
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter NineThe letter is reproduced below:Respected al-Ĥāj Shaikh Yūsuf Tutlā Śāĥib,After Sunna salām,I haven’t heard from you lately. I was also very sick during thistime. It was difficult to write or even listen to the letters. I wishedto spend Ramadan at your place for a long time, but this year theinclination was much stronger. It has been my routine to performistikhāra many months prior to Ramadan and I have been doing itfor the last fifteen days. May Allah u bless wherever He decides formy Ramadan. I have been told from different people that they seedreams and glad tidings indicating that I will be spending it in yourplace. However, nothing is confirmed yet. This will be clarified inthe first week of Rajab. If your place is decided then I will arriveon the 15th of Sha‘bān and depart on the 15th of Shawwāl. Yousent a letter many days ago to ‘Abd al-Ĥāfiż but he wasn’t here. Isent the letter to Makka [to Shaikh ‘Abd al-Ĥāfiż] with a note that,‘if anything is in the letter for me [Ĥađrat] send it back.’ He [Shaikh‘Abd al-Ĥāfiż] wrote back that there was no letter for me [Ĥađrat]and just small talk with him[Shaikh ‘Abd al-Ĥāfiż]. I am writingsome things ahead of time for your ease and information so thatif you have any questions you can ask me now. I have always beenliving off of you and received your gifts every year, but since thisjourney is for a very specific reason and you are hosting the wholeevent, I leave the matter in your hands [i.e. if anyone wishes to givegifts to Ĥađrat, it is his responsibility to refuse them].1. I should be accommodated in a building that is under yourmanagement but which can accommodate a large gatheringof people. There were a thousand people in the beginning [ofRamadan] in Faisalabad, which increased to a couple of thousandbefore the end of the month. I will stay in one place only. I haveheard your house and the masjid are small and that Aĥmad Miāńand Ibrāhīm Miāń’s places are larger. You may discuss on whichis the best place for my accommodations. I prefer to stay in yourplace but I have heard that it is too small. Furthermore, you are not89

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀallowed to pay for the expense of those accompanying me on thistrip. I will have five people with me. The cost of their round tripis solely my responsibility.2. Gifts will not be accepted from anyone but those who arein the habit of sending from before [you know better who theyare]. I want to keep myself safe from the accusation that theseMaulwīs come in the name of Ramadan and then collect fundsfor themselves and their schools. The only exceptions to this ruleare Qāżī ‘Abd al-Qādir Śāĥib and Muftī Maĥmūd because of theirpersonal contacts and relations there. I have nothing against theiraccepting gifts or compensation for their travel expenses.3. Gather as many dhākirīn as you can until the 15th of Sha‘bān,but remember that the exact time of arrival will be confirmed in thefirst week of Rajab. I am only telling you this for your information.4. I am very sick. You take responsibility for the ‘stay with mefor one day’ or ‘stay for one day’ issue. I don’t have the strengthto go here and there. You have your own personal relations withMuftī Śāĥib and Qāđī Śāĥib, take them wherever you like. I amnot writing this to you only; the same conditions were laid out forYūsuf Mutāla last year.5. There should be no formalities in terms of food. I like theChacha Sa‘dī invitation of Shiraz. 48 The truth is that I lose my48 The story is that Shaikh Sa‘dī was invited by one of his students. Heprepared a variety of dishes, sweets and platters for his teacher. Once the Shaikhate he uttered, ‘Oh, the invitation of Shirāz.’ The student thought he was complainingabout the food. The student invited the Shaikh a few days later andprepared a bigger feast than last time. Once the shaikh had eaten he uttered, ‘Oh,the invitation of Shirāz.’ The student felt he had not satisfied his teacher yet.He called him a few days later, this time, preparing the biggest feast ever. Theteacher ate and uttered the same as last time. The student was now curious toknow how great the invitation of Shirāz was. He asked, “Oh, my teacher, whatis the invitation of Shirāz?’ The Shaikh said, Come to my house in a couple ofdays and I will treat you to the invitation of Shirāz.’ A few days later, the studentcame to his Shaikh’s house and sat down. The teacher brought out dried breadand leftover food, sat down with him to eat, and proclaimed, ‘this is the invitationof Shirāz.’ Then after a short while he said, ‘your invitation only lasts a few90

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀallowed to pay for the expense of those accompanying me on thistrip. I will have five people with me. The cost of their round tripis solely my responsibility.2. Gifts will not be accepted from anyone but those who arein the habit of sending from before [you know better who theyare]. I want to keep myself safe from the accusation that theseMaulwīs come in the name of Ramadan and then collect fundsfor themselves and their schools. The only exceptions to this ruleare Qāżī ‘Abd al-Qādir Śāĥib and Muftī Maĥmūd because of theirpersonal contacts and relations there. I have nothing against theiraccepting gifts or compensation for their travel expenses.3. Gather as many dhākirīn as you can until the 15th of Sha‘bān,but remember that the exact time of arrival will be confirmed in thefirst week of Rajab. I am only telling you this for your information.4. I am very sick. You take responsibility for the ‘stay with mefor one day’ or ‘stay for one day’ issue. I don’t have the strengthto go here and there. You have your own personal relations withMuftī Śāĥib and Qāđī Śāĥib, take them wherever you like. I amnot writing this to you only; the same conditions were laid out forYūsuf Mutāla last year.5. There should be no formalities in terms of food. I like theChacha Sa‘dī invitation of Shiraz. 48 The truth is that I lose my48 The story is that Shaikh Sa‘dī was invited by one of his students. Heprepared a variety of dishes, sweets and platters for his teacher. Once the Shaikhate he uttered, ‘Oh, the invitation of Shirāz.’ The student thought he was complainingabout the food. The student invited the Shaikh a few days later andprepared a bigger feast than last time. Once the shaikh had eaten he uttered, ‘Oh,the invitation of Shirāz.’ The student felt he had not satisfied his teacher yet.He called him a few days later, this time, preparing the biggest feast ever. Theteacher ate and uttered the same as last time. The student was now curious toknow how great the invitation of Shirāz was. He asked, “Oh, my teacher, whatis the invitation of Shirāz?’ The Shaikh said, Come to my house in a couple ofdays and I will treat you to the invitation of Shirāz.’ A few days later, the studentcame to his Shaikh’s house and sat down. The teacher brought out dried breadand leftover food, sat down with him to eat, and proclaimed, ‘this is the invitationof Shirāz.’ Then after a short while he said, ‘your invitation only lasts a few90

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