Multi-Cell MIMO Cooperative Networks: A New Look at Interference

Multi-Cell MIMO Cooperative Networks: A New Look at Interference Multi-Cell MIMO Cooperative Networks: A New Look at Interference
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1380 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010Multi-Cell MIMO Cooperative Networks: A NewLook at InterferenceDavid Gesbert, Stephen Hanly, Howard Huang, Shlomo Shamai Shitz, Osvaldo Simeone, and Wei YuAbstract—This paper presents an overview of the theoryand currently known techniques for multi-cell MIMO (multipleinput multiple output) cooperation in wireless networks. Indense networks where interference emerges as the key capacitylimitingfactor, multi-cell cooperation can dramatically improvethe system performance. Remarkably, such techniques literallyexploit inter-cell interference by allowing the user data tobe jointly processed by several interfering base stations, thusmimicking the benefits of a large virtual MIMO array. MulticellMIMO cooperation concepts are examined from differentperspectives, including an examination of the fundamentalinformation-theoretic limits, a review of the coding and signalprocessing algorithmic developments, and, going beyond that,consideration of very practical issues related to scalability andsystem-level integration. A few promising and quite fundamentalresearch avenues are also suggested.Index Terms—Cooperation, MIMO, cellular networks, relays,interference, beamforming, coordination, multi-cell, distributed.I. INTRODUCTIONA. Dealing with interference: conventional and novel approachesFADING and interference are the two key challenges facedby designers of mobile communication systems. Whilefading puts limits on the coverage and reliability of anypoint-to-point wireless connection, e.g., between a base stationand a mobile terminal, interference restricts the reusability ofthe spectral resource (time, frequency slots, codes, etc.) inspace, thus limiting the overall spectral efficiency expressed inbits/sec/Hz/base station. At least, so has been the conventionalview until recent findings in the area of cooperative transmission.Two basic scenarios are envisioned for cooperation inwireless networks. The first one assumes a (virtual) MIMOmodel for cooperative transmission over otherwise interferinglinks and will be the focus of this paper, while in the secondrelays are exploited. There exist interesting conceptual bridgesManuscript received 10 January 2010; revised 1 July 2010. The review ofthis tutorial article was coordinated by Senior Editor Pamela Cosman.D. Gesbert is with EURECOM, 06904 Sophia Antipolis, France ( Hanly is with the National University of Singapore Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering (e-mail: Huang is with Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, NJ., USA ( Shamai Shitz is with Technion, Israel ( Simeone is with the Center for Wireless Communication and SignalProcessing Research (CWCSPR) New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)(e-mail: Yu is with The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto ( Object Identifier 10.1109/JSAC.2010.101202.0733-8716/10/$25.00 c○ 2010 IEEEbetween the two setups however, as will be made clearer inSection III and beyond.Relay-based cooperative techniques try to mitigate detrimentalpropagation conditions from a transmitter to a receiverby allowing communication to take place via a third partydevice (mobile or base) acting as a relay. Initially developedrelay-based cooperative transmission protocols have proved tobe instrumental in mitigating fading effects (both path loss andmultipath related) in point-to-point and point-to-multipointcommunications. So-called amplify-forward, decode-forward,compress-forward cooperation schemes exploit available relaynodes to offer a powerful extra diversity dimension [1].While conventional diversity and relaying schemes greatlyimprove the link-level performance and reliability, they dolittle to increase the quality of service to users placed insevere inter-cell interference-dominated areas, such as thecell boundary areas of current cellular networks. Instead,interference should be dealt with using specific tools such as"virtual" or "network" MIMO, so as to maximize the numberof co-channel links that can coexist with acceptable quality ofservice. In the high SNR regime (achieved in, say, a small cellscenario), this figure of merit corresponds to the maximumnumber of concurrent interference-free transmissions and isreferred to as the multiplexing gain of the network, or thenumber of degrees of freedom in the information-theoreticterminology.The conventional non-cooperative approach to interference,via spatial reuse partitioning, prevents the reuse of any spectralresource within a certain cluster of cells. Typically, thefrequency re-use factor is much less than unity, so that thelevel of co-channel interference is low. Thus, interferenceis controlled by fixing the frequency reuse pattern and themaximum power spectral density levels of each base station.Current designs do allow for full frequency re-use in eachcell (typically for Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) orfrequency hopping spread spectrum systems) but this resultsin very severe interference conditions at the cell edge, causinga significant data rate drop at the terminals and a strong lackof fairness across cell users. Some interference mitigation isoffered by limited inter-cell coordination, which is conventionallyrestricted to scheduling or user assignment mechanisms(e.g. cell breathing) or soft handover techniques. Inter-cellinterference is treated as noise at the receiver side and is handledby resorting to improved point-to-point communicationsbetween the base station (BS) and the mobile station (MS),using efficient coding and/or single-link multiple-antenna techniques[2]. This approach to dealing with interference may becharacterized as passive.

1380 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010<strong>Multi</strong>-<strong>Cell</strong> <strong>MIMO</strong> <strong>Cooper<strong>at</strong>ive</strong> <strong>Networks</strong>: A <strong>New</strong><strong>Look</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Interference</strong>David Gesbert, Stephen Hanly, Howard Huang, Shlomo Shamai Shitz, Osvaldo Simeone, and Wei YuAbstract—This paper presents an overview of the theoryand currently known techniques for multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> (multipleinput multiple output) cooper<strong>at</strong>ion in wireless networks. Indense networks where interference emerges as the key capacitylimitingfactor, multi-cell cooper<strong>at</strong>ion can dram<strong>at</strong>ically improvethe system performance. Remarkably, such techniques literallyexploit inter-cell interference by allowing the user d<strong>at</strong>a tobe jointly processed by several interfering base st<strong>at</strong>ions, thusmimicking the benefits of a large virtual <strong>MIMO</strong> array. <strong>Multi</strong>cell<strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion concepts are examined from differentperspectives, including an examin<strong>at</strong>ion of the fundamentalinform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic limits, a review of the coding and signalprocessing algorithmic developments, and, going beyond th<strong>at</strong>,consider<strong>at</strong>ion of very practical issues rel<strong>at</strong>ed to scalability andsystem-level integr<strong>at</strong>ion. A few promising and quite fundamentalresearch avenues are also suggested.Index Terms—Cooper<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>MIMO</strong>, cellular networks, relays,interference, beamforming, coordin<strong>at</strong>ion, multi-cell, distributed.I. INTRODUCTIONA. Dealing with interference: conventional and novel approachesFADING and interference are the two key challenges facedby designers of mobile communic<strong>at</strong>ion systems. Whilefading puts limits on the coverage and reliability of anypoint-to-point wireless connection, e.g., between a base st<strong>at</strong>ionand a mobile terminal, interference restricts the reusability ofthe spectral resource (time, frequency slots, codes, etc.) inspace, thus limiting the overall spectral efficiency expressed inbits/sec/Hz/base st<strong>at</strong>ion. At least, so has been the conventionalview until recent findings in the area of cooper<strong>at</strong>ive transmission.Two basic scenarios are envisioned for cooper<strong>at</strong>ion inwireless networks. The first one assumes a (virtual) <strong>MIMO</strong>model for cooper<strong>at</strong>ive transmission over otherwise interferinglinks and will be the focus of this paper, while in the secondrelays are exploited. There exist interesting conceptual bridgesManuscript received 10 January 2010; revised 1 July 2010. The review ofthis tutorial article was coordin<strong>at</strong>ed by Senior Editor Pamela Cosman.D. Gesbert is with EURECOM, 06904 Sophia Antipolis, France ( Hanly is with the N<strong>at</strong>ional University of Singapore Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering (e-mail: Huang is with Bell Labs, Alc<strong>at</strong>el-Lucent, NJ., USA (e-mail:hchuang@alc<strong>at</strong> Shamai Shitz is with Technion, Israel ( Simeone is with the Center for Wireless Communic<strong>at</strong>ion and SignalProcessing Research (CWCSPR) <strong>New</strong> Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)(e-mail: Yu is with The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto ( Object Identifier 10.1109/JSAC.2010.101202.0733-8716/10/$25.00 c○ 2010 IEEEbetween the two setups however, as will be made clearer inSection III and beyond.Relay-based cooper<strong>at</strong>ive techniques try to mitig<strong>at</strong>e detrimentalpropag<strong>at</strong>ion conditions from a transmitter to a receiverby allowing communic<strong>at</strong>ion to take place via a third partydevice (mobile or base) acting as a relay. Initially developedrelay-based cooper<strong>at</strong>ive transmission protocols have proved tobe instrumental in mitig<strong>at</strong>ing fading effects (both p<strong>at</strong>h loss andmultip<strong>at</strong>h rel<strong>at</strong>ed) in point-to-point and point-to-multipointcommunic<strong>at</strong>ions. So-called amplify-forward, decode-forward,compress-forward cooper<strong>at</strong>ion schemes exploit available relaynodes to offer a powerful extra diversity dimension [1].While conventional diversity and relaying schemes gre<strong>at</strong>lyimprove the link-level performance and reliability, they dolittle to increase the quality of service to users placed insevere inter-cell interference-domin<strong>at</strong>ed areas, such as thecell boundary areas of current cellular networks. Instead,interference should be dealt with using specific tools such as"virtual" or "network" <strong>MIMO</strong>, so as to maximize the numberof co-channel links th<strong>at</strong> can coexist with acceptable quality ofservice. In the high SNR regime (achieved in, say, a small cellscenario), this figure of merit corresponds to the maximumnumber of concurrent interference-free transmissions and isreferred to as the multiplexing gain of the network, or thenumber of degrees of freedom in the inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoreticterminology.The conventional non-cooper<strong>at</strong>ive approach to interference,via sp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse partitioning, prevents the reuse of any spectralresource within a certain cluster of cells. Typically, thefrequency re-use factor is much less than unity, so th<strong>at</strong> thelevel of co-channel interference is low. Thus, interferenceis controlled by fixing the frequency reuse p<strong>at</strong>tern and themaximum power spectral density levels of each base st<strong>at</strong>ion.Current designs do allow for full frequency re-use in eachcell (typically for Code Division <strong>Multi</strong>ple Access (CDMA) orfrequency hopping spread spectrum systems) but this resultsin very severe interference conditions <strong>at</strong> the cell edge, causinga significant d<strong>at</strong>a r<strong>at</strong>e drop <strong>at</strong> the terminals and a strong lackof fairness across cell users. Some interference mitig<strong>at</strong>ion isoffered by limited inter-cell coordin<strong>at</strong>ion, which is conventionallyrestricted to scheduling or user assignment mechanisms(e.g. cell bre<strong>at</strong>hing) or soft handover techniques. Inter-cellinterference is tre<strong>at</strong>ed as noise <strong>at</strong> the receiver side and is handledby resorting to improved point-to-point communic<strong>at</strong>ionsbetween the base st<strong>at</strong>ion (BS) and the mobile st<strong>at</strong>ion (MS),using efficient coding and/or single-link multiple-antenna techniques[2]. This approach to dealing with interference may becharacterized as passive.

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1381In contrast, the emerging view on network design advoc<strong>at</strong>esa more proactive tre<strong>at</strong>ment of interference, which canbe accomplished through some form of interference-awaremulti-cell coordin<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>at</strong> the base st<strong>at</strong>ion side. Althoughthe complexity associ<strong>at</strong>ed with the coordin<strong>at</strong>ion protocolscan vary gre<strong>at</strong>ly, the underlying principle is the same: Basest<strong>at</strong>ions no longer tune separ<strong>at</strong>ely their physical and link/MAClayer parameters (power level, time slot, subcarrier usage,beamforming coefficients etc.) or decode independently ofone another, but instead coordin<strong>at</strong>e their coding or decodingoper<strong>at</strong>ions on the basis of global channel st<strong>at</strong>e and user d<strong>at</strong>a inform<strong>at</strong>ionexchanged over backhaul links among several cells.Coordin<strong>at</strong>ion protocols can exploit pre-existing finite capacitybackhaul links (e.g., 802.16 WiMax, 4G LTE) or may require adesign upgrade to accommod<strong>at</strong>e the extra inform<strong>at</strong>ion sharingoverhead. There are several possible degrees of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion,offering a trade-off between performance gains and the amountof overhead placed on the backhaul and over-the-air feedbackchannels. The different possible levels of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion areillustr<strong>at</strong>ed in detail in Section II.B. From multi-user to multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong>The history of base st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion can be traced back toprevious decades, with the concept of macroscopic diversitywhereby one or more mobiles communic<strong>at</strong>e their messagesthrough multiple surrounding base st<strong>at</strong>ions to provide diversityagainst long-term and short-term fading. In conventionalCDMA networks, soft-handoff allows a mobile to communic<strong>at</strong>esimultaneously with several base st<strong>at</strong>ions, and selectiondiversity is used to select the best of these connections <strong>at</strong> anygiven time. Such selection diversity increases both coverageand capacity [3], and combined with power control, it allowsfull frequency re-use in each cell. However, full frequencyre-use comes <strong>at</strong> a price: CDMA capacity is then criticallyconstrained by inter-cell interference, and the per-cell capacityin a network of interfering cells is much less than th<strong>at</strong> of asingle isol<strong>at</strong>ed cell. This reduction in capacity is measured bythe so-called “f-factor” [4]. We will see th<strong>at</strong> full base st<strong>at</strong>ioncooper<strong>at</strong>ion essentially removes this interference penalty.By “full base st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion” we mean th<strong>at</strong> all basest<strong>at</strong>ions are effectively connected to a central processingsite, as depicted in Figure 1 for the downlink scenario. Onthe downlink, the network is effectively a <strong>MIMO</strong> broadcastchannel with distributed antennas. First steps toward fullbase st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion were taken in [5], [6], [7] for theuplink, which is effectively a <strong>MIMO</strong> multiple access channel.In these works, the base st<strong>at</strong>ions cooper<strong>at</strong>e to decode eachuser. In [6], the model is a CDMA network, with single-userm<strong>at</strong>ched filter (SUMF) decoding, but the received signals froma mobile, <strong>at</strong> each base st<strong>at</strong>ion, are maximal r<strong>at</strong>io combinedbefore decoding. With such a global receiver there are nowasted signals causing pure interference: All received signalscarry useful inform<strong>at</strong>ion for the global decoder, and henceinterference is exploited. In [6], it is shown th<strong>at</strong> with theoptimal power control, such base st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion elimin<strong>at</strong>esthe inter-cell interference penalty. In other words, anetwork of interfering cells has the same per-cell capacity(in numbers of users) as a single, isol<strong>at</strong>ed cell. This resultbase st<strong>at</strong>ion…mobilecell numberh m 1,m 1m -1h m , m 1hm 1,mhm,mh m 1,m 1hm 1,mh m , m 1m m + 1…Fig. 1. A linear Wyner-type model with inter-cell interference spans L l =L r =1and K =3MSs per cell.was extended to CDMA networks with more sophistic<strong>at</strong>edmulti-user receivers (decorrel<strong>at</strong>or and MMSE receivers) in [7].Again, the interference is fully elimin<strong>at</strong>ed and the achievablenumber of simultaneous users is same as if the cells wereisol<strong>at</strong>ed from each other, although in this case the per-cellcapacity benefits further from the more sophistic<strong>at</strong>ed multiuserdetection.The story is not so clear-cut if we consider more fundamental,inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic models, where particular physicallayers (e.g., CDMA) or receiver structures, are not assumedapriori. Such inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic results will be surveyedin Section III. However, similar conclusions do hold <strong>at</strong> highSNR, in terms of the degrees of freedom, as will be seen.Pioneering work on the inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic capacity of theuplink of cellular networks with full base st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ionwas done in the early 90s [8], [9]. In these works, it was shownth<strong>at</strong> with full base st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion, the traditional approachof frequency re-use partitioning is inherently suboptimal.Wyner [9] introduced a linear array model, and a hexagonalcell model, which have become known as Wyner models ofcellular systems, and these are very tractable for inform<strong>at</strong>iontheoreticanalysis. In [8], it was shown th<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong> high SNR, thecapacity of a cellular system with fractional frequency re-useis less than a system with full frequency re-use, by exactlythe re-use factor. This is equivalent to saying th<strong>at</strong> full basest<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion reduces the inter-cell interference penalty(or “f-factor”) to zero.Although rich in content and ideas, [8], [9] stopped justshort of spelling out the connections between the multi-usermulti-cell channel and the <strong>MIMO</strong> channel. Communic<strong>at</strong>ionover the sp<strong>at</strong>ial modes of the point-to-point <strong>MIMO</strong> channel(so-called sp<strong>at</strong>ial multiplexing) was formalized l<strong>at</strong>er in the mid90s in [10], [11], then gradually extended to multi-user (MU-)<strong>MIMO</strong> channels. It was <strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong> stage only th<strong>at</strong> the downlinkof the multi-cell cooper<strong>at</strong>ive channel, first investig<strong>at</strong>ed for thedownlink in 2001 [12], was recognized to be almost identicalto the so-called broadcast <strong>MIMO</strong> channel, if one ignoresthe power constraint <strong>at</strong> the individual base st<strong>at</strong>ions. On theuplink, there is no difference between ideal 1 multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong>decoding and decoding over a multi-user <strong>MIMO</strong> channel.1 An ideal multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> channel is one where all base st<strong>at</strong>ions areconnected via infinite capacity backhaul links.

1382 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010Thus, a network of M ideally connected J-antenna basest<strong>at</strong>ions can serve a total of MJ terminals in an interferencefreemanner simultaneously, regardless of how strong theinterference is. To achieve this remarkable result, multi-usersp<strong>at</strong>ial precoding and decoding is involved on the downlinkand uplink respectively, much akin to techniques used overthe MU-<strong>MIMO</strong> channel [13]. To d<strong>at</strong>e, progress in the areaof multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion continues to parallel th<strong>at</strong>realized in the more general MU-<strong>MIMO</strong> area. Nevertheless,this domain of communic<strong>at</strong>ions provides specific and toughscientific challenges to communic<strong>at</strong>ion theorists, although,remarkably, it is already being considered within industry andstandardiz<strong>at</strong>ion fora.C. Challenges of multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong>Despite their promise, multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> systems still pose anumber of challenges both theoretical and practical, several ofwhich are described in this paper. First, a thorough understandingof the inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic capacity of multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong>system accounting for fading and p<strong>at</strong>h loss effects, even withan ideal backhaul, is yet to be obtained. As reviewed in thispaper, capacity results exist for simplified interference models.Such results provide intuition for the general performancebehavior but are difficult to extend to general channel models.Second, as multi-cell channels may involve a large number ofantennas and users, algorithm development work is requiredto reduce the complexity of currently proposed precodingand decoding schemes. Optimal precoding over the broadcast(downlink) <strong>MIMO</strong> channel as well as optimal joint decodingover the uplink involve non-linear comput<strong>at</strong>ionally intensiveoper<strong>at</strong>ions [14], [15] which scale poorly with the size of thenetwork. Third, the equivalence between multi-cell systemsand <strong>MIMO</strong> systems only holds in the case of ideal backhaulconditions. Practical cooper<strong>at</strong>ion schemes must oper<strong>at</strong>e withinthe constraints of finite capacity, finite l<strong>at</strong>ency communic<strong>at</strong>ionslinks between base st<strong>at</strong>ions.Deriving good theoretic performance bounds for <strong>MIMO</strong>cooper<strong>at</strong>ion over a channel with limited inform<strong>at</strong>ion exchangecapability between the cooper<strong>at</strong>ing transceivers is a difficulttask. As shown in this paper some results are available forafewsimplified network models. From a practical point-ofview,a major research goal is to find good signal processingand coding techniques th<strong>at</strong> approach ideal cooper<strong>at</strong>ive gainswhile relying on mostly local channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion andlocal user d<strong>at</strong>a. This problem, referred to here as distributedcooper<strong>at</strong>ion, is as challenging as it is important. Efficientpartial feedback represent<strong>at</strong>ion methods building on classical<strong>MIMO</strong> research [16] are also desirable. From a systemlevelperspective, simul<strong>at</strong>ions indic<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> substantial gainsin capacity and increased fairness across cell loc<strong>at</strong>ions willbe accrued from the adoption of multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> techniques.Yet, a number of important practical issues must be addressedbefore a very realistic assessment of system gains can be made,such as the impact of imperfect synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion between basest<strong>at</strong>ions, imperfect channel estim<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the receiver side, andnetwork l<strong>at</strong>ency. Such aspects are addressed <strong>at</strong> the end of thepaper along with a review of current field experiments.D. Scope and organiz<strong>at</strong>ion of paperThe theoretical tre<strong>at</strong>ments of interference-limited channelson the one hand, and of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion protocols on the otherhand, are still m<strong>at</strong>uring, mostly due to the inherent complexityof the problem. Nevertheless, the liter<strong>at</strong>ure in these areas hasgrown to be extremely rich. For this reason, we do not <strong>at</strong>temptcomplete coverage of those domains of research. Instead, wefocus on the adapt<strong>at</strong>ion of multi-antenna processing principlesto the context of multi-cell cooper<strong>at</strong>ion. We refer to theobtained framework as multi-cell processing (MCP).In Section II, we begin with the m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ical models forthe network and signals, and the way th<strong>at</strong> inform<strong>at</strong>ion isexchanged between the cells. Basic not<strong>at</strong>ions for multi-cellcooper<strong>at</strong>ion are given. Next, in Section III, key inform<strong>at</strong>iontheoreticresults are surveyed th<strong>at</strong> establish closed-form expressionsfor sum r<strong>at</strong>e bounds for several important interferenceand backhaul models. In Sec. IV, the focus is the designof practical MCP techniques, assuming an ideal backhaul. Sec.V deals with the problem of finite capacity backhaul andconsiders the feasibility of scalable and distributed <strong>MIMO</strong>cooper<strong>at</strong>ion, using such concepts as partial feedback, distributedoptimiz<strong>at</strong>ion, Turbo base st<strong>at</strong>ions, and clustering.Sec. VI addresses system-level implement<strong>at</strong>ion issues due toexpected imperfections <strong>at</strong> the physical layer. Initial tests withprototypes are reported. Finally, Sec. VII provides perspectivesand suggestions for promising research avenues in this area.Throughout this paper we adopt the following not<strong>at</strong>ions:[x] k represents the kth element of vector k; 1 N ,and0 N areN × 1 vectors of all ones and all zeros, respectively; [a, b],where a ≤ b are integer, is the interval [a, ..., b]; (·) †representthe conjug<strong>at</strong>e transpose of its argument. I denotes the identitym<strong>at</strong>rix.II. MODELLING MULTI-CELL COOPERATIONA. System modelWe consider a multi-cell network comprising M cooper<strong>at</strong>ingbase st<strong>at</strong>ions assigned with the same carrier frequency.Each cell serves K users. The base st<strong>at</strong>ions are equippedwith J antennas each. Due to lack of space, we mostlyfocus on base st<strong>at</strong>ion-side interference control: The users havesingle-antenna terminals, unless otherwise specified. <strong>Multi</strong>pleantenna terminals can be considered to allow for the sp<strong>at</strong>ialmultiplexing of mutiple d<strong>at</strong>a streams per user, or to give usersidemulti-cell interference cancell<strong>at</strong>ion capability. The l<strong>at</strong>terturns out to be useful especially in the context of interferencecoordin<strong>at</strong>ion. This scenario is addressed in Section IV, butis otherwise excluded. The base st<strong>at</strong>ions can assume anygeometry, however, strongly structured cell models can helpthe theoretical analysis of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion, as is discussed inSection III.In the uplink, the received signal <strong>at</strong> the mth BS, m ∈ [1,M]can be written asM∑ K∑y m = h m,l,k x l,k + z m , (1)l=1 k=1where x l,k is the symbol transmitted by the k-th MS in thelth cell, h m,l,k denotes the J element channel vector from thek-th user of cell l towards the mth BS, z is the noise vector

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1383containing additive noise and any inter-cell interference notaccounted for by the M cooper<strong>at</strong>ing cells alone, for instanceif the networks fe<strong>at</strong>ures more than M BSs.The model for the downlink can be easily obtained from theone above. We will reuse some symbols, but their meaning willbe clear from the context. The signal received <strong>at</strong> the k-th userin the m-th cell is written as:y m,k =M∑h † l,m,k x l + z m , (2)l=1where x l is the transmitter signal vector with J elementstransmitted from the l-th BS containing possibly precoded(beamformed) inform<strong>at</strong>ion symbols for several users. Noteth<strong>at</strong>, as a convention, the downlink channel vector from thel-th BS towards the k-th user in the m-th cell is denotedby the complex conjug<strong>at</strong>ed form of the corresponding uplinkchannel h l,m,k . This is done to allow the explor<strong>at</strong>ion ofinteresting duality results between uplink and downlink, asseen in Sections III and IV. Note th<strong>at</strong> this represents a convenientwriting convention r<strong>at</strong>her than an actual assumptionon physical reciprocity of the uplink and downlink channels.Where/if such an assumption of reciprocity (e.g., TDD system)is actually needed will be made clear in the paper.B. The different levels of multi-cell cooper<strong>at</strong>ionIn this paper we distinguish simpler forms of multi-cell coordin<strong>at</strong>ionfrom those requiring a gre<strong>at</strong>er level of inform<strong>at</strong>ionsharing between cells.1) <strong>Interference</strong> coordin<strong>at</strong>ion: The performance of currentcellular networks can already be improved if the BSs share thechannel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion of both the direct and interferinglinks, obtained from the users via feedback channels (seeFig 2). The availability of channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion (CSI)allows BSs to coordin<strong>at</strong>e in their signaling str<strong>at</strong>egies, suchas power alloc<strong>at</strong>ion and beamforming directions, in additionto user scheduling in time and frequency. This basic level ofcoordin<strong>at</strong>ion requires a rel<strong>at</strong>ively modest amount of backhaulcommunic<strong>at</strong>ion and can be quite powerful if enough usersco-exist in the system (multi-user diversity) [17]. No sharingof transmission d<strong>at</strong>a, or signal-level synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion betweenthe base st<strong>at</strong>ions is necessary. We refer to such schemes asinterference-coordin<strong>at</strong>ion. In this case, the downlink signal <strong>at</strong>the l-th base, x l , is a combin<strong>at</strong>ion of symbols intended for itsK users alone.2) <strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion: On the other hand, when basest<strong>at</strong>ions are linked by high-capacity delay-free links, they canshare not only channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion, but also the full d<strong>at</strong>asignals of their respective users (see Fig. 3). A more powerfulform of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion can be achieved. In this scenario, the conceptof an individual serving base for one terminal disappearssince the network as a whole, or <strong>at</strong> least a group of cells, isserving the user. The combined use of several BS antennasbelonging to different cells to send or receive multiple userd<strong>at</strong>a streams mimicks transmission over a <strong>MIMO</strong> channel andis referred to here as <strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion. In principle, <strong>MIMO</strong>cooper<strong>at</strong>ion transforms the multi-cell network into a multiuser<strong>MIMO</strong> (MU-<strong>MIMO</strong>) channel for which all propag<strong>at</strong>ionlinks (including interfering ones) are exploited to carry usefulbase st<strong>at</strong>ionsmobiless 1h h 2, 11,1d<strong>at</strong>a symbols s1 s2,D<strong>at</strong>arouterh 3,1h 1,2, s3s s23Fig. 2. Illustr<strong>at</strong>ion of interference coordin<strong>at</strong>ion for the downlink. The BSsacquire and exchange channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion (but not the d<strong>at</strong>a symbols)pertaining to all relevant direct and interfering links, so as to optimizejointly their transmission parameters (time-frequency scheduling, power level,beamformingd<strong>at</strong>a, upon appropri<strong>at</strong>e precoding/decoding. In this case, thedownlink signal, x l , is a combin<strong>at</strong>ion of symbols intended forall MK users. In contrast, interference-coordin<strong>at</strong>ion schemestry to mitig<strong>at</strong>e the gener<strong>at</strong>ed interference, but they cannotreally exploit it. For instance, beamforming may be usedin each cell if the base st<strong>at</strong>ions are equipped with multipleantennas. In this case the beams typically try to strike acompromise between elimin<strong>at</strong>ing the inter-cell interferenceand maximizing the received energy to/from the user withinthe cell of interest. Ideally the choice of such beams acrossmultiple cells is coordin<strong>at</strong>ed.Although some interference-coordin<strong>at</strong>ion ideas are promising,they are touched upon r<strong>at</strong>her briefly in this paper, mainlyin Section IV. <strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion schemes are the main focusof our <strong>at</strong>tention.3) R<strong>at</strong>e-limited <strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion: In the intermedi<strong>at</strong>ecase, the base st<strong>at</strong>ions are linked by limited-capacity backhaullinks. Typically, channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion is shared first, thenonly a substream of user d<strong>at</strong>a or a quantized version of theantenna signals are shared among the base st<strong>at</strong>ions, whichallows partial interference cancell<strong>at</strong>ion. Such hybrid scenariosare investig<strong>at</strong>ed from an inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic point of view inSection III, then from an algorithmic perspective in SectionsIV and V.4) Relay-assisted cooper<strong>at</strong>ion: Instead of cooper<strong>at</strong>ingthrough backhaul links, it is also possible to consider channelmodels in which a separ<strong>at</strong>e relay node is available to assist thedirect communic<strong>at</strong>ion within each cell. Relay communic<strong>at</strong>ionis relevant to the multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> network because it canbe beneficial not only in strengthening the effective directchannel gain between the BS and the remote users, but also inhelping with intercell interference mitig<strong>at</strong>ion. Relay enabledcooper<strong>at</strong>ion is studied in Sec. III-E.III. CAPACITY RESULTS FOR MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong>COOPERATIONIn this section, we address the impact of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion oncellular systems from an inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic standpoint. Wemostly focus on the performance of MCP but we also considerh 3,2h 1,3h 2,3h 3,3

1384 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010base st<strong>at</strong>ionsmobiless , s1s2,h h 2, 11,1d<strong>at</strong>a symbols s1 s2,D<strong>at</strong>arouter3s1 s2,h 3,1h 1,2, s, sh 3,233s , sh 1,31s2,Fig. 3. Illustr<strong>at</strong>ion of multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> for the downlink. The BSs, eachequipped with J antennas, acquire and share channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion anduser d<strong>at</strong>a, so as to mimic the behavior of a large <strong>MIMO</strong> array with MJantennasthe interplay of such techniques with cooper<strong>at</strong>ion in the formof relaying <strong>at</strong> the Mobile St<strong>at</strong>ions (MSs) level.A. IntroductionThe analysis of MCP was started in the early works [8][9]for the uplink and [12] for the downlink. The analysis inthese works is based on the assumption th<strong>at</strong> the BSs areconnected via unrestricted backhaul links (error-free and unlimitedcapacity) to a Central Processor (CP) and focuses onmodels th<strong>at</strong>, in inform<strong>at</strong>ion theoretic terms, can be seen assymmetric Gaussian multiple-access or broadcast interferencechannels. In these models, typically referred to as Wyner-typemodels, a number of users per cell is served by a singleantennaBS, as in a multiple access or broadcast channel,and interference takes place only between adjacent cells, as inpartially connected interference networks [18]. Both modelswhere cells are arranged on a line or in a more conventionalbidimensional geometry can be considered, where the firstclass may model systems deployed along a highway or longcorridor (see [19] for an implement<strong>at</strong>ion-based study), whilethe second applies to more general scenarios.In this section, we consider the multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> scenario ofFig. 3 (i.e. with backhaul links allowing for some exchange ofCSI and d<strong>at</strong>a symbols inform<strong>at</strong>ion), however we will focus onsimplified cellular models th<strong>at</strong> extend the Wyner-type modelsconsidered in the initial works [8], [9], [12]. Specifically,we consider the presence of limited-capacity and limitedconnectivitybackhaul links, fading channels and the interplayof MCP with relaying. We will focus on the per-cell sumr<strong>at</strong>eas the criterion of interest. It should be noted th<strong>at</strong>, whilethe considered models capture some of the main fe<strong>at</strong>uresand practical constraints of real cellular systems, such as thelocality of interference and constrained backhaul links, otherfe<strong>at</strong>ures such as user-dependent p<strong>at</strong>h loss are not accountedfor (see, e.g., [20]). Therefore, the models <strong>at</strong> hand can be seenas useful simplific<strong>at</strong>ions of real cellular settings, th<strong>at</strong> enableinsights and intuition to be obtained via analysis. It should bealso noted th<strong>at</strong> the use of sum r<strong>at</strong>e as a system metric maymask other interesting fe<strong>at</strong>ures of multi-cell cooper<strong>at</strong>ion suchas improving the balancing of user’s quality of service fromcell center to cell edge.h 2,33h 3,3B. The Linear Wyner ModelIn this section, we review a basic system model for multiplecell networks introduced in [8], [9]. We focus the <strong>at</strong>tentionon linear Wyner-type models, as done in the original works.Extension of the given results to planar models is possible,though not always straightforward and we refer to [21] forfurther discussion on this point. An extension of the modelto include relays is discussed in Section III-E of the presentpaper. A linear Wyner-type model is sketched in Fig. 1. Wenow present the corresponding signal models for uplink anddownlink.1) Uplink: A general linear Wyner-type model is characterizedby M cells arranged on a line (as for a highwayor corridor), each equipped with a single-antenna (J = 1)base st<strong>at</strong>ion (BS) and K single-antenna MSs. In this class ofmodels, inter-cell interference <strong>at</strong> a given BS is limited to L lBSs on the left and L r on the right. Considering the uplink,the received signal (1) <strong>at</strong> the mth BS, m ∈ [1,M], <strong>at</strong>agiventime instant t ∈ [1,n] (n is the size of the transmitted block)can then be specialized as∑L ly m (t) = h T m,m−l(t)x m−l (t)+z m (t), (3)l=−L rwhere x m (t) is the K × 1 (complex) vector of signalstransmitted by the K MSs in the mth cell, the K × 1 vectorh m,l (t) contains the channel gains {h m,l,k }towardsthemthBS from mobiles in the lth cell (see Fig. 1 for an illustr<strong>at</strong>ion)and z m (t) is complex symmetric Gaussian noise with unitpower and uncorrel<strong>at</strong>ed over m and time. We assume equalper-user power constraints1n∑|[x m (t)] k | 2 ≤ P nK , (4)t=1for all m ∈ [1,M] and k ∈ [1,K], so th<strong>at</strong> the per-cellpower constraint is given by P . Notice th<strong>at</strong> model (3) assumesfull frame and symbol-level synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion among cells andusers, even though extensions of the available results to theasynchronous case may be possible following, e.g., [22].The model (3) discussed above reduces to the followingspecial cases th<strong>at</strong> will be referred to throughout this section:• Gaussian Wyner model: This corresponds to a st<strong>at</strong>icscenario with symmetric inter-cell interference and cellhomogeneouschannel gains, i.e., we have L l = L r = Land h m,m−k (t) =α k 1 K with α k = α −k and α 0 =1.By cell-homogeneous, we mean th<strong>at</strong> the channel gains donot depend on the cell index m, but only on the distancebetween interfering cells (see also discussion below onedge effects). Parameter L can be referred to as the intercellinterference span. Moreover, inter-cell gains α k ≥ 0,k ∈ [1,L], are deterministic (no fading) and generallyknown to all terminals. It is remarked th<strong>at</strong> in this classof models, all users in the same cell share the same p<strong>at</strong>hloss. We also emphasize th<strong>at</strong> the original model in [8],[9] had L =1, so th<strong>at</strong> the system referred to here asGaussian Wyner model is to be seen as an extension of[8], [9];• Gaussian soft-handoff model: This corresponds to ast<strong>at</strong>ic cell-homogeneous system like the Gaussian Wyner

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1385model, in which, however, there is no symmetry in theinter-cell channel gains. Specifically, we have inter-cellinterference only from the left cells as L l = L, L r =0and h m,m−k (t) =α k 1, with α 0 =1, where, as above,α k ≥ 0 are deterministic quantities. This model accountsfor a scenario in which users are placed <strong>at</strong> the borderof the cell so th<strong>at</strong> inter-cell interference is relevant onlyon one side of the given cell. In a number of works,including [23], [24], the Gaussian soft-handoff model isstudied with L =1, which can be seen as describing asoft-handoff situ<strong>at</strong>ion between two adjacent cells;• Fading Wyner model: This model incorpor<strong>at</strong>es fading,accounted for by random channel gains h m,k (t), intheGaussian Wyner model. In particular, we have L l =L r = L and h m,m−k (t) =α k˜hm,m−k (t) where vectors˜h m,m−k (t), t∈ [1,n], are independent over m and k anddistributed according to a joint distribution π k with thepower of each entry of ˜h m,m−k (t) normalized to one.For simplicity, similar to the Gaussian Wyner model,st<strong>at</strong>istical symmetric inter-cell interference is assumed,i.e., α k = α −k (and α 0 =1)and π k = π −k . As fortemporal vari<strong>at</strong>ions, two scenarios are typical: (i) Quasist<strong>at</strong>icfading: Channels ˜h m,m−k (t) are constant over thetransmission of a given codeword (i.e., for t ∈ [1,n]); (ii)Ergodic fading: Channels ˜h m,m−k (t) vary in an ergodicfashion along the symbols of the codeword. The ergodicmodel was studied in [25] with L =1;• Fading soft-handoff model: This model is the fadingcounterpart of the Gaussian soft-handoff model, and hasL 1 = L, L 2 = 0, and h m,m−k (t) = α k˜hm,m−k (t)where ˜h m,m−k (t) are independent and modelled as forthe fading Wyner model. This scenario was consideredin [26], [27] (under more general conditions on the jointdistribution of vectors ˜h m,m−k (t)).In order to remove edge effects, we will focus on the regime ofa large number of cells, i.e., M →∞. This way, all cells seeexactly the same inter-cell interference scenario, possibly in ast<strong>at</strong>istical sense, as discussed above. An altern<strong>at</strong>ive approach,considered, e.g., in [8], [23], would be to consider a systemin which cells are placed on a circle, which would exhibithomogeneous inter-cell interference for any finite M. It isnoted th<strong>at</strong>, however, the two models coincide in the limit oflarge M and, in practice, results for the two models are veryclose for rel<strong>at</strong>ively small values of M [21].We now rewrite model (3) in a more compact m<strong>at</strong>ricialform. We drop dependence on time t for simplicity. Toproceed, construct a M × MK channel m<strong>at</strong>rix H such th<strong>at</strong>mth row collects all channel gains to mth BS, i.e., [h T m,1,h T m,2 , ..., hT m,m , hT m,m+1 , ..., hT m,M ], where hT m,m−kwithk /∈ [−L r ,L l ] are to be considered as zero. We can thenwrite the M × 1 vector of received signals y =[y 1 , ..., y M ] Tasy = Hx + z, (5)where x =[x T 1 ···xT M ]T is the vector of transmitted signalsand z the uncorrel<strong>at</strong>ed vector of unit-power Gaussian noises.From the definition above, it is clear th<strong>at</strong>, in general, H is afinite-band m<strong>at</strong>rix (in the sense th<strong>at</strong> only a finite number ofdiagonals have non-zero entries). Moreover, it is not difficultbase st<strong>at</strong>ionbase st<strong>at</strong>ioncell number m -1CCCCP(a)CCm m + 1(b)Fig. 4. Backhaul models for MCP: (a) Central processor (CP) with finitecapacitybackhaul links (of capacity C); (b) Local finite-capacity backhaulbetween adjacent BSs (of capacity C, uni- or bi-directional). Dashed linesrepresent backhaul see th<strong>at</strong> for Gaussian Wyner and Gaussian soft-handoffmodels, m<strong>at</strong>rix H has a block-Toeplitz structure, which willbe useful in the following.2) Downlink: Define as y m the K × 1 vector of signalsreceived by the K MSs in the mth cell, y =[y T 1 ···yT M ]T ,and x as the M × 1 transmitted signal by the BSs. We thenhave from (2)y = H † x + z, (6)where z is the vector of unit-power uncorrel<strong>at</strong>ed complexGaussian noise and channel m<strong>at</strong>rix H is defined as above.We∑assume a per-BS (and thus per-cell) power constraint1 nn t=1 |[x(t)] m| 2 ≤ P for all m ∈ [1,M].3) <strong>Multi</strong>-<strong>Cell</strong> Processing: For both uplink and downlink,we will consider the two following models for the backhaullinks th<strong>at</strong> enable MCP, see Fig. 4.• Central processor (CP) with finite-capacity backhaul(Fig. 4-(a)): In this case, all BSs are connected to a CP forjoint decoding (for uplink) or encoding (for downlink) viafinite-capacity backhaul links of capacity C [bits/channeluse]. Recall th<strong>at</strong> the original works [8], [9], [12] assumeunlimited backhaul capacity, i.e., C →∞;• Local finite-capacity backhaul between adjacent BSs(Fig. 4-(b)): Here BSs are connected to their neighboringBSs only via finite-capacity links of capacity C[bits/channel use], th<strong>at</strong> may be uni- or bi-directional.It is noted th<strong>at</strong> two models coincide in the case of unlimitedbackhaul capacity C → ∞. Also, we remark th<strong>at</strong> anotherpopular model assumes th<strong>at</strong> only BSs within a certain clusterof cells are connected to a CP for decoding. This model willbe considered as well, albeit briefly, below.C. Capacity Results for the Wyner Uplink ModelIn the rest of this section, we elabor<strong>at</strong>e on the per-cellsum-r<strong>at</strong>e achievable for the uplink of the Wyner-type modelswithout relays reviewed above. When not st<strong>at</strong>ed otherwise, wewill focus on the Gaussian Wyner model. Fading models arediscussed in Sec. III-C5. Throughout, we assume th<strong>at</strong> channelst<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion (CSI) on gains {α k } is available <strong>at</strong> all nodes.

1386 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010⎧⎨R SCP (P, F) =⎩(1F log 2)FP1+1+2FP P ⌊L/F ⌋ if F ≤ Lk=1 α 2 kF, (7)1F log 2 (1 + FP) if F>L1) Single-<strong>Cell</strong> Processing (SCP) and Sp<strong>at</strong>ial Reuse: Consider<strong>at</strong> first a baseline scheme, where Single-<strong>Cell</strong> Processing(SCP) is performed, so th<strong>at</strong> each BS decodes individually itsown K users by tre<strong>at</strong>ing users in other cells as Gaussian noise.A standard technique to cope with inter-cell interference issp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse, th<strong>at</strong> consists in activ<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>at</strong> a given time (orequivalently in a given subband) only one cell every F ≥ 1cells. Parameter F is referred to as the sp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse factor.SCP with special reuse is easily seen to achieve the per-cellsum-r<strong>at</strong>e in Eq. 7 where L is the inter-cell interference span.R<strong>at</strong>e (7) is obtained by either letting all users in a given celltransmit <strong>at</strong> the same time with power FP/K, which we referto as Wide-Band (WB) transmission, or by intra-cell TDMA,whereby each user in a cell transmits with power FP fora fraction of time 1/K. Notice th<strong>at</strong> such power alloc<strong>at</strong>ionss<strong>at</strong>isfy the per-block power constraint (4), due to the fact th<strong>at</strong>each cell transmits for a fraction 1/F of the time.A few remarks are in order. First, as seen in (7), if the reusefactor F is larger than the inter-cell interference span L, SCPwith sp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse completely elimin<strong>at</strong>es inter-cell interferenceand provides a non-interference-limited behavior with per-cellmultiplexing gain 2 equal to 1/F , whereas otherwise the systemoper<strong>at</strong>es in the interference-limited regime [8], [9]. Fromthis, we conclude th<strong>at</strong> the presence of inter-cell interference,if handled via SCP, leads to a r<strong>at</strong>e degrad<strong>at</strong>ion with respect toan interference-free system <strong>at</strong> high SNR given by a factor ofL [8]. In the low SNR regime, instead, where noise domin<strong>at</strong>esinter-cell interference, using the formalism of [28] 3 , it can beseen th<strong>at</strong> inter-cell interference does not cause any increase inthe minimum (transmit) energy-per-bit necessary for reliablecommunic<strong>at</strong>ions E b /N 0min , which equals ln 2 = −1.59dB, asfor interference-free channels. However, if one observes alsothe slope of the spectral efficiency S 0 [bits/s/Hz/(3dB)], whichaccounts for a higher-order expansion of the spectral efficiencyas the SNR P → 0, the loss due to inter-cell interference isseen also in the low-SNR regime. In fact, we have for r<strong>at</strong>e(7):{“ 2E b=ln2and S 0 =F 1+4 P ” if F ≤ L⌊L/F ⌋k=1 α 2 kFN 0 min2Fif F>L ,(8)where we recall th<strong>at</strong> interference-free channels have S 0 =2.The conclusions here are rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the analysis in [29] on thesuboptimality of TDMA for multiuser channels. As shown2 The per-cell multiplexing gain is defined as the limitlim P →∞ R(P )/ log P, where R(P ) is the given achievable per-cellsum-r<strong>at</strong>e. A system is said to be interference-limited if the multiplexing gainis zero, and non-interference-limited otherwise.3 Reference [28] proposes to expand an achievable “ r<strong>at</strong>e R as a functionof the energy-per-bit E b = P/R as R ≃ S 0 Eb− E b”,3dB N 0 dB N 0 min,dBwhere N 0 is the noise spectral density (normalized to 1 here) and E b=N 0 min1and S 0 =(2ln2) (Ṙ(0))2 , where R(P ) is the considered r<strong>at</strong>e (inṘ(0) (−R(0)¨)bits/channel use) as a function of the power P .below, MCP allows to overcome the limit<strong>at</strong>ions of SCP andsp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse discussed here.2) Unlimited Backhaul: Assume <strong>at</strong> first unlimited backhaullinks to a CP, i.e., C → ∞. The per-cell sum-capacityR MCP (P ) with MCP in this scenario (for any M) isgivenby [9]:R MCP (P )= 1 M log 2 det(I M + P )K HH† (9a)= 1 M=M∑m=1∫ ∞0log 2(1+ P )K λ i(HH † )(9b)log 2(1+ P K x )dF HH †(x), (9c)where λ i (HH † ) denotes eigenvalues of the argument m<strong>at</strong>rixand F HH †(x) is the empirical distribution of such eigenvalues:F HH †(x) = 1 MM∑1(λ i (HH † ) ≤ x). (10)m=1The per-cell capacity (9) is achieved by performing idealmulti-user detection <strong>at</strong> the CP (which can in practice be realizedby following approaches such as [30]). Moreover, it canbe <strong>at</strong>tained via both an intra-cell TDMA scheme where userstransmit with power P for a fraction of time 1/K and by theWB scheme (whereby all users transmit with full power P/K<strong>at</strong> all times). It is noted th<strong>at</strong> the optimality of TDMA is strictlydependent on the per-block power constraint (4), and wouldnot hold under more restrictive conditions, such as peak orper-symbol power constraints. More general conditions underwhich TDMA is optimal, under per-block power constraints,can be found in [8]. For instance, from [8], it is found th<strong>at</strong>TDMA would generally not be optimal in scenarios whereusers had different intra- and inter-cell channel gains, suchas in fading scenarios (see Sec. III-C5). For the GaussianWyner model of interest here, using Szego’s theorem, we getth<strong>at</strong> for M → ∞ r<strong>at</strong>e (9) can be written [9] in a simpleintegral form as in (11). Expression (11) can be interpretedby considering the case K =1(without loss of generality,given the optimality of intra-cell TDMA) and identifying thesignal received <strong>at</strong> the CP as the output (for each time instant)of a Linear Time Invariant (LTI) filter, whose input is givenby the signals transmitted by the MSs and whose impulseresponse is δ m + ∑ Lk=1 α kδ m−k + ∑ Lk=1 α kδ m+k (δ m is theKronecker delta). This integral cannot be evalu<strong>at</strong>ed in closedform in general. It should be noted th<strong>at</strong> in other scenarios,such as the Gaussian soft-handoff model with L = 1,thecorresponding integral can be instead calcul<strong>at</strong>ed in closed form[23][24]. Notice th<strong>at</strong> multiplexing gain of the MCP capacity(11) is one, as for an interference-free scenario. Moreover, theminimum energy-per-bit is given byE bN 0 min=ln 2(1 + 2 ∑ (12)Lk=1 α2 k),

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1387R MCP (P )=∫ 10⎛ (log 2⎝1+P 1+2) 2⎞L∑α k cos(2πkθ) ⎠ dθ (11)k=1showing an energy gain due to MCP with respect to SCPand to an interference-free system given by (1 + 2 ∑ Lk=1 α2 k )(parameter S 0 is not reported here for lack of space but canbe obtained from [21]).3) Limited Backhaul to the CP: Consider now the scenarioin Fig. 4-(a), where the BSs are connected to a CP via finitecapacitylinks. At first, we remark th<strong>at</strong> the achievable per-cellsum-r<strong>at</strong>e is limited by the cut-set upper boundR UB (P, C) =min{C, R MCP (P )}. (13)Moreover, here, the performance depends on the knowledgeof codebooks used by the MSs <strong>at</strong> the BSs. Assume <strong>at</strong> firstth<strong>at</strong> the BSs are unaware of the codebooks used by the MSs(oblivious BSs). In [31], this scenario is considered, and aper-cell achievable sum-r<strong>at</strong>e is derived for a str<strong>at</strong>egy wherebythe BSs simply compress (to C bits/channel use) and forwardthe received signals to the CP. Compression is followed by(random) binning, exploiting the fact th<strong>at</strong> the other BSs havecorrel<strong>at</strong>ed inform<strong>at</strong>ion, according to standard techniques indistributed source coding (see, e.g., [32]). Decoding <strong>at</strong> theCP is done by jointly 4 decompressing the signals forwardedby the BSs and decoding the codewords transmitted by theusers. A simple expression is found for this achievable r<strong>at</strong>e in[31]:R OBL (P, C) =R MCP (P (1 − 2 −r )), (14)where R MCP is defined in (11) and r is the solution of thefixed-point equ<strong>at</strong>ion:R OBL (P (1 − 2 −r )) = C − r. (15)In other words, the finite-capacity links entail a SNR loss of(1 − 2 −r ) with respect to the unlimited backhaul capacity(11). It is noted th<strong>at</strong> parameter r has the interpret<strong>at</strong>ion ofthe amount of capacity C th<strong>at</strong> is wasted to forward channelnoise to the CP [31], [32]. Also, we remark th<strong>at</strong> r<strong>at</strong>e (14)does not m<strong>at</strong>ch the upper bound (13) in general. However,this is not always the case, and thus optimality of (14) isproved, in the regimes with C →∞(in which compressionnoise becomes negligible), on the one hand, and P → ∞(in which the performance is limited by C), on the other. Itis also interesting to point out th<strong>at</strong> for low-SNR, the powerloss of the oblivious scheme <strong>at</strong> hand with respect to (11) isquantified by calcul<strong>at</strong>ing parameter E b /N 0min as E b /N 0min =ln 2(1 + 2 ∑ Lk=1 α2 k )−1 (1 − 2 −C ). Comparing this with (12),one sees th<strong>at</strong> in the low-SNR regime, the loss of (14) withrespect to (11) is ne<strong>at</strong>ly quantified by 1 − 2 −C . As a finalremark, the optimal multiplexing gain of one is achieved ifthe backhaul capacity C scales as log P, which coincides withthe optimal behavior predicted by the upper bound (13).We now consider a different scenario where BSs are informedabout the codebooks used by the MSs both in the4 It is interesting to notice th<strong>at</strong> while joint decompression/ decoding yieldsno performance benefits for regular interference-free systems [33], this is notthe case in the presence of interference (see also [34], [35]).same cell and in the interfering cells. In [31], a scheme isconsidered where partial decoding is carried out <strong>at</strong> the BSs.According to this approach, each MS splits its message andtransmitted power into two parts: The first is intended to bedecoded locally by the in-cell BS (with possible joint decodingalso of the signals from the interfering BSs) and transmittedover the limited link to the CP, while the second part isprocessed according to the oblivious scheme and is decoded bythe CP as discussed above. This scheme is shown to provideadvantages over the oblivious r<strong>at</strong>e (14) when the inter-cellinterference is low (it is easy to see th<strong>at</strong> it is optimal forα k = 0, k > 0) and for small C. Another str<strong>at</strong>egy th<strong>at</strong>exploits codebook knowledge <strong>at</strong> the BSs is the structuredcoding scheme proposed in [36] and reviewed below.In [36], it is proposed th<strong>at</strong> the BSs, r<strong>at</strong>her than decodingthe individual messages (or parts thereof) of the MSs as in[31], decode instead a function of such messages or, moreprecisely, of the corresponding transmitted codewords. Thekey idea th<strong>at</strong> enables this oper<strong>at</strong>ion is the use of structured,r<strong>at</strong>her than randomly constructed, codes. Each MS employsthe same nested l<strong>at</strong>tice code and the signal received <strong>at</strong> any mthBS can be written from (11) as y m = ∑ Lk=−L α kx m−k + z m .Recalling th<strong>at</strong> a l<strong>at</strong>tice code is a discrete group, the (modulo 5 )sum of the l<strong>at</strong>tice codewords x m−k , weighted by integercoefficients, is still a codeword in the same l<strong>at</strong>tice code andcan thus be decoded by the mth BS. The problem is th<strong>at</strong>the channel coefficients α k are generally not integers. Themth∑BS can however decode an arbitrary linear combin<strong>at</strong>ionLk=−L b kx m−k with b k ∈ Z (and by symmetry b k = b −k )and b 0 ≠ 0 and tre<strong>at</strong> the remaining part of the signal asGaussian noise. The index of the decoded codeword canthen be sent to the CP, th<strong>at</strong> decodes based on all receivedlinear combin<strong>at</strong>ions. This leads to the achievable r<strong>at</strong>e [36]shown in (16) where B ={(b 0 , .., b L ) ∈ Z : b 0 ≠ 0 andb 2 0 +2 ∑ Lk=1 b2 k ≤ 1+P (1 + 2 ∑ Lk=1 α2 k )}. As shown in[36], this r<strong>at</strong>e may outperform (14) for low and high intercellinterference ([36] considers the case L =1). Moreover,[36] proves th<strong>at</strong> r<strong>at</strong>e (16) can be improved by superimposingadditional messages to the l<strong>at</strong>tice codewords.4) Local BS backhaul: In this section, we turn to themodel in Fig. 4-(b), where BSs are connected only to theirneighboring BS via finite-capacity links. At first, for reference,we consider the rel<strong>at</strong>ed cluster-decoding setting of [37], whereeach BS, say the mth, can decode based not only on the locallyreceived signal y m but also on the received signals from i lBSs on the left (y m−k with k ∈ [1,i l ])andi r BSs on theright (y m+k with k ∈ [1,i r ]). Notice th<strong>at</strong> this accounts fora situ<strong>at</strong>ion where unlimited capacity backhaul links connectBSs, but only within a certain range of cells. Reference [37]obtains the maximum multiplexing gain of this setting fora Gaussian soft-handoff model with L = 1 with intra-cell5 The modulo oper<strong>at</strong>ion is taken with respect to the coarse l<strong>at</strong>tice formingthe nested l<strong>at</strong>tice code.

1388 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010{(L∑R LAT =min C, max − log b 2 0 +2 b 2 k − P (b 0 +2 ∑ )}Lk=1 α kb k ) 2(b 0,..,b L)∈B 1+P (1 + 2 ∑ Lk=1 α2 k ) , (16)k=1TDMA (or equivalently K = 1). The model of [37] alsoassumes th<strong>at</strong> MSs are aware, before choosing the transmittedcodewords, of the messages of the MSs in J l cells on the leftand J r cells on the right. This is a simple way to account forcooper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the MS level, and will be further discussed inSec. III-E. The maximum multiplexing gain is given byJ l + J r + i l + i r +1J l + J r + i l + i r +2 , (17)showing th<strong>at</strong> with clustered decoding the multiplexing gainis generally less than one, but larger than 1/2, as achievablewith SCP and sp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse (see Sec. III-C1). Moreover, thisshows th<strong>at</strong> (for the soft-handoff model), left and right sideinform<strong>at</strong>ions have the same impact on the multiplexing gain,and the same applies to cooper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the MSs or clusterdecoding. <strong>Multi</strong>plexing gain (17) is achieved by successiveinterference cancell<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the BSs, where BSs exchangeinform<strong>at</strong>ion about the decoded signals (see also below), andDirty Paper Coding (DPC)-based cooper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the users. Itis noted th<strong>at</strong> this scheme requires knowledge of the codebooksused in adjacent cells by both BSs and MSs. A model withcluster decoding <strong>at</strong> the BSs, but no cooper<strong>at</strong>ion amongst themobiles, is considered in [38, Section IV], where similargeneral conclusions about the multiplexing gain are obtained.In the presence of finite-capacity backhaul, the inter-BSlinks can be used to provide limited-r<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion aboutthe received signal or a processed version thereof to adjacentBSs. Such "relaying" has in general the double purpose ofproviding inform<strong>at</strong>ion about the useful signal of the recipientbut also of the interference. This observ<strong>at</strong>ion has also beenmade in the context of interference relay channels (see reviewin [39]). Along these lines, it is noted th<strong>at</strong> the model andtechniques <strong>at</strong> hand are very rel<strong>at</strong>ed to interference channelswith "conferencing" decoders studied in [34], [40]. Consider,as in [41], a soft-handoff model with L =1and unidirectionalbackhaul links allowing inform<strong>at</strong>ion to be passed to the right.Assuming knowledge of only the local codebook, a successivedecoding scheme can be devised in which each BS decodesthe local message and sends the quantized decoded codewordto the neighboring (right) BS for interference mitig<strong>at</strong>ion. It isnot difficult to see th<strong>at</strong> such a scheme has zero multiplexinggain since it is not able to fully mitig<strong>at</strong>e the interference.This is in contrast with the case where BSs have inform<strong>at</strong>ionabout the codebooks used in adjacent cells. In this case, as in[37] (see discussion above), it becomes possible to performjoint decoding of the local message and of (possibly partof) the interfering message, and to use the backhaul linkto convey directly hard inform<strong>at</strong>ion (messages) r<strong>at</strong>her thansoft inform<strong>at</strong>ion about the decoded codewords. This allows anon-interference limited behavior to be <strong>at</strong>tained: Specifically,assuming th<strong>at</strong> C grows like β log P, the multiplexing gainmin(1, 0.5+β) can be <strong>at</strong>tained [41].5) Fading Channels: In this section, we discuss availableresults on the sum-r<strong>at</strong>e of fading Wyner and soft-handoffmodels. We consider both quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic and ergodic fadingbelow.a) Quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic Fading: With quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic fading, theoutage capacity is typically used as a performance criterion[42]. This is, generally speaking, the maximum r<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> guaranteesreliable transmission for a given percentage of channelrealiz<strong>at</strong>ions (the measure of whose complement is referred toas outage probability). This setting implies either lack of CSI<strong>at</strong> the users (so th<strong>at</strong> r<strong>at</strong>e adapt<strong>at</strong>ion is not possible) or inelasticconstant-r<strong>at</strong>e applic<strong>at</strong>ions. Using such a criterion in a largescalecellular system with MCP proves to be challenging: Infact, on the one hand, defining outage as the event whereany of the users’ messages are not correctly decoded leads touninteresting results as the number of cells M grows large; Onthe other hand, defining individual outage events, as studied in[43] for a two-user MAC, appears to be analytically intractablefor large systems (see [44] for rel<strong>at</strong>ed work).A tractable performance criterion is instead obtained byconsidering the achievable per-cell sum-r<strong>at</strong>e (9) for givenchannel realiz<strong>at</strong>ions in the limit as the number of users percell K and/or the number of cells M grow large, wherethe limit is defined in an almost sure sense. It is noted th<strong>at</strong>such per-cell sum-r<strong>at</strong>e is achievable by appropri<strong>at</strong>e choiceof distinct r<strong>at</strong>es by the MSs, and such choice depends onthe current realiz<strong>at</strong>ion of the channel m<strong>at</strong>rices. The practicalsignificance of this criterion is thus limited to instances inwhich, thanks to appropri<strong>at</strong>e signaling, such r<strong>at</strong>e adapt<strong>at</strong>ion ispossible. Therefore, we review these results below as they arepractically more relevant in the context of ergodic channels.b) Ergodic Fading: With ergodic fading, the per-cellsum-capacity is given by the expect<strong>at</strong>ion of (9c) with respectto the distribution of H, i.e., R ergMCP (P )=E[R MCP(P )]. Itis noted th<strong>at</strong> such r<strong>at</strong>e can be <strong>at</strong>tained, due to the (stochastic)symmetry of the considered model (neglecting edge effects bytaking the limit M →∞) by equal r<strong>at</strong>e alloc<strong>at</strong>ion to all users.Moreover, it is achieved by a WB scheme (all users transmit<strong>at</strong> the same time), the r<strong>at</strong>e of intra-cell TDMA being generallysmaller. This is in contrast with Gaussian (unfaded) models, asdiscussed in Sec. III-C1, and is in line with standard results formultiple access channels [45], [46]. It is also noted th<strong>at</strong> withSCP, when tre<strong>at</strong>ing interference as noise as in (7), intra-cellTDMA may instead be advantageous over WB when intercellinterference takes place and exceeds a given threshold [46].Some performance comparison between intra-cell TDMA andsp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse in the presence of MCP for the soft-handoffmodel with L =1and Rayleigh fading can be found in [47].To evalu<strong>at</strong>e R ergMCP(P ), one can either use approxim<strong>at</strong>ionsbased on bounding techniques as in [25] or the fact th<strong>at</strong>, ifF HH †(x) converges almost surely in some asymptotic regimeof interest to some limiting distribution (spectrum) F (x), thenR ergMCP (P ) converges to (9c) with F HH †(x) =F (x) (see, e.g.,[48]). We discuss below two such regimes.Consider first the asymptotics with respect to K and M(with the inter-cell interference span L kept fixed). Let us

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1389R erg⎛∫ 1MCP (P )= log 20(⎝ 1+P (1 − μ2 )(+Pμ 2 1+2 ∑ L1+2 ∑ Lk=1 α2 kk=1 α k cos(2πkθ))) 2⎞⎠ dθ (18)assume th<strong>at</strong> the distribution π k of vectors ˜h m,k (recall Sec.III-B) is such th<strong>at</strong> each channel vector can be seen as arealiz<strong>at</strong>ion of a st<strong>at</strong>ionary and ergodic process with unit powerand mean 0 ≤ μ ≤ 1 (and thus variance 1 − μ 2 ). In this case,it can be verified th<strong>at</strong> m<strong>at</strong>rix HH † converges almost surely toa deterministic Toeplitz m<strong>at</strong>rix due to the strong law of largenumbers [8]. Now, using Szego’s theorem, similarly to (11),we have th<strong>at</strong> for K →∞and M →∞(taken in this order)we obtain (18) (see [25]).Notice th<strong>at</strong> we recover (11) for μ =1, which correspondsto an unfaded scenario. It can be proved, similarly to [25], th<strong>at</strong>(18) is decreasing in μ 2 , which implies th<strong>at</strong> fading is beneficialin the limit of a large number of users. It is remarked th<strong>at</strong> thismay not be the case for a finite number of users K, as caneasily be seen by noticing th<strong>at</strong> for K =1and no inter-cellinterference, one obtains a point-to-point link for which fadingis known not to increase the r<strong>at</strong>e [25], [26]. It is noted th<strong>at</strong>the potential benefits of fading are rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the independenceof the fading gains towards different BSs and thus cannot bemimicked by the MSs [25][23] (see also [8, Section 5.1.2]for a discussion on the effect of fading on the multiplexinggain, and on the power offset term). Moreover, from Jensen’sinequality, it can be seen th<strong>at</strong> (18) is an upper bound on theergodic per-cell capacity for any number of users K [25].Finally, r<strong>at</strong>e (18) does not depend on the actual (st<strong>at</strong>ionary andergodic) distribution π k but only on its first two moments.Consider now a regime where K is fixed and M grows toinfinity. An approxim<strong>at</strong>ion of the limiting spectrum F (x), andthus of the per-cell r<strong>at</strong>e R ergMCP(P ), has been obtained in [49]for the fading Wyner model with L =1and Rayleigh fadingusing free probability tools. Such approxim<strong>at</strong>ion is seen tobe accur<strong>at</strong>e only for small values of the interference gain α 1 .In [26], [27], exact results on the convergence of per-cell r<strong>at</strong>e(9a) are studied for the fading soft-handoff model. Almost sureconvergence to a limit th<strong>at</strong> depends on the Lyapunov exponentof a certain product of m<strong>at</strong>rices is shown (see also [50] forrel<strong>at</strong>ed work). A central limit theorem is also proven in [27]along with a corresponding large devi<strong>at</strong>ion result, providingevidence to the fact th<strong>at</strong>, given the limited randomness presentin m<strong>at</strong>rix H (due to the banded structure), convergence isslower than in classical random m<strong>at</strong>rix theory (see, e.g., [51]).Finally, [52] characterizes the high-SNR behavior (in the senseof [53]) of (9a) as M grows large and K =1user and L =1.Performance bounds are also provided for K>1. Theresultshows th<strong>at</strong> such behavior depends on the specific distributionπ k , lending evidence to the conclusion th<strong>at</strong>, in the case offinite-band m<strong>at</strong>rices, the limit spectrum depends on the entries’distribution, unlike standard random m<strong>at</strong>rix theory [25], [48].We also remark th<strong>at</strong> in the fading soft-handoff model withRayleigh fading, L =1, and intra-cell TDMA (or equivalentlyK =1), the ergodic r<strong>at</strong>e R ergMCP(P ) can be found in a compactintegral form as shown in [54], [23]. Reference [47] obtainsrel<strong>at</strong>ed bounds for K>1.Finally, we point to [46], where the effect of fading on aWyner model with ideal cooper<strong>at</strong>ion only between adjacentcell sites is studied.c) <strong>MIMO</strong> Fading Models: Another extension is to considermultiple antennas <strong>at</strong> the BS, with fading from eachantenna to each user. Uplink models comparing SCP toMCP in this context are considered in [55], [56]. In [55]an asymptotic regime is considered in which the number ofantennas <strong>at</strong> the base st<strong>at</strong>ion, and the number of mobiles, growlarge together, in a circular Wyner model. It is shown th<strong>at</strong> thedegrees of freedom depend on the system loading (number ofusers per base st<strong>at</strong>ion antenna), but, if SCP and MCP are bothoptimally loaded (respectively), then MCP gains over SCP bya factor of three, but the gap can be reduced to a factor oftwo via the use of a re-use factor of two, with even and oddcells in separ<strong>at</strong>e bands.d) Channel uncertainty: Channel uncertainty has notbeen adequ<strong>at</strong>ely tre<strong>at</strong>ed in the network <strong>MIMO</strong> liter<strong>at</strong>ure tod<strong>at</strong>e. Its importance can be seen from the point to point<strong>MIMO</strong> channel where it is known th<strong>at</strong> the number of transmitantennas should not exceed the number of symbols in thecoherence block [57]. The reason is th<strong>at</strong> part of the block ofsymbols must be used for training so th<strong>at</strong> the <strong>MIMO</strong> channelscan be measured <strong>at</strong> the receiver. If the coherence time is longrel<strong>at</strong>ive to the symbol period then the number of antennascan be large, but if the coherence time is one symbol dur<strong>at</strong>ionthen one antenna is optimal. Note th<strong>at</strong> the limiting asymptoticsdiscussed in c) implicitly assume th<strong>at</strong> the coherence time isgrowing with the number of users. Thus, channel uncertaintyhas implic<strong>at</strong>ions for <strong>MIMO</strong> scalability, and we will discussthis issue further in Section V.6) Numerical Results: We now focus on a numerical examplefor a Gaussian Wyner model with L =1.Fig.5showsthe per-cell sum-r<strong>at</strong>e achievable by the techniques discussedabove, namely SCP with sp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse F =1and F =2(7), ideal MCP (11), oblivious processing <strong>at</strong> the BSs (14)with backhaul capacity C =5and l<strong>at</strong>tice coding (16) withC =5. We have P =15dB and the inter-cell interferencepower gain α 2 1 is varied. It can be seen th<strong>at</strong> SCP with sp<strong>at</strong>ialreuse F =1provides interference-limited performance, whilewith F =2inter-cell interference is elimin<strong>at</strong>ed, but <strong>at</strong> thecost of possibly reducing the achievable r<strong>at</strong>e. MCP providesremarkable performance gains, and can potentially benefitfrom larger inter-cell power gains α 2 1 . When the backhaulcapacity is restricted to C =5(which is of the order of theper-cell achievable r<strong>at</strong>es <strong>at</strong> hand), it is seen th<strong>at</strong> by choosingthe best between the oblivious BS scheme and the l<strong>at</strong>ticebasedscheme, one performs fairly close to the bound ofideal MCP. Moreover, l<strong>at</strong>tice-based coding has performanceadvantages over oblivious processing for sufficiently large orsmall interference, large P (not shown here) and moder<strong>at</strong>e C.Increasing the capacity C to say C =8, leadstoanalmostideal r<strong>at</strong>e with the oblivious str<strong>at</strong>egy (consistently with its

1390 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010[bits/ sec/ Hz]5.554.543.532.521.51R MCPR , 5OBLC RLATR , 8OBLC , C 5,8R , 1SCPF R SCP, F 20.50 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 12 1Fig. 5. Uplink of a Gaussian Wyner model with L =1: Per-cell sum-r<strong>at</strong>eachievable by SCP with sp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse F =1and F =2(7), ideal MCP(11), oblivious processing <strong>at</strong> the BSs (14) with backhaul capacity C =5andl<strong>at</strong>tice coding (16) with C =5versus the inter-cell interference power gainα 2 1 (P =15dB).asymptotic optimality for P →∞), while l<strong>at</strong>tice coding doesnot improve its performance.D. Capacity Results for the Wyner Downlink ModelIn this section, we review corresponding results for thedownlink. Reference results using SCP and frequency reuseare similar to Sec. III-C1 and need not be discussed here.We focus, as for the uplink, on Gaussian models and brieflydiscuss the impact of fading in Sec. III-D3.1) Unlimited Backhaul: Consider first the case of unlimitedbackhaul. Reference [12] derives achievable r<strong>at</strong>es based on thelinear precoding dirty paper coding str<strong>at</strong>egy of [58]. The percellsum-capacity is instead derived in [23] using the uplinkdownlinkduality results of [59] asR MCP (P )= 1 det(Λ + PM min max log K HDH†)2, (19)Λ D det (Λ)with Λ and D being diagonal MK × MK m<strong>at</strong>rices with theconstraints tr(Λ) ≤ M and tr(D) ≤ M. This r<strong>at</strong>e is known tobe achieved by dirty paper coding <strong>at</strong> the CP. For the GaussianWyner (circulant) model, it can be shown th<strong>at</strong> the per-cell sumcapacity(19) is exactly equal to the corresponding capacity forthe uplink (11) for M →∞. It follows th<strong>at</strong>, as for the uplink,intra-cell TDMA, where only one user is served per-cell, isoptimal with Gaussian (unfaded) channels.2) Limited Backhaul to a CP: Similarly to the uplink,str<strong>at</strong>egies to be used in the presence of limited backhaul to aCP depend on the level of codebook inform<strong>at</strong>ion available <strong>at</strong>the BSs. For oblivious BSs, reference [60] proposes to performjoint DPC under individual power constraint <strong>at</strong> the CP and thensend the obtained codewords to the corresponding BSs via thebackhaul links. The BSs simply transmit the compressed DPCcodewords.Since the transmitted quantiz<strong>at</strong>ion noise decreasesthe overall SNR seen by the MSs, joint DPC <strong>at</strong> the CP isdesigned to meet lower SNR values and tighter power constraintsthan those of the unlimited setup [23]. The resultingper-cell r<strong>at</strong>e is shown to be equal to (11) but with a degradedSNRP¯P =1+ 1+P(1+2 P (20)Lk=1 α2 k)2 C −1due to quantiz<strong>at</strong>ion noise. Similarly to the corresponding result(14) for the uplink, this r<strong>at</strong>e is generally suboptimal but itachieves cut-set bound (13) (which is still a valid boundalso for the downlink) for C →∞(where the compressionnoise is dominant). However, unlike for the uplink, this r<strong>at</strong>eis not optimal for P → ∞: This fact can be understoodby noticing th<strong>at</strong> in the high-SNR regime, the compressionnoise domin<strong>at</strong>es the performance, and, in the downlink, thecompression noise is dealt with independently by each MS,unlike in the uplink, where decompression is performed jointly<strong>at</strong> the CP. Interestingly, for low-SNR the power loss in termsof E b /N 0min turns out to be exactly the same as for the uplink,being given by (1 − 2 −C ). Moreover, as for the uplink r<strong>at</strong>e(14), optimal multiplexing gain of 1 per-cell is achieved ifC ∼ log P.Reference [60] also considers the case where the BSspossess codebook inform<strong>at</strong>ion about adjacent BSs belongingto a given cluster and proposes to perform DPC within thegiven cluster. The main conclusion of [60] is th<strong>at</strong> the obliviousscheme is the preferred choice for small-to-moder<strong>at</strong>e SNRs orwhen the backhaul capacity C is allowed to increase withthe SNR. On the other hand, for high SNR values and fixedcapacity C, a system with oblivious BSs is limited by thequantiz<strong>at</strong>ion noise, and knowledge of the codebooks <strong>at</strong> theBSs becomes the factor domin<strong>at</strong>ing the performance.3) Fading Channels: Following the discussion in Sec.III-C5, here we focus on the ergodic fading scenario. For thissetting, the per-cell sum-capacity is given by R ergMCP(P )=E[R MCP (P )] using (19). Evalu<strong>at</strong>ing this quantity is not aneasy task due to the min-max oper<strong>at</strong>ion involved. In [23],upper and lower bounds on R ergMCP(P ) are derived for thefading soft-handoff model with L =1and Rayleigh fading,along with asymptotic SNR characteriz<strong>at</strong>ions. An importantfinding from such analysis is th<strong>at</strong>, for large number K of usersper cell, the per-cell sum-r<strong>at</strong>e capacity scales as log log K,which is the same type of scaling as for interference-freesystems. A suboptimal scheme is then proposed in [61] basedon zero-forcing (ZF) beamforming and a simple user selection(scheduling) rule whereby one user is served in each cell <strong>at</strong>any given time in an intra-cell TDMA fashion. It is foundth<strong>at</strong>, even this suboptimal scheme is able to achieve the sameoptimal scaling law of log log K with Rayleigh fading.An illustr<strong>at</strong>ion of the achievable per-cell r<strong>at</strong>es in a fadingWyner model with L =1and α 2 1 =0.4 is shown in Fig.6. Specifically, the per-cell achievable r<strong>at</strong>es with SCP andspectral reuse F =1and F =2(obtained similarly to Sec.III-C1), with ideal MCP (shown is the upper bound of [23])and with the ZF beamforming and scheduling scheme of [61]are plotted versus the power P and for K =50users percell. The interference-limited behavior of SCP with F =1is apparent and so is the performance gain achievable via

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1391[bits/ sec/ Hz]10987654321R MCP, upper bound0-5 0 5 10 15 20P [dB]R ZFR , 2SCPF R , 1SCPF Fig. 6. Downlink of a fading Wyner model with L =1: Per-cell sum-r<strong>at</strong>esachievable with SCP and spectral reuse F =1and F =2, ideal MCP, andwith the ZF beamforming and scheduling scheme of [61] are plotted versusthe power P (K =50, α 2 1 =0.4).MCP. It is also interesting to notice th<strong>at</strong> the suboptimal ZFbeamforming scheme performs rel<strong>at</strong>ively close to the upperbound set by ideal MCP.E. Relay-aided ModelsIn modern cellular systems, the presence of dedic<strong>at</strong>edrelays is considered to be instrumental in extending coverageby enabling multi-hop communic<strong>at</strong>ions or, more generally,cooper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the MS level [62]. Here, we briefly reviewamodel th<strong>at</strong> accounts for the presence of dedic<strong>at</strong>ed relays, oneper cell, in a Wyner-type setting (first considered in [63]). Wefocus on the uplink for simplicity and assume th<strong>at</strong> the usersare sufficiently far from the BSs so th<strong>at</strong> the direct link fromMS to BS can be neglected. We thus end up with two Wynertypemodels, one from the users to the relays and one from therelays to the BSs (see Fig. 7). We will refer to these as firstand second hop, respectively. We assume th<strong>at</strong> the relays arefull-duplex so th<strong>at</strong> they can transmit and receive <strong>at</strong> the sametime. The protocols we consider, except when st<strong>at</strong>ed otherwise,work by pipelining transmission on the two hops: The mobilessend a new message to the relays in every block, while therelays transmit to the BSs a signal obtained by processing thesamples received in the previous block. Given the assumptionof no direct link between mobiles and BSs, it is easy to seeth<strong>at</strong> results with half-duplex relays are immedi<strong>at</strong>ely derivedby halving the spectral efficiencies obtained for the full-duplexcase (a new message can only be sent once every two blocks).Denoting as L l and L r the maximum inter-cell interferencespans on the left and right, respectively, for the two hops, wecan write the signal model, similar to (5), as follows. TheM × 1 signal received <strong>at</strong> the relays can be written asy R = Hx + Tx R + z R , (21)where H is defined as in (5), and contains the channel gainsfor the first hop (MSs-relays), x is as in (5) and z R is theGaussian noise. The new element here is the M ×1 signal x Rtransmitted by the relays. The possible interference amongrelays in different cells is accounted for by m<strong>at</strong>rix T. Here,we assume th<strong>at</strong> there is interference only between relays inadjacent cells, and th<strong>at</strong> such interference is symmetric, so th<strong>at</strong>T is a symmetric Toeplitz m<strong>at</strong>rix with first row equal to [0μ 0 T M−2 ], where μ represent the inter-relay gains. Finally, thesignal received <strong>at</strong> the BSs is given byy = H R x R +z, (22)where now H R is the m<strong>at</strong>rix containing the channel gainsfrom relays to BSs and is defined similarly to H (see also Fig.7).∑We assume per-relay (and thus per-cell) power constraint1 nn t=1 |[x R(t)] m | 2 ≤ Q, for m ∈ [1,M].Consider now the performance of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion in cellularnetworks in the presence of dedic<strong>at</strong>ed relay st<strong>at</strong>ions, followingthe uplink model discussed above. Depending on whetherone assumes SCP or MCP, the system can be seen as aninterference network with relays or as a multiple accesschannel with multiple relays and a multiple-antenna receiver,respectively. We remark th<strong>at</strong>, in both cases, general conclusiveresults are unavailable even in the simple two-user cases consideredin [39], [64]. Analysis, in terms of achievable per-cellsum-r<strong>at</strong>e and corresponding upper bounds, has been pursuedby assuming different transmission str<strong>at</strong>egies and intra-cellTDMA (or equivalently K =1). Specifically, reference [63]considers half-duplex amplify-and-forward (AF) processing <strong>at</strong>the relays, [65] studies half-duplex decode-and-forward (DF)relays, [66] full-duplex AF oper<strong>at</strong>ion, [67] full-duplex DF and[68] full-duplex compress-and-forward, CF. In the following,we briefly review some results for the full duplex case.In [66], the performance of AF with both SCP and MCPis studied. Relays simply delay the received symbol by <strong>at</strong>least one time unit, amplify and forward it, sample by sample.Closed-form analytical expressions are obtained for the percellsum-r<strong>at</strong>e based on the observ<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> the received signalcan be seen as the output of a two-dimensional LTI channelvia Szego’s theorem. The performance of both SCP and MCPis shown to be independent of the time-delay applied bythe relays. It is observed th<strong>at</strong> the r<strong>at</strong>es of both schemesare decreasing with the intra-relay interference factor μ. Itis also shown th<strong>at</strong> using the full power Q of the relays isunconditionally optimal only for the MCP scheme, while thisis not the case with SCP.In [68], CF relaying with SCP and MCP is studied. Here,the relays oper<strong>at</strong>e in blocks, as explained in Sec. III-B, bycollecting a number of received samples and compressingthe received signal using a vector quantizer. Each BS forSCP, or the CP for MCP, decodes based on the quantizedsignals received from either the local relay (for SCP) or allthe relays (for MCP). For MCP, due to the correl<strong>at</strong>ion amongthe received signals <strong>at</strong> the relays, distributed compressiontechniques are applied similarly to [31]. Moreover, the CFscheme with MCP exploits side inform<strong>at</strong>ion available <strong>at</strong> theCP regarding the signals transmitted by the relays (which arein fact decoded <strong>at</strong> the CP). It is proved th<strong>at</strong> the scheme cancompletely remove the effect of the inter-relay interference. Itis noted th<strong>at</strong>, in the nomencl<strong>at</strong>ure of the standard IEEE 802.16j[62], both CF and AF, which are non-regener<strong>at</strong>ive relaying

1392 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010base st<strong>at</strong>ion…relay st<strong>at</strong>ionmobilecell numberm-1 m m+1…Per-cell Uplink throughput [bits/channel use] upper boundDF-MCPCF-MCPCF-SCPAF-MCPAF-SCP0-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20power relay/ power mobile [dB]Fig. 7. Relay-aided linear Wyner models with inter-cell interference spansL l = L r =1and K =3MSs per cell.Fig. 8. Per-cell sum-r<strong>at</strong>es achieved by different relaying schemes with SCPor MCP versus the r<strong>at</strong>io Q/P between the power constraint <strong>at</strong> the relays (Q)andth<strong>at</strong><strong>at</strong>theMSs(P ).schemes, classify as transparent relaying str<strong>at</strong>egies in th<strong>at</strong> noknowledge of their presence is required <strong>at</strong> the mobiles. Also,the relays do not require inform<strong>at</strong>ion regarding the codebooksused by the terminals.Finally, in [67], a regener<strong>at</strong>ive relaying scheme based onDF is considered. Here, codebook inform<strong>at</strong>ion is required<strong>at</strong> the relays and generally the proposed schemes are nontransparent.The idea is to use r<strong>at</strong>e splitting <strong>at</strong> the mobilein a similar manner to the standard technique for interferencechannels [69] so th<strong>at</strong> each relay decodes not only the messageof the local mobile (recall th<strong>at</strong> we are assuming intra-cellTDMA), but also part of the message of the adjacent mobiles.This way, the relays can cooper<strong>at</strong>e while transmitting towardsthe BSs by beamforming the common inform<strong>at</strong>ion.A comparison among the performance of the schemesdescribed above is shown in Fig. 8 versus the r<strong>at</strong>io Q/Pbetween the power constraint <strong>at</strong> the relays (Q) and th<strong>at</strong> <strong>at</strong>the MSs (P ). A first observ<strong>at</strong>ion is the interplay between SCPor MCP (i.e., cooper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the BSs) and cooper<strong>at</strong>ion viadedic<strong>at</strong>ed relays through different str<strong>at</strong>egies. Specifically, itcan be seen th<strong>at</strong> if SCP is deployed, DF is advantageous withrespect to CF, and also with respect to AF, if the power ofthe sources is sufficiently larger than th<strong>at</strong> of the relays. Itis noted th<strong>at</strong> CF performs very poorly due to its inability tobeamform the users’ signals towards the BSs, unlike DF andAF. However, if MCP is in place, the situ<strong>at</strong>ion is remarkablydifferent in th<strong>at</strong> DF is outperformed by both CF and AF unlessthe sources’ power is sufficiently larger than th<strong>at</strong> of the relays.This is because DF is limited by the performance bottleneckdue to the need to decode <strong>at</strong> the relay st<strong>at</strong>ions, which preventsthe system from benefiting from MCP. Finally, it is seen th<strong>at</strong>the proposed CF scheme performs close to optimal if the relaypower is sufficiently large.We finally recall a different model for cooper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong>the mobile level th<strong>at</strong> does not involve dedic<strong>at</strong>ed relays butinter-mobile transmission. Namely, [70] models the inter-userlinks as orthogonal to the main uplink channel, whereas ageneralized feedback model (in the sense of [71]) is consideredin [67].F. Conclusions from the Inform<strong>at</strong>ion-Theoretic ModelsThis section has illustr<strong>at</strong>ed, via inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic arguments,the advantages of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion in cellular systems.Cooper<strong>at</strong>ion among the BSs (or MCP) has been shown to beable to potentially increase the sum-capacity of the networkby an amount proportional to the inter-cell interference span(i.e., number of BSs interfered by a local transmission) withrespect to standard single-cell str<strong>at</strong>egies with sp<strong>at</strong>ial reuse.While initial work demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed such benefits under idealisticconditions, in terms of, e.g., absence of fading and perfectbackhaul, more recent research has confirmed the promises ofMCP under more practical conditions.In this section, we have reviewed more recent researchth<strong>at</strong> includes practical constraints such as limited backhaulbandwidth, localized base st<strong>at</strong>ion clustering, and the effectof fading. We conclude th<strong>at</strong> with oblivious BSs there is anE b /N 0min penalty incurred by limited backhaul, but the capacityis unaffected provided th<strong>at</strong> the backhaul bandwidth scalesas log SNR. Not surprisingly, the impact of BS clustering isnot significant provided th<strong>at</strong> the clusters are sufficiently large,see equ<strong>at</strong>ion (17). On the other hand, the effect of fading issomewh<strong>at</strong> surprising. As well known for general <strong>MIMO</strong> links,fading provides the degrees of freedom. But with MCP, it turnsout th<strong>at</strong> with a large number of users and BSs, the capacityis increasing in the variance of the fading.The performance benefits of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the MS levelhave been reviewed as well, along with consider<strong>at</strong>ions regardingthe strong interplay between the design of relayingstr<strong>at</strong>egies and MCP techniques. Here, there is much scopefor further research, and most of the results reported are ofa preliminary n<strong>at</strong>ure: Even the simple relay channel is an

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1393open problem in inform<strong>at</strong>ion theory. But achieveable r<strong>at</strong>es caneasily be calcul<strong>at</strong>ed for particular schemes such as AF, CF, andDF. We conclude th<strong>at</strong> for sufficiently powerful relays, CF isthe best technique under MCP. These results show th<strong>at</strong> theMCP model with relays is stimul<strong>at</strong>ing new efforts in networkinform<strong>at</strong>ion theory.The present<strong>at</strong>ion has also briefly touched upon the potentialgains achievable by exploiting novel transmission str<strong>at</strong>egiessuch as structured codes. Other advanced techniques, not discussedhere, such as interference alignment are also expectedto have an important role to play in cooper<strong>at</strong>ive cellularsystems (see, e.g., [72]). Other rel<strong>at</strong>ed issues of interest arethe impact of imperfect channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion and robustcoding str<strong>at</strong>egies [73]. This area remains an active and fertilefield for research and is briefly addressed in the next sections.IV. TRANSMISSION AND CODING TECHNIQUESThis section provides an overview of transmission andsignaling str<strong>at</strong>egies for practical multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> networks,in which the base-st<strong>at</strong>ions cooper<strong>at</strong>e. The n<strong>at</strong>ure of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion(interference coordin<strong>at</strong>ion or MCP) determines thesuitable str<strong>at</strong>egies in various cases. Some of these str<strong>at</strong>egiesare straightforward extensions of traditional <strong>MIMO</strong> signalingtechniques, while many others require novel and nontrivialideas. This section also reviews the possible optimiz<strong>at</strong>ionmethods. The optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion space involves scheduling, poweralloc<strong>at</strong>ion, transmit and receive beamforming, as well aschoices of transmission str<strong>at</strong>egies. One of the objectives ofthis section is to highlight the difference between single-cell<strong>MIMO</strong> techniques and multi-cell techniques. When appropri<strong>at</strong>e,the possible distributed implement<strong>at</strong>ion of an algorithm ismentioned, since distributed processing is a primary challengefor the design of multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> networks. However thisissue is visited in gre<strong>at</strong>er detail in Section V. Below wedistinguish between the techniques involving CSI exchangeonly (interference coordin<strong>at</strong>ion) and the MCP schemes whichrequire both CSI and user d<strong>at</strong>a exchange, and provide anoverview of coding, precoding and optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion str<strong>at</strong>egies ineach of these cases.A. <strong>Interference</strong> coordin<strong>at</strong>ion str<strong>at</strong>egiesConsider first a basic level of coordin<strong>at</strong>ion where only thechannel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion of the direct and interfering channelsare shared among the BSs, a setup illustr<strong>at</strong>ed earlier in Fig.2. The availability of channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion allows thetransmission str<strong>at</strong>egies across the different cells to adapt tothe channel st<strong>at</strong>e jointly. Transmission str<strong>at</strong>egies can includescheduling, power control, beamforming, as well as advancedcoding methods specifically designed for interference mitig<strong>at</strong>ion.1) Coordin<strong>at</strong>ed power control: In an interference-limitedcellular network, joint power control and scheduling acrossthe multiple BSs th<strong>at</strong> adapts to the channel condition of theentire network can bring improvement over traditional percellpower control. This is especially evident when cellulartopology is such th<strong>at</strong> cells significantly overlap.The resource alloc<strong>at</strong>ion problem in the multi-cell settinghas been studied extensively in the liter<strong>at</strong>ure [17], [74], [75],[76], [77], [78], [79]. In the following, we consider a simplescenario where both the BS and the remote users are equippedwith a single antenna to illustr<strong>at</strong>e the main challenge in multicellpower control. In this setting, there is a surprising resultfor the special case of an arbitrary two-cell set-up where theoptimum sum-r<strong>at</strong>e maximizing power alloc<strong>at</strong>ion policy is infact binary, i.e. the optimum str<strong>at</strong>egy involves either bothcells oper<strong>at</strong>ing <strong>at</strong> maximum allowed power or one cell beingcompletely shut down [74]. This result does not extend tomore than two cells however.In a more general setting, consider an orthogonal frequencydivisionmultiple-access (OFDMA) system in which multipleusers within each cell are separ<strong>at</strong>ed in the frequency domain.Note th<strong>at</strong> the multiple access across the multiple cells is notorthogonal since we allow for full reuse of the frequencytones from one cell to the next. The joint power control andscheduling problem is th<strong>at</strong> of deciding which user should beserved and how much power should be used on each frequencytone. M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ically, in a multi-cell network with M cells,K users per cell, and N OFDM tones, let h n l,m,k denote thechannel response between the lth BS and the kth user in themth cell in tone n. LetPln denote the power alloc<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> thelth BS and nth tone. The multi-cell downlink weighted r<strong>at</strong>emaximiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem isM∑ K∑max α lk R lk (23)s.t.l=l k=1R lk = ∑n∈N lklog(1+P nl |hn l,l,k |2∑j≠l P n j |hn j,l,k |2 +1where N lk denotes the set of frequency tones in which the kthuser in the lth cell is scheduled. Here, α lk signals the priorityof each user, whose value is typically determined by higherlevelprotocols, and the background noise variance is assumedto be one without loss of generality. Further, either peak ortotal power constraints are typically imposed in addition.Numerically finding the global optimal solution to the aboveoptimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem is known to be a difficult problem [80].No convex reformul<strong>at</strong>ion of the above problem is known,even in the simpler case of fixed scheduling. In [81], [77],[78], [82], an approach which iter<strong>at</strong>es between scheduling andpower alloc<strong>at</strong>ion has been proposed, but the core difficulty,namely the nonconvexity of the signal-to-interference-andnoise(SINR) expression remains.One approach for solving the power alloc<strong>at</strong>ion problem isto let each cell independently optimize its own transmissionpower in a game theoretical model, where the multiple cellseventually converge to a competitive optimum (e.g., [83], [84],[85]). However, further performance gain can be obtained ifcells cooper<strong>at</strong>e.One idea is to encourage an interfering transmitter to lowerits transmit power whenever it causes too much interferenceto neighboring transmitter-receiver pairs. Toward this end, apromising approach is to devise a mechanism to measure theimpact of each transmitter’s interference on its neighbors’transmissions, then to coordin<strong>at</strong>e BSs based on the exchange)

1394 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010of these measures. This idea is called interference pricing,which has been proposed for the power spectrum adapt<strong>at</strong>ionproblem for the wireless ad-hoc network [86], [87], [88],[89], the digital subscriber line network [90], and is alsoapplicable to wireless multi-cell networks [78], [82]. As shownin these studies, coordin<strong>at</strong>ing power control can already yieldappreciable improvement in the overall sum r<strong>at</strong>e as comparedto a non-coordin<strong>at</strong>ed system.2) Coordin<strong>at</strong>ed beamforming: When the BSs are equippedwith multiple antennas, the availability of additional sp<strong>at</strong>ialdimensions allows the possibility of coordin<strong>at</strong>ing beamformingvectors across the BSs, further improving the overallperformance. This idea has been explored in [91], [76], [92],[93], [94].The optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem associ<strong>at</strong>ed with multi-cell jointscheduling, beamforming and power alloc<strong>at</strong>ion inherits thenonconvex structure of the multi-cell power control problemdiscussed above. However, there is a particular formul<strong>at</strong>ionth<strong>at</strong> enjoys efficient and global optimal solution — this iswhen the problem is formul<strong>at</strong>ed as the minimiz<strong>at</strong>ion of thetransmit power across the BSs subject to SINR constraints ina frequency fl<strong>at</strong> channel for the case where the remote usersare equipped with a single antenna only. This formul<strong>at</strong>ion ismost applicable to constant bit-r<strong>at</strong>e applic<strong>at</strong>ions with fixedquality-of-service constraints.Let w l,k be the downlink transmit beamforming vector forthe kth user in the lth cell, the downlink SINR for the kthuser in the lth cell can be expressed as:Γ l,k =|h † l,l,k w l,k| 2∑n≠k |h† l,l,k w l,n| 2 + ∑ j≠l,n |h† j,l,k w j,n| 2 +1 (24)where h j,l,k is now the vector channel from the jth BS to thekth user in the lth cell. Let γ l,k be the SINR target for thekth user in the lth cell. We can formul<strong>at</strong>e, for example, a totaldownlink transmit power minimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem as follows:M∑ K∑minimize ||w l,k || 2 (25)l=1 k=1subject to Γ l,k ≥ γ l,k , ∀l =1···M, k =1···Kwhere the minimiz<strong>at</strong>ion is over the w l,k ’s, which implicitlyinclude both transmit direction and transmit power optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion.For simplicity, we assume th<strong>at</strong> the set of SINR targetsare feasible.Intuitively, coordin<strong>at</strong>ing beamforming vectors across theBSs are beneficial when the number of BS antennas exceedsthe number of simultaneous users in each cell, in whichcase the BS has spare sp<strong>at</strong>ial dimensions for interferencemitig<strong>at</strong>ion. In the case where the number of spare dimensionsexceeds the number of dominant interferers in every cell, acomplete nulling of interference within each cell is possibleusing a per-cell zero-forcing solution. Insight into the optimalcell loading under coordin<strong>at</strong>ed beamforming has been obtainedin [95] using large systems analysis.The key challenge to coordin<strong>at</strong>ed beamforming is to coordin<strong>at</strong>ethe BSs in such a way as to enable them to find anoptimal solution jointly without excessive exchange of channelst<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion. This turns out to be possible using a toolknown as uplink-downlink duality.The transmit downlink beamforming problem for the multicellsystem is first considered in the classic work of [96],where an algorithm for iter<strong>at</strong>ively optimizing the beamformingvectors and power alloc<strong>at</strong>ions is proposed. The key idea isto consider a virtual dual uplink network with transmittersand receivers reversed (so th<strong>at</strong> the uplink channels are theHermitian transpose of the original downlink channels). Thealgorithm of [96] proposes to use the optimal uplink receiverbeamformers (which are easy to find using the minimummean-squared error (MMSE) criterion) as the downlink transmitbeamformer, then to iter<strong>at</strong>e between the beamformerupd<strong>at</strong>e step and the power upd<strong>at</strong>e step to s<strong>at</strong>isfy the targetSINRs. The optimality of this algorithm can be establishedfor the single-cell network using several different techniquesbased on convex optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion methods [97], [98], [99], [100],[101]. In particular, the semidefinite relax<strong>at</strong>ion approach of[98] and the second-order cone programming reformul<strong>at</strong>ion of[101] also lead to new and more efficient numerical algorithmsfor finding the optimal beamformers and powers. Further, it ispossible to show th<strong>at</strong> uplink-downlink duality is an exampleof Lagrangian duality in optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion [59].The use of convex optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion ideas for establishing dualityand for optimal beamforming can be extended to the multicellsetting [102], [92]. One consequence of the duality resultis th<strong>at</strong> it suggests a way of implementing optimal multi-cellbeamforming and power control in a distributed fashion for <strong>at</strong>ime-division duplex (TDD) system, where channel reciprocityguarantees th<strong>at</strong> the actual uplink channels are identical to thevirtual dual uplink channels. In this case, the optimal transmitbeamformers for the downlink can just simply be set as theMMSE receive beamformers for the uplink. Together witha distributed downlink power control step, this provides adistributed and optimal solution to the problem (25) [92].The duality result can be further extended to account for theoptimiz<strong>at</strong>ion objective of minimizing per-BS or per-antennapowers. The idea is to set up the optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem as th<strong>at</strong>of minimizing the weighted sum power, where the weights canbe adjusted to tradeoff powers among different BS antennas,and where the weights enter the dual channel as scalingfactors for the dual virtual noise variances [59], [92]. Inaddition, duality also holds for the case where the remoteusers are equipped with multiple receive antennas as well[103]. However, the iter<strong>at</strong>ive upd<strong>at</strong>ing of transmit beamformer,receive beamformer and the power is no longer guaranteed toconverge to the global optimal solution; only a local optimalsolution is guaranteed in this case.Finally, duality holds not only for the power minimiz<strong>at</strong>ionproblem formul<strong>at</strong>ed in (25), but also for the complementaryproblem of r<strong>at</strong>e region maximiz<strong>at</strong>ion subject to power constraints(e.g., [104], [105]). This l<strong>at</strong>ter problem is of interestin variable r<strong>at</strong>e-adaptive applic<strong>at</strong>ions. However, as both uplinkand downlink networks are <strong>MIMO</strong> multi-cell interferencenetworks, finding the optimal solution to either problem isa challenging task. In this realm, [106] used an approachbasedonthefirst-order condition of the optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem,and [107] used a r<strong>at</strong>e profile approach to reach the boundarypoints of the r<strong>at</strong>e region. In addition, much work has alsobeen done to identify solutions from a competitive (e.g., [108])or egotistic vs. altruistic points of view [109], [93], [110].

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1395Although competitive optimal solutions are not global optimalsolutions for the entire network, they nevertheless can offerimprovement over existing st<strong>at</strong>ic networks.3) Coding for interference mitig<strong>at</strong>ion: So far, we havefocused on transmission str<strong>at</strong>egies which tre<strong>at</strong> intercell interferenceas noise. For interference-limited networks, it ispossible to further improve these str<strong>at</strong>egies by consideringthe possibility of detecting then subtracting the interference.In currently deployed cellular networks, interference signalsare typically too weak to be detected by out-of-cell users.The key to make interference decoding work is to specificallydesign transmit signals to facilit<strong>at</strong>e detection <strong>at</strong> neighboringcells — as suggested by inform<strong>at</strong>ion theoretical results on theinterference channel.The largest known achievable r<strong>at</strong>e region for the two-userinterference channel is the celebr<strong>at</strong>ed Han-Kobayashi region[69] derived based on the idea of splitting each user’s transmitsignal into a common message, which is decodable by allreceivers, and a priv<strong>at</strong>e message, which is decodable by theintended receiver only. In other words, by lowering the r<strong>at</strong>eof part of the transmitted message to allow it to be decodedby out-of-cell users, the overall interference level would be reduced,enabling a higher overall r<strong>at</strong>e. The recent work of [111]provides further insights into this scheme by showing th<strong>at</strong> aparticular common-priv<strong>at</strong>e splitting can get within one bit toan outer bound of the two-user interference channel. The keyinsight is to set the priv<strong>at</strong>e message power seen <strong>at</strong> the oppositereceiver to be <strong>at</strong> the background noise level, whereas anythingabove th<strong>at</strong> should be decoded. Although the outer bound of[111] applies only to the two-user single-antenna case, in amulti-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> network, adjacent cells can be paired andthe optimal beamforming and power splitting problem can besolved together to produce significant performance gain forthe overall network [112].Finally, for an interference channel with more than twotransmitters, it is also possible to specifically design transmitsignals so th<strong>at</strong> the interferences are always constrained <strong>at</strong>confined subspaces <strong>at</strong> each receiver. This allows the receiverto efficiently reject the interference. This idea, known as interferencealignment, has been shown to achieve significantly improvedmultiplexing gain for the <strong>MIMO</strong> interference network,where both the transmitters and the receivers are equippedwith multiple antennas [72]. Practical implement<strong>at</strong>ion of theseideas for wireless networks is an active area th<strong>at</strong> is currently<strong>at</strong>tracting much research.B. Coding str<strong>at</strong>egies for MCP networksThe coding and optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion str<strong>at</strong>egies considered in theprevious sections require the sharing of the channel st<strong>at</strong>einform<strong>at</strong>ion only. Significant further improvement in d<strong>at</strong>a r<strong>at</strong>esis possible, if, in addition, the BSs are synchronized and thed<strong>at</strong>a streams for all the active users or the received signals<strong>at</strong> all antennas are shared between the BSs via high-capacitybackhaul links [113], [114], [115], [116], [117], [118]. Thissetup is illustr<strong>at</strong>ed in Fig. 3. Many coding str<strong>at</strong>egies have beenproposed in the liter<strong>at</strong>ure for this setting (e.g., [119], [120],[121], [122], [123].) The antennas from all the BSs are in thiscase effectively pooled together to form a giant antenna array.The uplink channel can then be modeled as a multiple accesschannel with multiple transmitters and a single multi-antennareceiver. The downlink channel can be modeled as a broadcastchannel with a single multi-antenna transmitter and multiplereceivers.1) Uplink: The capacity region of the uplink multipleaccesschannel is achieved with superposition coding andsuccessive decoding [15]. The idea is to decode each user’scodeword based on the observ<strong>at</strong>ion sequence of the entireantenna array (using a linear beamformer across the BSs), thento subtract the decoded codewords in a successive fashion.To achieve this multiple-access channel capacity region, thecooper<strong>at</strong>ing BSs theoretically need to share their observ<strong>at</strong>ionsequence, which requires infinite backhaul capacity.There is an important special case where the multipleaccesschannel capacity can be approxim<strong>at</strong>ely achieved by justthe linear detection of each user’s individual message usinga receive beamformer across all BSs, without the nonlinearsuccessive decoding step. This happens when the interferinglinks are much weaker than the direct links (but the interferencelevel is still much stronger than the background noise).Consider the following example where the channel m<strong>at</strong>rix Hbetween the K single-antenna BSs and K remote users is neardiagonal:y = Hx + z. (26)The capacity region of this multiple-access channel is almosta rectangle with each user achieving close to its interferencefreecapacity. This is because a joint receiver across theBSs can simply employ a zero-forcing receiver with rowsof H −1 as the beamformers. As H −1 is nearly diagonal, itproduces minimal noise enhancement. Thus, the single-userinterference-free capacity can be nearly achieved for all userswith just linear decoding, without the successive decodingstep.Note th<strong>at</strong> for the diagonally dominant network, the abovenetwork-wide zero-forcing str<strong>at</strong>egy is superior to an altern<strong>at</strong>ivestr<strong>at</strong>egy where each BS performs detection based on thereceived signal <strong>at</strong> its own antennas only, but BSs share thedecoded bits for interference subtraction. In this case, theBSs must follow a particular decoding order with intercellinterference subtracted successively. This altern<strong>at</strong>ive str<strong>at</strong>egyis clearly suboptimal, because it achieves the single-userinterference-free bound only for the last user in any particulardecoding order, but not for earlier users. In contrast,the linear str<strong>at</strong>egy mentioned earlier achieves the single-userbound simultaneously for every user in a diagonally dominantinterference network.2) Downlink: The capacity region of the downlink broadcastchannel is achieved with a dirty-paper coding str<strong>at</strong>egy <strong>at</strong>the encoder [14]. The idea is to fix an encoding order, thentransmit each user’s codeword using a transmit beamformeracross all the antennas <strong>at</strong> all cooper<strong>at</strong>ing BSs, and successivelyencode each user’s codeword while tre<strong>at</strong>ing the messagesalready encoded as known interference. From an inform<strong>at</strong>iontheoretical point of view, the known interference can becompletely pre-subtracted without using extra power <strong>at</strong> thetransmitter. This is called dirty-paper coding [124]. Dirtypapercoding can be approxim<strong>at</strong>ely implemented in practice

1396 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010using Tomlinson-Harashima precoding or l<strong>at</strong>tice precodingstr<strong>at</strong>egies (see e.g., [125], [126]).When the channel m<strong>at</strong>rix associ<strong>at</strong>ed with the interferencenetwork is diagonally dominant, the zero-forcing str<strong>at</strong>egy isagain near optimal. Consider again the single-antenna case:y = H † x + z. (27)The zero-forcing str<strong>at</strong>egy precodes x = (H † ) −1 u, whereu is the inform<strong>at</strong>ion symbol. When H † is near diagonal,it produces minimal power enhancement <strong>at</strong> the transmitter,resulting in a near rectangular achievable r<strong>at</strong>e region. Note th<strong>at</strong>this network-wide zero-forcing str<strong>at</strong>egy requires joint transmitbeamforming across the BSs, but no dirty-paper coding. Thisis again superior to the altern<strong>at</strong>ive str<strong>at</strong>egy of dirty-papercoding without joint beamforming for the diagonally dominantinterference network, analogous to the uplink case discussedearlier.3) Optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion: For a cellular network with an arbitrarytopology and a general channel m<strong>at</strong>rix, the optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion ofa network-wide beamforming vector together with the successivedecoding or dirty-paper precoding orders becomes arelevant question. Consider first the uplink channel:y =K∑H k x k + z (28)k=1where y is the network-wide receive signal, and x k is thetransmit signal for user k, who may be equipped with multipleantennas as well, and the noise vector z has a normalized unitvariance. Let the optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem be formul<strong>at</strong>ed as th<strong>at</strong> ofmaximizing the weighted sum r<strong>at</strong>e ∑ k α kR k . Because of thepolym<strong>at</strong>roid structure of the multiple-access channel capacityregion, the optimal decoding order is completely determinedby the rel<strong>at</strong>ive values of α k [127]. The user with the smallestα k should be decoded first; the user with the largest α k last.Without loss of generality, let α 1 ≤ α 2 ··· ≤ α K .Theresulting weighted sum r<strong>at</strong>e can be expressed as( ∑K)K∑K∑ detj=k H jS j H † j + I α k R k = α k log ( ∑K) (29)detj=k+1 H jS j H † j + Ik=1k=1where S k is the transmit covariance m<strong>at</strong>rix of user k. Theabove r<strong>at</strong>e expression is a convex function of S k . Thus, theweighted sum r<strong>at</strong>e optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem for the uplink can besolved efficiently. The eigenvectors of the resulting optimalS k give the optimal transmit beamformers. The network-widereceive beamformers for user k are the MMSE beamformerswith interference from the first k − 1 users subtracted.For the downlink channely k = H † kx + z, (30)(where again the noise variance is normalized to one), althougha straightforward formul<strong>at</strong>ion of the achievable r<strong>at</strong>eregion does not result in a convex formul<strong>at</strong>ion, a key resultknown as uplink-downlink duality [128] enables the downlinktransmit covariance optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem to be transl<strong>at</strong>edto the uplink. Uplink-downlink duality guarantees th<strong>at</strong> thecapacity region of the downlink channel is identical to thecapacity region of the dual uplink, where the transmitters andthe receivers are interchanged, and the channel m<strong>at</strong>rices areHermitian transpose of each other, and where the same sumpowerconstraint is applied to both. Thus, to find the optimaldownlink beamformer, one only needs to solve the optimaluplink problem with a sum power constraint, then use thecovariance transform<strong>at</strong>ion technique of [128] to transl<strong>at</strong>e theoptimal uplink solution to the downlink.The duality result established in [128] solves the optimaldownlink beamforming problem with a sum power constraintacross all the antennas. In a multi-cell network, the powerusages across the BSs cannot easily be traded with eachother. In addition, each antenna is typically constrained bythe linearity of its power amplifier, and hence is peak powerconstrained. Thus, a more sensible approach is to apply a per-BS or per-antenna power constraint <strong>at</strong> each cell.The uplink-downlink duality result can be generalized toaccommod<strong>at</strong>e the per-antenna power constraint [59] as mentionedin Section III. The additional ingredient is to recognizeth<strong>at</strong> transmit power constraints for the downlink are reflectedin the dual uplink as the noise covariances. In particular, forthe weighted per-antenna power minimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem for thedownlink, its dual uplink would have its noise variances scaledby the same weights. Further, to enforce per-antenna powerconstraints, one would need to search over all such weightsin the downlink. This amounts to searching over all possiblenoise variances.More precisely, for a downlink broadcast channel with perantennapower constraint P i in each of its antennas, the dualuplink is a multiple-access channel with the same sum powerconstraint ∑ i P i, but whose noise covariance m<strong>at</strong>rix is adiagonal m<strong>at</strong>rix with q ii on its diagonal and constrained by∑q ii P i ≤ ∑ P i . (31)iiNumerically, the weighted r<strong>at</strong>e sum maximiz<strong>at</strong>ion problemfor the downlink becomes a minimax problem in the uplinkwith maximiz<strong>at</strong>ion over uplink transmit covariances and minimiz<strong>at</strong>ionover uplink receiver noise covariances. This minimaxproblem is concave in transmit covariance and convex in noisecovariance, so it can be solved using convex optimiz<strong>at</strong>iontechniques.The discussion so far focuses on capacity maximiz<strong>at</strong>ion.When practical coding and modul<strong>at</strong>ion schemes are used, anSNR gap needs to be included in the achievable r<strong>at</strong>e comput<strong>at</strong>ion.Unfortun<strong>at</strong>ely, accur<strong>at</strong>e expressions of the SNR gapin the multiuser setting are not easy to obtain. Furthermore,although duality still holds with the inclusion of gap, the dualuplink problem is no longer tractable. The issue is th<strong>at</strong> with anadditional gap term, (29) is no longer a concave function of thetransmit covariance m<strong>at</strong>rices. Work on finding the approxim<strong>at</strong>eoptimal ordering and beamformers for the single-receiveantennacase includes [129], but the optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem inits full generality remains open.C. Coding Str<strong>at</strong>egies with R<strong>at</strong>e-Limited Cooper<strong>at</strong>ionIn this section, we focus on channel models where the BSscooper<strong>at</strong>e via r<strong>at</strong>e-limited backhaul links as in Fig. 4-(b), orvia independent relay nodes with r<strong>at</strong>e-limited connections tothe BSs. These channel models are practically relevant, but the

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1397inform<strong>at</strong>ion theoretical capacities of these channels are oftenunknown, except for certain simplified models as mentioned inSection III. This situ<strong>at</strong>ion is not really surprising consideringthe fact th<strong>at</strong> the capacity of even the simplest single-transmittersingle-receiver and single-relay channel is still open. Thus,instead of capacity analysis, this section focuses on effectiveinterference mitig<strong>at</strong>ion techniques in these settings.1) Receiver Cooper<strong>at</strong>ion: In the uplink direction, receivercooper<strong>at</strong>ion can be realized either with a dedic<strong>at</strong>ed relaynode with fixed-capacity links to the BSs, or with r<strong>at</strong>elimitedconferencing links between BSs which act as relaysfor each other. In these so-called relay-interference channels,the objective of the relay str<strong>at</strong>egy is typically to mitig<strong>at</strong>einterference, r<strong>at</strong>her than to enhance direct transmission. Wellknownstr<strong>at</strong>egies such as decode-and-forward and compressand-forwardcan both be employed toward this goal.Consider first a two-user interference channel employingHan-Kobayashi style common-priv<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion splitting.Consider a practical regime of interest where the interferinglinks are “weak”, but where interference is still stronger thanbackground noise. In this case, the r<strong>at</strong>es of the commonmessages are typically constrained by the interfering links.Thus, when the receivers are equipped with conferencing links,the common message r<strong>at</strong>es can be effectively increased if eachreceiver decodes the common message from its own transmitter,then forwards a bin index of the common message tothe other receiver. Such a decode-and-forward str<strong>at</strong>egy allowseach conferencing bit to increase the common inform<strong>at</strong>ion r<strong>at</strong>e(and hence the overall achievable r<strong>at</strong>e) by one bit, up to a limit.This str<strong>at</strong>egy can be shown to be sum capacity achieving inthe asymptotic high SNR regime for a simpler Z-interferencechannel [40]. A more sophistic<strong>at</strong>ed coding str<strong>at</strong>egy, whichconsists of a two-round conferencing with quantiz<strong>at</strong>ion as thefirst step and binning as the second step, can in fact be provedto be within 2 bits to the capacity region of this channel modelfor all interference regimes [34].The decode-and-forward str<strong>at</strong>egy discussed above can bethought of as an interference-forwarding str<strong>at</strong>egy, as the relaydecodes and then forwards part of the signal th<strong>at</strong> would havecaused interference. The knowledge of the interference caneither help the interfered transmit-receive pair subtract theinterference, hereby increasing its direct transmission r<strong>at</strong>e, orhelp the interfering transmitter-receiver pair increase its commonmessage r<strong>at</strong>e. This interference-forwarding str<strong>at</strong>egy hasbeen used in various studies, including interference channelmodels with a dedic<strong>at</strong>ed relay node [130], [131], [132], [133],[134].In existing multi-cell networks where the Han-Kobayashistyle common-priv<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion splitting is not deployed,interference mitig<strong>at</strong>ion can be effectively carried out usingcompress-and-forward or amplify-and-forward str<strong>at</strong>egies. Aninteresting result in this area is due to the works [135], [136],[137] th<strong>at</strong> show th<strong>at</strong> when a relay observes the precise interferencesequence of a transmitter-receiver pair, every relayingbit to the receiver can increase the direct transmission r<strong>at</strong>eby one bit in the noiseless limit. This can be achieved usinga compress-and-forward str<strong>at</strong>egy where the relay quantizesits observ<strong>at</strong>ion of the interference with Wyner-Ziv coding[138], and the receiver first decodes the quantized versionof the interference, then subtracts part of the interferencebefore decoding the direct transmission. In fact, the asymptoticoptimality of compress-and-forward in the noiseless limitcontinues to hold when the relay observes a linear combin<strong>at</strong>ionof the transmitted signal and the interference. This idea canbe further extended to show th<strong>at</strong> a single relay can help bothtransmitter-receiver pairs of an interference channel using auniversal str<strong>at</strong>egy called generalized hash-and-forward [139].Interestingly, although amplify-and-forward is typically notoptimal in these settings, the amplify-and-forward str<strong>at</strong>egy canbe significantly improved with nonlinear amplific<strong>at</strong>ion [140].2) Transmitter Cooper<strong>at</strong>ion: In the downlink direction,when the BSs are equipped with r<strong>at</strong>e-limited backhaul links<strong>at</strong> the transmitter, the BSs can still cooper<strong>at</strong>e using a varietyof techniques. One idea is to share part of the common inform<strong>at</strong>ionamong the transmitters (assuming a Han-Kobayashicoding str<strong>at</strong>egy is deployed), which allows the transmittersto cooper<strong>at</strong>ively send shared common messages; this ideahas been pursued in [141], [142]. Another idea is to sharepart of the priv<strong>at</strong>e message, which allows the possibility ofpartial zero-forcing or dirty-paper coding <strong>at</strong> the transmitter;these possibilities have been explored in [143], [105], [144],[142]. In certain high SNR and interference-limited asymptoticregimes, it is possible to show th<strong>at</strong> each cooper<strong>at</strong>ion bitcan improve the direct transmission r<strong>at</strong>e sum by one bit[144]. However, in general, the question of which transmissionstr<strong>at</strong>egies should be adopted in specific cases remains verymuch open.V. SCALABLE COOPERATIVE SCHEMESThe potential benefits associ<strong>at</strong>ed with exploiting or elimin<strong>at</strong>inginterference in cellular networks are huge. However,there are several practical hurdles which need to be overcome,over which we now draw the interested reader’s <strong>at</strong>tention.In this section, we address the important issue of scalability.The first models of base st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion were centralizedin n<strong>at</strong>ure, and a n<strong>at</strong>ural implement<strong>at</strong>ion would consist of acentral processing unit, or controller, to which all the basest<strong>at</strong>ions are directly connected. The downside to this is th<strong>at</strong>it has a single point of failure and would be an expensiveinfrastructure to build. Such an architecture would placeenormous demands on the back-haul network, as all trafficwould have to be routed to and from the central node, causingexcessive delays. Besides the problem of user d<strong>at</strong>a sharing,there is also the issue of channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> thetransmitter (CSIT) which also must be shared amongst basest<strong>at</strong>ions, and between mobiles and base st<strong>at</strong>ions. This is anadditional signaling burden associ<strong>at</strong>ed with MCP. Thus, whenit comes to an assessment of the real advantages of MCP inrealistic networks, a fundamental question arises: Might it beth<strong>at</strong> the capacity increase due to MCP is outweighed by thesignaling overhead it implies?The inform<strong>at</strong>ion theoretic picture, examined in Section III,reveals th<strong>at</strong> the capacity of the backhaul should grow in proportionto the capacity targeted on the over-the-air section ofthe network, to avoid being a bottleneck for traffic. Nevertheless,the complete answer to our question seems highly systemand scenario dependent and is the focus of ongoing research. Asimpler yet rel<strong>at</strong>ed problem would be: how to design practical

1398 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010MCP schemes whose overhead scales favorably when the sizeof the network grows large? This section considers researchth<strong>at</strong> has <strong>at</strong>tempted to reduce the overhead required to achievemost of the benefits of cooper<strong>at</strong>ion.One can distinguish two lines of research devoted to overheadreduction. The first deals with deriving efficient represent<strong>at</strong>ionsof the channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion, which is conveyedto precoding and decoding algorithms. In the second, (perfector possibly partial) CSI is assumed and <strong>at</strong>tention is focusedinstead on implementing scalable cooper<strong>at</strong>ion schemes viadistributed precoding and decoding algorithms. There is nota gre<strong>at</strong> deal of difference between trying to obtain efficientchannel represent<strong>at</strong>ions in multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> or in MU-<strong>MIMO</strong>setups. Since a rich body of liter<strong>at</strong>ure already exists for thisproblem, we simply refer the reader to past special journalissues on this topic such as [16], [145]. As a note of caution wepoint out th<strong>at</strong> existing work on limited CSIT represent<strong>at</strong>ion forMU-<strong>MIMO</strong> systems does not take into account the specifics ofthe multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> channel, such as the different channelsfrom each base st<strong>at</strong>ion to each user, whose p<strong>at</strong>h loss coefficientdepends on the user’s loc<strong>at</strong>ion in the network. In wh<strong>at</strong> follows,we assume th<strong>at</strong> a CSI model already exists <strong>at</strong> the base st<strong>at</strong>ionsthrough feedback channels. We present some concepts rel<strong>at</strong>edto distributed precoding and decoding and clustering.A. Impact of channel uncertainty1) Network capacity: As discussed in Section III-C5, channeluncertainty affects the scalability of point to point <strong>MIMO</strong>channels. The number of transmit antennas th<strong>at</strong> can effectivelybe used is limited by the coherence dur<strong>at</strong>ion in symbol times.Wh<strong>at</strong> are the implic<strong>at</strong>ions for network <strong>MIMO</strong>? Recently, thisissue has been explored in [146], where random m<strong>at</strong>rix theoryis exploited to obtain tractable formulas for per-cell r<strong>at</strong>es,involving parameters such as the number of base st<strong>at</strong>ions andthe coherence dur<strong>at</strong>ion in symbol times. It is claimed th<strong>at</strong> theper-cell r<strong>at</strong>e can in some cases decrease with the number ofbase st<strong>at</strong>ions, due to the cost of measuring the extra channelparameters. This conclusion may impact the optimal clustersize to use in network <strong>MIMO</strong> (see Section V-C for a discussionof clustering in the context of MCP). On the other hand, thisanalysis does not take into account the impact of interclusterinterference, leaving open further research on this issue.2) Downlink: Distributed precoding with partial inform<strong>at</strong>ionsharing: The general problem of distributed multi-cellprecoding, whereby the l-th base st<strong>at</strong>ion must design optimallyits transmit beamforming vectors on the basis ofpartially shared CSIT and partially shared user d<strong>at</strong>a is largelyopen. Interestingly, in the case of fully shared user d<strong>at</strong>a(<strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion), this problem can be shown to fallwithin the framework of team decision theory, which reviewsoptimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problems in which different agents (here, thebase st<strong>at</strong>ions) must act cooper<strong>at</strong>ively despite not sharing thesame view of the system st<strong>at</strong>e [147]. In our context, theproblem can be formalized as follows: the users are assumedto feedback their channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion to all base st<strong>at</strong>ions,in a broadcast fashion. As the distance between the userand surrounding bases differ, the quality of feedback for agiven channel coefficient is unequal <strong>at</strong> different base st<strong>at</strong>ions.An optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem, by which the beamforming vectorsare designed taking into account the locally received CSITfeedback as well as the expected quality level for the feedbackreceived <strong>at</strong> other bases, is formul<strong>at</strong>ed [147]. The obtainedbeamformers can range smoothly from fully distributed tofully centralized, depending on the feedback model.R<strong>at</strong>her than a partial sharing of CSIT along with fullyshared user d<strong>at</strong>a, another particular framework for distributedprecoding assumes a partial sharing of the user d<strong>at</strong>a, but underperfect CSIT sharing. A possible practical model for this isas follows: the finite backhaul links are used to convey twotypes of traffic. The first type is routed in the interferencecoordin<strong>at</strong>ionmode, i.e. a message to user k in cell m isrouted to base st<strong>at</strong>ion m alone, while the second type oftraffic is duplic<strong>at</strong>ed to all cooper<strong>at</strong>ing bases, in the <strong>MIMO</strong>fashion. The first and second types are referred to as priv<strong>at</strong>eand common, respectively. An optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problem can beformul<strong>at</strong>ed by which the total user r<strong>at</strong>e is optimally splitacross priv<strong>at</strong>e and common inform<strong>at</strong>ion, as a function of thefinite backhaul capacity and of the channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion[148]. By comparing priv<strong>at</strong>e and common inform<strong>at</strong>ion r<strong>at</strong>es,one can assess the value of <strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion depending onthe interference strength model.B. Distributed processing using Turbo Base St<strong>at</strong>ions1) Uplink: distributed decoding: We now consider theproblem of uplink decoding of multiple base st<strong>at</strong>ion signalsjointly. The fact th<strong>at</strong> the complexity of the general multi-userdetection problem grows exponentially with the number ofusers [149] raises a question of scalability: A priori, it looks asthough the multiuser decoding of all users might be intractableas the size of the network grows large. On the other hand,the very localized structure of the interference offers hope ofsalv<strong>at</strong>ion from the apparent intractability, and it motiv<strong>at</strong>es thesearch for decentralized algorithms.An interesting question to ask is whether the global uplinktask of demodul<strong>at</strong>ing all the users’ d<strong>at</strong>a symbols can bedistributed across a network of interacting base st<strong>at</strong>ions. Inthis context, each base st<strong>at</strong>ion is individually performinglocal comput<strong>at</strong>ions, and then passing the results to immedi<strong>at</strong>eneighbors for further processing. It is very n<strong>at</strong>ural to try andapply well known message passing techniques from codingtheory, such as the iter<strong>at</strong>ive method of Turbo decoding.A first step in this direction is taken in [150], whichconsiders an uplink multi-user detection (MUD) problem.Each base st<strong>at</strong>ion first does an independent MUD to tryand separ<strong>at</strong>e the desired same-cell user from the co-channelinterferers in other cells. However, the desired user is alsoheard <strong>at</strong> the neighboring base st<strong>at</strong>ions, and to gain the benefitsof macrodiversity, the base st<strong>at</strong>ions share their log-likelihoodr<strong>at</strong>ios. The base st<strong>at</strong>ion controller computes an a posteriorilog-likelihood r<strong>at</strong>io using the log-likelihoods from the localbase st<strong>at</strong>ions, which is in essence the first step of the Turbodecoder.L<strong>at</strong>er works, such as [151], provided an explicitconnection to Turbo-decoding, and propose iter<strong>at</strong>ive, messagepassing algorithms.A rel<strong>at</strong>ed problem is to find the most likely sequence ofbits transmitted in the network. This problem has a simplified

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1399Fig. 9.Y 1 Z 1 Y 2 Z 2 Y 3 Z 3 Y 4C 1 C 2 C 3 C 4C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5Markov ChainC 6S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4Hidden Markov model of linear cellular arraystructure due to the local interference coupling, which maymake it amenable to a solution via dynamic programming[152].Turbo decoding is an example of belief propag<strong>at</strong>ion on agraph. Communic<strong>at</strong>ion on the uplink of a one dimensional,linear cellular array model, with one user per cell (as consideredin [8], [9]), can be modeled by a Markov chain moving tothe right along the linear array, see Figure 9. Each st<strong>at</strong>e of theMarkov chain corresponds to the choice of code words in threeconsecutive cells. For example, st<strong>at</strong>e S 1 in Figure 9 consists ofthe codewords chosen by users 1,2, and 3, respectively. Eachbase st<strong>at</strong>ion observes a noisy version of the superposition ofthe three signals, so it is a hidden Markov model, and a onedimensionalprobabilistic graph can be associ<strong>at</strong>ed with thismodel. The (forward-backward) BCJR algorithm [153] can beapplied to compute the MAP estim<strong>at</strong>es of the codewords [154].This is a one dimensional graphical model, with clustering toprovide the Markov structure. Although simple, this modelallows an explor<strong>at</strong>ion of issues such as distributed comput<strong>at</strong>ion,parallelism, complexity, and accuracy [154], [155], [156],[157], [158], [30], [159].Since the complexity of the BCJR grows exponentially withthe size of the st<strong>at</strong>e space, Gaussian models are considered in[155], [156], where linear estim<strong>at</strong>ion techniques are optimal.The analogous problem is Kalman smoothing, and a forwardbackKalman smoother is proposed. Note th<strong>at</strong> the delay andcomplexity are linear in the network size, but the local n<strong>at</strong>ureof the interference can be exploited. In [157] a parallelizedversion of the forward-backward algorithm is proposed, whichallows base st<strong>at</strong>ions to make estim<strong>at</strong>es <strong>at</strong> any time. If thecoupling between base st<strong>at</strong>ions is weak, or the noise is strong,then accur<strong>at</strong>e estim<strong>at</strong>es are obtained after a small number ofmessage passings. Thus, the complexity and delay, per basest<strong>at</strong>ion, need not grow with the array size in practice.More realistic two dimensional cellular array models aremore problem<strong>at</strong>ic. Forward-backward methods no longer apply,and the associ<strong>at</strong>ed probabilistic graph models now haveloops. The uplink decoding problem is considered in [30], andtwo graphical models are investig<strong>at</strong>ed. The belief propag<strong>at</strong>ionalgorithm is applied, and it is found th<strong>at</strong> in spite of the loops,error r<strong>at</strong>es near the single user lower bound are obtained, forfading channels. The numerical complexity per base st<strong>at</strong>ion isa constant, independent of the network size.Since the complexity of the sum-product algorithm (i.e.belief propag<strong>at</strong>ion) grows exponentially with the number ofZ 4variable nodes connected to a function node, it is of interestto look for suboptimal approaches th<strong>at</strong> reduce the complexity,especially when there are many interfering users per cell.In this case, the comput<strong>at</strong>ion of the log-likelihood messagessent from a variable node to a function node is in essencean MUD comput<strong>at</strong>ion. In [160], symbols are grouped, and aposteriori probabilities are computed within a group, tre<strong>at</strong>ingthe interference from the other groups as Gaussian noise,with the mean and variance determined from the a prioriprobabilities. Thus, a reduced complexity group-wise MUDscheme is proposed. This paper also incorpor<strong>at</strong>es an LDPC(Low Density Parity Check) code, so th<strong>at</strong> the graph is in timeas well as space.2) Downlink: Distributed beamforming: The downlink isa broadcast channel in which all base st<strong>at</strong>ion antennas arepooled. If <strong>at</strong>tention is restricted to linear techniques, then theproblem to be solved is th<strong>at</strong> of macroscopic beamforming. Aswas exposed earlier in Section IV, duality between the uplinkand downlink allows some of the above methods to be used onthe downlink, also. The downlink beamforming problem canbe recast as an equivalent, virtual, uplink estim<strong>at</strong>ion problem,in which the downlink d<strong>at</strong>a symbols to be transmitted becomeobservables in the uplink problem, and belief propag<strong>at</strong>ion onthe virtual uplink graph finds the samples to be transmitted byeach base st<strong>at</strong>ion, i.e. the outputs of the global precoder. Thesesamples are obtained by the sum-product message passingalgorithm [159].C. Limited cooper<strong>at</strong>ion via clusteringCurrent cellular networks typically connect base transceiverst<strong>at</strong>ions (BTS’s) to base st<strong>at</strong>ion controllers (BSC’s), and insome implement<strong>at</strong>ions the BSC handles the base-band signalprocessing and encoding/decoding [150]. It is therefore veryn<strong>at</strong>ural to consider clustered models, in which the processingis done locally <strong>at</strong> the BSC, which is connected to the adjacentbase st<strong>at</strong>ions. The collection of base st<strong>at</strong>ions served by aBSC forms a cluster, each cluster behaving as a network<strong>MIMO</strong> system, but now there is interference between adjacentclusters. In this case, there is not a single, centralized node,but many nodes, each independently encoding and decodingsignals for the mobiles in the local cluster. The advantages ofthe clustered model are 1) relevance to currently implementedsystems 2) reduced comput<strong>at</strong>ional complexity 3) reduceddemands on the back-haul network since only neighboringbase st<strong>at</strong>ions (i.e. those which are mutually interfering themost) are engaged in cooper<strong>at</strong>ion, and 4) increased robustnessto node failures (a base st<strong>at</strong>ion can be served by more thanone system controller). The disadvantages when comparedwith full network-wide cooper<strong>at</strong>ion are 1) increased levels ofintercell interference in some areas (since adjacent clusterswill interfere), 2) reduced diversity, and 3) lower capacity.Tradeoffs between these factors have been considered in anumber of research papers.It is well known th<strong>at</strong> network <strong>MIMO</strong> has the capabilityto elimin<strong>at</strong>e intercell interference. In models in which interferenceis tre<strong>at</strong>ed as noise, a notion of effective bandwidthscan be developed, which allows a definition of user capacityregion [6], [161], [7]. It can be shown th<strong>at</strong> in these models,

1400 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010Fig. 10.base st<strong>at</strong>ion 1 2mobilecluster receiver (1,2) cluster receiver (2,3)Cluster decoding using pairs of base st<strong>at</strong>ionsbase st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion and optimal power control effectivelyelimin<strong>at</strong>e inter-cell interference [162], [5], [6], [7]. In otherwords, the user capacity region of a network of K cooper<strong>at</strong>ingbase st<strong>at</strong>ions is the same as th<strong>at</strong> of K non-interfering (isol<strong>at</strong>ed)cells, as was pointed out in Section III. However, this relieson global cooper<strong>at</strong>ion. Consider instead a very simple modelconsisting of three base st<strong>at</strong>ions labelled 1, 2, and 3, asdepicted in Figure 10. Suppose base st<strong>at</strong>ions 1 and 2 cooper<strong>at</strong>eto decode the users between them (cluster 1, 2), and basest<strong>at</strong>ions 2 and 3 cooper<strong>at</strong>e to decode the users between them(cluster 2, 3). With full cooper<strong>at</strong>ion, there is a capacity limit onthe sum of the effective bandwidths in the two cells. With thelimited cooper<strong>at</strong>ion described here, the user capacity region isreduced, with additional constraints imposed by each cluster.It is shown in Theorem 9.6 in [5] th<strong>at</strong> the user capacity regionis the intersection of three regions: one corresponding to eachof the two-receiver clusters, and one corresponding to thethree-receiver system (the user capacity region under globalprocessing).Extensions of the above simple three antenna model to morecomplex networks, including linear and planar models, areconsidered in [163]. In these models, MCP "receivers" areassoci<strong>at</strong>ed with clusters of antennas, and adjacent receiversshare common antennas, as in the simple three antenna modelabove. In [163] the focus is the inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic capacity,and since the transmitters interfere <strong>at</strong> nearby receivers, thetechniques used come from the theory of interference channels.Upper and lower bounds on achievable r<strong>at</strong>es are derived.The impact of clustering on the inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic capacityof multi-cell processing (MCP) has been consideredmore recently in [38], [23], [164], and in other works surveyedin Section III-C4 (i.e. capacity results for the uplink, withlocal base st<strong>at</strong>ion backhaul). In [23], the degrees of freedomare shown to be reduced by a factor of N/(N +1) or(N − 1)/(N +1),whenN is even or odd, respectively, whereN is the number of base st<strong>at</strong>ions in each cluster. In [38]a similar result is obtained for a limiting regime in whichthe number of antennas <strong>at</strong> each base st<strong>at</strong>ion grows large, inproportion to the number of users in each cell. In this case, thecorresponding result is (N − 2)/N ,forN ≥ 3: The limitingasymptotics wash out the effect of even or odd parity. Recently,[164] has undertaken a large system analysis of MCP, withclustered decoding, fair user scheduling, and a realistic p<strong>at</strong>hloss model.A practical way to reduce inter-cluster interference is touse frequency planning. For example, one can employ twofrequency bands, and by employing appropri<strong>at</strong>e power controlin each band, and altern<strong>at</strong>ing the roles of each band in3adjacent clusters, the impact of inter-cluster interference canbe mitig<strong>at</strong>ed, whilst maintaining full frequency re-use in eachcell [165], [166]. Another approach to clustering is to limitthe base st<strong>at</strong>ion cooper<strong>at</strong>ion to the users th<strong>at</strong> really need iti.e. those users near the cell boundaries. The problem thenbecomes th<strong>at</strong> of grouping users into appropri<strong>at</strong>e clusters forjoint MUD. These ideas rel<strong>at</strong>ed to dynamic clustering havestarted to be investig<strong>at</strong>ed in [167], [168] among others.Clustering reduces the inform<strong>at</strong>ion available to encodersand decoders alike. Inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic approaches in whichencoders and decoders are limited to knowledge of the codebooksof users in adjacent cells only are to be found in [154],[41], [37]. Clustering can also cre<strong>at</strong>e unfairness for mobilesth<strong>at</strong> happen to lie near the boundary of a cluster. A way totre<strong>at</strong> this problem is to introduce a family of clusters, so th<strong>at</strong>every cell gets a turn <strong>at</strong> being on a cluster boundary. A roundrobin across the clusters provides fairness to all the users [38],[165], [166]. Dynamic clustering based on channel strengthinform<strong>at</strong>ion also helps to mitig<strong>at</strong>e the unfairness effects in thelong run. Clustering has also recently been considered in thecontext of linear precoding. In [169] mobiles are classified ascluster interior or cluster edge users. Within a cluster, blockdiagonaliz<strong>at</strong>ion subject to per base st<strong>at</strong>ion power constraintsis performed, but, as in coordin<strong>at</strong>ed beamforming, nulls arealso steered to neighboring edge users.VI. REAL-WORLD IMPLEMENTATION AND PERFORMANCEThe previous sections have addressed the theoretical performanceof cooper<strong>at</strong>ive networks, including some non-idealassumptions such as limited backhaul bandwidth and channeluncertainty. In this section, we discuss these and other topicsrel<strong>at</strong>ed to the real-world implement<strong>at</strong>ion of cooper<strong>at</strong>ive techniquesin cellular networks. We discuss the practical aspects ofsystem implement<strong>at</strong>ion and present system-level simul<strong>at</strong>ionsand prototypes which hint <strong>at</strong> the potential and problems ofreal-world cooper<strong>at</strong>ive cellular networks.A. System implement<strong>at</strong>ionIn the practical implement<strong>at</strong>ion of any coherent wirelesscommunic<strong>at</strong>ion system, issues including synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion andchannel estim<strong>at</strong>ion need to be addressed. In addition, downlinkMU-<strong>MIMO</strong> transmission requires channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong>the base st<strong>at</strong>ion transmitters, and cooper<strong>at</strong>ive networks requirean enhanced backhaul network connecting base st<strong>at</strong>ions witheach other or with a central processor.1) Synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion: Downlink <strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion acrossmultiple base st<strong>at</strong>ions requires tight synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion so th<strong>at</strong>there is ideally no carrier frequency offset (CFO) between thelocal oscill<strong>at</strong>ors <strong>at</strong> the base st<strong>at</strong>ions. Sufficient synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ioncould be achieved using commercial GPS (global positioningsystem) s<strong>at</strong>ellite signals for outdoor base st<strong>at</strong>ions [170]. Forindoor base st<strong>at</strong>ions, the timing signal could be sent from anoutdoor GPS receiver using a precisely timed network protocol.In the absence of a GPS signal, each base could correctits offset based on CFO estim<strong>at</strong><strong>at</strong>ion and feedback from themobiles [171]. On the uplink, CFO results in interferencebetween subcarriers of an OFDM transmission. Techniques forjoint detection and CFO compens<strong>at</strong>ion in uplink coordin<strong>at</strong>ed

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1401multi-cell <strong>MIMO</strong> OFDM systems have been proposed in[172].2) Channel estim<strong>at</strong>ion: Coherent combining <strong>at</strong> the receiveror coherent pre-combining <strong>at</strong> the transmitter provides SNRgain when the channel st<strong>at</strong>e is known. Sufficient resourcesmust be alloc<strong>at</strong>ed to pilot signals to ensure reliable estim<strong>at</strong>ionof the channel st<strong>at</strong>e, accounting for the fact th<strong>at</strong> the estim<strong>at</strong>ionis performed on each transmit/receive antenna pair with nocombining benefit. In the context of network coordin<strong>at</strong>ion withsp<strong>at</strong>ially distributed bases, the extent of the coordin<strong>at</strong>ion coulddepend on the range of reliable channel estim<strong>at</strong>ion, and thereis a tradeoff between increasing the coordin<strong>at</strong>ion network size<strong>at</strong> the expense of increased pilot overhead.For estim<strong>at</strong>ion of channels <strong>at</strong> the transmitter in time-divisionduplex (TDD) networks, one can rely on the reciprocity ofthe uplink and downlink channels so th<strong>at</strong> channel estim<strong>at</strong>ionon the uplink can be used for downlink transmission. In thissense, channel estim<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> the receiver and <strong>at</strong> the TDDtransmitter face similar challenges. However, the TDD systemfaces additional challenges if the number of users is muchlarger than the total sp<strong>at</strong>ial degrees of freedom, and if the userstransmitting uplink d<strong>at</strong>a are not the same as those receivingdownlink d<strong>at</strong>a. Pilot signals and protocols should be designedto address these issues without resulting in excessive trainingoverhead. For example, these issues could be addressed byallowing only high priority users receiving downlink d<strong>at</strong>a totransmit uplink pilots, regardless of whether they have uplinkd<strong>at</strong>a to send.Estim<strong>at</strong>ion of channels <strong>at</strong> the base st<strong>at</strong>ion transmitters infrequency-division duplex (FDD) networks face much gre<strong>at</strong>erchallenges, as mentioned in Section V. In FDD networks, thechannel estim<strong>at</strong>es obtained <strong>at</strong> the mobile receiver must beconveyed to the transmitter, typically over a limited-bandwidthuplink feedback channel. While quantized channel estim<strong>at</strong>escould be fed back, current cellular standards such as LTE[173] implement transmitter “codebooks" consisting of fixedprecoding (i.e., beamforming) vectors. Under these standards,the mobile estim<strong>at</strong>es the downlink channel and feeds back anindex to its desired precoding vector. In cooper<strong>at</strong>ive networks,these codebooks would be designed to contain codewordvectorsuptosizeMJ,whereM is the number of bases andJ is the number antennas per base. Because the codebooks forcooper<strong>at</strong>ive networks contain more codewords than for conventionalnetworks, additional feedback bits will be requiredto index the codebooks, most likely leading to an increase inthe uplink feedback r<strong>at</strong>e.Note th<strong>at</strong> the problems for obtaining channel estim<strong>at</strong>es<strong>at</strong> the transmitter are encountered in single-cell MU-<strong>MIMO</strong>downlink transmission, but they are more complic<strong>at</strong>ed inmulti-cell coordin<strong>at</strong>ed networks due to the size of the networksand the potential l<strong>at</strong>ency introduced in distributing theestim<strong>at</strong>es across the bases.3) Backhaul issues: Str<strong>at</strong>egies for r<strong>at</strong>e-limited cooper<strong>at</strong>iondescribed in Sections III and V require a high-bandwidth,low-l<strong>at</strong>ency backhaul network for connecting the base st<strong>at</strong>ionswith each other or with a central processor [174][143].Compared to a conventional network with no coordin<strong>at</strong>ion,interference coordin<strong>at</strong>ion techniques shown in Figure 2 requirethe sharing of channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion among cooper<strong>at</strong>ingbases. <strong>MIMO</strong> cooper<strong>at</strong>ion requires the sharing of both channelst<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion and user d<strong>at</strong>a. As shown in Figure 3, thed<strong>at</strong>a symbols of all users must be known <strong>at</strong> all cooper<strong>at</strong>ingbases. With coordin<strong>at</strong>ion among a cluster of L base st<strong>at</strong>ions,the d<strong>at</strong>a is sent to these base st<strong>at</strong>ions results in a factorof L increase in the backhaul bandwidth. Compared to theexchange of d<strong>at</strong>a, the bandwidth required for exchangingchannel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion are minimal for the case of moder<strong>at</strong>emobile speeds [175]. Of course the bandwidth requirementsfor exchanging channel inform<strong>at</strong>ion increase for higher mobilespeeds and more frequency selective channels.As an altern<strong>at</strong>ive to sending the d<strong>at</strong>a signals and beamformingweights separ<strong>at</strong>ely to the bases, one could send a quantizedbaseband signal. A linearly quantized signal was shown toachieve a significant fraction of the ideal unquantized sumr<strong>at</strong>eperformance in an uplink coordin<strong>at</strong>ed network [175].In the context of the 3GPP LTE-Advanced standard [176],network coordin<strong>at</strong>ion techniques are known as coordin<strong>at</strong>edmulti-point (CoMP) transmission or reception. DownlinkCoMP transmission requires standardiz<strong>at</strong>ion of signaling andwill be addressed as a study item starting in September of 2010for possible consider<strong>at</strong>ion in Release 11 of LTE-Advanced. Onthe other hand, uplink CoMP reception can be implementedin a proprietary fashion, and could be introduced earlier as avendor-specific fe<strong>at</strong>ure.B. Simul<strong>at</strong>ed System PerformanceNetwork coordin<strong>at</strong>ion was studied for an indoor networkwith eight access points arranged in a line and using aTDD framing structure based on WiMAX [177]. Detailedsimul<strong>at</strong>ions th<strong>at</strong> model the physical layer of the networkemployed joint zero-forcing precoding and MMSE detectionacross all access points for the downlink and uplink, respectively.Results confirm th<strong>at</strong> a multiple-fold increase in spectralefficiency is achievable for both the uplink and downlink withconventional channel estim<strong>at</strong>ion based on linear interpol<strong>at</strong>ion.Interpol<strong>at</strong>ion based on minimum mean squared error (MMSE)was also considered but was shown to have nearly identicalperformance. It is potentially more accur<strong>at</strong>e, but becauseit requires the estim<strong>at</strong>ion of the channel’s time-frequencycovariance, it is also potentially less robust for higher-speedmobiles.The downlink cooper<strong>at</strong>ive performance of a large multicellFDD network was evalu<strong>at</strong>ed in the context of 3GPPLTE parameters [178]. Using pilot signals with powers setaccording to LTE simul<strong>at</strong>ion assumptions, mobiles could notreliably acquire the pilots from multiple base st<strong>at</strong>ions, andas a result, cooper<strong>at</strong>ion could occur among only a limitedset of bases. This was a major limiting factor, reducing thethroughput gain by 50% compared to the ideal theoreticalperformance. Limited uplink feedback for conveying channelestim<strong>at</strong>es to the base was another important limiting factor,reducing throughput by about 30%. Overall, the performancegains of network coordin<strong>at</strong>ion in terms of mean throughputwere about 20%. These rel<strong>at</strong>ively pessimistic results highlightthe importance of designing efficient pilot signaling to enableeffective channel acquisition and estim<strong>at</strong>ion for largernetworks and higher mobility users.

1402 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010C. Prototypes and testbedsThe feasibility of cooper<strong>at</strong>ive techniques have been demonstr<strong>at</strong>edin “over-the-air" networks of limited size. A downlinkcooper<strong>at</strong>ive network with four distributed base antennas servingtwo users was implemented using zero-forcing precoding[179] as described in Section IV. The proposed system showedsignificant gains in mean sum-r<strong>at</strong>e capacity (as a function ofmeasured SINR) compared to a conventional time-multiplexedbaseline.Two outdoor testbeds for implementing network coordin<strong>at</strong>ionhave been developed under the EASY-C project (Enablersfor Ambient Services and Systems Part C- <strong>Cell</strong>ular networks),a collabor<strong>at</strong>ion between academia and industry for the researchand development of LTE-Advanced technologies. One testbedin Berlin, Germany, consists of four base st<strong>at</strong>ion sites (sevensectors) connected through a high-speed optical fiber network[180]. An even larger testbed consists of ten base st<strong>at</strong>ion sites(28 sectors) distributed in downtown Dresden, Germany [181].Network coordin<strong>at</strong>ion has been recently demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed overlimited portions of each testbed.Using two distributed base antennas and two users, theBerlin testbed demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed downlink network coordin<strong>at</strong>ionfor an FDD LTE trial system [182]. It accounted for manypractical implement<strong>at</strong>ion aspects including synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion,CSI uplink feedback, limited modul<strong>at</strong>ion and coding schemes,and a finite-bandwidth backhaul connection between the bases.Zero-forcing precoding based on limited CSI feedback wasimplemented jointly across the two bases. The Dresden testbeddemonstr<strong>at</strong>ed a similarly detailed field trial for an LTE uplinksystem, also consisting of two bases and two users [183].MMSE detection was performed jointly across the bases. Inboth systems, the users had low mobility (or were st<strong>at</strong>ionary),and the systems were isol<strong>at</strong>ed so there was no intercellinterference. In these rel<strong>at</strong>ively benign environments, networkcoordin<strong>at</strong>ion was shown to provide significant performancegains over the conventional interference-limited str<strong>at</strong>egy. Inparticular, it is claimed th<strong>at</strong> MCP can provide median r<strong>at</strong>egains on the order of <strong>at</strong> least 50 percent, as well as increasedfairness, and improved diversity, taking into account the practicalconstraints of their system.Some testbeds are currently testing MCP principles togetherwith the use of relays, in the scenario of so-called meshnetworks [184] . Recently a large integr<strong>at</strong>ed research projectcalled ARTIST4G funded by the EU and comprising over20 academic and industrial partners throughout Europe waslaunched and is fully dedic<strong>at</strong>ed to the development of multicellcooper<strong>at</strong>ion techniques in future cellular networks. Thesetestbeds and projects allow the explor<strong>at</strong>ion of system-levelissues discussed in this section as well as broader issues th<strong>at</strong>include hybrid ARQ, resource alloc<strong>at</strong>ion, and user scheduling.VII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONSAlthough the underlying <strong>MIMO</strong> theoretic concepts are wellunderstood, cooper<strong>at</strong>ive systems are still in their infancy andmuch further research is required in order to fully understandthese systems and to practically achieve the full benefits ofmulti-base cooper<strong>at</strong>ion. Unlike standard <strong>MIMO</strong> systems wherethe cost of multi-antenna processing lies in the extra hardwareand software <strong>at</strong> individual devices, cooper<strong>at</strong>ive <strong>MIMO</strong>techniques do not necessarily require extra antennas. R<strong>at</strong>her,the cost lies in the additional exchange of inform<strong>at</strong>ion (userd<strong>at</strong>a and channel st<strong>at</strong>e) between the devices engaged in thecooper<strong>at</strong>ion, or between the devices and the central controllerin a centralized architecture. Furthermore, the inform<strong>at</strong>ionexchange is subject to tight delay constraints which are difficultto meet over a large network. <strong>MIMO</strong>-cooper<strong>at</strong>ion offersadditional benefits over simpler beamforming coordin<strong>at</strong>ionschemes, but it requires user d<strong>at</strong>a sharing among several BSsand more complex precoding and decoding.This tutorial began, in Section III, with an extensive reviewof capacity results for the classical Wyner model andits variants, including limited backhaul bandwidth, localizedclustered MCP, and relay assisted MCP. The main conclusionsare summarized in Section III-F. Although the Wyner modelis m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ically tractable, <strong>at</strong>tention must now steer to morerealistic models of cellular communic<strong>at</strong>ion.Fading is included in the Wyner model, but the fadingparameters are always assumed to be known perfectly <strong>at</strong> themobiles and/or base st<strong>at</strong>ions. Future work must consider theimpact of channel uncertainty, and the cost of measuring thechannels in the network. Channel measurement issues mayimpact the optimal size of clusters in clustered MCP. Boundson capacity under channel uncertainty are needed, and the couplingof channel uncertainty with limited backhaul bandwidthis an important area yet to be explored. Inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoreticmodels provide tractable, elegant capacity formulas th<strong>at</strong> areamenable to optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion, and performance bounds againstwhich practical schemes can be compared. More importantly,however, they provide insights into the key performancebottlenecks, which can then be addressed in more practicallyoriented research.Section IV reviewed the transmission and coding techniquesrequired to approach the inform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic limits. Thisincluded a review of the celebr<strong>at</strong>ed uplink-downlink dualitytheory for the <strong>MIMO</strong> broadcast channel, which in a roughsense is the model for MCP on the downlink. However,network <strong>MIMO</strong> has additional constraints, such as limitedbackhaul bandwidth, the need for decentralized processing,and per base st<strong>at</strong>ion power constraints. Recent research hasincluded per base st<strong>at</strong>ion power constraints, and introducednotions such as coordin<strong>at</strong>ed beamforming, along with thedevelopment of the associ<strong>at</strong>ed Lagrangian optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion theory.Coordin<strong>at</strong>ed beamforming is intermedi<strong>at</strong>e between SCP,where only local inform<strong>at</strong>ion is used, and MCP, where globalinform<strong>at</strong>ion is available to a central processor. In coordin<strong>at</strong>edbeamforming, the BS knows the d<strong>at</strong>a and channel st<strong>at</strong>e of theusers in its own cell, but it also knows the channel st<strong>at</strong>e ofusers in adjacent cells, and this enables a joint optimiz<strong>at</strong>ionproblem to be solved.One challenge for the future is to move these ideas fromtheory to practice. Joint optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion across many cells maybe problem<strong>at</strong>ic when channels are changing due to mobility.One approach may be to reformul<strong>at</strong>e the problem in termsof channel st<strong>at</strong>istics, r<strong>at</strong>her than require instantaneous channelknowledge. Another approach may be to look for simplified,suboptimal beamforming structures which nevertheless comeclose to optimality in practical settings.Other challenges addressed include coordin<strong>at</strong>ed power con-

GESBERT et al.: MULTI-CELL <strong>MIMO</strong> COOPERATIVE NETWORKS: A NEW LOOK AT INTERFERENCE 1403trol, and the multi-cell joint problems of scheduling, powercontrol, and r<strong>at</strong>e alloc<strong>at</strong>ion across the frequency spectrum.Many of these problems are comput<strong>at</strong>ionally intractable, ingeneral, and the way forward may be to look for structurein real-world networks th<strong>at</strong> allows the problems to be solvedin polynomial time. Recent work on fractional frequency reusein OFDMA systems provides a new set of techniquesth<strong>at</strong> could be applied to network <strong>MIMO</strong> in a joint multicelloptimiz<strong>at</strong>ion. Recent work <strong>at</strong> the cutting edge of networkinform<strong>at</strong>ion theory, including interference alignment, networkcoding, and the recent progress on the interference channel,all provide new ways to approach the fundamental problem:how do we achieve maximum spectral efficiency in a multiplecell network?Sections V and VI address a few of the fundamentaland practical issues, such as scalability, synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion, andchannel estim<strong>at</strong>ion. It is highly unlikely th<strong>at</strong> a future network<strong>MIMO</strong> system will be built according to a centralizedarchitecture. Recent research has considered the problem ofdistributing the network-wide optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion problems, so th<strong>at</strong>much of the processing can be done locally, with limitedcommunic<strong>at</strong>ion between nearby nodes. One option is clusteredMCP, in which small clusters of BSs collabor<strong>at</strong>e togetheron uplink decoding and downlink beamforming. Turbo basest<strong>at</strong>ions provide another approach, in which soft inform<strong>at</strong>ionis passed between adjacent BSs, allowing iter<strong>at</strong>ive, probabilisticgraph-based methods to provide decentralized solutionsto similar problems. Other interesting approaches lendingthemselves to distributed implement<strong>at</strong>ions are game and teamdecision theoretic approches.Behind such problems, a recurrent and quite fundamentalissue is associ<strong>at</strong>ed with the aquisition of channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion.An important open question is to determine just howmuch channel st<strong>at</strong>e inform<strong>at</strong>ion is needed <strong>at</strong> each particularnode in the network, including inform<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> has beenmeasured <strong>at</strong> other nodes in the network. This question givesrise to a fundamental feedback resource alloc<strong>at</strong>ion problem.Cooper<strong>at</strong>ion gains go <strong>at</strong> the expense of feedback resource,hence such a cost is justified when interference is strongenough. More generally, a fundamental trade-off betweencooper<strong>at</strong>ion and inform<strong>at</strong>ion exchange exists which remainsto be explored theoretically.Another important problem in practice is th<strong>at</strong> of synchronizingthe BSs so th<strong>at</strong> there is no carrier frequency offset. GPSoffers one approach, but future work may consider methodsof distributed clock synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion. From a practical pointof view, distributed precoding and decoding <strong>at</strong> multiple bases,which are designed to offer cooper<strong>at</strong>ion gains while exploitingprimarily local channel st<strong>at</strong>e and user d<strong>at</strong>a inform<strong>at</strong>ion are ofhigh interest and will <strong>at</strong>tract significant research efforts in theyears to come.VIII. 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From 1997 to 1999 he has been with theInform<strong>at</strong>ion Systems Labor<strong>at</strong>ory, Stanford University.In 1999, he was a founding engineer of IospanWireless Inc, San Jose, Ca.,a startup company pioneering<strong>MIMO</strong>-OFDM (now Intel). Between 2001and 2003 he has been with the Department of Inform<strong>at</strong>ics,University of Oslo as an adjunct professor.D. Gesbert has published about 170 papers and several p<strong>at</strong>ents all in the areaof signal processing, communic<strong>at</strong>ions, and wireless networks.D. Gesbert was a co-editor of several special issues on wireless networksand communic<strong>at</strong>ions theory, for JSAC (2003, 2007, 2010), EURASIP Journalon Applied Signal Processing (2004, 2007), Wireless Communic<strong>at</strong>ions Magazine(2006). He served on the IEEE Signal Processing for Communic<strong>at</strong>ionsTechnical Committee, 2003-2008. He’s an associ<strong>at</strong>e editor for IEEE Transactionson Wireless Communic<strong>at</strong>ions and the EURASIP Journal on WirelessCommunic<strong>at</strong>ions and Networking. He authored or co-authored papers winningthe 2004 IEEE Best Tutorial Paper Award (Communic<strong>at</strong>ions Society) for a2003 JSAC paper on <strong>MIMO</strong> systems, 2005 Best Paper (Young Author) Awardfor Signal Proc. Society journals, and the Best Paper Award for the 2004ACM MSWiM workshop. He co-authored the book "Space time wirelesscommunic<strong>at</strong>ions: From parameter estim<strong>at</strong>ion to <strong>MIMO</strong> systems", CambridgePress, 2006.Stephen Hanly (M’98) received a B.Sc. (Hons) andM. Sc. from the University of Western Australia,and the Ph.D. degree in m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics in 1994 fromCambridge University, UK. From 1993 to 1995,he was a Post-doctoral member of technical staff<strong>at</strong> AT&T Bell Labor<strong>at</strong>ories. From 1996 to 2009he was on the research and teaching staff <strong>at</strong> theUniversity of Melbourne. He is presently an Associ<strong>at</strong>eProfessor in the Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering <strong>at</strong> the N<strong>at</strong>ional University ofSingapore. He was an Associ<strong>at</strong>e Editor for IEEETransactions on Wireless Communic<strong>at</strong>ions from 2005-2009, and is guesteditor for the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas special issue on “<strong>Cooper<strong>at</strong>ive</strong>Communic<strong>at</strong>ions in <strong>MIMO</strong> <strong>Cell</strong>ular <strong>Networks</strong>”. In 2005, he was the technicalco-chair for the IEEE Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Symposium on Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Theory heldin Adelaide, Australia. He was a co-recipient of the best paper award <strong>at</strong> theInfocom 1998 conference, and the 2001 Joint IEEE Communic<strong>at</strong>ions Societyand Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Theory Society best paper award, both for his work withDavid Tse (Berkeley). His research interests are in the areas of inform<strong>at</strong>iontheory, signal processing, and wireless networking.Howard Huang received a BSEE degree from RiceUniversity in 1991 and a Ph.D. in electrical engineeringfrom Princeton University in 1995. Sincethen, he has been a researcher <strong>at</strong> Bell Labs, inHolmdel, <strong>New</strong> Jersey, currently as a DistinguishedMember of Technical Staff in the wireless accessdomain of Alc<strong>at</strong>el-Lucent. His research interestsinclude wireless communic<strong>at</strong>ion theory and cellularsystem design. He has taught as an adjunct professor<strong>at</strong> Columbia University and is a Senior Member ofthe IEEE.

1408 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 28, NO. 9, DECEMBER 2010Shlomo Shamai Shitz received the B.Sc., M.Sc.,and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from theTechnion—Israel Institute of Technology, in 1975,1981 and 1986 respectively.During 1975-1985 he was with the Communic<strong>at</strong>ionsResearch Labs in the capacity of a SeniorResearch Engineer. Since 1986 he is with theDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, where he is now theWilliam Fondiller Professor of Telecommunic<strong>at</strong>ions.His research interests encompasses a wide spectrumof topics in inform<strong>at</strong>ion theory and st<strong>at</strong>istical communic<strong>at</strong>ions.Dr. Shamai Shitz is an IEEE Fellow, and the recipient of the 2011 ClaudeE. Shannon Award. He is the recipient of the 1999 van der Pol Gold Medal ofthe Union Radio Scientifique Intern<strong>at</strong>ionale (URSI), and a co-recipient of the2000 IEEE Donald G. Fink Prize Paper Award, the 2003, and the 2004 jointIT/COM societies paper award, the 2007 IEEE Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Theory SocietyPaper Award, the 2009 European Commission FP7, Network of Excellence inWireless COMmunic<strong>at</strong>ions (NEWCOM++) Best Paper Award, and the 2010Thomson Reuters Award for Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Excellence in Scientific Research.He is also the recipient of 1985 Alon Grant for distinguished young scientistsand the 2000 Technion Henry Taub Prize for Excellence in Research. Hehas served as Associ<strong>at</strong>e Editor for the SHANNON THEORY OF THE IEEETRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY, and has also served on theBoard of Governors of the Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Theory Society.Wei Yu (S’97-M’02-SM’08) received the in Computer Engineering and M<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>icsfrom the University of W<strong>at</strong>erloo, W<strong>at</strong>erloo, Ontario,Canada in 1997 and M.S. and Ph.D. degreesin Electrical Engineering from Stanford University,Stanford, CA, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. Since2002, he has been with the Electrical and ComputerEngineering Department <strong>at</strong> the University ofToronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, where he is nowan Associ<strong>at</strong>e Professor and holds a Canada ResearchChair in Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Theory and Digital Communic<strong>at</strong>ions.His main research interests include multiuser inform<strong>at</strong>ion theory,optimiz<strong>at</strong>ion, wireless communic<strong>at</strong>ions and broadband access networks.Prof. Wei Yu is currently an Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COM-MUNICATIONS. He was an Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESSCOMMUNICATIONS from 2004 to 2007, and a Guest Editor for a number ofspecial issues for the IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNI-CATIONS and the EURASIP JOURNAL ON APPLIED SIGNAL PROCESSING.He is member of the Signal Processing for Communic<strong>at</strong>ions and NetworkingTechnical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. He received theIEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award in 2008, the McCharlesPrize for Early Career Research Distinction in 2008, the Early Career TeachingAward from the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University ofToronto in 2007, and the Early Researcher Award from Ontario in 2006.Osvaldo Simeone received the M.Sc. degree (withhonors) and the Ph.D. degree in Inform<strong>at</strong>ion Engineeringfrom Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy,in 2001 and 2005 respectively. He is currently withthe Center for Wireless Communic<strong>at</strong>ions and SignalProcessing Research (CWCSPR), <strong>at</strong> the <strong>New</strong> JerseyInstitute of Technology (NJIT), <strong>New</strong>ark, <strong>New</strong> Jersey,where he is an Assistant Professor. His currentresearch interests concern the cross-layer analysisand design of wireless networks with emphasis oninform<strong>at</strong>ion-theoretic, signal processing and queuingaspects. Specific topics of interest are: cognitive radio, cooper<strong>at</strong>ive communic<strong>at</strong>ions,ad hoc, sensor, mesh and hybrid networks, distributed estim<strong>at</strong>ionand synchroniz<strong>at</strong>ion. Dr. Simeone is the co-recipient of the best paper awardsof IEEE SPAWC 2007 and IEEE WRECOM 2007. He currently serves as anEditor for IEEE Trans. Commun.

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