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Creating Safer Schools: Lessons Learned; Strategies for Action Session 110

Session 1Creating Safer Schools: Lessons Learned; Strategies for ActionSession 2:Responses:What needs to happen?“In 1997, theMinistry of Educationand Sports (MoES)announced in aCircular that corporalpunishment wasprohibited in theschools. However, thewording of the Circularwas ambiguous andthere appeared to beno follow up strategyby MoES to ensure thatthe intention behindthe Circular wasclearly understood andpracticed in schools. “Key objective: Identification of promising strategies torespond to some of the specific problems in schools.Methodology: Dipak Naker, Co-director of Raising Voices,acted as an overall coordinator of the collective reflection whileChristopher Mugumya of ANPPCAN Uganda, Dr. Sara Rutoof Kenyatta University and Rakesh Rajani, Executive Director ofHakiElimu, were each asked to take a few moments to makebrief remarks. The group then picked up the discussion as aresponse to, or building on, these comments.Context: If the problem of unsafe schools is multifaceted, asdiscussed in the previous session, then our responses have toembody holistic approaches. Adopting a narrow response maymake a specific contribution, however it will be the interplayof strategically crafted responses that is likely to establish saferschools as a norm in our communities. In this session, thereflection began with a sharing of what has worked for theparticipants as a basis for establishing the groundwork for thefollowing sessions on developing guiding principles for creatingeffective responses.Christopher Mugumya11

Creating Safer Schools: Lessons Learned; Strategies for Action Session 110

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