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Saaltink, M.W., C. Domènech, C. Ayora, J. Carrera, Modelación de la oxidaciónde sulfuros en un suelo no saturado (Modeling sulfide oxidation in anunsaturated soil), in: A. Medina, J. Carrera y L. Vives (eds.), Las carasdel agua subterránea, p.297-302, IGME, Madrid, 2001.Domènech, C., Ayora, C., Saaltink, M.W., Carrera, J., Modelling the oxidationof residual sulphide tailings in soil near Aznalcóllar (southwest Spain), in:Groundwater Quality: Natural and Enhanced Restoration of GroundwaterPollution, S.F. Thornton, S.E. Oswald (eds.), IAHS Publ. no. 275, p. 501-506, 2002.Saaltink, M.W., Carrera, J., Mass balance errors in transient flow and transienttransport models, in: Computational Methods in Water Resources, S.M.Hassanisadeh, R.J. Schotting, W.J. Gray, G.F. Pinder (eds.) Elsevier, p.421-428, 2002.Blanco, A., A. Lloret, J. Carrera, M. W. Saaltink, P. Acero, C. Ayora, J.M. Nieto,Monitorización del movimiento del agua a través de una balsa de lodosresiduales mineros en la faja pirítica ibérica (SO de la península ibérica),En: Jornadas Luso-Espanholas, As Águas Subterrâneas no Sul daPenínsula Ibérica, L. Ribeiro, F. Peixinho de Cristo, B. Andreo, X.Sánchez-Vila, 347-358, Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos,2003.Saaltink, M.W., C. Ayora, F. Batlle, Modelos de transporte reactivo en la zonano saturada (Reactive transport models in the unsaturated zone), in:Geoestadística y modelos matemáticos en hidrología, J. Mateu, I. Morell(eds.), Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, 199-222, 2003.Bea, S.A., J. Carrera, J.M. Soler, C. Ayora, M.W. Saaltink, Numerical modelingof 137 Cs in an unsaturated soil, in: 9 th International conference onchemistry and migration behavior of actinides and fission products in thegeosphere, Migration '03 (abstracts), p. 187, Gyeongju, 2003.Saaltink, M.W., F. Batlle, C. Ayora, J. Carrera, Simulating reactive transport intime dependent multiphase flow problems, in: 9 th Internationalconference on chemistry and migration behavior of actinides and fissionproducts in the geosphere, Migration '03 (abstracts), p. 188, Gyeongju,2003.Saaltink, M.W., J. Carrera, Simulation of reactive transport in groundwater. Acomparison of two calculation methods, in: Ocean Ciculation andpollution Control - A Mathematical and Numerical Investigation, J.Ildefonso Díaz (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 99-111, 2004.Bea, S.A., J. M. Soler, C. Ayora, J. Carrera., M.W. Saaltink, Modelizaciónhidrogeoquímica de suelos contaminados, En: Vª Jornadas deinvestigación y desarrollo en gestión de residuos radioactivos. VolumenI. Publicaciones Técnicas, 92-103, Enresa, 2004.Bea, S.A., J. Carrera, F. Batlle, C. Ayora, M.W. Saaltink, Chemical system: Anobject orientated framework applied to reactive transport models, In:International congress of the European Geosciences Union, Geophysicalresearch abstracts, vol. 7, 08955, 2005.Gran, M., J. Massana, J. Carrera, M.W. Saaltink, S. Olivella, C. Ayora, A.Lloret, Effects of salinity on multiphase flow using open soil columnsunder evaporation conditions, In: International congress of theInternational Geosciences Union, Geophysical research abstracts, vol. 7,03507, 2005.10

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