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Chapter Nine• The adhān of ‘Ishā was given at 7:30 p.m. and ‘Ishā then tarāwīĥbegan at 8 p.m.• Tarāwīĥ was led by Ĥađrat’s son-in-law Shaikh Salmān. He hasrecited approximately eighteen Qur’an in tarāwīĥ to Ĥađrat. Hearrived in South Africa before Ramadan from Sahāranpūr. Inthe first years, he recited three parts in every tarāwīĥ. Ĥađratexplained that the reason [three parts were recited] was so thatpeople who arrive late are not deprived of listening to the wholeQur’an in Ramadan. But due to Ĥađrat’s illness, this routinecould not be upheld and it was decreased to one part. Ramadanbegan with one and a quarter part and then one part each dayuntil the Qur’an was completed on the 29th. Shaikh recites theQur’an clearly and fluently. Sometimes, during the śalāt he loseshis voice and cries, moving the hearts of the listeners who arestanding behind him.• Sura Yāsīn and du‘ā after ‘Ishā• The reading session is managed by Shaikh Shāhid, who isĤađrat’s grandson and successor and Shaikh Inām al-Ĥasan’sson-in-law. He is one of the acclaimed graduates of Mażāhiral-‘Ulūm Sahāranpūr and the author of Tārīkh-e-Mażāhir. Thereading session was held after a reading of the hadiths of śalātand salām. This year, two books Fađā’il-e-Ramađān and Akābirkā Ramađān were read. The only exception was Saturday nightin which the odes of Jāmī, the odes from Qaśīda Bihāria Nānautiaand Maut kī Yād were sung.• During the weekend, people met with Ĥađrat after ‘Ishā [i.e.after the book] and bottles of water and honey were broughtin for blowing into for blessings. So many people came withhoney and almonds [to be blown into] that the local stores ranout their supply while the number of bottles had also increasedto the extent that it became difficult for Ĥađrat to blow intothem. Then, two tanks were brought in and filled with water.After Ĥađrat blew into them, the water from the two tanks wasdistributed amongst the people. In the end, Ĥađrat blew intotwo gallons of water that were then poured into the tank water.101

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