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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀpurifying their hearts they cannot be saved from evil. Then, he sawa dream that deeply troubled him and confirmed the demand forkhanqās in his mind.Ĥađrat relates:Once, I saw the Blessed Prophet s in my dream and ĤađratGangohī sitting next to him. He complained to the Blessed Prophets, “Zakariyyā wishes to meet you, Oh Blessed Prophet s but Iwish that he be used some more for the work of Dīn.” The BlessedProphet s replied, “Yes, he wants to come, but I also wish thathe be used some more.” After this dream, I was confused that Iam nothing. I wasted my whole life, what am I going to do now.And then who am I to wish to meet the Blessed Prophet s andwith what face am I going to bring myself in front of the BlessedProphet s. But a few days later, I remembered my uncle’s [ShaikhIlyās] story that while in Madina, he received a message fromthe blessed grave [rauđa], “Go back, you are to be used for someimportant work.” My uncle said, “For many days, I was extremelyanxious that I don’t know how to talk or deliver speeches and amso weak, what work is to be taken from me.” After a few days,when Shaikh Ĥusain Aĥmad Madanī’s older brother Shaikh SyedAĥmad saw him upset, he said, “Why are you so upset, you weren’ttold to go and work, but that work will be taken from you. He whotakes work from His servants will take it Himself.” After this, myuncle was relieved. Shortly thereafter, he returned and the work oftablīgh began in the Indian subcontinent, which eventually spreadthroughout the world.I thought, “The same goes for me. I was not told to go dosomething, but that work will be taken from me. I thought aboutit for a long while. Finally, it came to me after a few days that thework of dhikr and ashgāl has ceased and most of the khanqās inPakistan and India have been abandoned. Maybe this is what ĤađratGangohī was indicating in the dream since dhikr and ashgāl werethe main activities of his khanqā. When Ĥađrat lost his eyesight,he replaced teaching of aĥādīth with dhikr and ashgāl (meditative84

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