
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter Ninedhikr reverberated everywhere, creating a wonderful and ecstaticfeeling that made the dhākirīn oblivious of everything besidesAllah u. The effect of the gatherings of dhikr attended by hundredsof people is indescribable; this is in addition to the spiritual aurathat can only be felt by the people of spiritual insight [baśīra] thatdraped the attendees in its folds. The effect and benefit of Ĥađrat’svisit and stay here are so great they can neither be expressed inwords nor put in writing. Below some of the glad tidings aboutthis event are reproduced for the benefit of the reader:Some glad tidings about the journey to South AfricaOn the 27th of Rajab, 1401 Hijri/May 30, 1981, one of the elderswent by the blessed grave of the Blessed Prophet s, said the śalātand salām, and requested that du‘ā be made for Ĥađrat’s health andhis journey to South Africa. He suddenly saw the Blessed Prophets standing and the sun rising from the other side of the horizon.The Blessed Prophet s said, “He [Ĥađrat Shaikh] is the key oftruth”, then added,اِنَّهُ‏ مِفْتَاحُ‏ اْلقُلُوبِ‏ وَبِرُ‏ ؤْيَتِهِ‏ تَنْجَ‏ لِي الْ‏ ‏َقَائِقُ‏He is the key of the hearts and the realities are manifest through him.After some time, he raised his blessed hands and supplicated,اَلَّهُمَّ‏ مَظْ‏ هَرَ‏ الْ‏ ‏َقَّ‏ بِالْ‏ ‏َقِّ‏ أَظْهِرِ‏ بِهِ‏ الْ‏ ‏َقَّ‏Oh, the One who manifests truth through the truth! Make the truthevident through him [Ĥađrat].The Blessed Prophet s read this du‘ā three times loudly.On the 28th of Ramadan, Shaikh Muĥammad Sulaimān Pāndorsaw the Blessed Prophet s in his dream. The Blessed Prophet slooked over the whole masjid [Stanger Masjid] and saw two placesempty near Ĥađrat’s quarters. The Blessed Prophet s objected105

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀto them being vacant and said, “These should be for the guests.”He [Shaikh Suleimān] became frightened that the Blessed Prophets might complain to Ĥađrat. After this, the Blessed Prophet swalked into Ĥađrat’s quarter and expressed his joy and Ĥađrat wasalso very happy. Then he sees that Ĥađrat is lying down and thegathering is large and the masjid full. Then Ĥađrat said somethinglike, “What is all this, who am I?” A while later I replied, “Ĥađratthis is a beautiful twenty-four hour program that has been verybeneficial. No one like you has ever come to this part of the worldbefore, nor has any Ramadan been spent in this way. And thegathering of dhikr has benefitted the people greatly.” Ĥađrat washappy and beaming with joy. One of the elders was sitting nearĤađrat. Ĥađrat repeatedly said to him, “Look brother, this is thereal thing, this is the real thing.”Another elder saw a large cavalcade passing by the masjid shouting,“Hurray for Ĥađrat Gangohī, hurray for Ĥađrat Gangohī.”106

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀto them being vacant and said, “These should be for the guests.”He [Shaikh Suleimān] became frightened that the Blessed Prophets might complain to Ĥađrat. After this, the Blessed Prophet swalked into Ĥađrat’s quarter and expressed his joy and Ĥađrat wasalso very happy. Then he sees that Ĥađrat is lying down and thegathering is large and the masjid full. Then Ĥađrat said somethinglike, “What is all this, who am I?” A while later I replied, “Ĥađratthis is a beautiful twenty-four hour program that has been verybeneficial. No one like you has ever come to this part of the worldbefore, nor has any Ramadan been spent in this way. And thegathering of dhikr has benefitted the people greatly.” Ĥađrat washappy and beaming with joy. One of the elders was sitting nearĤađrat. Ĥađrat repeatedly said to him, “Look brother, this is thereal thing, this is the real thing.”Another elder saw a large cavalcade passing by the masjid shouting,“Hurray for Ĥađrat Gangohī, hurray for Ĥađrat Gangohī.”106

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