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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀ1335/ 1916 was that he held his class for Bukhārī and Tirmidhī aftersunrise until noon. After 1335/ 1916, he wrote Badhl between 11a.m. to 12 p.m. throughout the year except in Ramadan, whenhe rested for an hour after sunrise. In the summer, he rested firstthen wrote Badhl between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. but in the winter hewrote Badhl first between 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. then rested until theadhān of Ẓuhr.20. Ĥađrat always led tarāwīĥ in Ramadan until two yearsbefore he passed away. After Ẓuhr, he recited the part which herecited in tarāwīĥ to Ĥāfiż Ĥusain Aĥmad Ajrārwī, who camespecifically for this purpose to Sahāranpūr. Sometimes I listenedto his part when Ĥāfiż Śāĥib wasn’t there, though I was in chargeof listening to Ĥađrat’s part after Ẓuhr while in Madina. WhenI returned from Hijāz and Badhl was completed, Ĥađrat recitedhis part after Ẓuhr to his wife. The same part recited after Ẓuhrwas repeated in voluntary śalāt and then in tarāwīĥ.21. Before Ĥađrat went for hajj in 1333/1914, he and my fatherrecited the same part to each other which Ĥađrat later recited intarāwīĥ. Ĥađrat never recited the Qur’an with anyone besidesmy father.22. I observed Ĥađrat reciting from the Qur’an only occasionally.23. I never knew Ĥađrat to miss the last ten days of i‘tikāf inhis life, with the exception of the last two years when he wasextremely ill. He performed i‘tikāf in Masjid Qadīm until thestudent dormitory was built in 1335/1916. He did not suspend hiswork on Badhl during the last ten days, instead whatever bookshe required were brought to the room near Masjid Kulthūmiyya.I took these books into the masjid after Fajr and returned themafter he finished studying. I never saw Ĥađrat perform i‘tikāfexcept for in the last ten days.24. I never observed any difference in Ĥađrat’s schedule betweenthe first twenty and the last ten days of Ramadan except that hewoke much earlier during the last ten days. I have already written,though briefly, in Fadā‘il-e-Ramađān that there was no noticeable118

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