
TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani TheRamadanOfShaykhAl-hadithMuhammadZakariyyaKandhelviAndOurEldersByShaykhDrMuhammadIsmailMemonMadani


Chapter Ninedevotions). Therefore, dhikr and ashgāl became my sole missionand this is why despite my weakness and busy daily devotions, Itravel to Pakistan and London and wherever else I am promised akhanqā will be established. Whatever my condition, I try my bestto make it. I wish, by the grace of Allah u that this work spreads;and if this was what Ĥađrat [Gangohī] meant to say [in the dream],then maybe I will be successful in the Hereafter.”Another beautiful dream Ĥađrat saw is reproduced from hisdiary below:Zakariyyā saw in his dream that a man by the name of Walī Allāhis being summoned to the Blessed Prophet s and is told, “Go tellZakariyyā, you are chosen as the Quţb al-Aqţāb.” He should thinkof himself as Quţb al-Aqţāb and inform the people of this also. Ithought in the dream that maybe Walī Allāh refers to Shāh WalīAllāh Dehlawī. I felt that the reason he was called to inform mewas because it sometimes crossed my mind that Shāh Śāĥib [ShāhWalī Allāh] calls himself, nātik-e-Daurāń (speaker of the time) andmujtami‘ al-majma‘ (embodiment of the gathering) and ascribes suchhigh titles to himself in his writings. I always asked myself why heattributed such titles to himself. Finally, the dream corrected mymisgivings and it became clear to me that Shāh Śāĥib did not do itof his own accord but was actually told to ascribe these lofty titlesto himself.Anyhow, these dreams and glad tidings only increased theresponsibility Ĥađrat had put on himself. Thus, he concentratedall his efforts and time towards this one objective. Despite his oldage, weakness, ailments and his aversion to traveling, he begantravelling far and wide to fulfill this noble cause. Coincidentally,he saw this dream at the end of the 14th century, making his firstjourney at the dawn of the 15th century to one of the furthestoutreaches of the earth [South Africa].ĤaĎrat’s Journeys and Why They Were MadeOne thing should be understood here and that is that Ĥađrat doesnot travel anywhere upon someone’s request or insistence, his deci-85

the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀsions rely on istikhāra and the unseen signs from Allah u. It washis habit that when Allah u put an inclination in his heart for anyplace he began istikhāra for that place from the first of Muĥarramto the month of Rajab [7 months].During this time [7 months] glad tidings, unseen signs, anddreams clear his path and remove all doubts, and then he finallydecides to go with peace of mind and inner happiness.Therefore, once Ĥađrat asked his successor and the head Muftīof ‘Dār al-‘Ulūm Deoband, Muftī Maĥmūd Gangohī, “Muftī jī,was there any benefit in me going to London?” Muftī Śāĥib immediatelyresponded, “Why are you asking me Ĥađrat? Ask theone who sent you there.” Tears welled up in Ĥađrat’s eyes.Journey to South AfricaFor some time, Ĥađrat has made it his mission in life to revive theumma through the work of taśawwuf. The main and most beneficialtime for this was the blessed month of Ramadan when guestscame and spent time with Ĥađrat. Most of his Ramadan were spentin Sahāranpūr where hundreds of people came for i‘tikāf and purifiedtheir hearts [this whole arrangment began and was continuousfrom Ramadan of 1365\July, 1946] though he was fortunate to spendsome Ramadan in the Blessed Precincts as well. Aside from thesetwo places, Ĥađrat had never spent Ramadan anywhere else. Afterhe was instated to the honored position of Quţb al-Aqţāb, he sethis sights on rectifying the Muslim world and began planning andworking on how to establish the line of dhikr in every continent. Alarge group of Ĥađrat’s successors who came every year to Ĥađrat inSahāranpūr from South Africa often requested that he visit them also.For some time, Ĥađrat also seemed inclined towards going to SouthAfrica, though he had not made any final decisions and it seemedunlikely considering his frailty and ailments. But who knows thesecrets of Allah u to understand His ability to use anyone in anycondition He wishes for His Dīn. One of Ĥađrat’s devoted helpers,Shaikh Muĥammad Tutlā campaigned the most and would say thatif Ĥađrat came to South Africa even once, the illuminations of īmān86

Chapter Ninedevotions). Therefore, dhikr and ashgāl became my sole missionand this is why despite my weakness and busy daily devotions, Itravel to Pakistan and London and wherever else I am promised akhanqā will be established. Whatever my condition, I try my bestto make it. I wish, by the grace of Allah u that this work spreads;and if this was what Ĥađrat [Gangohī] meant to say [in the dream],then maybe I will be successful in the Hereafter.”Another beautiful dream Ĥađrat saw is reproduced from hisdiary below:Zakariyyā saw in his dream that a man by the name of Walī Allāhis being summoned to the Blessed Prophet s and is told, “Go tellZakariyyā, you are chosen as the Quţb al-Aqţāb.” He should thinkof himself as Quţb al-Aqţāb and inform the people of this also. Ithought in the dream that maybe Walī Allāh refers to Shāh WalīAllāh Dehlawī. I felt that the reason he was called to inform mewas because it sometimes crossed my mind that Shāh Śāĥib [ShāhWalī Allāh] calls himself, nātik-e-Daurāń (speaker of the time) andmujtami‘ al-majma‘ (embodiment of the gathering) and ascribes suchhigh titles to himself in his writings. I always asked myself why heattributed such titles to himself. Finally, the dream corrected mymisgivings and it became clear to me that Shāh Śāĥib did not do itof his own accord but was actually told to ascribe these lofty titlesto himself.Anyhow, these dreams and glad tidings only increased theresponsibility Ĥađrat had put on himself. Thus, he concentratedall his efforts and time towards this one objective. Despite his oldage, weakness, ailments and his aversion to traveling, he begantravelling far and wide to fulfill this noble cause. Coincidentally,he saw this dream at the end of the 14th century, making his firstjourney at the dawn of the 15th century to one of the furthestoutreaches of the earth [South Africa].ĤaĎrat’s Journeys and Why They Were MadeOne thing should be understood here and that is that Ĥađrat doesnot travel anywhere upon someone’s request or insistence, his deci-85

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