15 Dec, 2010 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

15 Dec, 2010 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party 15 Dec, 2010 (English) - Bharatiya Janata Party

the people to be ready to dislodge thisshameful, inefficient and corrupt GovernmentThe BJP Delhi State President ShriVijender Gupta called upon the peopleto remove this corrupt Congress Governmentboth from the Centre and thestate. He said only a single push isenough to unseat the Congress.He further said the Congress leadersare benefiting by acquiring thefarmers lands at cheap rates but thefarmers are becoming poorer.Haryana is giving 1 crore per acre ascompensation whereas only 22 lakhrupees were being given in Delhiwhich was increased to 75 lakh rupeesafter the BJP and farmers foughtfor it. But even today they are not beingpaid full amount.Referring to increase in circle rateshe told that Sheila Dixit is playing inthe hands of land Mafia. The Lt. Governorand Chief Minister are playingdifferent games on the issue of circlerates. There is great acrimony amongthe people due to the Congress Governmentsin the country.The leader of the Opposition inDelhi Legislative Assembly Prof. VijayKumar Malhotra, former leader ofOpposition Shri Jagdish Mukhi andother leader addressed the rally.Among others Pradesh Vice-President Shri R.P. Singh, Shri VijayJolly, Shri Satish Upadhyay, ShriVishakha Shailani, Shri PawanSharma, Pradesh General SecretariesShri Ramesh Bidhuri, Shri AshishSood, Predesh Secretary ShriKamaljeet Sehrawat, Shri RajanTiwari, Legislator Shri DharmdevSolanki, Shri Praduman Rajput,Najafgarh District President ShriSuman Kumar Sharma, Deputy MayorShri Rajesh Gahlot, Media ConvenersShri Shrikant Sharma and Shri VivekSharma besides District Presidents,Councillors, Mandal Presidents andSenior Karyakartas were present.New list of Kisan Morchaoffice bearers announcedThe National President of Kisan Morcha, Shri Om PrakashDhankhad has finalised division of work in his team. All the officebearers and senior members of central executive have been madein-charge of various states and special tasks. This list is as follows:-National Vice President1. Shri A. Pasha Patel Madhya Pradesh, Goa 094220717862. Shri Krishna Jagdev West Bengal3. Shri Subhash Mehriya Uttar Pradesh4. Shri Rishipal Ambawata Uttarakhand5. Shri Binda Prasad Singh6. Shri Suresh Chandel, Ex.MP Punjab7. Dr. Ravindra Kumar Rai Jharkhand, Andaman&NicobarNational General Secretary8. Sh Bhupendra Singh Choudasama Gujarat, Daman Dweep,Dadar Haveli9. Shri Ishwar Chandra Hosmani Andhra Pradesh10. Shri Naresh Sirohi Delhi & Central OfficeSeceretary11. Shri P.Sugunakar Rao Karnataka12. Shri Shiladitya Dev North East13. Shri Anil Sharma Assam14. Sh Madan Kerala & Pondicherry<strong>15</strong>. Shri Ashok Patidar16. Shri Sukhminder Pal Singh Grewal Jammu & Kashmir17. Shri Ajit Khatri HaryanaTreasurer18. Sh Baldev Bhandari TreasurerAnti farmers policies of UPA Govt.increased farmers suicidesIn a statement on November 10, <strong>2010</strong> BJP Kisan Morcha unveiledthe negative side of Seed Bill 2004 which is pending with the UnionGovernment at various levels since 2004 and unveiled the Resolution ofSeed Bill-2004 passed by BJP Kisan Morcha. The farmers suicides arebeing increased in UPA Government due to anti farmers policies. Oneof such reasons for suicide is supply of spurious seed to farmers. TheUPA Government failed to control the supply of spurious seeds andfailed to regularize the price of the seed. The rulers and officials expressedtheir inability as the seed Act 1966 is not stringent to take necessarysteps to curb spurious seed and with such intension the Governmentproposed to bring the new seed act in the shape of Seed Bill 2004.Unfortunately the Seed Bill 2004 is pending with the Government atvarious levels since 2004, for the reasons best known to the Congressparty. The BJP Kisan Morcha finds fault with the Central Governmentas it colluded with the seed producers as a result the bill is kept inabeyance and it has not been introduced in the Parliament till today.•<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 7

2G spectrum scamOpposition demands JPCUPA intransigentParliament business continues to be stalledFrom Our CorrespondentSince the day both houses of Parliament were convened on November 9 for the winter session,proceedings in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha have continued to be stalled with the Oppositionled by <strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> insisting on nothing less than a Joint Parliamentary Committee(JPC) to probe the 2G spectrum scam.The two lunches hosted by the Leader of the House in Lok Sabha and Finance Minister, ShriPranab Mukherjee have so far failed to humour the opposition leaders into falling in line with theUPA-2 argument that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) should look into the report of the 2Gspectrum scam.The CAG report had nailed the wrong doings of the former Communications Minister A. Rajawho had ultimately to resign under opposition pressure.Some cracks have appeared even within the UPA-2. Some constituents like the TMC have comeout in support of the constitution of a JPC. According to media reports, instead of yielding toopposition pressure, the UPA government is also toying with the idea of adjourning the house sinedie without the present session having run even for a day.PM involved in “conspiracy of silence”,“culpability of inaction” & “guilty of grossindifference”: Ravi ShankarIt is indeed curious andsurprising that sinceyesterday (November 19,<strong>2010</strong>) Ministers and the leadersof the Congress have suddenlycome in the defence of the PrimeMinister over the massive scamconcerning 2G spectrumallocation, which has led to acolossal loss of nearly 1.76 lacscrores to the nation. However,this sudden playing of the “RagDarbari” cannot hide one starkfact. It is a glaring case where thePrime Minister Dr. ManmohanSingh is patently involved in the“conspiracy of silence”,“culpability of inaction” and<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 8Press statement issued by BJPNational General Secretary &National Spokesperson Shri RaviShankar Prasad MP on 2G SpectrumScam on November 20, <strong>2010</strong>“guilty of gross indifference”when nations’ wealth was beingplundered by a Minister rightunder his nose by massive abuseof system and yet the head of theGovernment Dr. ManmohanSingh looked the other way. Theorchestrated praise about theintegrity of the Prime Ministercannot wash the stain of inactionand indifference. The nation isentitled to draw its ownconclusion.The BJP would like the PrimeMinister to respond to some ofthe disturbing questions whichhas troubled the nation for thelast more than two years.

When the open licenceregime was recommended andapplications were invited till 1/10/2007, then why an artificialcut-off date of 25/09/2007created subsequently and all theapplications filed between 25/09/2007 to 1/10/2007 weresummarily rejected? Mr. PrimeMinister why you kept quietwhen the rules of game werechanged after game had beganand which the Delhi High Courtvery adversely commented.A licence cannot beoperated till one gets thespectrum, scarce nationalresource. Why you allowed it tobe sold in the year 2007 at the2001 price when tele-density inthe country had increased bymore than seven times. Thisquestion he will have to answerbecause on Nov 2, 2007 thePrime Minister claims to havewritten to Mr. Raja to usetransparent mechanism ofauction for the correct price ofspectrum. Mr. Raja replied on2nd <strong>Dec</strong>. and on 26th <strong>Dec</strong> 2007by almost flouting his directionto go for auction. Yet, the PrimeMinister chose to look the otherway by his letter dated 3rd Jan2008 which meant that the thenCommunication Minister Mr.Raja can go ahead with his“Operation Loot”.Why did not the PrimeMinister call for the entire filehimself and recorded hisdispleasure when such blatantviolation of all norms were beingdone brazenly.Why did not the PrimeMinister order a review of entireallocation of 2G spectrum andContinued on page 27...Corruption had never been an embarrassmentfor Congress : Anurag ThakurBJYM National President, Shri Anurag Thakur in a pressstatement on 19 November, <strong>2010</strong> said Congress GeneralSecretary Shri Rahul Gandhi has given the statement that itis not a matter of embarrassment for the Prime Minister evenif he is asked by the Supreme Court to clarify his ‘inaction’ on 2GSpectrum scam. Reacting on the statement Shri Anurag Thakurcondemned Rahul Gandhi for this statement and said Corruption hadnever been an issue of Embarrassment for Congress.Shri Thakur said that for Congress and its leaders, corruption hadnever been an issue of shame because corruption was an integral partof the work culture of the Congress. But, it is embarrassing for thecountry that Prime Minister has been asked to give his clarification bythe Supreme Court what has never happened in the democratic historyof the country.Shri Thakur said that the whole country is now witness to the factthat the Prime Minister never tried to stop the 2G corruption in spite of knowing everything. He alsorefused to give permission to take action against Ex-Telecom Minister A. Raja. As a result, theGovernment of India lost revenue of worth lacs and crores of rupees.Shri Thakur said that in the same way while preparing for commonwealth games, issues of opencorruption were being raised by media, opposition and even Congress leaders. Still the Congressgovernment gave an open space for corruption. Because of this, India has lost its image in internationalarena and lost lacs and crores of rupees.Shri Thakur said the issues of corruption in CWG and 2G Spectrum are not raised byOpposition or any R.T.I. activist but has been un-earthed in CAG report. 2G Spectrum, CWG,Adarsh Society scams have crossed all limits of corruption. It is unfortunate that CongressGeneral Secretary Shri Rahul Gandhi does not feel any kind of embarrassment in such kind ofissues which is unfortunate. •<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 9

SC questions appointment of CVCAnother embarrassment for UPAComing close on the heelsof the Supreme Courtcomments on the 2Gspectrum scam andCommonwealth Games scam,the UPA was in for anotherembarrassment when onNovember 22, <strong>2010</strong> the SupremeCourt questioned theappointment of P J Thomas as theChief Vigilance Commissioner.Questioning the appointment,according to the Times of India,the apex court said how Thomaswould work as CVC when achargesheet naming him ispending in a criminal case.“Without looking into thefile, we are concerned that if aperson is an accused in acriminal case how he willfunction as CVC,” a benchheaded by Chief Justice S HKapadia observed after AttorneyGeneral G E Vahanvati placedthe file in a sealed cover.“Without looking into thefile, we are concerned that if aperson is an accused in acriminal case how he willfunction as CVC,” a benchheaded by Chief Justice S HKapadia observed after AttorneyGeneral G E Vahanvati placedthe file in a sealed cover.The bench said it will gothrough the file and posted thematter after two weeks.With a pending chargesheetagainst P J Thomas, he will findit very difficult to function asCVC, the court said. It also saidhow an accused in Palmoleinimport scam can be made tohandle such a sensitive post. Thename of Thomas figures in thechargesheet filed in a palmoleineexport case.The bench said it will gothrough the file and posted thematter after two weeks.With a pending chargesheetagainst P J Thomas, he will findit very difficult to function asCVC, the court said. It also saidhow an accused in Palmoleinimport scam can be made tohandle such a sensitive post. •SC query on CVC vindicatesBJP stand : SwarajFrom Our CorrespondentBJP has claimed that with the Supreme Court raising questionsover the appointment of PJ Thomas as the Central VigilanceCommissioner, its stand on the issue stands vindicated.“I had opposed the appointment of Thomas as CVC ascorruption charges were pending against him. Now, theGovernment will have to show the records to the court, which hasmy dissent note against the appointment of a taintedperson on the crucial post of CVC,” said Mrs. SushmaSwaraj, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabhaon November 22. The nameof Thomas figures in achargesheet filed in apalmoleine import case inKerala.The Governmentand the UPA owe anexplanation to the people forappointing Thomas asCVC, former BJPPresident Shri MVenkaiah Naidusaid. “It is a verysimple question andthe Government needs to explain. The Government has appointeda person who is an accused even today”. Smt. Sushma Swaraj,who as Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, was a memberof the Committee along with Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singhand Home Minister Shri P Chidambaram that finalised theappointment of Thomas, had asked them to choose any of the twoother persons whose names figured in the panel of three preparedby the Government.She had also suggested the Government to prepare a freshpanel of candidates for CVC or postpone the decision for 24 hoursso as to take some feedback about Thomas in view of corruptioncharges he was facing. However, the Prime Minister insisted thatThomas be appointed as CVC. It was in protest against that Mrs.Swaraj had written the note of dissent.<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 10

CWG scamWho are the real beneficiaries ofCWG EMAAR MGF Scam?Who are the realbeneficiaries of CWGEMAAR MGF Scam?In the name of default inexecuting CWG village contract,EMAAR had been giftedRs.2,100 crores by Govt. of India/DDA. What is the real reasonbehind this, questioned BJP.Is it true that a high levelexecutive in the Secretariat ofCongress General Secretary isrelated to EMAAR MGF Group?After going through thepapers, documents and theAgreement between EMAARMGF and DDA/GOI, it is crystalclear that, without any logic orany supporting, Govt. had giftedRs.2,100 crores worth propertyto EMAAR MGF. BJP demandedCBI investigation and criminalaction against all the officialsand political leaders whomanipulated such horrible bailoutpackage to EMAAR.Copy of the Agreementbetween GoI/DDA andEMAAR MGFIt may be noted that DDAallotted construction workcontract of 2091 lac sq.ft.EMAAR in September 2007.EMAAR MGF was supposed tohand over 697 lac sq.ft.constructed area flats to DDA.EMAAR MGF passed onconstruction contract toAhluwalia Construction.The cost of construction anywhere in India including Delhior Mumbai is around Rs.1,500per sq.ft, at the most, it can go upto Rs.2,000 per sq.ft. including“kick back”.<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 11Press statement issued onNovember 13, <strong>2010</strong> byBJP National Secretary,Shri Kirit SomaiyaIn the revised bail-outagreement entered in May 2009,Govt. of India/DDA has agreedto pay Rs.767 crores in cash andalso 697 lac sq.ft. readymade/constructed area to EMAAR. Themarket value of EMAAR’s 6.97lac sq.ft. area @ Rs.25,000/sq.ft.is Rs.1,750 crores, i.e. EMAAR isearning Rs.1,750 crores + Rs.767crores cash payment receivedfrom DDA – total Rs.2,517 crores.It is shocking that the totalcost of construction work of allthese 4,000 bedrooms wascoming to less than Rs.400crores. Then also this Rs.2,100crore bonanza. BJP charged thatthis abnormal, hefty package wasgiven to EMAAR just due to theOwner Gupta family member isan executive in Congress highprofile General Secretary’sSecretariat. •CWG scam of Rs. 2,100 crore giftEMAAR MGF contract with GoI/DDA for CWG village• Total construction20,91,525 sq.ft.• Total construction cost@ Rs,2000/sq.ft. (maximum)Rs.400 crores• Constructed area/flat available for sale to• DDA13.44 lac sq.ft.• EMAAR MGF6.97 lac sq.ft.• DDA’s contribution/payment to EMAAR MGF –• Cash paidRs.766.89 crores• Gift of constructed area/flat6.97 lac sq.ft.• Sale price/market value of constructed area/Flat (EMAAR’s share) – 6.97 lac sq.ft.@ Rs.25,000/sq.ft.Rs.1,750 crores• Net gift/benefit from Govt. of India/DDA to EMAAR MGF –Sale price/market value of constructed Flats Rs.1,750 croresLess: Total construction costRs. 400 croresRs.1,350 croresAdd: Cash payment by DDARs. 767 croresNet benefit to EMAAR MGFRs.2,117 crores

Questions to Dr. Manmohan SinghBreak your silence,Mr. PM : GadkariAt a time when there was so muchfurore over the rampant corruptionpreveailing under the nose of UPA, thePrime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singhwas maintaining a stoic silence. OnNovember 18, <strong>2010</strong> BJP NationalPresident, Shri Nitin Gadkari posed aset of Questions to the Prime MinisterDr. Manmohan Singh challenging himto break his silence and take the countryinto confedence on the issue.Q.1. Why no criminal action has been taken sofar against the Prasar Bharti CEO Shri B.S.Lalli who overruled the objections by theFinance Department and gave the Rs 246-crore telecast rights of the CommonwealthGames to an illegal entity which produced afake registration number and had no servicetax number?Is Mr. Lalli, who speedily paid out 80% ofthe contract fee even before the Gamesconcluded, is being shielded because of hishigh connections?It is astonishing that the UPA governmenthas so far maintained a studied silence overthe findings of the Income Tax departmentthat the broadcast deal was bagged by a littleknownUK-based company, SIS Live, whichcame into being in January <strong>2010</strong>, four monthsafter the bidding formalities were over.The Income Tax department on October 6,<strong>2010</strong>, sent a letter to Prasar Bharati asking itto freeze all future payments while seekingattachment of the company’s account in aMumbai branch of the Royal Bank ofScotland.When I-T officials surveyed SIS Live office in<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 12Delhi they found that the company hadmaintained no accounts nor kept any bills.Further probe revealed SIS Live had violatedseveral conditions. It had outsourced thework to a company, Zoom Communications,which was also found to be operating fromthe same premises in Okhla. SIS Live officialsfailed to produce the papers related to thesub-contract worth Rs 177 Crore.In its observation, the I-T report says SIS Livewas formed “solely with the purposeof...implementing the CWG contract...and theassessee is not likely to remain in India.”Q. 2. What are the connections of Mr. KanishkSingh, a close aide of Mr. Rahul Gandhi,with the proprietors of the EMAAR MGF, thecompany which built filthy CWG flats?At whose instance the DDA paid a bailoutpackage of Rs. 750 Crore plus Rs. 827 Crorefor the international zone? Don’t you thinkmerely invoking EMAAR MGF bankguarantee for not fulfilling the responsibilityis only an eye-wash to absolve RahulGandhi’s aide Kanishk Singh and hisfamily?Q. 3 Can you deny the fact that the provision of Rs.

126 Crore in the plan budget of the Ministryof Youth Affairs & Sports for OVERLAYS inthe year 2009-<strong>2010</strong> was revised to 687 Croreof which Rs. 557 crore was given as anadvance to the Organising Committee? Willyou please enlighten the country about therationale of the steep escalation in theprovisions for the CWG OVERLAYS?Q. 4 Your Sports Minister has admitted in theRajya Sabha that there were cost escalationsin the CWG projects because the preliminaryestimates were approved on the basis ofINCOMPLETE/ SKELETAL information andall the estimates of various CWG relatedprojects were approved by the Union Cabinet.Isn’t it an admission of the criminalnegligence on the part of the government,which you are heading?Q. 5 Who is responsible for approving anadvance of Rs. 1669.42 Crore to theOrganising Committee for the sporting eventand another Rs. 687 Crore for OVERLAYS(temporary fittings and fixtures etc.) of whichRs. 557 was actually disbursed, and anotherRs. 87 Crore as grant for Timing, Scoring andResults Systems (TSR) and Games TimingEquipment of which Rs. 81 Crore wasactually disbursed?Now that the total earnings have fallen shortof the estimated income from the games, howare you going to realise the huge balance?There have been no earnings fromadvertisement as such and the sale of ticketshas generated only revenue of Rs. 39.17Crore, while sponsorship of Rs. 114.5 Crorewas received as against the contracted valueof Rs. 375 Crore and in granting theinternational TV rights Rs. 137.71 Crore wasreceived against the contracted value of Rs.213.45 Crore.Q. 6 Whom will you blame for the dismal turnoutfor the CWG events and the ticketing mess?Are you aware of the fact that only half of theeleven & a half lakh tickets printed werebought by spectators?I think you must have been told by yourSports Minister that widespread ticketingbungling was reported during the Oct. 3opening & the Oct. 14 closing ceremony withspectators complaining that they were oftensurrounded by empty seats, despite officials<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 13claiming that all tickets had been sold out.Whom are you going to make a scapegoat forindiscriminate printing of complimentarytickets and multiple tickets with the sameseat numbers for the opening and closingceremonies?Q. 7 Your government claims to have initiatedaction against contractors, officials and somefirms connected with the CWG projects. Whatabout action against the political masterswho connived in the CWG loot?According to your Sports Minister, 14meetings of the Group of Ministers were heldunder the chairmanship of the HRD Ministerfrom March 22, 2007 and another 34 meetingswere held under the chairmanship of theUrban Development Minister who headedthe reconstituted GOM from June 23, 2009till the games.Who will probe their share in the CWGbooty? The behind-the–scene actors in theCWG scam can be unmasked only by a JointParliamentary Committee (JPC) which theBJP has been demanding in Parliament &outside.Q.8 What about the Rs. 300 Crore yourgovernment allocated to Delhi University forCWG project which it handed over toNagarjun Constructions? The work washardly of few Crores covering 7000 sq ft.construction work and one acre ofbeautification. Where has the money gone?Q. 9 Similarly the nation is awaiting yourresponse to some of the irregularities andcorruption cases relating to — Queen’s BatonRelay, SMAM scam, Treadmills,Sponsorship, Games Website, Tennissurface, Catering, Merchandising,Accreditation for 22,000 volunteers, over2,000 staff and thousands of media,sportspersons and delegates, Parking,Connaught Place redevelopment plan,Chandni Chowk, Paharganj, Karol Bagh,Shivaji Stadium, Talkotra Stadiums.Q. 10What is preventing you from answering asimple question about the lengthy delay onyour part in taking a decision on a plea tosanction the prosecution of Mr. A Raja inthe controversial 2-G spectrum allocationissue. Why don’t you explain it to thepeople.•

Massive farmers rally at Jamni, MaharashtraBJP to save poor farmers fromcommitting suicides : GadkariThe BJP National PresidentShri Nitin Gadkari hasvoiced serious concernover the plight of poor farmers inVidharbha region ofMaharashtra and exhorted theparty rank and file to work fortheir emancipation so that theycould be prevented fromcommitting suicides. "Cap of afarmer is mortgaged with landdevelopment bank, Kurta ismortgaged with Co-operativebank and Dhoti is mortgagedwith the money-lender" ShriGadkari said while addressinga massive rally in village Jamniin Seloo Tehsil of Wardhadistrict, Maharashtra onNovember 21, <strong>2010</strong> after layingthe foundation stone of a powergeneration project.He said the BJP will makeevery possible effort to rescuepoor and marginal farmers fromexploitation by money lendersand ensure their welfare.BJP President reiterated BJP'scommitment to promote growthof the agriculture sector in thecountry.Shri Gadkari, who is alsoChairman of PURTI Group ofIndustries, said the Group wascommitted to the welfare of thefarmers and the common people.<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 14From Our CorrespondentHe said for the benefit of thefarmers, the PURTI Group wascontinuing operations of all threesugar factories including the oneat Jamni despite incurring lossof Rs <strong>15</strong>.He said PURTI Group wasgenerating power worth Rs. 17crore from ethanol derivedduring manufacture of sugar andit was being supplied to Mumbai.This helps PURTI Group to offsetlosses being incurred duringoperation of its sugar factories,he said.Around 13,000 farmers havecontributed Rs 90 crore to PURTIGroup of industries while hispersonal contribution was onlyRs one lakh, Shri Gadkari said.He urged farmers to havefaith in their own capability andappealed to them to work with astrong will-power rather thandepending on governmentsupport.Referring to the socialwelfare schemes launched by thePURTI Group, the BJP Presidentsaid the group has grantedscholarship worth Rs 1.5 croreto the children of poor farmers.In all, 1,400 people suffering fromheart ailments were operatedupon free of cost with the supportof PURTI Group. Profits earnedby PURTI Group companieswere being spent for theeducation and health care of thefamilies of the poor farmers andalso for the agriculture growth.Solar energy operated bore wellswould be installed to grapplewith the problem of loadsheddingin the region, heobserved.BJP State President ShriSudhir Munghantiwar, State BJPGeneral Secretary Shri AshokShinde, senior BJP leader ShriArun Adsad, Shri Datta MegheMP from Wardha, Shri DevendraFadnavis MLA and, ShriHinganghat MLA, Shri SureshDeshmukh Wardha MLA, ShriDadarao Keche Arvi MLA, ShriSudhakarrao Deshmukh, WestNagpur MLA, Shri KrishnaKhopde, East Nagpur MLA, ShriChandrashekhar Bawankule,Kamptee MLA and Nagpurdistrict president of BJP andother dignitaries were alsopresent.Shri Sudhir Diwe, CEO andManaging Director, PURTIGroup of Industries, madeintroductory remarks while ShriVijayrao Mude, Vice-Chairman,Mahatma Sugar and PowerLimited, proposed a vote ofthanks. •

Bihar assembly elections <strong>2010</strong>Four-fifth majority for NDARAHUL BUBBLE BURSTSLalu-Paswan shown the doorFrom Our Special CorrespondentThe results of the Biharassembly on November24 have been historic inmore than one ways.It is a vote for development,good governance and law & order.It is a rejection of the politics ofcaste and creed. Lalu-Paswan’salliance subsisting on MY (Muslimand Yadav) factor stood completelyfloored. The verdict is a vote for atrue concept of secularism practicedby NDA, particularly the BJP, whichstands for justice to all andappeasement of none. It is arejection of the politics of pseudosecularismwhich actually meansfavouring one community at thecost of the other.It is a vote for the good workdone by the NDA and reiteration of<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> <strong>15</strong>people’s faith in the government sothat it can achieve still better in thefield of development, removal ofpoverty and unemployment, checkprice rise and usher in peace andtranquility. The people, particularlywomen and students, felt moresecure under the Nitish regime.More than four-fifthmajorityThe NDA, which in Bihar wasonly JD(U) and BJP, won a historicvictory — 206 seats, a more thanfour-fifth (84.8 percent) majoritywhich no party in the past ever wonBJP for the first time won 91seats in Bihar. It recorded a winningpercentage of 89.2 having contestedonly 102 seats out of a total of 243.Its alliance partners JD(U) hadcontested the remaining 141 seats,winning 1<strong>15</strong> seats with a successpercentage of 81.5Muslims rally around NDAThe marvelous NDA win in aState where Muslims constitutedabout 20 percentage of votes is aclear pointer that both BJP andJD(U) received an overwhelmingMuslim support without which itcould never register such a greatwin.Bihar had 54 Muslim majorityassembly constituencies and theJD(U)-BJP alliance recorded amagnificent win in 42constituencies.The worst drubbing wasreceived by the Congress which hadcontested all the 243 seats. Its tallywent down from 9 in the earlierhouse to just 4, less by more than

NDA supported Putul Singh wins Banka LS bypollNDA-supported independent candidate Smt. Putul Singh, widow offormer Union minister Shri Digvijay Singh, won the bypoll to the Bankaparliamentary constituency. She defeated her nearest RJD rival ShriJaiprakash Narayan Yadav by a margin of little over 48,000 votes. WhileChief Minister Nitish Kumar had announced the support of NDA to Smt.Putul Singh, Congress did not field its candidate from the constituency.The bypoll was necessitated following the death of Shri Digvijay Singh,who won from the seat as an independent in 2009 Lok Sabha elections. It isnotable; Shri Singh had died of brain stroke in London four months ago.half, just 44.4 percent. Its winningpercentage was just 1.6. This scorefor a national party ruling at theCentre is all the more not graceful,particularly when the Congresssupremo Smt. Sonia Gandhi, the heirapparent Shri Rahul Gandhi and thePrime Minister himself hadcampaigned extensively.Media bubble RahulburstsSince Shri Rahul Gandhiassumed the frontal role andassumed the task of reviving theparty’s fortunes in States where itsperformance had been dismal, therehad been a sponsored media hypeof his working wonders for the party.It was widely reported that ShriRahul had assumed the directcommand of Bihar elections and hisstamp in the selection of candidateswas quite visible. His extensivecampaigning failed to bring cheerson the face of Congressmen.As per a media report, ShriRahul campaigned in 19 assemblyconstituencies and Congress wononly just one.The Congress had employedall the tricks of winning theassembly elections it could. Itchanged its State President andnominated a Muslim leader toappeal to the minority community.Congress had fielded more than 50Muslim candidates.Even Shri Rahul’s controversialstatement comparing RSS withSIMI was also directed at appeasingthe Muslim voters. But itboomeranged.WIN STRIKE RSeats won of seats2005JDU 63%BJP 54%BJP is all smiles on historic win<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 16

BJP wins in Muslim-dominated areasThe verdict of the Bihar assembly election indicates that a goodchunk of minority votes went to the JD(U)-BJP alliance. As the result inMuslim dominated Amour and Kadwa shows, it wrested both the Muslimdominatedconstituencies. Muslims comprise <strong>15</strong>% of the electorate inBihar. They have the potential of tilting the scales in over 60 assemblysegments, particularly in Katihar, Purnea, Kishanganj and Araria, whichborder Bangladesh, as well as Siwan. In the 16 assembly segments fallingin four `Seemanchal' districts, BJP bagged 10 seats. JD(U), LJP and Congresswon two seats each and RJD drew a blank.Voter rejects caste,creedThe NDA led by Shri NitishKumar had sought renewal ofpeople’s mandate mainly on threeplanks of development, goodgovernance and law & order.The Bihar results have sent outa clear message: People have votedfor performance and development;they have rejected those whoindulged in false propaganda. Whilethe people of Bihar could very wellsee the great strides made by theState in the field of all-rounddevelopment, the likes of Lalu-Paswan and Sonia-Rahul duo whovisited the state as electoral touriststried to throw dust into the eyes ofthe electorate to make them not seewhat was a reality of developmentthe JD(U)-BJP government led byShri Nitish Kumar and Shri SushilKumar Modi had ushered in theState.Shri Rahul Gandhi propoundeda new theory. He accepted thatBihar under NDA rule haddeveloped, but said Biharis had not.He tried to create a wedge betweenBihar and its people. He failed torealize that without Biharis therecannot be Bihar and without Biharthere cannot be Biharis. That is whythe Biharis doomed Congress fatein Bihar and threw them out of Biharpolitics.The return of JD(U)-BJPalliance to power once again is allthe remarkable because it hasweathered the anti-incumbencyfactor which every ruling party hasto face. By bouncing back to power,after Chhattisgarh and MadhyaSTRIKE RATEof seats contested<strong>2010</strong>82%89%<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 17Celebration time

Pradesh – and earlier Gujarat – Biharis another bounty in the NDA bagwhere BJP alliance government hasbeen voted into power for anotherconsecutive term.Dynastic politics rejectedThe voter dumped the Lalu-Paswan duo to ignominious rubbleof defeat. It could just managescrape through victory in 25 seats(RJD 22, LJP 3).The polls marked the rejectionof the dynastic politics of theGandhi, Lalu and Paswan families.Shri Lalu’s wife and former Biharchief minister Smt. Rabri Devi washumiliated in both theconstituencies, one of which washer parental one. Both the brothersof Shri Ram Bilas Paswan weredefeated in the polls. Shri Lalu hadprojected himself as the chiefministerial candidate with ShriPaswan’s brother as the deputychief minister.The voter also called the bluffof the Congress and Lalu-Paswanwho, according to media reports,had an indirect understanding witheach other. They were chums at theCentre, each supporting the otherin Parliament. During the lastassembly elections, Shri Paswanhad insisted on supporting anyparty that promised to make aMuslim as chief minister. But thistime he forgot his own words andprojected his brother as deputychief minister.This severe drubbing receivedby Shri Lalu Prasad Yadav in VidhanSabha elections after a defeat in 2009Lok Sabha elections has given afatal blow to the electoral fortunesof RJDBoth the BJP and JD(U) foughtthe elections unitedly with a spiritof complete camaraderie andunderstanding.Election peacefulThe conduct of the month longpoll is a matter of pride for thepeople of Bihar and the Nitishgovernment. The ElectionCommission of India too deservesfull credit for ensuring a free andfair election. Otherwise, Bihar hadbeen notorious for poll relatedviolence.First great victory underGadkariBihar was a great victory afterShri Nitin Gadkari assumed officeas the National President of<strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> about 11months back. It has boosted themorale of the party karyakartas inthe country.BJP leaders and workers tooworked day and night to ensure thevictory of the alliance candidates.Bihar BJP President Dr. C. P. Thakurmarshaled all his resources of menand materials to leave no stoneunturned to ensure the alliancevictory. The Bihar prabhari ShriAnanth Kumar MP and sahprabhariShri Dharmendra Pradhanspent most of their time looking afterthe campaigning.Besides extensivelycampaigning himself, Shri NitinGadkari exercised full command overContinued on page 30...Victory of democracy<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 18

InterviewOur rainbow coalition hasmany colours : Sushil ModiSoon after landslide victory of NDAin Bihar election Deputy Chief MinisterShri Sushil Kumar Modi spoke toVANDITA MISHRA of Indian Expressabout the verdict, the “rainbow coalition”the NDA has crafted in Bihar and theBJP’s relationship with the JD(U).Excerpts :Has the BJP’s performance surpassed yourexpectations?Since 1996, the BJP’s strike rate in Bihar hasbeen at par with that of the JD(U), with avariation of 2-3 per cent. In the 2009 Lok Sabhapolls, our strike rate was better than that of theJD(U). We fought <strong>15</strong> seats and won 12. In thebypolls too, our strike rate was better than thatof the JD(U).We never doubted that we would not fare betterthan before. The media’s projection reflectedits tendency to always under-assess theperformance of the BJP. But when the mediastarted writing that we would not do well, itended up helping us. We put in more effort.What do you think really worked for the BJP?The micro-management of the campaign. Inthis regard, the BJP has always been betterthan other parties, not just the JD(U), but partiesacross the country. The six-phase election alsohelped us.We were able to transfer our team of workers—dedicated workers that other parties lack—toconstituencies across the state. Key BJPworkers from other states where the BJP isstrong, like Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, MadhyaPradesh had camped in Bihar for one and-ahalfmonths. ...Then, there should be a team to look after thecampaign while the candidate is outaddressing rallies. We were the only party inBihar that distributed a voter slip to every voter,telling him the booth number and other details.In this way, we could contact almost 80 percent of the households in Bihar, even if ourcandi dates couldn’t reach everyone.We also kept in mind the social dynamics ofBihar. We have accommodated all major socialgroups.Much will be said about the Bihar coalition model.What do you think defines the alliance betweenthe BJP and JD(U)?Every state has a different model ofdevelopment, or of coalition. There cannot beany one model. But it was our effort that nosection of society should feel left out andMuslims, who are a large community at over16 per cent, should not feel alienated orneglected. In Bihar, the BJP’s image has beendifferent, we take up issues of development. Inthe last five years, all the initiatives for Muslimsof the Nitish government have been taken inconsultation with us.We have tried to make a rainbow coalitionthat has many more colours. In this election,the JD(U) fielded 23 Yadav candidates, the BJP<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 19

fielded 10. The single largestgroup of JD(U) candidates isYadavs.There has been no controversy inthe alliance, and both sides haveshown maturity. It’s been a longassociation. We’ve all emergedfrom the JP movement. Also,Nitish Kumar has worked withAtal Bihari Vajpayeeji. He haslearnt many things fromVajpayeeji.Is your personal equation with NitishKumar key to the alliance’s stability?It is not just about my personalequation with Nitish. Bothparties have been together since1996. And Nitish has very goodpersonal relations with thecentral BJP leaders as well.Nitish is not an extremist. Heknows the psyche of the BJP. Heknows the limits, the pointbeyond which the BJP would feelhurt. He has never tried to crossthe Lakshman Rekha and treadon the BJP’s sensitivities.In the next five years, what do yousee as your government’s greatestchallenge?Now people will expect muchmore from us than they did in thelast five years. The last mandatewas against Lalu. This is no morean anti-Lalu vote.It is a bigger challenge for us thistime.The Nitish government was seen todeliver most on law and order andon roads. What have you flagged asyour priorities this time?In the next five years, we willaddress the issue of electricity.The second challenge will beirrigation, especially in centralBihar. Then, reaching foodgrainto the poor. Corruption hasincreased at the lower levels.People are fed up. They wantaction •First National TrainingMeeting of BJYM organisedThe first national training meeting of BJYM was held onNovember 12, <strong>2010</strong> at the BJP Central Office, New Delhi.The meeting was inaugurated by BJP National ExecutiveMember, Dr. Mahesh Chandra Sharma, in which he stressed,the need for the training of the political workers in the presentpolitical and ideological situations and challenges. Thisstructured training would play an important and significantrole inenhancing thecapability of thecadre.The secondsession wasaddressed bythe BJPTraining CellCo-In charge,Shri Ram PyarePandey, in which he emphasized on the main points related toan effective training camp.National Convener, Training Cell BJP Shri Alok Kumar tookover the third session explaining the third level trainingprogramme constructed by BJP in an elaborate manner. The 3-level training programme has been categorized as follows: TheFirst level as “Pravesh”, the second as “Pragat” and third as“Praveen”.Addressing the last session of the meeting the BJYM NationalPresident Shri Anurag Thakur stated that in accordance withthe organisation’s strategy regarding BJYM’s training would becarried down to the Mandal level cadre. This structured trainingwould be imparted to the State Executive level workers with thedeadline of 31 st <strong>Dec</strong>ember <strong>2010</strong> and to the district level byFebruary 2011This meeting was co-ordinated by National GeneralSecretary BJYM, Shri Manoranjan Mishra.The training meeting was attended by workers and NECmember Shri Pushyamitra Bhargav, Shri Rajesh Yadav, Ms.Vandana Bhagat, Shri Rakesh Sharma, Shri Manoj Pathak, Ms.Harshika Verma, Shri Hitesh Shukla, Punjab State PresidentBJYM Shri Guru Parvez ‘Shelle’, State Gen. Sec. BJYM ShriRaghvendra, Shri Siddesh Nayak, Shri Samay Singh Bhati, ShriYashveer Raghav, Shri Satyawan Shera, Shri Sunil Thakur, ShriHitesh Patel, Shri Manjit, Shri Krishan Dixit, Shri Ram KumarDeepak, Shri Amit, Shri Harsh, Shri Kamal Garg etc. •<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 20

Who spawned this culture?By Chandan MitraSonia Gandhi’s lament against greed and graft sounds ironic considering theCongress’s predominant role in breeding corruption in the countryUPA chairperson SoniaGandhi has lamented that“greed and graft” areincreasing by leaps and bounds inIndia even as the country is growingrapidly. Few would disagree withher profound observation. Butsome may well find it difficult tosuppress a snigger. Of all the mindbogglingscams that have come intothe public domain in recent days,almost each has a Congress imprinton it. So, are we to conclude that asaddened Sonia Gandhi actually hadin mind the culpability of the veryparty of which she is president?There is hardly a single major caseof financial irregularity, defalcationof public funds, suppression ofevidence and dilution of casesagainst the accused, in which theCongress is, willy-nilly, notinvolved.Arguably it was a DMKMinister who was involved in the“mother of all scams” which costthe exchequer Rs1.76 lakh crore.Certain other cases concerningpossession of assetsdisproportionate to income hangingfire in the Supreme Court concernnon-Congress leaders such as MsMayawati, Mr Mulayam SinghYadav and Mr Laloo Prasad Yadav.But in these cases too, the UnionGovernment is a big player becauseit happily uses the CBI to turn theheat on or simmer it down as andwhen political expediency demands.The Congress is past master atmanipulating the system and the<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 21two UPA regimes, directlycontrolled by Ms Sonia Gandhi,have employed these skills to thehilt. Her party’s Governments in theStates have deftly garnered vastsums of money by processing dealsinvolving land, power projects andother development works. By allreckoning the Congress hasaccumulated a huge stockpile ofcash over the last few years.I know Ms Sonia Gandhi doesnot like to be reminded of Bofors.Arguably, she may not have hadany direct role in the case thatmarked the beginning of thecontemporary saga of corruption inhigh places. Many believe herdeceased husband was too new topolitics, too naïve and too malleablewhen the scam happened andprobably got trapped into it. But ifOttavio Quattrocchi, thecontroversial India head of SnamProgetti, had nothing to do with theBofors kickbacks, why did he runaway from India and why has hefought bitter legal battles inMalaysia and Argentina to ward offdeportation? Why was the UPAGovernment in unseemly hurry toclose the Bofors case and unblockQuattrocchi’s bank account inLondon in which the Governmentsuspected the Bofors kickbackswere stashed away? The countrycould never authoritatively find outwho got the bribe money althoughit was admitted that Rs 64 crore (alaughable amount by today’s scamstandards) was paid back to‘facilitators’ in the Bofors deal.To be fair, not every majorinstance of corruption in high placesinvolves the country’s First Family.Rajiv Gandhi’s successor, PVNarasimha Rao, did not emergeunscathed from charges, first in theHarshad Mehta suitcasetransaction and later in the ureapilferage. In the second case,although the investigative agenciesgot two Turkish dealers back toIndia and locked them up in TiharJail (they have spent more than <strong>15</strong>years behind bars for being stupidenough to return to the scene ofcrime), the money is nowhere nearrecovery. A sum of Rs <strong>15</strong>0 crorewas paid by way of kickbacksalthough not one kilo of ureaactually landed in India. So, wheredid the money go? Although theneedle of suspicion points to theobvious, we will never know. Indianinvestigative agencies are welltrained in the art of obfuscation anddiversion of inquiry to ensure thatthe real culprits are never broughtto book.Similar instances involving theCongress and its exalted leaders canbe multiplied indefinitely. The point,however, is simple. The culture of“greed and graft” that suddenlyappears to have worried Ms SoniaGandhi is a gift to the nation by theparty over which she has presidedcontinuously for the last 14 years.She is not responsible for spawningthis culture; but certainly she hasdone nothing to curb it and, many

elieve, she has been one of itsbiggest beneficiaries. It is not thatother parties are doodh ka dhula(sparkling clean). The BJP cameunder fire during its tenure at theCentre for scams of variousmagnitudes although most turnedout to be inconsequential. Even theCPI(M), which prides itself onprobity, has been charged withcorruption in the Lavalin scandal inKerala and certain land deals inWest Bengal.Giving the benefit of the doubtto Ms Sonia Gandhi, it is possiblethat after successive jolts overCWG, Adarsh Housing Society and2G in recent months, she hasdecided things have spun out ofcontrol. She may have realised thatthe brazen actions of Spectrum Rajahave ignited fires that may singeeven ‘Mr Clean’ Manmohan Singh.That realisation may have promptedher to don the mantle of crusaderagainst graft, no matter how ill itmight fit on her frame.If so, Ms Sonia Gandhi woulddo well to call for some material onhow her native country combatedthe scourge of corruption in publiclife in the 1980s and 1990s. She couldlook up case studies of the so-calledTangentopoli trials in Milan inwhich public spirited citizens(today’s civil society), the media,some honest law-enforcementofficials and sections of thejudiciary came together to expose asection of politicians, bureaucratsand the underworld that hadcorrupted the system almostbeyond redemption. Maybe themodel is not entirely replicable. Ithinged on a few local politiciansbeing arrested for graft and thentried in court, which in anunprecedented move ordered thatthe trials be televised live. Peoplesat glued to their sets for months aspoliticians and bureaucrats were<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 22grilled, and those found guiltyhanded severe jail sentences. Feargripped the corrupt throughout thecountry and Italy cleaned up its act.But will Ms Sonia Gandhi havethe courage to order a purge? Willshe direct the agencies to round upall the scam tainted Union and StateMinisters and put them on trial?Can she afford to put in the dockbabus who have done her party’sbidding all these decades? Can itbe ensured that the cases will beheard only by judges that arecomparable to Caesar’s wife? Willthe Government at least agree toremove its handpicked CVC who asTelecom Secretary had drafted anote arguing that telecom issuesmust be kept out of the CVC’spurview? Despite intense mediaactivism in India can it be said withcertainty any more that top bossesin media houses are not susceptibleto influence-peddling if not directbeneficiaries of the prevailingculture of graft?All this may sound cynical,although I am not a pessimist bynature. But one thing is certain: Aslong as the Congress retains itsdominance over India’s politicalculture, greed and graft will onlyrise, never abate. •(The writer is the Editor of ThePioneer daily and a BJP RajyaSabha MP)BJP President condemnsinnocents Killings in AssamBJP National President Shri Nitin Gadkari has condemnedthe recent killings of innocent people in Assam at the hands ofmilitants and warned that the nation will have to pay a heavyprice if the Government failed to take immediate and effectiveaction against the culprits. In a statement issued on November14, <strong>2010</strong>, Shri Gadkari said that the tall claims of the Congressgovt. notwithstanding, Assam is passing through an extremelydangerous phase with extortion, kidnapping and murderbecoming an order of the day.The BJP President said 23 innocent people lost their livesdue to vengeance of NDFB militants. These militants killedmostly Hindi speaking people in different parts of the state ofAssam. NDFB has already vowed that if one BODO is killedthey will kill 20 and this is a serious challenge to the Nation’ssovereignty. Shri Gadkari has urged both the Govt. of Assamand the Union Govt. to take firm steps in this behalf and ensurethat the life and property of all the sections of people in Assamwere effectively protected. He said the BJP firmly believes thatthe challenge thrown by the BODO militants is one of the gravestand unless the govt. shows requisite political will it can not beeffectively met. Even three days after these brutal killings, theGovts have done nothing significant to generate confidenceamongst the non-BODO and especially the Hindi speakingpeople of Assam, he said. •

BJP Mayor’s Conference on Urban Good Governance in LucknowLet's work for world-class infrastructure &high quality life in our cities : GadkariForm Our CorrespondentBJP National President ShriNitin Gadkari has made afervent appeal to all BJPMayors and other office bearersof municipal corporations todevelop a vision for developingtheir cities, cultivate a collectivepolitical will and work towardsthe goal of making cities in Indiamore livable. “Let's have worldclassinfrastructure and greaterquality of life in our cities whereall the disadvantaged sectionsof the society are taken care ofthrough innovative developmentideas”, said Shri Gadkari. ShriGadkari was addressing theinaugural session of the two-dayNational Convention on UrbanGood Governance (NagariyaSuraj Sankalp Sammelan)organised by the GoodGovernance Cell at Lucknow onNovember 19, <strong>2010</strong>He dwelt at length on severalnew ideas about infrastructuredevelopment; most of whichnecessarily had his own stamp.This convention is perhaps aunique attempt by any politicalparty with a clear objective ofmaking elected representativesmore alert to the changingcontours of urban administrationand empowering them throughdeveloping a perspective on keypolicy issues.BJP General Secretary(Organisation) Shri Ram Laladdressed the delegatesfollowed by presentation on bestpractices adopted by Nagpurand Ahmedabad municipalCorporations with reference toSolid Waste Management and<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 23B R T STransportS y s t e mrespectively.Speakingat thevaledictorysession of thetwo-dayNationalConvention BJPNationalG e n e r a lSecretary andformer Himachal Minister ShriJagat Prakash Nadda exorted allBJP Mayors and other officebearers of BJP ruled civic bodiesacross the country to focus onprotecting both the environment,natural and cultural. He furthersaid that the Charter ofCommitments adopted by thedelegates at this conventionshould serve the purpose of a setof guiding principles and if <strong>Party</strong>Mayors strive to translate thesecommitments into reality, BJPwill be able to successfullyexpand its urban base.In the afternoon session,<strong>Party</strong> National Secretary Smt.Saroj Pandey delivered a KeyNote address focusing mainlyon greater powers to the electedrepresentatives. She stressed theneed for ensuring greaterdevolution of administrativepowers to the electedrepresentatives leading togreater financial and functionalpowers to the urban localbodies. Shri Vivek Shejwalkar,former Gwalior Mayor andConvener of BJP’s UrbanMunicipalbodies Cellchaired thesession.LucknowMayor Dr.Dinesh Sharmawelcomed allthe delegateswhile <strong>Party</strong>Secretary ShriBhupenderYadav madeintroductoryremarks.BJP National Vice-PresidentShri Kalraj Mishra and State BJPPresident Shri Suryapratap Sahialso spoke at this occasion. Inhis speech Shri Suryapratap Sahicame down heavily on the UPState Govt. for its crass disregardto the needs of urban bodiesespecially its apathy towards thespirit of the 74 th amendment.In the evening, there was agroup discussion sessionwherein all the delegates dwelton the Draft Charter ofCommitment prepared by the<strong>Party</strong>.On November 20 theparticipants discussed aboutthree major national policies viz.Urban Sanitation Policy, UrbanTransportation Policy andHawkers and Street Vendorpolicy. After adopting a Charterof Commitments a specialresolution on situation in urbanmunicipal bodies in UttarPradesh was also passed.Following is the text of theCharter of Commitments adoptedat this National Convention: •

Special ReportDevelopment of Gujarat is all inclusiveBy V. Shanmuganathan"What is the secret of successin Gujarat? What is the basic factorthat has contributed to the allround development of the State?"I put this question to GujaratChief Minister Shri. NarendraModi when I met him. He said"Credit for all this goes to thepeople of Gujarat. Without theiractive participation, the impact ofgovernment run schemes wouldhave been lost. Therefore, we involvepeople in every developmentprogramme. We have convertedevery adversity into anopportunity". Shri Modi has indeedushered in a sustained, allrounddevelopment in the statewith power and passion.Gujarat was a perennial waterscarce state because of traditionallyhit by less rainfall, fasterrun off into the sea, few perennialrivers, uneven distribution ofwater across regions, lowground-water levels, salinity anddesertification. Shri Modi took itas a challenge and harnessing ofwater was given topmost priority.Completion of multi-purposeSardar Sarovar Narmada Projectwas expedited. A mega project ofconstructing 400 km long rechargecanal to carry extra floodwaters to dry areas was undertaken.These efforts were supplementedby interlinking of riversof the state and water conservationwas made a people's movement.More than 3 lakh checkdams, village and farm ponds,Borihunds have been raised inrecent years. The age-old stepwells are also being revived. Thisresulted in underground waterlevels started rising every year.<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 24HIGHLIGHTSSuccessful interlinking of adozen rivers24 hour uninterrupted threephase electricity to all thehouseholds in all the 18000 villagesWater now flowing in the riverswhich had dried up longbackRural productivity has goneupThe migration from rural tourban areas has come down.Per capita Income of GujaratMuslims of Gujarat is the highestin the countryBecause of administrative excellencecorruption has comedown.Another major work undertakenhas been to supply water to faroff areas like Kutch districtthrough Narmada by laying bulkline and distribution of water.Gujarat has successfullyinterlinked a dozen rivers includingSabarmati. The river whichhad dried up since long startedflowing with water.Paying special attention tothe energy sector, BJP governmentfacilitated new investments inpower generation, transmissionand distribution facilities. Newtransmission lines covering58,599 km were laid. New transformersnumbering 12621 across18000 villages were incorporated.New power plants werelaunched. The biggest achievementof Shri Narendra Modi hasbeen to provide 24 hour uninterruptedthree phase power supplyto all the households in all the18000 villages. It has not only illuminatedlife but has alsoenergised economic activities inthe villages with enormous success.The rural productivity hasgone up. Migration to urban areashas come down. In the powersector, Gujarat is Number 1 statein the country. Renewablesources of energy have been developedincluding wind and solarenergy.Another innovating effort isin the matter of motivating parentsto send their children toschool. In June every year theChief Minister along with hisCabinet colleagues visits remotevillages to motivate parents toenroll their children in school.Young children in lakhs get en-

olled in standard 1 all over thestate. Members of Parent-Teacherassociations, self-help groups,and donors present the newlyenrolled children with gifts ofschool bags, slates, textbooks,note-books and uniform. To motivateparents to send their girlchild to school, the Government.has launched a "Vidya Laxmi"scheme providing for a fixed sumwhen the girl gets admitted tostandard 1st and 8th which canbe encashed after she has passedstandard 5th and 12th respectively.In addition, Shri Modi hasalso extended an insurance coverof ` one lakh to all the school andcollege students. Governmentalso pays special to higher, technical,medical, engineering educationin institutions of excellenceto ensure better quality.Shri Narendra Modilaunched a unique scheme toimprove health service by involvingthe private medical doctorsto undertake safe deliveries ofpregnant women. This approachhelps poor mothers to undergosafe delivery at clinics of privatemedical practitioners and thecost is reimbursed by the government.This has resulted in substantialincrease in safe deliveriesand drastic decrease in the<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 25mortality rate of mothers andnewly born children. Governmenthas exempted stamp dutyif a house is registered in awoman's name. State attracts investmentsto the tune of lakhs ofcrores in various sectors of industryand infrastructure from domesticand foreign investorsthrough a special campaigncalled Vibrant Gujarat.Law and order situation ismuch better. According to theGujarat handles public grievances with a humanitariantouch. On 4th Thursday of every month, grievancesof people are registered in the state capital and instantlytransmitted online to the concerned authorities. The authoritiesfeed their replies. In the afternoon, the C.M. personallylistens to the applicants one by one. The grievancesas well as replies of the concerned authorities areavailable on his screen online. Through videoconferencing C.M. Modi on the spot interacts with theconcerned authorities in the presence of the applicant.annual report of the NationalCrime Records Bureau, the incidentand rate of violent crimesplace Gujarat in much better positionin comparison to manyother states.Gujarat handles publicgrievances with a humanitariantouch. On 4th Thursday of everymonth, grievances of people areregistered in the state capital andinstantly transmitted online tothe concerned authorities. Theauthorities feed their replies. Inthe afternoon, the C.M. personallylistens to the applicants oneby one. The grievances as well asreplies of the concerned authoritiesare available on his screenonline. Through videoconferencing C.M. Modi on thespot interacts with the concernedauthorities in the presence of theapplicant. At that time, the applicantsare free to interact or interruptthe authorities. Since theChief Minister interacts personally,the administration is on itstoes. This has proved a very effectivesystem of grievanceredressal.At the district and talukalevel, concerned authorities hearthe public grievances on the sameday and redress them.Malicious lies about the conditionof Muslims in Gujaratstand falsified by facts. A studymade by the Sacchar committeeappointed by UPA has revealedthat the economic, social andeducational condition of Muslimsis much better than elsewherein the country. This reportshows that Muslims are the happiestin Gujarat. They receivemainstream education. Their literacylevel is fast improving. Theproportion of Muslims in highgovernment services is betterthan in UP or West Bengal. Theirper capita income too is highestin the country.The model of governancepracticed by Shri Narendra Modiis based on performance, not appeasement.While fixing rationalelectricity charges, he went by theprofessional advice of the ElectricityRegulatory Commission.To the agitating farmers he assuredthat he was aware of theirrequirements of water. In the followingyears, he implementedsurface water schemes. Now thefarmers can get water for irrigationat much less cost.The encroachments obstructingroad traffic were removed.Electricity thefts were dealt withiron hand. There were no protestsbecause people understood thatit was all in their own interest inthe long run. •

8 th India Today State of the States ReportDhumal takes Himachal to the topThe small State makes it bigFrom Our CorrespondentHimachal Pradesh madeit a big winning the topposition winning thehighest number of five awardsin the country. The State led byBJP Chief Minister Prof. PremKumar Dhumal broke the sevenyearunchallenged stint ofPunjab to grab the No. 1 positionamong the 20 big states in theeighth State of the States reportreleased by India Today onNovember 19.A beaming Prof. PremKumar Dhumal at therecognition of the good workdone by his BJP governmentduring the last three yearsreceived the trophy from theVice-President of India, ShriHamid Ansari to the cheeringand clapping by a galaxy ofchief ministers from almostevery State in the countrypresent at the prestigiousoccasion.Though a small State withjust 4 member representation inthe Lok Sabha and in populationless than Delhi, yet Himachalwas considered in the categoryof big States. BJP-ruled four Statesof Himachal, Gujarat,Uttarakhand, and Chhattisgarhand three NDA States havecornered great honours invarious categories.Since 2003 the India Todayhas been publishing, every year,the State of the States report. Itmeasures the performance of<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 26states in nine critical areas,including agriculture,infrastructure, investment,health, education andgovernance. A notable additionto this year’s report is anexhaustive study of the socioeconomicand law and ordersituation in 72 Naxal-affecteddistricts spread across ninestates.Achievements speakeloquentlyAt the opening of the State ofthe State Conclave, where thereport was formally released and17 states were honoured, IndiaToday Group chairman andeditor-in-chief Aroon Puriedescribed the document as “aportrait of a country where theruler can no longer win by wordsbut by actions that can make adifference to the lives of thepeople for the better.” Thewinner, he said, “is not themanipulator of mass minds butan action hero for whomdevelopment is not a slogan butan article of faith. Good politicsis all about good governance.”Himachal Pradesh,according to the report, is at thetop because it has invested ininfrastructure and kept itspriorities right in health andeducation. Himachal also led inthe macro economy category.In the individual categories,Himachal topped in investmentenvironment, followed byUttarakhand, which has taken abig leap forward from its seventhposition last year.An interesting indicator ofreal progress being made by thestates is the roster of fast movers.Here, the heavy hitters areChhattisgarh in electricity, gasand water consumption andJharkhand in gross primaryschool enrollment. Gujarat hasestablished itself as the fastestmover in agriculture. •

Continued from page 9ordered enquiry when the 3Gspectrum auction against thetarget of 35,000 crores earned theGovernment a huge benefit of 1lac crores.Why did the Prime Ministerchose to keep silent when about85 ineligible companies (asfound by the CAG) were grantedletters of Intent and moresurprisingly the companieswhich won the licences werepermitted to trade in spectrum.As a result Swan telecom whichwon the licence for about <strong>15</strong>00crores and Unitech which wonthe licence for about 1600 croresand many others sold a part oftheir equity to foreign partners,who sprang overnight at a priceranging from 7000-9000 crores.When all this was happeningwhy did the Prime Minister yetkept quiet when confirmedevidence of deliberate underpricingof 2G spectrum becameevident?The entire issue was debatedextensively in the Parliament inJuly 2009, yet a vague reply wasgiven though, all the above factsand much of what the CAG hassaid today was brought to thenotice of the Government by theBJP.The CBI startedinvestigating the matter in Oct.2009 and in the interim reportfound that a scam of nearly 25000crores has taken place. Why wasthe CBI not allowed tointerrogate the secretaryTelecom, and other key officialsin spite of a raid in the Ministryof Telecom. Leave asidepermitting the interrogation of A.Raja or even changing hisDepartment (much less removinghim), the Prime Minister brought<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 27the integrity standard to an alltime low by forcing theappointment of the TelecomSecretary as the CVC.These are only some of theuncomfortable questions Mr.Prime Minister whose reply youhave deliberately andconsciously avoided. India iswitnessing a deeply disturbingand distressing spectacle. ThePrime Minister claims, he is aman of great integrity andprofesses probity and yet rightunder his nose lacs of crores ofpublic money is being lootedsystematically by people who arepart of the system and workunder him. Be it the 2G spectrumscam or, the commonwealthOrganising Committee massivescam and other scams. Thenation is not going to believe the“Besura Rag Darbari” and thepeople would draw their ownconclusions.The Prime Minister hasappealed to the opposition toallow the Parliament to run anddebate and discuss. The BJPwould like to ask the PrimeMinister that we have debated,re-debated discussed, rediscussedand asked questionsrepeatedly. Mr. Prime Minister,you had defended Mr. Rajainitially and be very honest butfor the Parliamentary pressureyou would not have even askedhim to resign. Mr. Prime Ministeryou want debate, the BJP wantsaction and those responsiblemust be arrested and sent to jailand prosecuted under thePrevention of Corruption Act. Wewant A. Raja and companyincluding the beneficiaries to beinterrogated, arrested andprosecuted. JPC is the onlyinstrument to ensure that all thisis done. It is to be recalled thatthere was a meeting of all theOpposition parties in theParliament with Shri PranabMukharjee where the entireOpposition unanimouslydemanded a JPC in which theLeaders of Opposition of both theHouses Smt. Sushma Swaraj andShri Arun Jaitley were alsopresent. Shri Pranab Mukharjeeassured in the meeting that hewould revert to them afterconsultation with the PrimeMinister. Till date he has notconveyed any formal proposalto enable the opposition to takea final view. •Courtesy : Mail Today

State ReportsFrom Our CorrespondentsUTTARAKHANDState emerging best State forinvestment : Ramesh PokhriyalUttarakhand has been selected as the bestemerging State for investment at a programme,which was organised by India Today, onNovember 22, <strong>2010</strong>. For this Chief Minister RameshPokhriyalNishank hasreceived prize<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 28from Vice-PresidentHamid Ansariin New Delhi.W h i l eaddressingthe mediapersons, ChiefMinister ShriR a m e s hPokhrialNishank saidthat the State has made commendable progresssince its inception. For instance the State’s GDPwas mere 2.9 per cent at the time of formation of thestate, while it is now 9.4 per cent and per capitaincome was mere 14,000 but now its has reached42,000.The State has made progress in financialmanagement which is why the 13th FinanceCommission has given ‘1,000 crore to the State.The State has made vision 2020, under which theState is making all effort to make Uttarakhand asmodel State, the Chief Minister said.Talking about the State’s industrial package,which was given by then Atal Bihari Vajpayee-ledNDA Government in 2003 for next 10 year, he saidit was curtailed by the Congress led UPAGovernment up to <strong>2010</strong> and it was against theinterest of the newly-born State. The StateGovernment has developed own infrastructure inindustrial sector and sought industrial packageup to 2013 on the pattern of the North-EasternStates. Highlighting the priority of the StateGovernment Nishank said that the Government ismaking special effort in the field of education,Ayush and tourism. Char Dham is being connectedwith air service and the State is having nationaland international educational institutes.MADHYA PRADESHCM’s Vanvasi Samman YatraDevelopment of tribals is my firstpriority : Shivraj Singh ChouhanMP Chief Minister Shri Shivraj SinghChouhan’s third stage of Vanvasi SammanYatra reached Dadar Tola of Chada in Dindoridistrict on November 19, <strong>2010</strong>. With a view toredress the problems of tribals andto expedite the developmentalworks in the backward areas ofthe state the Chief Minister hasstarted this Yatra.At Dadar Tola ShriChouhan had tea at the houseof a tribal Koili Bai Baigaand appreciated the tasteof tea. Koily Bai wassurprised to see the ChiefMinister at her residence.She said that this was thefirst time in history that aChief Minister visited the house of a tribal Baigaand had tea. Koily Bai and other members of herfamily presented Shri Chouhan with theirtraditional gift. Shri Chouhan said that these giftsare priceless and he would take it home and giveit to his wife. The Chief Minister directed to giveGovernment job to Satia Bai, granddaughter ofKoili Bai. He also directed to give old-age pensionto Koily Bai and promised that next time he wouldcome with his wife.On November 23 the CM met the tribals inShahdol district. Shahdol is a predominantly tribaldistrict and meeting the tribals was the mainpurpose of CM’s visit. He heard them patientlyand promised that development of tribals is thepriority and responsibility of his Government.That was not an empty promise. He laidfoundation stones for several development worksin the district. To make his trip to KhamhariyaVillage in Shahdol district memorable, ShriChouhan distributed forest land right certificatesto 88 forest dwellers and National SavingsCertificates to 105 girls. Agricultural implementswere given to 120 tribals. The CM also presentedcheques worth Rs 8.50 lakh to 28 persons underHouse-Cum-Construction Workers Scheme. TheChief Minister also announced to open ITI at

Jaitpur, upgraded high school to higher secondaryschool at Khamharia and inaugurated a girls’hostel. He also expressed grief over the death ofthree persons at a tractor trolley accident recentlyin the area and announced to give Rs one lakh asrelief each to the dependents of the dead, Rs 50,000each to the seriously injured and Rs 20,000 eachto the victims who escaped with minor injuries.Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan assured a largegathering of tribals assembled at the function thatthere will be no shortage of funds for developmentand welfare of tribals. All out efforts will be madefor their progress. He said that first priority andimportance will be given to those who are deprivedof and are at the end of the line in the society. Hesaid that Vanvasi Samman Yatra was started forsolving problems of the tribals and their problemswill be solved on priority basis. The Chief Ministerassured that number of Adivasi Ashram Schoolsand hostels will be increased with a view for bettereducation of tribal children. He said that for highereducation of children of tendu patta collectors,financial assistance will be given. He said thatenough money will be given to them for studyingin medical and engineering colleges so that theyalso reach higher posts.BJP highlights poor maintenanceof National HighwayThe <strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> on November 23,<strong>2010</strong> conducted a State-wide agitation tohighlight the poor maintenance of nationalhighways passing through Madhya Pradesh.There are around 4,000 kilometers of nationalhighways passing through the State.State BJP President Shri Prabhat Jha, who ledthe agitation in Bhopal, said, “Even though theUnion Minister for Road Transport and Highways,Shri Kamal Nath, hails from the State, we muststruggle to save our national highways.”Accusing the Union Government of adoptinga step-motherly attitude with respect to the State,Shri Jha alleged that it did not spare even a singlepenny for the maintenance of the highways in thepast one year. Over seven crore people of the Stateare facing problems owing to the deplorablecondition of the highways.Shri Prabhat Jha said that there are fourMinisters in the Union Government from MadhyaPradesh. They were elected by the common man,<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 29who believed that they would contribute theirefforts for the development of his home State, butthey have reneged on their promise, he said.The BJP leaders and workers took out a footmarch from the 11-mile trisection on Hoshangabadroad-NH-12. Those who participated in the marchwere State BJP Spokesperson Shri Vijesh Lunawat,State BJP media in-charge Shri Hitesh Bajpai, Stateoffice secretary Shri Alok Sanjar, State Vice-President Smt. Sadhna Singh, Smt. Seema Singh,district president Shri Alok Sharma and others.Several other foot-marches were organised allover the State including Rewa district headquarterswhere former Chief Minister Shri Kailash JoshiMP spearheaded the rally. At Shajapur, theagitation was led by Shri Makhan Singh, whilesenior party leader Shri Kailash Sarang led theagitation at Shyampur in Sehore district.Protest demonstrations were reported fromBudhni (Sehore), Pandhurna (Chhindwara),Amarpatan (Satna), Jabalpur and Jabalpur (rural),five places in Guna district, four places in Shivpuridistrict, Betul, Rajgarh, Indore, Jhabua, Gwalior,Dhar, Bhind, Chhatarpur, Panna, Sidhi and Seoni.ANDHRA PRADESHCongress betraying Telanganapeople : G. Kishan Reddy<strong>Bharatiya</strong> <strong>Janata</strong> <strong>Party</strong> AP State president ShriG. Kishan Reddy has demanded that theCongress introduce a bill for creation of separateTelangana State in the ensuing Parliament sessionto prove its sincerity on the statehood issue.Shri Reddy visited Karimnagar on November17 to participate in various party programmes. Hewas accorded a rousing reception by the party

ank and file who took outhuge rallies. He launched hisparty programmes bygarlanding the statue ofTelangana Thalli amidslogans of “Jai Telangana.”Speaking at the partyworkers’ meeting in theevening, he launched ascathing attack on the Congress for betraying thepeople of Telangana by going back on its promiseof carving separate Telangana State. Flaying theCongress for distributing compensation to theTelangana martyrs’ families and sheddingcrocodile tears for the cause of Telangana State, hesaid that the Congress was insulting the Telanganamartyrs and their families by paying thecompensation of Rs.1 lakh.Reminding that the Telangana youth were notcommitting suicides for compensation, he askedthe Congress leaders whether the Congress leaderswere ready to commit suicide for Telangana. Healso alleged that the Congress was responsible forthe suicides in Telangana.DELHIShiela Govt. responsible for LalitaPark incident : Vijender GuptaBJP Delhi Pradesh President Shri Vijender Guptahas held the DelhiGovernment and CentralUrban Development Ministrydirectly responsible for thedeath of more than 55 peopleand injuries to 70 people in theincident of collapse of a fivestoried building inGarwali Mohalla ofLalita Park area anddemanded registeringcase under section 304-A of IPC andpunishment to the guilty persons. He has alsodemanded Delhi Government to give immediatecompensation of five lakh rupees to each of thefamily of deceased and two lakh rupeescompensation to the injured persons.Shri Gupta said, “I visited the place of incidentimmediately after the incidence and saw the<strong>Dec</strong>ember 1-<strong>15</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> 30mismanagement of the Delhi Government. Theclaims of Disaster Management by DelhiGovernment was seen nowhere. JCD machines,Gas cutter, Tractor, Ambulance etc. reached 3 hoursafter the incident and could not go inside. Thelocal people showed courage and due to this thenumber of deaths could not increase. People savedlives of about 70 people in no time and admittedthem in hospitals”. Shri Gupta has asked ChiefMinister where were the emergency service of thegovernment of Disaster Management ?He said even at present the slumber of FloodControl Department, Delhi Jal Board, DisasterManagement Department and Chief Minister havenot ended. There is also flood water under thebasement of many buildings of the area in whichthis incident occurred. There is danger of collapseof hundreds of houses in the surrounding areas.•Continued from page 18the conduct of elections and he monitored theprogress every other day personally. The BiharBJP received full ashirwad and guidance from theCentral leadership. National General Secretary(Organisation) Shri Ram Lal kept a finger on thepulse of the party apparatus and ensured that theorganization was in full gear for the great challenge.Chairman of the BJP Parliamentary <strong>Party</strong>, Shri L. K.Advani, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Smt.Sushma Swaraj, Leader of Opposition in RajyaSabha, Shri Arun Jaitley, MP BJP President ShriPrabhat Jha MP, BJP Chief Spokesperson Shri RaviShankar Prasad, BJP MPs Sarvshri ShahnawajHussain, Shatrughan Sinha, J. S. Sidhu, Rajiv PratapRudy and others campaigned extensively duringthe one month long election period.<strong>Party</strong>’s morchas and cells, particularly MahilaMorcha national President Smt. Smriti Irani andBJYM national President Shri Anurag Thakur MPmobilized women and youth to ensure party’s win.Mood upbeat in BJPAs the reports of BJP’s unprecedented victorystarted pouring in, there was an atmosphere ofcelebration at the <strong>Party</strong> headquarters in AshokRoad, New Delhi and Patna. Workers and leadersdanced to the beating of drums. Shri Gadkari andother leaders came out in the open to join thekaryakartyas in their merry-making to the burstingof crackers.•

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