, Ĥađrat put himself inserious danger by going to the masjid.Then an incident occurred one night. He had just prayedMaghrib and began the voluntary śalāt, and darkness had comeover when the Bedouins attacked a Turkish garrison [near themasjid]. A small squadron of Turkish troops was standing guardon the minarets and roof of the masjid and a few lay behind thebarracks at the entrance of the masjid. The battle between the twowas fierce and heavy firing continued for several hours. The insideof the masjid was also pockmarked with bullet holes. People stuckin the masjid huddled in one corner to protect themselves fromstray bullets. Tarāwīĥ was not held on that day except for somemen who gathered for ‘Ishā and prayed in one corner. When thefiring stopped and the situation calmed down, they rushed home.After that, his devotees begged him not to go to Masjid Ibn ‘Abbāsand to pray in congregation in the neighborhood masjid next towhere he stayed. Therefore, Ĥađrat prayed all five śalāt in the localmasjid throughout the remainder of Ramadan.This year tarāwīĥ was prayed with Surāt al-Fīl. After that,Ĥađrat stayed in the masjid praying voluntary śalāt throughoutthe night until seĥr. Maulwī Udhair Gul and I [Shaikh ĤusainAĥmad Madanī] prayed voluntary śalāt in the same masjidindividually. Since it was summer, the time of seĥr came quickly.We returned home and cooked seĥr [sweet rice most of the time]but as there was no sugar we used honey in the rice and tea. Whenwe made rice we filled it with camel meat. Due to the conditions,it was difficult to get hold of rice and chappatti, and we wereforced to pay eight times the price for chappatti. One of thebusinessmen of Dehli, al-Hāj Harūn, sent some premium qualityrice as a gift for Ĥađrat, which helped us through. During thattime [about two months], we spent some twelve ashrafī becauseof our situation.Ĥađrat al-Hājj Syed Aśghar Ĥussain Miāń Deobandī writes inSawāniĥ Shaikh al-Hind:131

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