
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


ُّRamadan of the Elderscussed with Ĥađrat anything from tarāwīĥ e.g. if someone hadcorrected Ĥađrat incorrectly in tarāwīĥ or other such issues.Ĥuffāż came from far away to listen to Ĥađrat in tarāwīĥ.After I led tarāwīĥ, sometimes in Ĥakīm Isĥāq’s masjid andsometimes when Amma Jī [Ĥađrat’s Sahāranpūrī’s wife] insisted,in Ĥađrat’s house, I rushed to catch tarāwīĥ behind Ĥađrat. Bythat time, Ĥađrat had usually completed four to six rak‘as, sincetarāwīĥ started early in Ĥakīm Isĥāq’s masjid and late [whereĤađrat led] in the school and in Dār al-Ţalaba. And then I alsorecited really fast. Once, Ĥađrat started Sūrat al-Ţalāq and recitedthe first aya,‏ّسَ‏ اءَ‏يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ‏ إِذَا طَ‏ لَّقْتُمُ‏ النِ‏I quickly corrected him,‏ّسَ‏ اءيَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِ‏ ينَ‏ اَمَنُوْا إِذَا طَ‏ لَّقْتُمُ‏ النِ‏Ĥāfiż Muĥammad Ĥussain was Ĥađrat’s main listener. He cameevery year from Ajrāra to spend Ramadan in Sahāranpūr. Myuncle [Shaikh Ilyās] and Shaikh ‘Abd al-Laţīf were also standingbehind Ĥađrat at the time. They all said in unison,يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيAfter tarāwīĥ, Ĥađrat laid down for a short while.“Maulwī Zakariyyā, were you sleeping?” he asked.I said, “No, not at all, Ĥađrat. But I thought that if all theverbs in the aya are plural it must be Yā Ayyuha Alladhīna Āmanūnot Yā Ayyuha al-Nabiyy?” Ĥađrat Sahāranpūrī replied,“You use analogy in the Qur’an?” I said,“Ĥađrat, it’s the rules of philology [naĥw] not analogy.”Once during tarāwīĥ Ĥāfiż Ĥussain made a mistake incorrecting Ĥađrat. I corrected him immediately thereafter. ĤāfiżĤussain realized he had made a mistake and said, “hāń [that’s115

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀright, in Urdu vernacular] and then repeated my correction. Inthe interval after tarāwīĥ I asked Ĥađrat,“Did you take my correction or Ĥāfiż Ĥusain’s?”What I meant was that Ĥāfiż Ĥusain’s śalāt broke by saying hānso if Ĥađrat took his correction, I would stand up and announcethat everyone’s śalāt must be repeated. Ĥađrat understood mypoint. He said,“You think I am crazy that I would take his correction?”Ĥađrat made such witty remarks at this time; sometimes hediscussed the fine points of different ayas.14. After tarāwīĥ, he rested for a short time as mentioned above,and then went home and sat with his family for 15 to 20 minutes.He advised some women of the neighborhood on matters ofDīn at this time, then slept for 2 ½ to 3 hours.15. It was his routine to recite two parts in tahajjud. At times,he recited more or less depending on how much time he had.When the hadith of nażāir 54 came up during the writing of Badhlal-Majhūd, Ĥađrat said to me, “Note this hadith down, we willrecite it in tahajjud today.” This is an example of love for theSunna of the Blessed Prophet s.I have heard that it was Shaikh al-Hind’s habit to pray tworak‘a of voluntary śalāt while sitting after witr. Somebody said,“You will only get half the reward if you sit.” Ĥađrat replied,“That is true brother, but my heart is more into following theSunna of the Blessed Prophet s, though I may not gain the fullreward.”54 The Blessed Prophet s would recite in pairs. He recited Sūrat al-Raĥmānand Sūrat al-Najm in one rak‘a and Sūrat al-Qamr and Sūrat al-Ĥāqa in thesecond, then Sūrat al-Ţūr and Sūrat al-Dhāriyāt in one rak‘a and Sūratal-Wāqi‘a and Sura Nūn in the second, then Sūrat al-Ma‘ārij and Sūrat al-Nāzi‘ātin one rak‘a and Sūrat al-Muţaffifīn and Sūrat al-‘Abas in the second, then Sūratal-Muddaththir and Sūrat al-Muzzammil in one rak‘a and Sūrat al-Dahr andSūrat al-Qiyāma in the second, then Sura ‘Amma and Sūrat al-Mursalāt inone rak‘a and Sūrat al-Dukhān and Sūrat al-Takwīr in the second. This wasaccording to the book [muśĥaf] of ‘Abd Allāh ibn Mas‘ūd g. [Abū Dāwūd,Taĥdhīb al-Qur’ān]116

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀright, in Urdu vernacular] and then repeated my correction. Inthe interval after tarāwīĥ I asked Ĥađrat,“Did you take my correction or Ĥāfiż Ĥusain’s?”What I meant was that Ĥāfiż Ĥusain’s śalāt broke by saying hānso if Ĥađrat took his correction, I would stand up and announcethat everyone’s śalāt must be repeated. Ĥađrat understood mypoint. He said,“You think I am crazy that I would take his correction?”Ĥađrat made such witty remarks at this time; sometimes hediscussed the fine points of different ayas.14. After tarāwīĥ, he rested for a short time as mentioned above,and then went home and sat with his family for 15 to 20 minutes.He advised some women of the neighborhood on matters ofDīn at this time, then slept for 2 ½ to 3 hours.15. It was his routine to recite two parts in tahajjud. At times,he recited more or less depending on how much time he had.When the hadith of nażāir 54 came up during the writing of Badhlal-Majhūd, Ĥađrat said to me, “Note this hadith down, we willrecite it in tahajjud today.” This is an example of love for theSunna of the Blessed Prophet s.I have heard that it was Shaikh al-Hind’s habit to pray tworak‘a of voluntary śalāt while sitting after witr. Somebody said,“You will only get half the reward if you sit.” Ĥađrat replied,“That is true brother, but my heart is more into following theSunna of the Blessed Prophet s, though I may not gain the fullreward.”54 The Blessed Prophet s would recite in pairs. He recited Sūrat al-Raĥmānand Sūrat al-Najm in one rak‘a and Sūrat al-Qamr and Sūrat al-Ĥāqa in thesecond, then Sūrat al-Ţūr and Sūrat al-Dhāriyāt in one rak‘a and Sūratal-Wāqi‘a and Sura Nūn in the second, then Sūrat al-Ma‘ārij and Sūrat al-Nāzi‘ātin one rak‘a and Sūrat al-Muţaffifīn and Sūrat al-‘Abas in the second, then Sūratal-Muddaththir and Sūrat al-Muzzammil in one rak‘a and Sūrat al-Dahr andSūrat al-Qiyāma in the second, then Sura ‘Amma and Sūrat al-Mursalāt inone rak‘a and Sūrat al-Dukhān and Sūrat al-Takwīr in the second. This wasaccording to the book [muśĥaf] of ‘Abd Allāh ibn Mas‘ūd g. [Abū Dāwūd,Taĥdhīb al-Qur’ān]116

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