Fife Multi-Agency Adult Protection Guidance - Home Page

Fife Multi-Agency Adult Protection Guidance - Home Page

Fife Multi-Agency Adult Protection Guidance - Home Page


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2. Concerns about an <strong>Adult</strong> at RiskPerson Responsible:The staff member who witnesses, suspects or receives information about anadult who may be at risk of harm.Actions to be taken:Contact the appropriate emergency services immediately if an adult at riskappears to be in need of urgent medical attention or it appears that a crimehas been committed.Staff must be aware of the need to preserve evidence.Inform the adult that you are required to report the details to your linemanager.Where it is known or believed that an adult is at risk of harm this must bereported to the Social Work Service without delay on:Tel: 01383 6022002.1 Reporting harm2.1.1 Where emergency response requiredIf a member of staff (from any agency) witnesses, suspects or receivesinformation about an adult at risk being subject to harm, mistreatment orneglect and the adult is in immediate danger, requires urgent medicalattention or crime is suspected then the appropriate emergency services mustbe called. (police, ambulance)2.1.2 Where emergency response is not requiredIf the adult does not require urgent medical attention and you suspect or havewitnessed harm, mistreatment or neglect, speak to the person about yourconcerns. Record your conversation carefully and try to write down theperson’s actual words in relation to their description of the event(s) and theirfeelings about the outcome. Include the time and date that the record wasmade. Tell the person that you are going to report the details to your linemanager. Following receipt of the full facts available and discussion regarding17

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