
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter Ninethe Blessed Prophet’s s green dome in Madina. He is on his waysomewhere when someone stopped him saying,“Najīb Allāh, listen! Somebody is calling out from the minaret.”He asked,“Who is it?” Then he himself came by the minaret and heardsomeone saying,“Ni‘m al-‘abd, ni‘m al-‘abd” (what a great servant, what a greatservant!). He began climbing the skyscraping minaret. As he wasabout to reach the top he heard,“Ni‘m al-‘abd, Zakariyyā” (what a great servant Zakariyyā is!).He was about to climb higher when he thought, “what if Ĥađratcalls me.” As he was about to turn back he woke up.One quick look at the ArrangementsBefore narrating the details of Ĥađrat’s journey, it is appropriateto say a few words about the sincere workers, their fervor andsacrifice, who made the whole event possible. This is just one wayof letting them know our appreciation for and recognition of theirhard work; as the hadith says, “Whoever is not grateful to the people isnot grateful to Allah u” 49 and also to inform others of their sincerityand love for the Dīn of Allah u.As the readers know, the masjid was spacious and big but asthe gathering and number of visitors grew [especially during theweekends when the number exceeded 7,000 people], there wasneed for additional accommodations. Therefore, three tents, eachaccommodating 3,000 people, were pitched on three sides of themasjid. Also, a large building adjacent to the masjid was allocatedfor the accommodations, including food and drink for guests whovisited during the weekend as well as for the 100 volunteers whoserved the guests daily. In preparation and expectation of a largeinflow of guests, fifty faucets, twelve bathrooms, and four bathswere added to the existing fifty faucets, twelve bathrooms and twobaths. Four pre-existing baths with only cold water supply were49 Tirmidhī, mā Jā’ fi al-Shukr93

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀprovided with hot water through two large water tanks that wereinstalled nearby. Two men were permanently assigned to maintainthe heat of the water in the tanks twenty-fours a day. A wirelesssystem was also installed to sustain the crowd especially during theweekend. Also, an information center staffed with a physician from6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. was opened temporarily near the masjid, whichprovided first aid and medications. A public phone was also set upby the masjid. May Allah u reward the imam, who temporarilyresigned from his administrative duties and also vacated his fourroomhouse for the guests. Besides Qāđī who stayed the wholemonth, 10 to 15 other special guests were also accommodated inthe imam’s house.Another major issue was parking space. Though the parkingarea around the masjid accommodated as many as one hundredand fifty cars, it was nevertheless inadequate, since most peoplekeep cars here [as they have a difficult time getting around withoutone]. However, the question was where to find space for peopleto park their cars? The line-up of cars was approximately half amile long, though five cars would be parked against each other onthe sides and middle of the road. The government designated thewhole road as parking space and assigned traffic control police tocordon off the area from general traffic. Despite all these measures,parking space was still lacking.For Ĥađrat’s comfort, a small room was built with a permanentcommode next to Ĥađrat’s quarters which made it easy for Ĥađratto attend to his personal needs. Another room furnished with akitchen and hot and cold water supply was built next to Ĥađrat’sroom for his helpers.The arrangement for seĥr and ifţār and food and drink of theguests was superb. The volunteers truly showed their open-heartednessand hospitality in this matter. Even the guests became embarrassedsometimes. Ĥađrat constantly emphasized the importanceof taking care of the guests and reminded them of ChachaSa‘di’s invitation of Shirāz. The helpers went out of their way toserve and care for the guests and often humbly admitted they never94

Chapter Ninethe Blessed Prophet’s s green dome in Madina. He is on his waysomewhere when someone stopped him saying,“Najīb Allāh, listen! Somebody is calling out from the minaret.”He asked,“Who is it?” Then he himself came by the minaret and heardsomeone saying,“Ni‘m al-‘abd, ni‘m al-‘abd” (what a great servant, what a greatservant!). He began climbing the skyscraping minaret. As he wasabout to reach the top he heard,“Ni‘m al-‘abd, Zakariyyā” (what a great servant Zakariyyā is!).He was about to climb higher when he thought, “what if Ĥađratcalls me.” As he was about to turn back he woke up.One quick look at the ArrangementsBefore narrating the details of Ĥađrat’s journey, it is appropriateto say a few words about the sincere workers, their fervor andsacrifice, who made the whole event possible. This is just one wayof letting them know our appreciation for and recognition of theirhard work; as the hadith says, “Whoever is not grateful to the people isnot grateful to Allah u” 49 and also to inform others of their sincerityand love for the Dīn of Allah u.As the readers know, the masjid was spacious and big but asthe gathering and number of visitors grew [especially during theweekends when the number exceeded 7,000 people], there wasneed for additional accommodations. Therefore, three tents, eachaccommodating 3,000 people, were pitched on three sides of themasjid. Also, a large building adjacent to the masjid was allocatedfor the accommodations, including food and drink for guests whovisited during the weekend as well as for the 100 volunteers whoserved the guests daily. In preparation and expectation of a largeinflow of guests, fifty faucets, twelve bathrooms, and four bathswere added to the existing fifty faucets, twelve bathrooms and twobaths. Four pre-existing baths with only cold water supply were49 Tirmidhī, mā Jā’ fi al-Shukr93

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