JBL Pro 2006 set up for PDF - Vitelsa Norte

JBL Pro 2006 set up for PDF - Vitelsa Norte

JBL Pro 2006 set up for PDF - Vitelsa Norte


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M A R Q U I S S E R I E SMarquis Serieskey fe at u re sf H I G H PERFORMANCE VS . CO S Tf P R E - F I T T E D W I T H M10 T H R E A D E D I N S E RTSf V E RT I CA L O R H O R I ZO N TA L O R I E N TAT I O Nf E Q U I P P E D W I T H “YO K E M O U N T ” B RAC K E TSMS28MS26The Marquis Series is designed <strong>for</strong> use in fixed installation applications.This series has been value engineered to provide systems with thehighest per<strong>for</strong>mance vs. cost available.The full range enclosures are pre-fitted with M10 threaded inserts and are s<strong>up</strong>plied with an eyeboltkit.The MS26 and MS28 are equipped with “yoke mount”brackets and hardware .The cabinets suspend easily—both horizontally andvertically—offering a greater degree of versatility.M S 2 6The MS26 is a full-range, low profile system with 100° x 70° dispersion.This system features two 6" LF transducers and a 1" exit titaniumcomposite tweeter integrated to a newly designed ellipticalwaveguide.The MS26 is ideal <strong>for</strong> close ceiling mounting or underbalconyapplications.M S 2 8The MS28 is a full-range, low profile system with 85° x 85° dispersion.This system features two 8" LF transducers and a 1" compressiondriver on an Optimized Aperture Symmetrical Radiator.The MS28 isideal <strong>for</strong> similar applications where higher power is needed.s pe c i f i M cat S 26i o n M S 28sS YS T E M TY P EF R E Q . RANGE (-10 dB)F R E Q . RESPONSE (-3 dB)N O M I N A L CO V E R AG EP O W E R CA PAC I TY 1S E N S I T I V I TY: 1 W, 1 mN O M I N A L I M P E D A N C ECO M P O N E N TS : L FH FE N C LO S U R EF I N I S HINPUT CO N N E C TO R SD I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)N E T WEIGHT (each)Two-way Full-range45 Hz - 20 kHz65 Hz - 19 kHz100° x 70°150 W91 dB16 ohms2 x 152 mm (6 in)25 mm (1 in)Low profileBlack DuraFlex2 x NL4 Neutrik® Speakon®599 x 217 x 241 mm23.6 x 8.55 x 9.5 in8.2 kg (18 lb)Two-way Full-range40 Hz - 20 kHz60 Hz - 19 kHz85° x 85°200 W93 dB16 ohms2 x 203 mm (8 in)25 mm (1 in)Low profileBlack DuraFlex2 x NL4 Neutrik Speakon676 x 291 x 321 mm26.6 x 11.45 x 12.65 in12.7 kg (28 lb)1 IEC filtered random noise (50 Hz - 5 kHz) with a crest factor (peak to average ratio) of 6 dBShrine Church of St. Stanislaus, Cleveland, OhioHARMAN PRO CATALOG | <strong>JBL</strong> PROFESSIONAL9

I N S TA L L AT I O N P R O D U C T SAE SeriesThe AE Ap p l i cation En g i n e e re d Se ries was designed with one goalin mind—to deliver thepe rfo rm a n ce and fe at u re sco nt ra ctors and co n s u l t a nts needand that listeners demand.I n co rpo rating the late s tl o u d s pe a ker te c h n o l ogy,a wides e l e ction of mod e l s,h i g hpe rfo rm a n ce fe at u re s, re l i a b i l i tyand a sys tems appro a c h , AE Se ri e shas a loudspe a ker <strong>for</strong> just abo u ta ny challenge you might co m ea c ro s s.Wh atever your need—whetherpe rfo rm a n ce - m a x i m i zed orco m p a ct pro f i l e ; t ri - a m p ; bi-amp orp a s s i ve cro s s ove r;higher power orl ower co s t ; ve rt i cal or hori zo nt a li n s t a l l at i o n —AE Se ries has the ri g htl o u d s pe a ker <strong>for</strong> the job!10 HARMAN PRO CATA L O G

A E S E R I E SApplication Engineered Serieskey fe at u re sf S CA L E D S YS T E M A P P ROACH W I T H V E R S AT I L EOPTIONSf VGC DRIVERS AND DIFFERENTIAL D R I V E ®CO N E T RA N S D U C E R Sf PT PRO G R E S S I V E T RANSITION WAV E G U I D E SF O R E XCELLENT PATT E R N CO N T RO LAE Series loudspeakers are ideal <strong>for</strong> a wide variety of fixed installation applications including per<strong>for</strong>ming arts facilities, theatrical sounddesign, auditoriums, houses of worship, live music clubs, dance-clubs/discotheques, sports facilities and themed entertainment venues.The special mid-high frequency models can be used without LF rein<strong>for</strong>cement in voice-only PA and delay-fill applications.The smallermodels are ideal in lecture halls and corporate learning centers as well as in delay-fill locations of larger systems.S caled Sys tem Design Ap p ro a c hAE Series models provide a wide variety ofbuilding blocks <strong>for</strong> your system design, stairsteppedto give you just the right solution <strong>for</strong>your installation.6000SERIES4000SERIES2000SERIES6000-Series models are thehighest power speakers inthe AE Series. 4000-Seriesmodels are medium powerand 2000-Series are atlower power points <strong>for</strong>applications not requiringhigh power capability.Waveguide Sca l i n gSometimes you need maximum pattern control.Other times the speaker needs to be as compactas possible. [AM] models are per<strong>for</strong>mance-maximized<strong>for</strong> the greatest pattern control.[AC]models are compact speakers that fit in areaswhere a smaller frontal profile is required.So p h i s t i cated Cro s s over Ne two rk sAE Series models incorporate sophisticatedcrossover designs <strong>for</strong> outstanding sound qualityand consistent coverage.To minimize overlapbetween adjacent frequency bands, steep slopesare utilized in passive crossovers — most are 4thorder (24 dB/octave).This reduces off-axis lobing,providing consistent coverage throughout thecrossover region. Conjugate networks are addedin some models to fine tune the frequencyresponse <strong>for</strong> optimum sound quality.R o t at a b l eWave g u i d e sThe space oftendictates how aspeaker needs tobe oriented. All[AM] two-wayand three-way models include a rotatable waveguide,allowing the speaker to be installed ineither vertical or horizontal orientation.Se l e ctable Cro s s over Mod eMany AE Series speakers offer selectablecrossover modes: tri-amp/bi-amp or bi-amp/passive switchable.Ve r s atile Model OptionsAll AE Series speakers are available in severalversions <strong>for</strong> matching décor or <strong>for</strong> outdoor use.Any model can be finished in white (-WH) or leftunfinished and ready to paint (-UF). Additionally,two degrees of weather resisitance are available.For many environments the basic weather resisitanceoption (-WRC) is suitable.An extra thickDuraFlex coating, multilayer grille and componenttreatments provide excellent environmentalprotection. For extreme environments, with highhumidity and/or rapid temperature cycling, amaximum weather treatment (-WRX) adds a fullfiberglass covering of the cabinet.Le g e n d a ry <strong>JBL</strong> Tra n s d u ce r sAE Series incorporates the legendary reliabilityof <strong>JBL</strong>’s VGC Vented Gap Cooled drivers,augmented by today’s new generation of <strong>JBL</strong>compression drivers and neodymium DifferentialDrive® cone transducers.Where reliability isimportant,<strong>JBL</strong> transducers are known as the best,most reliable drivers in the business.PT <strong>Pro</strong>g re s s i veTransition Wave g u i d e s<strong>JBL</strong>’s new patent pending<strong>Pro</strong>gressive TransitionWaveguides represent thelatest in horn technology.In addition to providing smooth, low distortionsound, PT Waveguides deliver uni<strong>for</strong>m off-axisfrequency response to every point within theintended coverage area — not just in thehorizontal and vertical planes — resulting ins<strong>up</strong>erior array-ability of multiple loudspeakersystems. PT Waveguides combine outstandingpattern control with undistorted sound <strong>for</strong> naturalmusic and intelligible speech.CMCDCone Mi d ra n g eCo m p ression Dri ve r sIncorporated into all conemidrange models —patent pending CMCDtechnology is more than a simple displacementplug. In addition to providing increased outputand lower distortion, this cone-based truecompression driver design extends operationalbandwidth (both <strong>up</strong> and down in frequency) tocover the entire vocal range seamlessly, allows <strong>for</strong>better waveguide pattern control, and improvesphase coherency of the midrange signal <strong>for</strong>clearer, more intelligible audio quality.HARMAN PRO CATALOG | <strong>JBL</strong> PROFESSIONAL11

s pe c i f i cat i o n sI N S TA L L AT ION PR ODU CTSAM | Maximixed 3-WayS YS T E M TY P EF R E Q U E N C Y RANGEF R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S EN O M I N A L CO V E R AG ETRANSDUCER LFP O W E R R ATING(AES) MFH FLONG-TERM LFP O W E R R AT I N G ( I E C ): M F / H FM AX I M U M S P L : LFM FH FB I - A M P M O D E : M F / H FS E L E C TA B L E C R O S S O V E R M O D E SS U S P E N S I O ND I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)N E T WEIGHT (each)AM6340/95 & /64High-power Three-way50 Hz - 19 kHz (-10 dB)55 Hz - 17 kHz (± 3 dB)AM6340/95:90° x 50°AM6340/64:60° x 40°1200 W (4800 W peak)350 W (1400 W peak)75 W (300 W peak)1000 W (4000 W peak)350 W (1400 W peak)130 dB133 dB134 dB133 dBBi-amp,Tri-amp13 points1094 x 561 x 657 mm43.1 x 22.1 x 25.9 in56.7 kg (125 lb)AM6315/95 & /64High-power Three-way38 Hz - 19 kHz (-10 dB)45 Hz - 17 kHz (± 3 dB)AM6315/95:90° x 50°AM6315/64:60° x 40°1000 W (4000 W peak)350 W (1400 W peak)75 W (300 W peak)600 W (2400 W peak)350 W (1400 W peak)125 dB133 dB134 dB133 dBBi-amp,Tri-amp13 points967 x 561 x 657 mm38.1 x 22.1 x 25.9 in48.3 kg (107 lb)AM6200/95 & /64High-power Mid-high200 Hz - 19 kHz (-10 dB)250 Hz - 17 kHz (± 3 dB)AM6200/95:90° x 50°AM6200/64:60° x 40°350 W (1400 W peak)75 W (300 W peak)350 W (1400 W peak)133 dB134 dB133 dBBi-amp, Passive13 points548 x 561 x 657 mm21.6 x 22.1 x 25.9 in29.0 kg (64 lb)AM4315/95 & /64Medium-Power Three-way40 Hz - 23 kHz (-10 dB)50 Hz - 20 kHz (± 3 dB)AM4315/95:90° x 50°AM4315/64:60° x 40°500 W (2000 W peak)MF/HF:125 W (500 W peak)350 W (1400 W peak)(Passive mode)124 dB127 dBBi-amp,Passive13 points967 x 561 x 657 mm38.1 x 22.1 x 25.9 in46.7 kg (103 lb)AM4200/95 & /64Medium-Power Mid-high350 Hz - 23 kHz (-10 dB)400 Hz - 20 kHz (± 3 dB)AM4200/95:90° x 50°AM4200/64:60° x 40°125 W (500 W peak)35 W (120 W peak)125 W (500 W peak)127 dB129 dB127 dBBi-amp, Passive13 points548 x 561 x 657 mm21.6 x 22.1 x 25.9 in28.1 kg (62 lb)AM6340/xxAM6315/xxAM6200/xxAM4315/xxAM4200/xxAM6215/xx AM6212/xxAM4215/xxAM4212/xxAM | Maximixed 2-WayS YS T E M TY P EF R E Q U E N C Y RANGEF R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S EN O M I N A L CO V E R AG ETRANSDUCER LFP O W E R R AT I N G ( A E S ): H FLONG-TERM POWERR ATING(IEC) PA S S I V E M O D EM AX I M U M S P L : L F / H FPA S S I V E M O D ES E L E C TA B L E C R O S S O V E R M O D E SS U S P E N S I O ND I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)N E T WEIGHT (each)12 HARMAN PRO CATA L O GAM6215/95 & /64High-power Two-way35 Hz - 19 kHz (-10 dB)45 Hz - 17 kHz (± 3 dB)AM6215/95: 90° x 50°AM6215/64: 60° x 40°1000 W (4000 W peak)75 W (300 W peak)600 W (2400 W peak)LF: 127 dB;HF: 133 dB127 dBBi-amp, Passive15 points783 x 422 x 504 mm30.8 x 16.6 x 19.9 in29.9 kg (66 lb)A M 6212 / 95 , /64 & /00High-power Two-way40 Hz - 19 kHz (-10 dB)60 Hz - 17 kHz (± 3 dB)AM6212/95:90° x 50°AM6212/64:60° x 40°AM6212/00:100° x 100°800 W (3200 W peak)75 W (300 W peak)600 W (2400 W peak)LF: 124 dB; HF: 139 dB124 dBBi-amp, Passive15 points713 x 371 x 460 mm28.1 x 14.6 x 18.1 in26.3 kg (58 lb)AM4215/95 & /64Medium-power Two-way40 Hz - 20 kHz (-10 dB)45 Hz - 18 kHz (± 3 dB)AM4215/95:90° x 50°AM4215/64:60° x 40°500 W (2000 W peak)35 W (140 W peak)350 W (2400 W peak)LF:124 dB; HF:128 dB124 dBBi-amp,Passive15 points783 x 422 x 504 mm30.8 x 16.6 x 19.9 in29.0 kg (64 lb)A M 4212 / 95 , /64 & /00Medium-power Two-way55 Hz - 20 kHz (-10 dB)70 Hz - 18 kHz (± 3 dB)AM4212/95: 90° x 50°AM4212/64: 60° x 40°AM4212/00: 100° x 100°400 W (2000 W peak)35 W (140 W peak)350 W (2400 W peak)LF:120 dB; HF: 125 dB120 dBBi-amp, Passive15 points713 x 371 x 460 mm28.1 x 14.6 x 18.1 in25.4 kg (56 lb)

A E S E R I E SAL6125AL6115AC2215/xxAC2212/xxAC | Compact 2-WayS YS T E M TY P EF R E Q U E N C Y RANGEF R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S EN O M I N A L CO V E R AG ETRANSDUCER LFP O W E R R AT I N G ( A E S ): H FLONG-TERM POWER R AT I N G( I E C )M AX I M U M S P L : LFH FPA S S I V E M O D ES E L E C TA B L E C R O S S O V E R M O D E SS U S P E N S I O ND I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)N E T WEIGHT (each)AC 2 2 1 5 / 9 5 , /64 & / 0 0Lower-power Two-way42 Hz - 19 kHz (-10 dB)50 Hz - 17 kHz (± 3 dB)AC2215/95:90° x 50°AC2215/64:60° x 40°AC2215/00:100° x 100°275 W (1100 W peak)30 W (120 W peak)250 W (1000 W peak)121 dB127 dB121 dBBi-amp, Passive15 points637 x 422 x 504 mm25.1 x 16.6 x 19.9 in23.6 kg (52 lb)AC 2 2 1 2 / 9 5 , /64 & / 0 0Lower-power Two-way50 Hz - 19 kHz (-10 dB)55 Hz - 17 kHz (± 3 dB)AC2212/95:90° x 50°AC2212/64:60° x 40°AC2212/00:100° x 100°300 W (1100 W peak)30 W (120 W peak)250 W (1000 W peak)120 dB129 dB120 dBBi-amp,Passive15 points548 x 355 x 352 mm21.6 x 14.0 x 13.9 in18.1 kg (40 lb)S YS T E M TY P EF R E Q U E N C Y RANGEF R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S ETRANSDUCERP O W E R R AT I N G ( A E S )LONG-TERM SYS T E MP O W E R R AT I N GM AX I M U M S P L 1S E L E C TA B L E C R O S S O V E R M O D E SE N C LO S U R ES U S P E N S I O ND I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)N E T WEIGHT (each)A L 6115High-power Low Freq.40 Hz - 2.5 kHz (-10 dB)47 Hz - 2.1 kHz (± 3 dB)1000 W (4000 W peak)(2 hrs)600 W (2400 W peak)100 hrs50 Hz –125 Hz: 129 dB125 Hz - 800 Hz: 127 dBDiscreteTrapezoidal,15° side angles13 points548 x 561 x 657 mm21.6 x 22 1 x 25.9 in29.0 kg (64 lb)A L 6125High-power Low Freq.40 Hz - 2.5 kHz (-10 dB)42 Hz - 2.1 kHz (± 3 dB)2000 W (8000 W peak)(2 hrs)1200 W (2400 W peak)100 hrs50 Hz –125 Hz:130 dB125 Hz - 800 Hz: 129 dBParallel, DiscreteRectangular12 points967 x 422 x 504 mm38.1 x 16.6 x 19.9 in44.5 kg (98 lb)ASB | SubwoofersS YS T E M TY P EF R E Q U E N C Y RANGEF R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S ETRANSDUCERP O W E R R AT I N G ( A E S )LONG-TERM SYS T E MP O W E R R AT I N GM AX I M U M SPLS E L E C TA B L E C R O S S O V E R M O D E SE N C LO S U R ES U S P E N S I O ND I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)N E T WEIGHT (each)A S B 6 1 1 8High-power Subwoofer28 Hz - 1 kHz (-10 dB)35 Hz - 1 kHz (± 3 dB)1200 W (4800 W peak)(2 hrs)800 W (3200 W peak)100 hrs30 Hz –100 Hz:129 dB100 Hz - 500 Hz: 129 dBDiscreteRectangular14 points548 x 561 x 816 mm21.6 x 22.1 x 32.2 in44.5 kg (98 lb)A S B 6 1 2 8High-power Subwoofer30 Hz - 1 kHz (-10 dB)38 Hz - 1 kHz (± 3 dB)2400 W (9600 W peak)(2 hrs)1600 W (6400 W peak)100 hrs30 Hz –100 Hz: 136 dB100 Hz - 500 Hz: 136 dBParallel, DiscreteRectangular12 points1094 x 561 x 816 mm43.1 x 22.1 x 32.2 in73.0 kg (161 lb)A S B 4128Medium-power Subwoofer30 Hz - 1 kHz (-10 dB)40 Hz - 1 kHz (± 3 dB)1000 W (4000 W peak)(2 hrs)600 W (2400 W peak)100 hrs30 Hz –100 Hz:133 dB100 Hz - 500 Hz: 133 dBParallel,DiscreteRectangular14 points1094 x 561 x 816 mm43.1 x 22.1 x 32.2 in64.9 kg (143 lb)A S B 6128 VExtended Response Sub21 Hz - 300 Hz (-10 dB)25 Hz - 300 Hz (± 3 dB)2400 W (9600 W peak)(2 hrs)1600 W (6400 W peak)100 hrs30 Hz –100 Hz:134 dB100 Hz - 500 Hz: 135 dBParallel, DiscreteRectangular13 points967 x 561 x 1215 mm38.1 x 22.1 x 47.85 in89.8 kg (198 lb)AL | Low Frequency131 Maximum long-term average SPL. Peak SPL is 6 dB higher.Figure is <strong>for</strong> highest Q version.ASB6128ASB4128ASB6128VASH6118ASB6118ASH| Horn Loaded SubwooferA S H 6118Horn-loaded Subwoofer*25 Hz - 250 Hz (-10 dB)*30 Hz - 200 Hz (± 3 dB)1200 W (4800 W peak)(2 hrs)800 W (3200 W peak)100 hrs30 Hz –140 Hz: 133 dBDiscreteRectangularNone564 x 1530 x 1288 mm22.3 x 56.4 x 50.7 in159.3 kg (351 lb)HARMAN PRO CATALOG | <strong>JBL</strong> PROFESSIONAL

I N S TA L L AT I O N P R O D U C T SPrecision Directivity PD5000 SeriesThe new PD5000 Series joins <strong>JBL</strong>’s broad line<strong>up</strong> of installed sound loudspeakers, complementing the larger PD700 mid-high cabinets witha more compact size and s<strong>up</strong>plementing the smaller AE Series cabinets with higher SPL capability and larger horns <strong>for</strong> pattern control to alower frequency.The PD5000 Series loudspeakers deliver high power and constant coverage in a lowprofile <strong>for</strong>m.Featured across the PD5000 Series, newly developed 24 by 24 inch PT <strong>Pro</strong>gressive Transition mid-frequency rotatable waveguides thatprovide versatility, excellent pattern control with low distortion and extremely natural sound character.This is an evolution of thewaveguide technology of the successful <strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>fessional Application Engineered (AE) install series.Also incorporating sophisticated,steep-slope passive crossover networks minimize band overlap, further enhancing off-axis pattern control. User accessible internalswitches allow <strong>for</strong> a fully active crossover.PD5200/43 (40° x 30°)PD5200/64 (60° x 40°)PD5200/95 (90° x 50°)The PD5200 Series Precision Directivity midhighfrequency loudspeakers are designed <strong>for</strong>applications requiring high output capabilitywith excellent pattern control.The CMCD-82H cone midrange compressiondriver consists of a driver/phasing plug assemblyproviding high output with low distortion.CMCD-82H’s extended response allows <strong>for</strong>smoother transition to the high frequency driverand the smaller entrance diameter into the waveguideprovides <strong>for</strong> better pattern control.Theinternal 200 mm (8 inch) CMCD-82H features ahigh power neodymium Differential Drive® dualvoicecoil design.The 2431H large <strong>for</strong>mat highfrequency compression driver utilizes aneodymium magnet and aluminum diaphragmto deliver clear and intelligible high frequencyprojection, extended frequency response, and lowdistortion at even the highest drive levels.PD5212/43 (40° x 30°)PD5212/64 (60° x 40°)PD5212/95 (90° x 50°)The PD5212 Series Precision Directivity fullrange two-way loudspeakers are designed <strong>for</strong>applications requiring high output capabilitywith excellent pattern control.The speakers canbe utilized alone in music or speech systemswhere frequency extension to 80 Hz is adequateor combined with subwoofers to create extendedbandwidth fullrange systems.The M222-8A 300 mm (12 in) low frequencytransducer features high sensitivity and lowpower compression <strong>for</strong> high continuous SPLcapability. It is horn-loaded <strong>for</strong> additionalsensitivity and improved pattern control. A newlydesigned low frequency phasing plug extendsf re q u e n cy re s po n s e,p roviding smoother tra n s i t i o nto the high frequency driver.The 2451H-1 larg efo rm at high fre q u e n cy co m p re s s i o n driver utilizesa neodymium magnet and pure titaniumdiaphragm to deliver clear and intelligible highfrequency projection,extended frequencyresponse, and low distortion at even the highestdrive levels.PD5322/43 (40° x 30°)PD5322/64 (60° x 40°)PD5322/95 (90° x 50°)The PD5322 Precision Directivity full range,three way loudspeakers are designed <strong>for</strong>applications requiring high output sensitivitywith excellent pattern control.They can beutilized standalone in demanding music orspeech systems where low frequency extensionto 40 Hz is required.The low frequency section features two 2206H300 mm (12 in) VGC Vented Gap Cooled lowfrequency transducers featuring high sensitivityand low power compression <strong>for</strong> high continuousSPL capability. A newly designed loading platecove ring the slot loaded low fre q u e n cy tra n d u ce r sprovides the highest possible sensitivity, lowfrequency output and system reliability.The mid and high frequency sections arehornloaded <strong>for</strong> additional low-mid and midrangesensitivity and improved pattern control.TheCMCD-82H cone midrange compression driverconsists of a driver/phasing plug assemblyproviding high output with low distortion.Theintegral 200 mm (8 in) cone driver features ahigh power neodymium Differential Drive® dual,voicecoil design.The 2431H large <strong>for</strong>mat highfrequency compression driver utilizes aneodymium magnet and aluminum diaphragmto deliver clear and intelligible high frequencyprojection, extended frequency response, and lowdistortion at even the highest drive levels.P D 5 1 2 2The PD5122 is intended <strong>for</strong> use as a flown orground s<strong>up</strong>ported, high power low frequencymodule used in conjunction with mid/high-onlyor fullrange systems of the PD5000 series toconstruct arrays with extended low frequencypattern control.Low fre q u e n cy tra n s d u cers are the 2206H 300 mm(12 in) VGC Vented Gap Cooled drivers.Theydeliver excellent low frequency extension withminimal power compression and low distortionplus high sensitivity and power handling.P D 5 1 2 5The PD5125 is a high power low frequency loudspeakercomprised of two 380 mm (15 in) VGCVented Gap Cooled low frequency drivers in afront-loaded, vented configuration.Though it isintended <strong>for</strong> use as a flown or ground s<strong>up</strong>ported,high power low frequency module used inconjunction with mid/high or fullrange systemsof the PD5000 and PD700 series,the PD5125 willper<strong>for</strong>m well in any application where highoutput low bass is required.Low frequency transducers are the 2226H 380mm (15 in) VGC Vented Gap Cooled drivers.Theydeliver excellent low frequency extension withminimal power compression and low distortionplus high sensitivity and power handling. Largevent area assures minimal port compression andlow distortion at high output levels.PD5000 Series loudspeaker inputs include both Speakon® and CE-compliant coveredbarrier strips.The cabinets are fitted with twenty M10 threaded suspension points,s<strong>up</strong>porting a wide variety of installation approaches. All cabinets are constructed with 11ply birch and finished with black DuraFlex.14 HARMAN PRO CATA L O G

key fe at u re sP D 5 0 0 0 S E R I E Sf C L E A R , INTELLIGIBLE HIGH FREQUENCYP RO J E C T I O Nf LA RGE PT PROGRESSIVE T RA N S I T I O NWAVEGUIDES FOR PATTERN CO N T RO L ,LOW DISTO RTION AND SMOOTH RESPONSEf ROTATABLE WAVEGUIDES FOR HORIZO N TALOR V E RT I CAL CABINET ORIENTAT I O Nf I N T E G RA L , S O P H I S T I CATED STEEP-SLO P EPASSIVE CROSSOVER NETWORKS WITHBIAMP/ PASSIVE SWITCHABLE CRO S S O V E RMODESf TWO FULLY - CO M PATIBLE LOW FREQUENCYLOUDSPEAKERS FOR INSTA L LATION V E R S AT I L I T Ys pe c i f i P D cat 5200 / 43i o n sS YSTEM TY P EFREQUENCY RANGE 1FREQUENCY RESPONSES YSTEM SENSITIVITY: 1 W, 1 mNOMINAL CO V E R AG ET R A N S D U C E RPOWER RATING (AES) 2LONG-TERM 3 L FPOWER RATING (IEC): M F / H FM AXIMUM SPL: 4 L FCo n t.Av g. M FH FPASSIVE MODE: M F / H FE N C LO S U R ED I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)NET WEIGHT (each)PD5200/43, PD5200/64 (shown)PD5200/95Mid-High Frequency200 Hz - 18 kHz (-10 dB)240 Hz - 16 kHz (± 3 dB)111 dB SPL (Passive Mode)40° x 30°MF: 350 W (1400 W pk), 100 hrsHF:75 W (300 W pk), 2 hrs300 W (1200 W peak), 100 hrs137 dB SPL (143 dB peak)135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)136 dB SPL (142 dB peak)Trapezoidal, 12.5° side angles991 x 673 x 897 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 35.3 in69.0 kg (152 lb)P D 5 2 0 0 / 6 4Mid-High Frequency200 Hz - 18 kHz (-10 dB)240 Hz - 16 kHz (± 3 dB)110 dB SPL (Passive Mode)60° x 40°MF:350 W (1400 W pk),100 hrsHF: 75 W (300 W pk), 2 hrs300 W (1200 W peak),100 hrs135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)Trapezoidal,12.5° side angles991 x 673 x 706 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 27.8 in58.8 kg (130 lb)PD5212/43 (shown), PD5212/64PD5212/95P D 5 2 0 0 / 9 5Mid-High Frequency200 Hz - 18 kHz (-10 dB)240 Hz - 16 kHz (± 3 dB)109 dB SPL (Passive Mode)90° x 50°M F:350 W (1400 W pk), 100 hrsHF:75 W (300 W pk),2 hrs300 W (1200 W peak), 100 hrs134 dB SPL (140 dB peak)133 dB SPL (139 dB peak)133 dB SPL (139 dB peak)Trapezoidal, 12.5° side angles991 x 673 x 706 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 27.8 in58.8 kg (130 lb)P D 5 2 1 2 / 4 3Two-Way Full-Range80 Hz - 18 kHz (-10 dB)90 Hz - 16 kHz (± 3 dB)109 dB SPL (Passive Mode)40° x 30°LF: 400 W (1600 W pk), 2 hrsLF: 300 W (1200 W pk), 100 hrsHF: 75 W (300 W pk), 2 hrs300 W (1200 W peak),100 hrs137 dB SPL (143 dB peak)135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)134 dB SPL (140 dB peak)Trapezoidal, 12.5° side angles991 x 673 x 897 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 35.3 in75.5 kg (175 lb)PD5322/43, PD5322/64PD5322/95 (shown)P D 5 2 1 2 / 6 4Two-Way Full-Range80 Hz - 18 kHz (-10 dB)90 Hz - 16 kHz (± 3 dB)107 dB SPL (Passive Mode)60° x 40°LF:400 W (1600 W pk), 2 hrsLF:300 W (1200 W pk), 100 hrsHF:75 W (300 W pk),2 hrs300 W (1200 W peak), 100 hrs135 dB SPL (143 dB peak)135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)132 dB SPL (138 dB peak)Trapezoidal,12.5° side angles991 x 673 x 706 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 27.8 in69.0 kg (152 lb)P D 5 2 1 2 / 9 5Two-Way Full-Range80 Hz - 18 kHz (-10 dB)90 Hz - 16 kHz (± 3 dB)106 dB SPL (Passive Mode)90° x 50°LF: 400 W (1600 W pk), 2 hrsLF: 300 W (1200 W pk), 100 hrsHF: 75 W (300 W pk), 2 hrs300 W (1200 W peak), 100 hrs134 dB SPL (140 dB peak)133 dB SPL (139 dB peak)131 dB SPL (137 dB peak)Trapezoidal, 12.5° side angles991 x 673 x 706 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 27.8 in69.0 kg (152 lb)S YSTEM TY P EFREQUENCY RANGE 1FREQUENCY RESPONSES YSTEM SENSITIVITY: 1 W, 1 mNOMINAL CO V E R AG ET R A N S D U C E RPOWER RATING (AES) 2LONG-TERM 3 L FPOWER RATING (IEC): M F / H FM AXIMUM SPL: 4 L FCo n t. Av g. M FH FPASSIVE MODE: M F / H FE N C LO S U R ED I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)NET WEIGHT (each)P D 5 3 2 2 / 4 3Three-Way Full-Range41 Hz - 17 kHz (-10 dB)49 Hz - 15 kHz (±3 dB)111 dB SPL (Passive Mode)40° x 30°L F:1600 W (6400 W pk),2 hrsL F:1200 W (4800 W pk),100 hrsM F:350 W (1400 W pk),100 hrsHF:75 W (300 W pk), 2 hrs1200 W (4800 W pk)300 W (1200 W pk), 100 hrs128 dB SPL (134 dB peak)137 dB SPL (143 dB peak)135 dB SPL 141 dB peak)136 dB SPL (142 dB peak)Trapezoidal, 15° side angles991 x 673 x 897 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 35.3 in87.3 kg (192 lb)P D 5 3 2 2 / 6 4Three-Way Full-Range41 Hz - 17 kHz (-10 dB)49 Hz - 15 kHz (±3 dB)110 dB SPL (Passive Mode)60° x 40°LF:1600 W (6400 W pk), 2 hrsL F:1200 W (4800 W pk),100 hrsM F:350 W (1400 W pk),100 hrsHF: 75 W (300 W pk), 2 hrs1200 W (4800 W pk)300 W (1200 W pk),100 hrs128 dB SPL (134 dB peak)135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)135 dB SPL (141 dB peak)Trapezoidal,15° side angles991 x 673 x 706 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 27.8 in77 kg (170 lb)P D 5 3 2 2 / 9 5Three-Way Full-Range41 Hz - 17 kHz (-10 dB)49 Hz - 15 kHz (±3 dB)109 dB SPL (Passive Mode)90° x 50°LF:1600 W (6400 W pk),2 hrsL F:1200 W (4800 W pk),100 hrsM F:350 W (1400 W pk),100 hrsHF:75 W (300 W pk),2 hrs1200 W (4800 W pk)300 W (1200 W pk), 100 hrs128 dB SPL (134 dB peak)134 dB SPL (140 dB peak)133 dB SPL 139 dB peak)134 dB SPL (140 dB peak)Trapezoidal, 15° side angles991 x 673 x 706 mm39.0 x 26.5 x 27.8 in77 kg (170 lb)P D 5 1 2 2Slot-Loaded Low Frequency41 Hz - 1 kHz (-10 dB)49 Hz - 300 Hz (±3 dB)96 dB (60 Hz - 250 Hz) 51600 W (6400 W pk) 2 hrs 21200 W (4800 W pk), 100 hrs 6128 dB SPL (134 dB pk) 4Trapezoidal, 15° side angles357 x 673 x 706 mm14.1 x 26.5 x 27.8 in36.4 kg (80 lb)P D 5 1 2 5Dual 15" Low Frequency37 Hz - 2.5 kHz (-10 dB)42 Hz - 2.1 kHz (±3 dB)103 dB (50 Hz - 125 Hz) 51600 W (6400 W pk) 2 hrs 21200 W (4800 W pk),100 hrs 6136 dB SPL (142 pk)(50 Hz - 125 Hz) 4Trapezoidal,10° side angles991 x 476 x 691 mm39 x 18.75 x 27.2 in53.4 kg (118 lb)1 In bi-amp mode,withrecommended active tuning.2 AES standard,one decadepink noise with 6 dB crestfactor within device’soperational band,free air.Standard AES 2 hr ratingplus long-term 100 hr ratingare specified <strong>for</strong> lowfrequencytransducers.3 IEC standard,full bandwidthpink noise with 6 dB crestfactor,100 hours, passivemode.4 Calculated based on powerrating and sensitivity,exclusive of powercompression.5 Anechoic sensitivity in freefield, no additionalsensitivity gains fromboundary loading.6 AES standard, one decadepink noise with 6 dB crestfactor,in cabinet,long-term100 hr rating.HARMAN PRO CATALOG | <strong>JBL</strong> PROFESSIONAL15

Precision Directivity PD700 and PD100key fe at u re sI N S TA L L AT I O N P R O D U C T Sf FSA FORWARD STEERED A R RAY E N C LO S U R ECO N F I G U RATIONSf AVA I LA B L E S U S P E N S I O N T RU S S CO M P O N E N TSF O R E A S Y A N D CO S T E F F E C T I V E A R RAYBU I L D I N GPD162PD162L4PD162U4PD743PD764PD125One of the challenges in large arenas, stadiums, houses of worship and per<strong>for</strong>mance spaces is to provide quality sound to every seat withthe volume and clarity demanded by today’s concert, sporting and special events. <strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>fessional’s Precision Directivity (PD) line of speakersuses a full range, full bandwidth total system approach that allows contractors and consultants to design a fully integrated sound systemsolving the audio challenges inherent to these types of large installations.PD128PD743 (40° x 30°) AND PD764 (60° x 40°)The PD743 and PD764 mid-high loudspeakers ys tems provide high-impact sound re i n fo rce m e ntat throw distances that are beyond the reach oftraditional single-driver designs. A single mod u l ep rod u ces gre ater than 104 dB SPL (co ntinuous) atd i s t a n ces of 65 m (215 ft) with a 40° by 30° cove ra g epattern (PD743) or a 60° by 40° coverage pattern(P D 7 6 4 ) . These sys tems may be used in arrays withother PD Se ries modules or singly as part of ad i s t ri b u ted sys te m.PD100 Low Fre q u e n cy Mod u l e sPD100 loudspeakers are modules utilized inmultiples to create FSA Forward Steered Arrays,which provide excellent pattern control of lowfrequencies,ensuring even coverage of theaudience area and high off-axis attenuation,s pe c i f i cat P D 743i o n sS YS T E M TY P EF R E Q U E N C Y R A N G EF R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S EN O M I N A L CO V E R AG ES E N S I T I V I TY ( 1 W, 1 m)N O M I N A L I M P E D A N C EI N P U T P O W E R R AT I N GT R A N S D U C E R SE N C LO S U R EF I N I S HI N P U T CO N N E C TO R SD I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)N E T WEIGHT (each)Mid High Loudspeaker System150 Hz - 17 kHz (-10 dB)200 Hz - 15 kHz (± 3 dB)40° x 30° (H x V)MF:111 dB,HF: 118 dBMF:8 ohms,HF: 16 ohmsMF:700 W,AES; 2800 W peakHF:150 W, AES; 600 W peak2 x 2250J (203 mm/8 in)2 x 2430H (75 mm/3 in)Dual Trapeziodal25° V,35° HBlack DuraFlex1 x NL4 Neutrik® Speakon®991 x 991 x 1146 mm39 x 39 x 45.1 in111.4 kg (245 lb)which substantially increases sound quality bymaximizing the ratio of direct-to-reflected lowfrequency sound.The PD100 Calculator, availablefrom <strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>fessional, helps the system designerdecide the model to use,the quantity of cabinets,how to configure them,and the DSP <strong>set</strong>tings toutilize <strong>for</strong> the required coverage.P D 1 2 5The PD125 is a high power low fre q u e n cy mod u l edesigned <strong>for</strong> use in arrays and in conjunction withother PD Series systems to construct fullrangesystems.Each PD125 module uses two 2226H15" transducers, mounted “magnets out” <strong>for</strong>maximum heat transfer, assuring long termreliability at high power levels. Each transduceris mounted in a separate vented subchamber.P D 7 6 4Mid High Loudspeaker System150 Hz - 17 kHz (-10 dB)200 Hz - 15 kHz (± 3 dB)60° x 40° (H x V)MF:109 dB, HF: 116 dBMF:8 ohms,HF:16 ohmsMF:700 W, AES; 2800 W peakHF:150 W, AES; 600 W peak2 x 2250J (203 mm/8 in)2 x 2430H (75 mm/3 in)Dual Trapeziodal35° V, 55° HBlack DuraFlex1 x NL4 Neutrik Speakon991 x 991 x 883 mm39 x 39 x 34.75 in97.7 kg (215 lb)P D 1 2 5LF Array Module38 Hz - 1.7 kHz (-10 dB)45 Hz - 900 Hz (± 3 dB)100 dB4 ohms1200 W, AES;4800 W peak2 x 2226H (380 mm/15 in)RectangularBlack DuraFlex2 x NL4 Neutrik Speakon889 x 432 x 724 mm35 x 17 x 28.5 in57 kg (125.5 lb)P D 1 2 8The PD128 is a high power subwoofer moduledesigned <strong>for</strong> use in arrays and in conjunction withother PD Series systems to construct fullrangesystems.P D 1 6 2The PD162 mid bass module consists of threemodels: PD162, PD162L4 and PD162U4.ThePD162U4 and PD162L4 are specializedbeamsteering modules with four transducerseach. PD162 is the standard, fully configuredversion featuring a full complement of sixtransducers. All three models share commonenclosure dimensions and features.This allows<strong>for</strong> construction of compact,simple to rig, denselypacked arrays using simple, cost effective trusscomponents.P D 1 2 8Subwoofer Array Module26 Hz - 2.3 kHz (-10 dB)34 Hz - 1.4 Hz (± 3 dB)99 dB4 ohms1600 W,AES;6400 W peak2 x 2242H (460 mm/18 in)Vertically Trapeziodal30° angleBlack DuraFlex2 x NL4 Neutrik Speakon551 x 1676 x 864 mm21.7 x 66 x 34 in104.2 kg (229 lb)P D 1 6 2Mid Bass Array Module60 Hz - 1.7 kHz (-10 dB)78 Hz - 900 Hz (± 3 dB)102 dB3 x 4 ohms3600 W, AES;14,400 W peak6 x 2206H (300 mm/12 in)RectangularBlack DuraFlex2 x NL8 Neutrik Speakon991 x 622 x 381 mm39 x 24.5 x 15 in86.1 kg (189.5 lb)16 HARMAN PRO CATA L O G

I N S TA L L AT IO N P ROD U CT S<strong>JBL</strong> Custom Shopkey fe at u re sf U N S U R PA S S E D J B L E N G I N E E R I N Gf R E N OW N E D J B L T RA N S D U C E R Sf W O R L D - C LA S S M A N U FAC T U R I N G<strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>fessional manufacturers the world's most advanced off-the shelfloudspeaker systems, a very broad selection of standard product lines andmodels—from PD Precision Directivity and VERTEC® <strong>for</strong> large venues toControl Contractor's wide range of smaller loudspeakers.Within each productline, a wide assortment of models provides the right selection <strong>for</strong> virtually anyapplication. For instance, the AE Application Engineered Series offersmodels in a variety of power levels, in white, in two levels of weatherresistance, in a range of sizes and with a selection of coverage patterns.Despite this broad line<strong>up</strong> of models, there may be situations where a projectcalls <strong>for</strong> a unique appro a c h . For applications requiring specialized loudspeake r s,we offer the specialized services of the <strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>fessional Custom Shop.Custom Underfill SpeakersSoldier Field Stadium, Chicago, ILThe Custom Shop designs and builds speakers to meet unique requirements such asspecific-dimension cabinets to fit particular spaces, high transducer density systems tomeet very high SPL requirements, compound cabinets to achieve non-standardcoverage, loudspeakers that meet distinctive architectural requirements and otherunique challenges.Custom loudspeakers are designed by the most experienced engineering team in the industry, the same gro<strong>up</strong> responsible <strong>for</strong> <strong>JBL</strong>'s standard products.They are manufactured in the same world-class factory as standard product, guaranteeing the most rigorous attention to manufacturing excellence.Several of the Custom Shop's most popular products have been made available as the CSA (Contractor Special Application) Series.See jblpro.com/pages/pre_engineered1_main.htm <strong>for</strong> details.The list is frequently expanded and <strong>up</strong>dated.<strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>fessional offers a very broad line of off-the-shelf loudspeakers. However, when you need a specialized speaker that does not appearin this catalog, the <strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>fessional Custom Shop provides solutions incorporating unparalleled technology, quality, experience, andmanufacturing excellence.Quality Assurance Testing, Custom Shop<strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>fessional,Northridge, CACustom VerTec-DP / Precision Directivity cluster,Crystal Cathedral,Irvine, CAMain Cluster DetailSoldier Field Stadium, Chicago, ILHARMAN PRO CATALOG | <strong>JBL</strong> PROFESSIONAL17

I N S TA L L AT I O N / T OUR S OU ND P R O D U C T SVP SeriesSelf-Powered Integrated Audio SystemsIntroducing the Venue Per<strong>for</strong>mance Series—a family of self-powered loudspeaker systems consisting of six models, suitable <strong>for</strong> portable orfixed installation sound rein<strong>for</strong>cement applications where high-output, low-distortion, and the highest quality sound are required. Thesesystems are designed with compatibility in mind <strong>for</strong> applications where multiple individual loudspeakers might be required <strong>for</strong> a distributedsystem or where multiple loudspeakers will be configured into arrays <strong>for</strong> point source clusters.<strong>JBL</strong> Dri ve Pack®A key feature of the VP Series is its highlyadaptable <strong>JBL</strong> DrivePack amplifier module.The two-channel module provides 1100 watts oftotal power to each full-range system. The subwoofermodule provides 1800 watts of power tothe loudspeaker. The <strong>JBL</strong> DrivePack® operates onauto-selecting line voltages at 50 or 60 Hz <strong>for</strong>worldwide operation.Fe at u re LoadedThe VP Series features <strong>JBL</strong> Differential Drive® conetransducers and the new 2452H-SL compressiondriver. Each VP Series system features integraldigital signal processing and is compliant withHarman <strong>Pro</strong>fessional’s HiQnet System Architectsoftware <strong>for</strong> remote control and monitoring.The VP Series also includes:• Newly-created stylized and ergonomicallydesigned powder-coated steel handles• Industry-standard air-cargo track suspensionand M10 threaded suspension pointsV P 7 2 1 2 / 6 4 D PAN (60° x 40°)V P 7 2 1 2 / 9 5 D PAN (90° x 50°)The VP7212/64DPAN and VP7212/95DPAN aretwo-way speaker systems housing one 12"Differential Drive low frequency transducer andthe new 2452H-SL compression driver.TheVP7212 is available with either a 60° x 40° or 90° x50° <strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>gressive Transition Waveguide.V P 7 2 1 5 / 6 4 D PAN (60° x 40°)V P 7 2 1 5 / 9 5 D PAN (90° x 50°)The VP7215/64DPAN and VP7215/95DPAN aretwo-way speaker systems housing one 15"Differential Drive low frequency transducer andthe new 2452H-SL compression driver.TheVP7215 is available with either a 60° x 40° or 90° x50° <strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>gressive Transition Waveguide.V P 7 3 1 5 / 6 4 D PA NThe VP7315/64DPAN is a three way systemhousing one 15" Differential Drive low frequencytransducer, the CMCD-82H 8" midrangetransducer and the new 2452H-SL compressiondriver mounted on a <strong>JBL</strong> PT-K64-MHF <strong>Pro</strong>gressiveTransition Waveguide.V P S B 7 1 1 8 D PA NThe VPSB7118DPAN subwoofer system featuresone 18" Differential Drive low frequencytransducer.This model includes an integratedpole mount, and is sized to readily combine intoarrays of various configurations using othermodels in the line.18HARMAN PRO CATA L O G

key fe at u re sV P S E R I E Sf N E W 2452H-SL 4" DAMPED D I A P H RAG M H I G H -FREQUENCY CO M P R E S S I O N D R I V E Rf <strong>JBL</strong> DRIVEPACK® T E C H N O LO G Y, CO - E N G I N E E R E DW I T H C ROW Nf CO M P R E H E N S I V E O N - B OA R D D S Pf HIQNET SYSTEM ARCHITECT CO M PAT I B I L I T Yf O P T I O N A L D P C N CO B RANET INPUT M O D U L EF O R D I G I TA L AU D I O CO N N E C T I V I TYf D I F F E R E N T I A L DRIVE® LOW - F R E Q U E N C YD R I V E R Sf I N T E G RAT E D R I G G I N G H A R DWA R Ef E RG O N O M I CA L LY D E S I G N E D H A N D L E SDPAN Input Module with analog audio and100 Mb Ethernet networking functionalityand HiQnet compatibilityD PAN Input Mod u l eThe VP Series features the DPAN input module asstandard. The DPAN input module includes analogaudio inputs and sophisticated onboard digitalsignal processing technology. Precision band-passlimiting,pre-equalization filters and automatic selftestfunctions ensure optimized per<strong>for</strong>mance.All models can be ordered with the optional DPCNinput module. The DPCN input module is alsoHiQnet compatible, with CobraNet digital audioinput capabilities. It offers the ability to direct <strong>up</strong>to 64 audio channels on one network, with digitalaudio and remote control and monitoring viaEthernet combined on a single cable. DPCNincludes the option to use an analog input as aback<strong>up</strong> audio source providing complete reliabilityand flexibility to cover any situation. As with theDPAN, user-addressable features include teninternal pre-e.q. filter pre<strong>set</strong>s, <strong>up</strong> to 2 seconds ofsignal delay per channel, and onboard noise andsine-wave generators.VPSB7118DPANVP7212/64DPAN (shown)VP7212/95DPANVP7215/64DPAN (shown)VP7215/95DPANVP7315/64DPANV P 7212 / 64 D PAN &s pe c i f i cat V P 7212 / 95 D i PA o N n sS YSTEM TY P EFREQUENCY RESPONSEN O M I N A L CO V E R AG ED R I V E PAC K P O W E R R AT I N G ST R A N S D U C E R S : L FHF (MF)HF (MF) HORNF I N I S HG R I L L EINPUT CO N N E C TO RINPUT CO N N E C TOR OPTIOND I M E N S I O N S(H x W x D)N E T WEIGHT (each)Self-Powered Two-way Speaker System60 Hz - 18 kHz (±3 dB)VP7212/64:60 x 40VP7212/95:90 x 502200W Peak (1100W Continuous)12 in Differential Drive2452H-SL 1.5" exit compression driver<strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>gressive Transition WaveguideBlack Duraflex14-gauge per<strong>for</strong>ated steelFemale XLR/Male XLRDPCN (CobraNet compliant)2 x RJ45 connectors + M/FM XLR701.8 x 383.8 x 523.5 mm27.63 x 15.11 x 20.61 in78 lb (35.4 kg)V P 7 2 1 5 / 6 4 D PAN &V P 7 2 1 5 / 9 5 D PA NSelf-Powered Two-way Speaker System45 Hz - 18 kHz (± 3 dB)VP7215/64: 60 x 40VP7215/95: 90 x 502200W Peak (1100W Continuous)15 in Differential Drive2452H-SL 1.5" exit compression driver<strong>JBL</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>gressive Transition WaveguideBlack Duraflex14-gauge per<strong>for</strong>ated steelFemale XLR/Male XLRDPCN (CobraNet compliant)2 x RJ45 connectors + M/FM XLR765.3 x 447.6 x 523.5 mm30.13 x 17.62 x 20.61 in85 lb (38.6 kg)V P 7 3 1 5 / 6 4 D PA NSelf-Powered Three-way Speaker System45 Hz - 18 kHz (± 3 dB)VP7315/64: 60 x 402200W Peak (1100W Continuous)15 in Differential Drive2452H-SL 1.5" exit compression driverCMCD-82H (8" Midrange)<strong>JBL</strong> PT-K64-MHF <strong>Pro</strong>gressive TransitionWaveguideBlack Duraflex14-gauge per<strong>for</strong>ated steelFemale XLR/Male XLRDPCN (CobraNet compliant)2 x RJ45 connectors + M/FM XLR914.4 x 528.3 x 624.8 mm36 x 20.8 x 24.6 in97 lb (44 kg)V P S B 7 1 1 8 D PA NSelf-Powered Sub-woofer System35 Hz - 125 Hz (±3 dB)3600W Peak (1800W Continuous)18 in Differential DriveBlack Duraflex14-gauge per<strong>for</strong>ated steelFemale XLR/Male XLRDPCN (CobraNet compliant)2 x RJ45 connectors + M/FM XLR414.4 x 701.8 x 812.8 mm20.25 x 27.63 x 32 in129 lb (58.5 kg)HARMAN PRO CATALOG | <strong>JBL</strong> PROFESSIONAL19

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