Fife Multi-Agency Adult Protection Guidance - Home Page

Fife Multi-Agency Adult Protection Guidance - Home Page

Fife Multi-Agency Adult Protection Guidance - Home Page


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5.4 TimescalesThe team manager will decide whether a case conference is requiredfollowing receipt of the council officer’s investigative report. The urgency andcomplexity of the adult’s circumstances will determine how quickly a caseconference is required. This should be as soon as practicable and in all caseswithin 28 days from receipt of the cause for concern report.5.5 Organising and chairing case conferencesThe council officer undertaking the investigation will be responsible fororganising the case conference and ensuring a suitable date and venue tomaximise attendance by all relevant parties. The council officer will arrangeinvitations to all relevant participants, including the adult, and include a briefon the reasons for the case conference. The brief will allow those inattendance to participate more fully during the case conference but can bewithheld if it places the adult at further risk. The adult’s invitation should be ina format appropriate to their needs. The chairperson will normally be thecouncil officer’s team manager but this can be delegated, by agreement, toanother team manager/senior practitioner experienced in chairing. A minutetaker suitably trained in case conference recording should be identified inadvance of the case conference.5.6 Role of the chairpersonThe chairperson is responsible for the conduct of the case conference and theduties include an explanation of the format of the case conference and therequirement of confidentiality from those in attendance. The chairpersonshould not hold more than one role to ensure objectivity. All agencies areexpected to share relevant information at the adult protection caseconference, and all those attending must treat the information discussed asconfidential.Any restricted access or third party information should be discussed at thebeginning of the meeting prior to the attendance of the adult and anyone thatis accompanying them, including any advocacy worker. This part of themeeting will be minuted separately as part of the restricted access section andwill not be circulated to the adult or anyone they have invited to attend.The chairperson will be responsible for issuing signed minutes of the caseconference, making sure they accurately reflect the discussion andhighlighting those measures which have been discussed and agreed toprotect the adult at risk..5.6 Full participation at case conferencesIt is the responsibility of the chairperson, in consultation with the investigatingofficer, to decide who will be invited to the adult protection case conference.Invitations should be sent to any individuals and professionals from agenciesthat have a direct contribution to make in understanding the nature ofidentified risks and can contribute to the development of an adult protectionplan.34

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