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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀate whatever was leftover. After tarāwīĥ, they sat and recited theQur’an until seĥr, then stood again to serve the guests for seĥr. Thisdidn’t go on for one or two days only, but continued throughoutthe month of Ramadan. People were also amazed to observe a largegroup of college students in i‘tikāf. One of the elders passed by twostudents and overheard them talking. One was saying to the other,“Yo crazy! What are you doing here?” The other replied, “I havecome to see the spiritual program.” Some of the students wereso affected by the environment that they left the university andcollege to study the knowledge of Dīn in the schools. Thousandsof men and women took bai‘a and various places began holdinggatherings of dhikr, six of which are worthy of mention:1. Stanger Jamiah Masjid Shaikh Yūsuf Tutlā2. Spanger [Durban] Muftī Bashīr3. Newtown Masjid Shaikh Sulaimān Pāndor4. Lenasia Jamiah Masjid Aĥmad Miāń- Aĥmad Darwaish5. Mafigang Shaikh Muĥammad Gārdī6. Jermiston Shaikh Mūsā PāndorAll of the above mentioned masjids established a daily schedulefor the gathering of dhikr while seven or eight other places also setup gatherings of dhikr.Another blessing of this atmosphere was that the crowd, despiteits enormous numbers, observed calm and quiet at all times. Evenwith the multitudes of people waiting to shake hands with Ĥađrat,there was never any pushing or shoving. Everyone obeyed theannouncements and controlled their desires and emotions in orderto keep the peaceful ambience of the gathering. About six to seventhousand people gathered on the weekends. As the masjid becameshort of space, tents were pitched outside in which people alsoprayed tarāwīĥ. Hundreds of locals came to attend the tarāwīĥ,spend the night and then leave early next morning [Durban isabout forty miles from Stanger]. Approximately nine peopleaccepted Islam. During the gatherings of dhikr, the chanting of104

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