July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle

July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle

July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle


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HangingToughBY BELINDA ACOSTAI hate the title of the new HBO seriesHung. <strong>The</strong> title is crass and, as such, is misleading.However, if the pilot, which airedlast Sunday, is any indication, Hung will bemuch more than a show about a man whois well-endowed. Considering it’s executiveproduced by Dmitry Lipkin (the creatorof FX’s woefully underappreciated and nowcanceled <strong>The</strong> Riches) and Alexander Payne(director of the Oscar-winning Sideways), thisshould come as no surprise. But honestly,can they outdo the pilot? <strong>The</strong> episode (whichI’ve watched three times now) came togetherso effortlessly, lacked the base humor thetitle implies, and was so charming with itsdouble entendres and visual puns (especiallyin the opening credits), I’m almostafraid they’ve spent all they have onthe first, delightfully wry episode(which was written by Lipkin anddirected by Payne).<strong>The</strong> series stars ThomasJane (<strong>The</strong> Punisher, 61*) as RayDrecker, a former golden boywho has fallen on very hard times.A former high school jock, he hadhis chance at the big leagues permanentlyderailed by an injury. When we meethim, he’s head coach of a losing basketballteam and his house is falling apart. His wife(played by Anne Heche) has left him fora more financially successful man. Ray issatisfied when his teenage twins want to livewith him after his wife leaves, but even thatgoes awry when the childhood home he andthe kids move in to goes up in flames. Deadbroke and living in a tent in his backyard, heis reduced to asking his ex-wife for money;in perhaps the most heart-wrenching scenein the first episode, Ray cannot afford to givehis kid money for a concert he wants to goto. Something has to change. Ray knows he’snot very smart; he knows his golden days areover; he knows that his life is crumbling allaround him (mimicking images of a desolateDetroit, where the series is set). But he alsoknows that if something is going to change,he’s going to have to do it. That’s whenhe decides to take a self-help class on howto become a millionaire and is inspired touse his, um, assets. This starts his quest tobecome a male escort – and what a quest onehopes it will be.What I predict will be the true brillianceof Hung will not be based on the titillationfactor but on Ray’s journey to learn what thecustomer wants. In the past, everything cameso easy to him. Now he realizes that life takessome effort. But Ray isn’t afraid of a little hardwork. In the beginning, he thinks if he placesan ad in the paper (promising to “give youevery inch of his love”), buys himself a box ofcondoms, and swallows his pride, the womenwill come running. Oh, did I mention theadded bonus of photographing his manparts for the online ad? That alonegot me laughing, but I guffawedwhen Ray showed up at histveyeThomas Jane stars as adown-on-his-luck dad whodecides to make the most ofhis assets as a male escortin HBO’s new series Hung.first “date” and knocked on thedoor purring, “Hello, sugar,” tothe presumed woman on theother side of the hotel door. <strong>The</strong>only thing missing was the pungentaroma of cheap cologne youknow he must have doused himself in.Poor Ray is shocked (shocked!) and dismayedwhen the customer not only refuses his servicesbut doesn’t even open the door. This issuch an amazing scene, both for its humor(the unseen customer rebuffs him with a noteslipped under the door) and for the very reallesson Ray has to learn. Showing up is notenough no matter how well-endowed he is, hediscovers. As the series progresses, I suspecthe’s going to have to learn to use untapped,less obvious resources.Jane Adams (Frasier) is superb as Tanya,a one-night stand who reunites with Ray inhis self-help class and becomes his manager.<strong>The</strong>ir relationship is fraught with landmines. Each of them is stubborn and blindin his or her own way, but they each havesomething to learn from the other – and weget 10 episodes to find out what.Hung airs Sundays at 9pm on HBO.As always, stay tuned.E-mail Belinda Acosta at tveye@austinchronicle.com. Follow “TV Eye” on Twitter @<strong>Chronicle</strong>TVEye.a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m JULY 3, <strong>2009</strong> T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 45

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