Fetal Pig Dissection Introduction: Today, we begin a new chapter in ...

Fetal Pig Dissection Introduction: Today, we begin a new chapter in ...

Fetal Pig Dissection Introduction: Today, we begin a new chapter in ...


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v. ____ Appendages1. Head of the <strong>Pig</strong>:a. ____ Eyes: Are they open yet? _________b. ____ Earsc. ____ Nostrilsd. ____ Mouth: Can you see the tongue? ______2. Appendages:a. ____ Digits: How many digits does the pig have oneach foot? _____________________________b. Note that the first digit (thumb) is miss<strong>in</strong>g and thesecond and fifth digits are reduced <strong>in</strong> size. Howmany digits does the pig walk on, on each foot?_____________________________________3. Trunk:a. ____ Thorax: The body cavity that extends from theneck to the diaphragm (the chest area)b. ____ Sternum: The bone <strong>in</strong> the center of the chest towhich the ribs attach <strong>in</strong> front.c. ____ Abdomen: Body cavity posterior to the thoraxd. Umbilical cord: Still partially attached to the ventralside of the abdomen. This used to be attached to theplacenta <strong>in</strong> the womb of the mother.e. ____ Mammary glands: Nipples or teats found onthe ventral surface. How many mammary glandsdoes your pig have? Why are there so many?f. Anal open<strong>in</strong>g: Located directly under (ventral) tothe tail.4. Sex determ<strong>in</strong>ation: You are responsible for know<strong>in</strong>g thereproductive structures on both a male and female pig.

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