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Chapter NineĤađrat’s effort. For many years, it was Ĥađrat’s routine to performi‘tikāf in the month of Ramadan in Sahāranpūr until his migrationto Madina. Then he performed i‘tikāf there also. However, Allahu put it in Ĥađrat’s heart to revive the gatherings of dhikr of Allahu everywhere by spending his Ramadan in different countriesaround the world. After a place was designated through istikhāraand consultation [with others], it came to life with fervor for attainingthe closeness of Allah u and radiance of īmān .Ĥađrat spent his last Ramadan in South Africa and then traveledto England, the details of which have been narrated by Ĥađrat’ssuccessor, Muftī Shāhid, and his close assistant Shaikh Najīb Allāhin this book. We thought the book would be published in Ĥađrat’slifetime but fate had it otherwise. Ĥađrat’s shadow was lifted fromhis devotees and now the eyes long to see the scenes of Ĥađrat’sRamadan. The details of Ĥađrat’s travels and his daily devotionsduring the month of Ramadan as mentioned in this book will bean excellent guide for those who wish to follow Ĥađrat’s footstepsand continue Ĥađrat’s legacy and his methodology. In this way, allof the efforts of his successors and helpers are a permanent meansof reward for Ĥađrat. May Allah u raise his status and may Hediffuse the love of Allah u which Ĥađrat spread throughout hislife.The Ramadan of South AfricaMuftī Muĥammad ShāhidThe greatest objectiveAs most readers know, when Islam was spreading [throughout thelands] during the first century and people flocked towards the Dīnof Allah u the predecessors became concerned about two issues:imparting the knowledge of Dīn to the newly-converted massesand two, caring for their spiritual needs. In terms of the former,they established the schools that eventually produced thousands ofjurists [fuqahā] and hadith masters. While they gained knowledgeof the Dīn, the predecessors arranged for the latter through thekhanqās and centers of dhikr so that good deeds were imbued with81

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