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Modelización de la Hidrología del Cabril (Modelling the Hydrology of El Cabril).Agreement between ENRESA (Spanish Nuclear Waste ManagementCompany) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (FI2W-CT90-0068). Period: October 1990 - December 1995. Contribution:Interpretation of pumping tests by means of numerical models.Characterization and validation of natural radionuclide migration processesunder real conditions in a fissured granatic environment. Project of theEuropean Union and ENRESA (FI2W-CT90-0068). Period: March 1991– March 1995. Contribution: Interpretation of pumping tests and tracertests by means of numerical models.Modelización Hidrogeológica de Transporte y Modelos Químicos(Hydrogeological Modelling of Transport and Chemical Models).Agreement between ENRESA and the Universitat Politècnica deCatalunya (703309). Period: June 1995 - June 1999. Contribution:Development of reactive transport model codes and research on theirnumerical behaviour.Artificial Recharge. Project of the European Union (ENV4-CT95-0071). Period:February 1996 – February 1999. Contribution: Modelling the effects ofartificial recharge on the groundwater quality.PACOS 2, RETACO, Parallel computing initiative II. Project of the EuropeanUnion/ESPRIT (21037PCI-II/RETACO). Period: April 1996 – September1997. Contribution: Development of strategies for the parallelisation of areactive transport model code.Metodología de estudio del impacto sobre las aguas subterráneas del vertidode los lodos mineros: el caso de Aznalcóllar (Methodology of the study ofthe impact on groundwater of the spill of mine tailings: the case ofAznalcóllar). Project of CICYT/FEDER (1FD97-0765). Period: December1998 - December 1999. Contribution: Modelling of pyrite oxidation in thesoil.Desarrollo y aplicación de métodos para el seguimiento del impacto sobre lasaguas subterráneas del vertido de los lodos mineros: el caso deAznalcóllar (Development and application of methods for thecontinuation of the impact on groundwater of the spill of mine tailings: thecase of Aznalcóllar). Project of CICYT/FEDER (1FD97-1867). Period:January 2000 - December 2000. Contribution: Modelling of pyriteoxidation in the soil.Desarrollo de una herramienta para el estudio de procesos acoplados detransporte reactivo de radionucleidos en la geosfera (PETRA)(Development of a tool for the study of coupled reactive radionuclidetransport in the geosphere). Project of CSN, ENRESA and CIEMAT.Period 1998-2001.Análisis de procesos de acoplamiento, Mina Ratones. Agreement betweenENRESA and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Period 2000-2002.PIRAMID: Passive In situ Remediation of Acidic Mine/Industrial Drainage.Project of the European Union (UE-EVK1-1999-00061P). Period: 2000-2003.Controls of sulphide oxidation in mine wastes from SW Iberia (PAROXIS).Project of MCYT REN 2000-1003-C03-02. Period: 2001-2003.3

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