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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀpercent.” Ĥađrat replied, “Don’t worry about that, just make suremy conditions are fulfilled; are they going to establish khanqās andprepare dhākirīn? The Reunion delegation promised that khanqāswould be established in Saint-Denis and Saint-Paul. Ten to fifteendhākirīn are ready for dhikr while others are ready to be instructedfor dhikr. After that, Ĥađrat made his decision to visit Reunion.They insisted upon paying for the tickets but Ĥađrat refused andpaid for everything himself. Ĥađrat’s special helper, Shaikh Ismā‘īlBadat, had already left for Reunion to survey the arrangementsthere.Ĥađrat departed on the 4th of Sha‘bān/ 6th of June on Saturdayafter ‘Aśr from Madina and reached Badr shortly before Maghrib.After Maghrib, they departed for Makka and arrived 4 p.m [10p.m.] at Brother Sadī’s house. After ‘umra, everyone ate andĤađrat rested. On the14th of Sha‘bān/ 16th of June, he departedfor Jeddah on Monday night and arrived at the masjid of the oldJeddah airport where a large crowd had already gathered. MuftīZain al-‘Abidīn led everyone in du‘ā, then Ĥađrat departed for thenew airport at 5:15 p.m. [10:15 p.m.] Dr. Ẓafīr al-Dīn had takenpermission to take Ĥađrat through the gate from which the royalfamily travelled [al-bāb al-malik]. Once they reached the airport,officials stamped the passports and some people were allowed toboard with Ĥađrat.The plane departed from Jeddah for Madagascar. However, as theplane was not granted access to land in Madagascar, it continued onwardswithout refueling and arrived 45 minutes before scheduledtime in Reunion. Despite the early arrival, the crowd that came towelcome Ĥađrat at the airport was enormous. Shaikh Sa‘īd Angārboarded the plane with friends. Ĥađrat left the airport withoutchecking through customs but waited outside until his helpers passedthrough customs. After everyone was out, Shaikh ‘Abd al-Ĥāfiż supplicatedand then everyone departed for the main residence. It waspreviously announced that, “There will be no [immediate] gatheringfor people to meet with Ĥađrat.” Immediately after arrival, theschedule for the daily routine was as follows:96

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