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the ramadan of shaikh muĤ ammud zakariyyĀsincerity and purity and became worthy of acceptance in the courtof Allah u. If their spiritual needs were not fulfilled, it was mostlikely that the deeds, though performed correctly, would be voidof taqwā, spirit and righteousness, resulting in their worship beingrejected [May Allah u protect us all].Therefore, the shaikhs of taśawwuf opened centers [commonlyknown as khanqās] for the spiritual development and rectificationof the students on this path and devoted their lives to this cause.Not only thousands but hundreds of thousands of people came tothese enlightened places and left with illuminated hearts. They weretreated for their spiritual sicknesses and evil traits in these spiritualhospitals and returned home imbued with the most beautiful traitsand the best of characters. Elders like Junaid, Shiblī, Ghazālī andBusţāmī 47 were born from these khanqās, who themselves helpedguide and rectify the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people.The world was illuminated by these ascetics whose hearts burnedwith the love of Allah u. The darkness of disbelief and falsehoodwas removed and only Allah u knows how many hearts becameradiated with the love of Allah u through their efforts.The scholars, jurists, and hadith masters came to the doorsteps ofthese saints of truth and purity, who then transmitted the love ofAllah u into their hearts and filled them with love of Allah u.For as long as the love of Allah u was inherited in our umma, thekhanqā and centers of dhikr continued to thrive and illuminate thehearts of men. The umma was adorned with the taqwā of Allah u,austerity, fear of Allah u, sincerity, righteousness and servitude.The unforgettable scenes of love of Allah u and sacrifice for thesake of Allah u were commonplace. However, as the ummabecame indifferent towards this major pillar of Dīn, [as happenedwith other pillars of Dīn] spending time in the khanqā becamea ‘waste of time’, and those who devoted their lives to this causebecame the butt of jokes and criticism, the umma began sheddingthese beautiful traits. As it became engulfed by the material world47 Great mashā’ikh of taśawwuf of the past82

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