
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Ramadan of the Elders“I heard Ĥađrat but didn’t have the courage to say I would leadout of propriety.” Two days before Ramadan, Ĥađrat said,‘Maulwī Yaĥyā, you are a ĥāfiż too.’ I said,‘Ĥađrat, I am a ĥāfiż, but I recite in Persian [i.e. my recitationis not good-translator] and Ĥađrat is used to Ĥakīm Masūd’srecitation, who is an excellent recitor.’ Ĥađrat replied, ‘No, that’snot true. I have heard your Qur’an. Now only you will lead thetarāwīĥ. ’” My father would say,“The first day was hard. It was the first time since I became ĥāfiżat the age of seven that I opened the Qur’an to recite one and aquarter part. This is because when I became a ĥāfiż, I completedone Qur’an, reciting from it, everyday for six months continuous.”He also often said,“The first day, I recited one and a quarter part in the Qur’an. Bythe second day my fear was gone, and then I never needed to openthe Qur’an again.”The devotions of Shaikh Muĥammad Qāsim Nānautwī 63I could not find details about the devotions of Shaikh Nānautwī inRamadan, and now there is no one to help me in this matter. Onlythis much is known: that he memorized the Qur’an in the Ramadanof 1277/ September, 1860 while travelling to Ĥijāz, memorizingone part per day and saying it that same night in tarāwīĥ. ShaikhYa‘qūb Nānautwī writes in Sawāniĥ-e-Qāsmī (biography of ShaikhQāsim Nānautwī) that he departed for hajj in Jamāda al-Thānī 1277/December, 1860 and reached Makka in the last few days of Dhu al-Qa‘da/ May, 1861. After hajj, he went to Madina and returned to63 Maulānā Muĥammad Qāsim Nānautwī (1831-1879) - was the founder ofthe school of Deoband. He and Maulānā Shaikh Rashīd Aĥmad were both classmateswho studied under Maulānā Shaikh Mamlūk ‘Alī, the greatest Islamicpersonage at the time. He wrote many great philosophical books like AjwibaArba‘īn and Qibla Numā. The eight rules upon which he established Deobandand which he advised his successors to hold on to if they wished for the successof the school reveal the depth of his spirituality, understanding of human psychology,and love for the Dīn of Allah u.127

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀMakka in Śafar/ August, 1861. He arrived in Mumbai in the beginningof Rabi‘ al-Awwal/ September,1861 and arrived home in Jamāda al-Thānī/December, 1861. He boarded a sailing ship from Karachi forhajj and began memorizing Qur’an and reciting it in tarāwīĥ duringhis trip on the ship. After Eid, when he reached Al-Mukkala [port inSouth Yemen on the Gulf of Aden- translator] he bought sweets andgave it to friends to celebrate his memorization of Qur’an.Before this, no one knew he had memorized the Qur’an. Afterhe memorized the whole Qur’an, he would say, “I memorizedthe whole Qur’an in two years in Ramadan and did one quarteror a little more every day.” After he completed memorization, hewould recite a lot. I know that once he recited 23 parts in one rak‘a.If anyone stood behind him, he completed his rak‘a and then toldthe person not to stand behind him. He then stood again, alonethis time, and spent the whole night reciting Qur’an. 64The most authentic opinion is that he memorized the Qur’an inone year while Shaikh Muĥammad Ya‘qūb is of the opinion thathe took two years. If he learned one quarter a day, it means thathe probably memorized some parts of the Qur’an in incrementsof a quarter part in the first Ramadan and from then onwards onewhole part until he completed memorization of the whole Qur’anin the next Ramadan while on his way to Ĥijāz.Devotions of Shāh ‘Abd al-Rahīm RaipūrīThe devotions of Shāh‘Abd al-Rahīm are narrated in Tadhkirat al-Khalīl as follows:Ĥađrat had a deep love for spreading knowledge of the Qur’an [heestablished twenty to thirty centers [makātīb] for beginners [usuallysmall children] to learn to recite and memorize Qur’an-translator] inthe Daun 65 region. He himself was in love with recitation of Qur’anand being a ĥāfiż, would spend almost the whole night reciting. Intwenty four hours, night or day, he rarely slept more than an hour64 Sawāniĥ-e-Qāsmī65 All villages in the outskirts of the city of Dehradaun [India] are calledDaun.128

Ramadan of the Elders“I heard Ĥađrat but didn’t have the courage to say I would leadout of propriety.” Two days before Ramadan, Ĥađrat said,‘Maulwī Yaĥyā, you are a ĥāfiż too.’ I said,‘Ĥađrat, I am a ĥāfiż, but I recite in Persian [i.e. my recitationis not good-translator] and Ĥađrat is used to Ĥakīm Masūd’srecitation, who is an excellent recitor.’ Ĥađrat replied, ‘No, that’snot true. I have heard your Qur’an. Now only you will lead thetarāwīĥ. ’” My father would say,“The first day was hard. It was the first time since I became ĥāfiżat the age of seven that I opened the Qur’an to recite one and aquarter part. This is because when I became a ĥāfiż, I completedone Qur’an, reciting from it, everyday for six months continuous.”He also often said,“The first day, I recited one and a quarter part in the Qur’an. Bythe second day my fear was gone, and then I never needed to openthe Qur’an again.”The devotions of Shaikh Muĥammad Qāsim Nānautwī 63I could not find details about the devotions of Shaikh Nānautwī inRamadan, and now there is no one to help me in this matter. Onlythis much is known: that he memorized the Qur’an in the Ramadanof 1277/ September, 1860 while travelling to Ĥijāz, memorizingone part per day and saying it that same night in tarāwīĥ. ShaikhYa‘qūb Nānautwī writes in Sawāniĥ-e-Qāsmī (biography of ShaikhQāsim Nānautwī) that he departed for hajj in Jamāda al-Thānī 1277/December, 1860 and reached Makka in the last few days of Dhu al-Qa‘da/ May, 1861. After hajj, he went to Madina and returned to63 Maulānā Muĥammad Qāsim Nānautwī (1831-1879) - was the founder ofthe school of Deoband. He and Maulānā Shaikh Rashīd Aĥmad were both classmateswho studied under Maulānā Shaikh Mamlūk ‘Alī, the greatest Islamicpersonage at the time. He wrote many great philosophical books like AjwibaArba‘īn and Qibla Numā. The eight rules upon which he established Deobandand which he advised his successors to hold on to if they wished for the successof the school reveal the depth of his spirituality, understanding of human psychology,and love for the Dīn of Allah u.127

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