July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle

July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle

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IT’S HARD TO BE ANEARLY ADOPTER OFNEW TECHNOLOGYDear Tom and Ray:I’m tired of waiting for the American autoindustry to come up with an affordable all-electriccar, so I’m looking seriously into buying a ChinesemadeFlybo. I know it has a top speed of 43 mphand lacks a lot of basic safety and comfort extras(no air bags, no heat …), but the same is true ofthe ’87 Dodge Raider I’m driving now. I want anelectric car not only because of the price of fuel butalso because of environmental issues. My questionis, how easy (or difficult) will it be to service thiscar? I will need to have this auto shipped fromMichigan to Wyoming. And I don’t know of anyFlybo dealerships in the U.S. What could go wrongwith this car, and how can it be fixed? – KateRAY: Kate, you are about to join the wackofringe. You know, those guys who live in yurts,feeding themselves off their own homemadeacorn granola and squirrel yogurt? Ask themabout their Flybos.TOM: We admire your environmental ambitions,Kate. And we agree with you that electricpropulsion is probably where cars are eventuallyheading. But it’s very difficult to be an earlyadopter. Especially when you’re adopting somethingthat has no serious support network. So,unless you’re married to a very handy electricalengineer who happens to live in a yurt, you’realmost certainly sentencing yourself to years oftrouble in finding parts and people willing towork on this thing.RAY: Here’s what we’d recommend instead.Adopt the best available, widely supported currentsolution. Hybrids like the Toyota Prius, HondaInsight, and Civic Hybrid are getting 40-50 milesper gallon. And they’re doing it with all of the latestand greatest safety equipment.TOM: If that’s not good enough, there are anumber of people who offer plug-in conversionkits for those cars, which will turn your Priusinto a car that can be plugged in at night andoperate only on electric power much of the time.That’s pretty close to what you’re looking fornow, isn’t it?RAY: And now that America has figured outthat things finally need to change, it’ll be onlya few more years before carmakers are offeringreal, functional, highly energy-efficient plug-inhybrids and electric vehicles. With warranties,air bags, dealer networks, and heat! So take it astep at a time, Kate.* * *Do you really need that truck if you only makeone trip to the lumberyard per year? Find out whatkind of car not to get in Tom and Ray’s pamphlet“Should I Buy, Lease, or Steal My Next Car?”. Send$4.75 (check or money order) to Next Car, PO Box536475, Orlando, Fla., 32853-6475.* * *Got a question about cars? Write to Click andClack in care of this newspaper, or e-mail them byvisiting the Car Talk website, www.cartalk.com.Tune in to Car Talk each Saturday at 9am on©2009 by Tom & Ray Magliozzi and Doug BermanDistributed by King Features SyndicatecontinuedlegalnoticesNO. ONE OF TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXASNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF AGNESSCHOEN Notice is herebygiven that original LettersTestamentary for the Estateof AGNES SCHOEN were issuedon June 25, 2009, inCause Number C-1-PB-09-000676, pending in the ProbateCourt of Travis County,Texas, to SUSANN SCHOENBILLEITER, n/k/a SUSANNSCHOEN CUNNINGHAM, IndependentExecutor.The residence of the IndependentExecutor is 2016Kenwood Avenue, Austin,Travis County, Texas 78704,post office address for mailingof claims is:SUSANN SCHOEN BILLEIT-ER, n/k/a SUSANN SCHOENCUNNINGHAMc/o J. Patrick QuinnP.O. Box 1228Taylor, Texas 76574All persons having claimsagainst this estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED this 25th day of June,2009./s/ SUSANN SCHOEN BIL-LEITER, n/k/a SUSANNSCHOEN CUNNINGHAMIndependent ExecutorNOTICE Schroeder ConstructionCompany, Ltd. issoliciting bids from MBE/WBEsubcontractors for the followingCity of Austin Project:Goodnight Ranch Phase II48-Inch Water Transmission,CIP No. 6937.024, biddingJuly 23, 2009 at 11:00 AM.Call Susan 512 219-6001 orfax your quote to 512 219-7977.NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES PURSUANT OFTEXAS ABANDONED MO-TOR VEHICLE ACT, THEFOLLOWING WILL BE SOLDAT PUBLIC SALE UNLESSCHARGES ARE SATISFIEDWITHIN 30 DAYS.GARAGE KEEPER: SOUTH-SIDE WRECKER, 8200 SCONGRESS , AUSTIN, TX.78745.HOMEMADE VENDER TRAIL-ER NO LP NO VIN1992 CADILLAC1G6CD53B6N42526731986 DODGE PK1B7KD24W5GS009914AV0716 POUND SALENOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLES IM-POUNDED BY ORDER OF THE CHIEF OF POLICEIN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 683.011 ET SEQ.,TEXAS TRANSPORTATION CODE, REGULATINGTHE IMPOUNDING AND SALE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES BY DELEGATE OR PERSONALLY.THE PURCHASER SHALL TAKE TITLE TO THEMOTOR VEHICLE FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL LIENSAND CLAIMS OF OWNERSHIP AND IS ENTITLEDTO REGISTER THE PURCHASED MOTOR VEHICLEAND RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE.I WILL PROCEED TO SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIONTO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH IN THE CITYOF AUSTIN, TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, THE FOL-LOWING DESCRIBED MOTOR VEHICLES WHICHHAVE NOT BEEN REDEEMED BY THE OWNERS,THEREOF TO WIT;JULY 16, 2009 @ 9:30 AM @AUSTIN POLICE DEPT.,4308 TERRY-O LANE,AUSTIN, TX 78745095030767 1998 PONT 4DR 191NGH TX 1G2NE52T7WM513540095032215 1980 CADI 4DR 958VBJ TX 6D696A9113821095032494 1997 BUIC 4DR HWT966 TX 1G4CW52K9V4661402095032499 1998 HOND 4DR 011JHD TX 1HGEJ6671WL046875095033682 1987 OLDS 4DR F574 MS 1G3GM11Y5HR311721095033696 1983 DODG VN 282PPY TX 2B4HB11T9DK392408095033704 1982 CHEV PK 76YHV3 TX 1GCHC33W4CS138130095033815 2000 STRN 4DR 742SRL TX 1G8JU52F8YY646711095034157 1999 MAZD 4DR G57HMK TX JM1BJ222X0182102095034161 2004 CHEV PK 41GNC1 TX 1GCEC14XX4Z140293095034376 1993 HOND 4DR 687LDI AR 1HGEG8548PL003170095034378 1994 TOYT 4DR L49MVS TX JT2SK12E7R0256529095034394 1996 STRN 4DR Y07DCP TX 1G8ZK5274TZ329593095034396 1990 FORD 4DR 623KCC MS 2FACP74F7LX105369095034401 1997 INFI 4DR GNG634 TX JNKAY21DCVM501750095034618 199 FORD 4DR V53SFS TX 1FALP5246RG141185095034621 1996 SUBA SW Y83XVR TX 4S3BK4355T7932417095035123 1992 GMC PK 8ZZGH TX 1GTDC14Z1NZ544128095035125 1995 ISUZ LL W68DNK TX 4S2CK58E2S4356504095035545 1988 TOYT 4DR 096LGC TX JT2SV22E3J3252848095035546 1997 MAZD 4DR VHR90J TX 1YVGE22C0V5614506095035557 2003 FORD LL X882120 IL 1FMZU73KX3ZA98676NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to TexasAbandoned Motor VehicleAct, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off unlesscharges are satisfied within10 days.2001 DODGE1B3EJ46X31N5980551993 FORD1FMCA11U5PZC253861990 TOYOTA1NXAE94A1LZ0710971991 HONDAJHMED3548MS025602AUCTION July 10, 2009 @6:00 A.M.ADVANCED TOWING &RECOVERY1810 BENCH MARK DRAUSTIN, TX 78728(512) 402-0024NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES PURSUANT OFTEXAS ABANDONED MO-TOR ACT, THE FOLLOWINGVEHICLE WILL BE AUC-TIONED OFF BY THE TRAVISCOUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICEUNLESS CHARGES ARESATISFIED.GARAGEKEEPER:IMAGE AUTO STORAGE407 FM 685PFLUGERVILLE, TX 78660512-251-9400VEHICLE: 1998 JAGUARVANDEN PLAS, GOLD INCOLORLEFT FOR STORAGE AT: IM-AGE AUTO STORAGEVIN: SAJKX6245WC825306PLATE: NONENOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES 1994 LINCOLN4DR VIN #1LNCM9744MY738207 IM-POUND DATE 12/01/08 BYAUTHORITY OF APDCHARGES AS OF 05/12/09 $3678.95 / 1994 HONDA CIV-IC 4DR VIN #1HGEJ1221RL076793 IM-POUND DATE 05/01/09 BYAUTRHORITY OF APDCHARGES AS OF 05/12/09 $479.80 / 1997 PONTIAC GPRIX 2DR VIN #1G2WP12K7VF334366 IM-POUND DATE 09/17/08 BYAUTHORITY OF APD STOR-AGE CHARGES AS OF 05/12/09 $ 5302.70 DAILY STOR-AGE ON UNITS $20.00 PERDAY + TAX UNITS ARE LO-CATED @ 915-B E. ST ELMORD AUISTIN TX 78745 VSF#0577589NOTICE OF LIEN SALEIn accordance with the provisionsof Chapter 59 of theTexas Property Code, therebeing due and unpaid chargesfor which the undersignedis entitled to satisfy an owner’slien of the goods hereinafterdescribed and stored atthe Uncle Bob’s Self Storagelocations listed below; And,due notice having been given,to the owner of said propertyand all parties known toclaim an interest therein, andthe time specified in such noticefor payment of such havingexpired, the goods will besold at public auction at thebelow stated locations(s) tothe highest bidder or otherwisedisposed of on the followingdates. No one under16 allowed. Cash Only.Uncle Bob’s #2859717 U.S. HWY 290 EAustin, TX 78724(512) 278-1220Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @9:00 AM558 Patricia Zuniga: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, TV/stereoequip605 Sabrina Fryman: furn,boxes, windowsUncle Bob’s #2318227 North LamarAustin, TX 78753(512) 833-0855Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @10:00 AM701 Derrick Lee: sportinggoods, tools, appliances, TV/stereo equip, movies749 Sterling Jones: furn, TV/stereo equip907 Candalaria Jimenez:hsld goods, furn1004 Cooper Greg: hsldgoods, boxes, tools, TV/stereoequip1018 Paul Hawkins: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, TV/stereoequip, accounting records1033 James Hardin: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, TV/stereoequip1501 Butler Torry: hsldgoods, boxes, sportinggoods1623 Marta A. Cancino: vehicle,hsld goods, boxes,acct records, sporting goodsUncle Bob’s #2762830 South A.W. GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX 78664(512) 310-0279Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @11:00 AM114 Marcus Cardinali: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, TV’s orstereo equip, office machines212 Barbara A. Gray: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, TV’s orstereo equip, accountrecords413 Emily Tidmore: householdgoods, furniture, boxes2208 Kathy Clifton: householdgoods, furniture, boxes2317 Jacinda Davis: furniture,boxes3127 Alisa Richardson:household goods, furniture3135 Jaison John: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip,office equip, office machines,landscaping equip3325 Joe Moreland: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip,office equip, office machines,landscaping equip, accountrecords4311 Joyce Thompson:household goods6209 Patrick Daly, Sr.: householdgoods, boxes, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereoequip6309 Linna M. Shuler: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,appliances, TV’s or stereoequip8126 Martin Candelaria: furniture,boxes8213 Lauren Remaley: furniture,boxes (maybe)8309 Irma Renae Sanders:hsld goods, furniture, boxes,appliances, TV’s or stereoequip, office machines/equip,landscaping equip9101 Frieda Sauls: furniture,boxes9423 Patricia Rogers: boxes9616 Ansley Judie: hsldgoods, boxes, sportinggoods, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip, accountrecordsUncle Bob’s #1975547 McNeil Dr.Austin, TX 78729(512) 336-8390Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @12 noon311 Lucaya Riley: hsldgoods, boxes409 Michael Stapp: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, sportinggoods, tools, TV/stereoequip, office equip, constructionequip829 John Pecore: furn, boxes,tools, appliances, TV/stereoequip, office equip, officemachines1101 Ricardo Rivera: hsldgoods, boxes, TV/stereoequip1701 Nancy Perez: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, TV/stereoequipUncle Bob’s #2876509 South First StreetAustin, TX 78745(512) 326-9696Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @1:30 PM108 Edward R. Lopez: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip, bicycles117 Jackson Ellsworth: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods316 Manuel Antonio Allen:hsld goods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip,account records339 Tiffany Sharp: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes1146 Patricia Perez: hsldgoods2243 Janika Wright: furniture2345 Beatrice Holmes: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes, appliances,TV’s or stereoequip, office machines/equip3113 Pamela Beck: hsldgoods, boxes, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip3136 Lisa Sosa: hsld goods,furniture, boxes, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip3143 Amy Pate: hsld goods,furniture, boxes, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip3427 Phillip Pardo: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes3422 Jason Guntert: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, TV’s orstereo equip, accountrecords3359 Shane Widner: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, TV’s orstereo equip, office equip, officemachines, accountrecordsNOTICE OF NEW TRAFFICREGULATION Notice is herebygiven that Travis County,Texas, proposes the approvalof the following traffic regulation:SET MAXIMUM PRI-MA FACIE SPEED LIMITSON HORSEBACK HOLLOWIN PRECINCT THREE.Any resident of TravisCounty, Texas, aggrieved bythis proposal action maymake written request for amandatory public hearing.Such request must be addressedto the Transportationand Natural Resources Department,Travis County, Texas,P.O. Box 1748, Austin,Texas, 78767, and must bereceived within seven (7)days of this notice.NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUC-TION A Public Auction will beheld to satisfy landlord’s lienpursuant to Chapter 59 of theTexas Property Code. Saleswill be held on July 18,2009. A sale will be held at9:00am, at A-A-A Storage,227 Park 35 Cove N. Buda,phone 512-312-2227. A salewill be held at 11:00am atA-A-A Storage, 4405 Highway71 East, Del Valle,phone 512-247-9708. A salewill be held at 1:00pm at A-A-A Storage, 8956 ResearchBlvd. N., Austin, phone 512-338-9900. A sale will beheld at 3:00pm at A-A-AStorage, 10707 IH 35 NorthAustin, phone 512-977-9775.All units will be sold to thehighest bidder for cash.Clean up and removal depositwill be required. Sellerreserves the right to rejectany bid. Sales include itemsfrom the following tenants’storage spaces. #2123 BrendaTenorio: HHG #426 MaryMinchew: misc. #317 FelipeGarza: misc. #2115 Lori Williams:HHG #3307 EdwardNorman: misc. #105 BrandonMarshall: misc. boxes, chairs#113 Mandy Simpson: desk,boxes #273 Brenda Fresch:clothes #2271 Don Franklin:moving equipment, furniture#6820 Krystal Castaneda:misc. #6854 Carlos Salicrop:tools. #7030 Carolyn Stephens:HHG #8029 LazzaroCarro: HHG #8002 John JoeValenzuela: misc. #8008Sheila Machado: misc. #9107Cory Canada: furniture, toys#7039 Stephanie Longoria:furniture #562, #3722 HermaniaChavez: HHG, toys#3703 Angelica Gamboa:couch, boxes, misc.NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR-ING Notice is hereby giventhat the Board of Adjustment,City of Sunset Valley, Texas,will hold a Public Hearing onWednesday, July 15, 2009 at7:00 p.m. at the City Hall locatedat 3205 Jones Road,Sunset Valley, Texas to considerthe following ZoningVariance Requests:1. An application submittedby Lance Vaughn, 1022 SunflowerTrail requesting approvalof a variance to allowconstruction of a pergola toencroach into the rear buildingsetback.3. An application submittedby Bruce Smith, 44 PillowRoad requesting approval ofa variance from the front andrear building setback for constructionof rainwater harvestingfacilities.All interested persons are invitedto attend and participatein said hearing. Anyperson may submit testimonyin person at such hearing orsubmit written commentsfiled with the City Secretarybetween 8:00 a.m. and 5:00p.m., Monday through Fridayprior to the hearing. All writtencomments must be receivedby 5:00 p.m., onTuesday, July 14, 2009. Theapplication for the zoningvariance request may be examinedat the office of theCity Secretary of Sunset Valley,Texas during regular officehours.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS Orangeco, Inc. herebygives notice that the propertygenerally described below isbeing sold to satisfy a Landlord’sLien pursuant to Chapter59 of the Texas PropertyCode, at the time and placeindicated below, and on thefollowing terms: All propertygenerally described belowwill be sold at public sale tothe highest bidder for cash,or credit cards, NOCHECKS, with payment to bemade at the time of the sale.Seller reserves the right to refuseany bid and to withdrawany item or items from thesale. The property will besold on the 15th of July 2009on or about the time indicatedat each self-storage facilityidentified: NO CHILDRENPLEASE.Wednesday, July 15th 2009.9:00 a.m. Public Storage@9814 Westgate Blvd, Austin,TX 787480029 DONNA CAMPBELL,BOXES, TOTES, FURNITURE0265 KIMBERLY D WHITE,SCOOTERS, FURNITURE,REFRIGERATOR0353 MICHAEL LUMBLEY,TRUNKS, FURNITURE, COM-PUTER9:30a.m. Public Storage @7200 S 1st Street., Austin,TX 78745C065 DAVID LANGLEY,TOOL BOX, TABLE SAW,WASHERF199 MICHELLE GOMEZ,POTTERY, FURNITURE, BOX-ESI244 SANDRA MADRID,WASHER, CHAIR, TABLEI249 DEANN FLORES, BOX-ES, FURNITURE, COMPUTERI251 ISMAEL GOMEZ, FUR-NITURE, BOXES, TOTESM371 PAUL MILLS, BOXES,TOTES, FURNITUREM393 CRYSTAL MOLIS, FUR-NITUREN412 SEAN MATHIS, FURNI-TUREO469 DENISE CANALES,ALL ITEMS IN UNITQ508 DANIEL SANTOS, BOX-ES, BAGS560 HELEN BABBITT, ALLITEMS IN UNITS570 JULIE ARSUAGA, ALLITEMS IN UNITT594 ELVIA GARZA, ALLITEMS IN UNITV711 VIVIAN HILL, TV, BOX-ES, TOTES10:00 a.m. Public Storage @7112 S Congress, Austin,TX 78745B6 LAUREN VALDEZ, FUR-NITURE, TOTES, TOYSC39 ABRAHAM GATERS,BEDDING, ELECTRONICS,CAMPER TOPC40 KERRY KIRK, WASHER,DRYER, FURNITURED7 HASSAN MAHMOOD,SOFA, LOVE SEAT, BOXESF4 ROBERT RENTERIA, BOX-ES, COMPUTER, LAMPF30 CARLOS RIVAS, BOXES,MONITOR, FURNITUREJ58 JACKIE AUGUSTIN,BOXES, FURNITURE, BED-DINGK4 LARRY MARSHALL, BOX-ES, COMPUTER, TOTESL24 ANGIE BARRIENTOS,BOXES, TOTES, BOOKSL54 DINO DE YOUNG, FUR-NITURE, BOXES, BAGSL55 LINDA CHANDLER, TA-BLE, STOVE, BOXESL79 CROSS COUNTRY VANLINES, FURNITURE, BOXES,WASHERM3 ROSA MARIA ALVAREZ,BIKES, BOXES, TOYS10:30 a.m. Public Storage @4202 Santiago, Austin, TX78745316 SIMEON RODRIGEZ,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT110 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E JULY 3, 2009 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m

429 CYNTHIA BELL, BOXES,FURNITURE, CLOTHING561 HILDA RODRIQUEZ,BOXES, FURNITURE, TOYS634 TOSHA MIZE, FURNI-TURE, ELECTRONICS,TOTES696 MIKE DUBOSE, TABLE,SOFA, CHAIR712 DON RHOADES, BOXES,FURNITURE, ELECTRONICS11:00 a.m. Public Storage @2301 E Ben White, Austin,TX 787411099 GORDON PEARSALL,BOXES, FURNITURE, ELEC-TRONICS1109 TRACEY WARG, WASH-ER, DRYER, FURNITURE2102 KENNETH PIPKINS,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT2117 WAYNE RUARK, ALLITEMS IN UNIT2129 LAURA ROSS, BOXES,TOTES3097 NATHANIAL SMITH,BOXES, FURNITURE, GUI-TARS11:15 a.m. Public Storage @5016 E Ben White, Austin,TX 78741C021 MARY STEVENS, BOX-ES, ELECTRONICSC110 GARRETT TIDMORE,GRILL, BOXES, FURNITUREC159 ANGELICA MANZANO,FURNITURE, BAGS, ELEC-TRONICSC180 RENITA MAJOR, BOX-ES, BAGS, FURNITUREC230 LAURA ROSS, HANDDOLLY, FURNITURE, BOXESC298 ANJILIA DAVIS, FUR-NITURE, TOTES, TOYSC311 SANDRA COTTON,BOOKCASE, TOTES, CHAIR11:30 a.m. Public Storage @2121 S IH 35, Austin, TX787413073 LINDA ESCOBAR, BOX-ES, TOTES, FURNITURE4019 CATHRYN WOZEN-CRAFT, BOXES, TOTES,FURNITURE4027 FELIX FLORES, TV,TREADMILL, FURNITURE4080 TAILIA BOCANEGRA,TV, DRYER, LADDER12:00 p.m. Public Storage@ 1213 W 6th Street, Austin,TX 787032135 ANALEA DE LAFUENTE, BOXES, TOTES,FURNITURE4139 RAYMOND JUSTIN DA-VIS, BOXES, CLOTHING,SUITCASENOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEDelinquent TenantsPS Orangeco, Inc. herebygives notice that the propertygenerally described below isbeing sold to satisfy a Landlord’sLien pursuant to Chapter59 of the Texas PropertyCode, at the time and placeindicated below, and on thefollowing terms: All propertygenerally described belowwill be sold at public sale tothe highest bidder for cash,or credit cards, NOCHECKS, with payment to bemade at the time of the sale.Seller reserves the right to refuseany bid and to withdrawany item or items from thesale. The property will besold on the 16th & 17th ofJuly 2009 on or about thetime indicated at each selfstoragefacility identified: NOCHILDREN PLEASE.Thursday July 16, 20099:00 a.m. Public Storage @1033 E 41st Street, Austin,TX 787511061 JOHN P LADAY, FUR-NITURE2035 BERRI MCBRIDE,CHAIR, BED, BOXES2067 ROSE SILVA, BOXES,TOTES, COMPUTER3075 VIRGINIA HERNANDEZ,BOXES, FURNITURE,CLOTHING3157 WILLIE HUNTER, BOX-ES, BED, TOTES3171 JOSEPH FREEMAN,MONITOR, KEYBOARD,CLOTHING4092 TASHA FOWLER, FUR-NITURE, BEDDING, CLOTH-ING4120 LEE WARE, BOXES,FURNITURE, BEDDING5045 JASON MOORE, BOX-ES, BOOKCASE, TOTES9:30am Public Storage @10001 Nth IH-35, Austin, TX787533037 SHENIA THOMPSON,FURNITURE, ELECTRONICS,TOYS7013 JENNIFER JONES,FURNITURE, BOXES, ELEC-TRONICS10:00am Public Storage @10100 Nth IH-35, Austin, TX78753B018 SAM GARCIA, BOXES,BEDDING, FURNITUREB091 IAN C. BIDOT, BOXES,BICYCLE, SUITCASEB122 ARTHUR LEE JOHN-SON, BAGS, BOXES, TOTESC072 DEVERA TAYLOR,BOXES, FURNITURE, BAGSC080 DRIELLE MCCLINTON,BOXES, FURNITURE, TOTESD087 ALICIA RODRIGUEZ,BOXES, TOYS, FURNITURED102 BRANDON SUTTON,BOXES, TOTES, BAGS10:30am Public Storage @937 Reinli, Austin, TX.,78751372 BARBARA JULES, BOX-ES, BAGS, TOTES453 REGINALD HILL, BOX-ES, BAGS, FURNITURE741 LESTIE E. ADAMS, BOX-ES, TOTES, ELECTRONICS766 GERALDINE AVERY,BAGS, TOTES, FURNITURE767 EUGENIA PLEASANT,BOXES, BAGS920 ENRIQUE MOJICA, BOX-ES, FURNITURE, TOYS11:00am Public Storage @8101 Nth Lamar Blvd., Austin,TX 78753181 MICHAEL HOLDEN,BOXES, BAGS, TOTES182 WILLIAM ROSS, BOXES,BAGS, ELECTRONICS517 IRIS GEORGE, BOXES,BAGS, ELECTRONICS538 WILLIE DAVIS, BOXES,BAGS, TOTES550 NICHOLAS HUNTER,BOXES, ELECTRONICS,TOTES589 CINDY GARCIA, BOXES,BAGS, FURNITURE631 MARK CHRISTIAN, BOX-ES, FURNITURE, TOOLS647 ANNETTE G. LUNA,BOXES, BAGS, FURNITURE1060 LAQUANDA EARLS,BOXES, TOTES, FURNITURE1416 MCARTHUR SMALL,BOXES, BAGS, TOTES2012 ULENE PORTER, BOX-ES, BAGS, TOYSN1285 MAILING WILLIAMS-DAVIS, BOXES, BAGS,TOTESN1339 JEFFREY SMITH,BOXES, BAGS, TOTESN1367 MIA HARVEY, BED-DING, TOTES, FURNITUREN2417 CHRISTINA CARPEN-TER, BOXES, TOTES, FUR-NITUREN3359 PERRY LEWIS, BOX-ES, BAGS, FURNITUREN3389 BRANNEN TEMPLE,BOXES, BAGS, TOTESN3447 ELIZABETH JENSEN,BOXES, BAGS, TOTESS1106 CALEB WILLIAMS,TOTES, FURNITURE, ELEC-TRONICS12:00pm Public Storage @8525 N Lamar Blvd., Austin,TX 78753A014 LIBBY FAY BUNTON,BAGS, BOXES, TOTESA056 PHILLIP WALLS, BOX-ES, BAGS, TOTESA058 MELVIN DUNGEY,BOXES, TOTES, FURNITUREB011 ADRIAN JENKINS,BOXES, ELECTRONICS,TOYSB028 IRENE GARCIA, BOX-ES, BAGS, TOTESE008 PRECITA PIMENTEL,BAGS, BOXES, ELECTRON-ICS12:30pm Public Storage @8128 N Lamar Blvd., Austin,TX 78753B008 KIM JOHNSON, BOX-ES, TOTES, FURNITUREB040 JOSE CONTRERAS,BOXES, TOOLS, TOTESC066 JAVIER GONZALES,1983 JEEPE013 DORINA RODRIGUEZ,BOXES, BAGS, TOTESE108 DAVID VASQUEZ, BOX-ES, BAGS, TOTESE131 ZENDA RIVER, BOXES,BAGS, TOTESF001 CRISTY MARTINEZ,BOXES, BAGS, ELECTRON-ICSFriday July 17, 20099:30am Public Storage @1517 Round Rock Ave.,Round Rock, TX 786811116 ANGELITA CANTU,BOXES, BAGS, TOTES4105 NAOMI MCFARLIN, HY-DRAULIC CAR LIFT4124 SAMUEL HILL, BOXES,BAGS, FURNITURE4138 JOSHUA SMITH, BOX-ES, FURNITURE, ELEC-TRONICS6114 DEBBIE ROY, BOXES,FURNITURE, TOTES7142 CHRISTINA QUINTA-NALLA, FURNITURE, BED-DING, ELECTRONICS8121 ALICIA KOMOROWSKI,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT8122 VIRGINIA ROSALEZ,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT10:00am Public Storage @13675 N US HWY 183 Austin,TX 787500123 DEWAYNE BROCK,BOXES, BAGS, TOYS0234 MARTHA SEGURA,BOXES, BAGS, TOTES0411 GARY STEPHENS,BOXES, TOOLS, TOTES10:30am Public Storage @12915 Research Blvd., Austin,TX 78750D005 HOLLY GARRISON,BOXES, BAGS, CLOTHING11:00am Public Storage @10931 Research Blvd., Austin,TX 787592060 TDI, 20 LAPTOPS, 50DELL DESKTOPS, 20 HARDDRIVES, 20 MODEMS2218 CONNY WILLIAMS,BOXES, BAGS, TOTES2226 RON ISAACS, BOXES,BAGS, TOTESA02F ALTON WINSTON,BOXES, BAGS, ELECTRON-ICSA05H BRENDA L MURRAY,BOXES, FURNITURE, EXER-CISE BIKEA017 TDI, BOXESB013 TDI, BOXESD049 MICHAEL PECK, BOX-ES, TOTES, TOOLS11:30am Public Storage @12318 N Mopac Expressway,Austin, TX 78758A092 CRAIG ENGLISH, BOX-ES, BAGS, FURNITUREB141 JANIE SCHAFER, BOX-ES, TOTES, FURNITUREC429 INDIA PLAZA OPERA-TIONS LLC, BOXES, BAGS,TOTESD500 AMY MC MURROUGH,BOXES, BAGS TOTESD514 GRACE CASTRO, BOX-ES, BAGS, TOTESD634 JUAN MARTINEZ,BOXES, BAGS, TOTES12:00pm Public Storage @9205 Research Blvd., Austin,TX 78758A321 ROBERT YOUNG, BOX-ES, BAGS, BEDDINGB025 HUGH JONES, BOXES,BEDDING, FURNITURED041 HOLLY REED, BOXES,FURNITURE, TOTESD069 KEVIN REMINGTON,BEDDING, BOXES, TOTESD127 HUGO ADAME, BED-DING, WASHER, DRYERE069 SHALONDA HOUSTON,BOXES, FURNITURE, TOYSE111 METROPOLITAN A.M.E.CHURCH, BOXES, ELEC-TRONICS, TOTESNOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEABI Storage, pursuant to Ch.59 of the Texas PropertyCode, hereby gives notice ofa public sale. On July 11,2009, ABI Storage located at7320 E. Ben White Blvd. Austin,TX 78741 will conduct asale. Delinquent rental spaceswill be auctioned off to thehighest bidder at 10 a.m. onthe premises. The public isinvited to attend. Total of 6rental spaces containingmisc. items, clothing, toys,furniture, household items,electronics, appliances,tools, will be sold to satisfyLandlord Liens. All items willbe sold “as is” to the highestbidder. 10% BP, CASH ANDCREDIT CARDS, NOCHECKS. All items are subjectto prior redemption. Tenantsincluded in this sale are:A17 Cynthia Arzola, B65Samuel Besa, C05 PenelopeKnight, D01 Caronarda Benbow,D78 Alvita Lunt, D93Joe Cordova - AuctioneerMelissa Rackel #10846NOTICE OF SERVICE OFPROCESS BY PUBLICA-TIONSTATE OF NORTH CARO-LINACOUNTY OF DAVIDSONIN THE GENERAL COURTOF JUSTICEDISTRICT COURT DIVI-SIONFILE NO. 09 CVD 384CV Products, Inc. v. PortPros, LLC and Harold Hallum,Jr.NOTICE OF SERVICE OFPROCESS BY PUBLICA-TIONTo: Harold Hallum, the abovenamed Defendant, HaroldHallum:Take notice that a pleadingseeking relief against youhas been filed in the aboveentitled action. The nature ofthe relief being sought is asfollows: The Plaintiff is seek-ing a judgment against youin the amount of $14,950.64with interest plus attorney’sfees and costs. You are requiredto make defense tosuch pleading not later thanJuly 29, 2009, said date being40 days from the firstpublication of this notice.Upon your failure to do sothe party seeking serviceagainst you will apply to thecourt for the relief sought.Dated: June 19, 2009Bradley S. HuntAttorney for PlaintiffBRINKLEY WALSER, PLLCPost Office Box 1657Lexington, North Carolina27293(336) 249-2101N.C. Bar No. 31604NOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF ALLEN M.JOHNSON, a/k/a ALLENMUNRO JOHNSON, DE-CEASED Notice is herebygiven that original LettersTestamentary for the Estateof ALLEN M. JOHNSON, alsoknown as ALLEN MUNROJOHNSON, Deceased, wereissued on June 25, 2009, inCause No. C-1-PB-09-000704, pending in the ProbateCourt Number One ofTravis County, Texas, toTHOMAS ALLEN ROSEN-BLAD, the Independent Executorof said Estate.All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time prescribed bylaw. Claims should be presentedby addressing themin care of the Executor,Thomas Allen Rosenblad, athis mailing address, which isP.O. Box G, Bartlett, Texas76511.DATED this the 2nd day ofJuly, 2009.THOMAS ALLEN ROSEN-BLAD, Independent Executorof the Estate of ALLEN M.the AutoDepotONE STREET SOUTH OF KRAMER,WEST OF NORTH LAMARPHONE UNTIL 9PM @ OR OR 7 DAYS/WEEK FOR ANY OF THESE CARS OR FOR REPAIRS. WECAN PROBABLY FIND WHAT YOU WANT.mark www.autodepotaustin.comDON’T FORGET - WE BUY CARS(RUNNING OR NOT) (ACCIDENTS OKAY) New!!!! 1994 Camry, clean inside, drives like news,warranty, $2950.New!!!! 1995 Jeep Cherokee 4dr. Auto, new radiator,freeze plugs, warranty. $2950.New!!! 1995 Accord LX four door, auto, only 88,000miles, one year warranty. $3950.New!!!! 1996 Accord EX 4 dr., clean, only 66,000miles. One year warranty. $4595.New!!!! 1998 Ford F-150 X-tra cab pickup, neverwrecked, 159k, very clean, and drives as new. $3950.New!!!! 1999 Solara coupe, very, very clean, AT,loaded/leather 122k $5,900New!!!! 1999 Mazda B2500, clean, new clutch, ACrepair, 5 speed, $3250. Full warranty.New!!!!! 2005 Nissan ‘Nissmo’ 4WD Xtra cab pickup.53k. Can trade, nice, $12,950. Full warranty.New!!!!! 2005 RAV-4, 55k., nice, full warranty, can trade,$12,950.2007 Nissan Versa four door, 25,000 miles. Very, very clean.Can trade. Factory warranty. $11,950.You can phone us up to 9 pm Jim at 294-2885 seven days a week[please, not before 8 a.m., or after 9:30 p.m.] on any of these cars orfor bringing your car in for repairs. We do mechanical and body work.Call us, we can probably find what you want. WE WILL SAVE YOUMONEY ON YOUR REPAIR - SEE HOW - AUTODEPOTAUSTIN.COMDON’T FORGET – WE BUY CARS, RUNNING OR NOT, ACCIDENTDAMAGE OK.WE’RE LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO HELPWITH RESTORATIONS. Passion, welding, and carefulwork a must. Email: jannie@austin.rr.com.a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m JULY 3, 2009 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 111

IT’S HARD TO BE ANEARLY ADOPTER OFNEW TECHNOLOGYDear Tom and Ray:I’m tired of waiting for the American autoindustry to come up with an affordable all-electriccar, so I’m looking seriously into buying a ChinesemadeFlybo. I know it has a top speed of 43 mphand lacks a lot of basic safety and comfort extras(no air bags, no heat …), but the same is true ofthe ’87 Dodge Raider I’m driving now. I want anelectric car not only because of the price of fuel butalso because of environmental issues. My questionis, how easy (or difficult) will it be to service thiscar? I will need to have this auto shipped fromMichigan to Wyoming. And I don’t know of anyFlybo dealerships in the U.S. What could go wrongwith this car, and how can it be fixed? – KateRAY: Kate, you are about to join the wackofringe. You know, those guys who live in yurts,feeding themselves off their own homemadeacorn granola and squirrel yogurt? Ask themabout their Flybos.TOM: We admire your environmental ambitions,Kate. And we agree with you that electricpropulsion is probably where cars are eventuallyheading. But it’s very difficult to be an earlyadopter. Especially when you’re adopting somethingthat has no serious support network. So,unless you’re married to a very handy electricalengineer who happens to live in a yurt, you’realmost certainly sentencing yourself to years oftrouble in finding parts and people willing towork on this thing.RAY: Here’s what we’d recommend instead.Adopt the best available, widely supported currentsolution. Hybrids like the Toyota Prius, HondaInsight, and Civic Hybrid are getting 40-50 milesper gallon. And they’re doing it with all of the latestand greatest safety equipment.TOM: If that’s not good enough, there are anumber of people who offer plug-in conversionkits for those cars, which will turn your Priusinto a car that can be plugged in at night andoperate only on electric power much of the time.That’s pretty close to what you’re looking fornow, isn’t it?RAY: And now that America has figured outthat things finally need to change, it’ll be onlya few more years before carmakers are offeringreal, functional, highly energy-efficient plug-inhybrids and electric vehicles. With warranties,air bags, dealer networks, and heat! So take it astep at a time, Kate.* * *Do you really need that truck if you only makeone trip to the lumberyard per year? Find out whatkind of car not to get in Tom and Ray’s pamphlet“Should I Buy, Lease, or Steal My Next Car?”. Send$4.75 (check or money order) to Next Car, PO Box536475, Orlando, Fla., 32853-6475.* * *Got a question about cars? Write to Click andClack in care of this newspaper, or e-mail them byvisiting the Car Talk website, www.cartalk.com.Tune in to Car Talk each Saturday at 9am on©<strong>2009</strong> by Tom & Ray Magliozzi and Doug BermanDistributed by King Features SyndicatecontinuedlegalnoticesNO. ONE OF TRAVISCOUNTY, TEXASNOTICE TO ALL PERSONSHAVING CLAIMS AGAINSTTHE ESTATE OF AGNESSCHOEN Notice is herebygiven that original LettersTestamentary for the Estateof AGNES SCHOEN were issuedon June 25, <strong>2009</strong>, inCause Number C-1-PB-09-000676, pending in the ProbateCourt of Travis County,Texas, to SUSANN SCHOENBILLEITER, n/k/a SUSANNSCHOEN CUNNINGHAM, IndependentExecutor.<strong>The</strong> residence of the IndependentExecutor is 2016Kenwood Avenue, <strong>Austin</strong>,Travis County, Texas 78704,post office address for mailingof claims is:SUSANN SCHOEN BILLEIT-ER, n/k/a SUSANN SCHOENCUNNINGHAMc/o J. Patrick QuinnP.O. Box 1228Taylor, Texas 76574All persons having claimsagainst this estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themwithin the time and in themanner prescribed by law.DATED this 25th day of June,<strong>2009</strong>./s/ SUSANN SCHOEN BIL-LEITER, n/k/a SUSANNSCHOEN CUNNINGHAMIndependent ExecutorNOTICE Schroeder ConstructionCompany, Ltd. issoliciting bids from MBE/WBEsubcontractors for the followingCity of <strong>Austin</strong> Project:Goodnight Ranch Phase II48-Inch Water Transmission,CIP No. 6937.024, bidding<strong>July</strong> 23, <strong>2009</strong> at 11:00 AM.Call Susan 512 219-6001 orfax your quote to 512 219-7977.NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES PURSUANT OFTEXAS ABANDONED MO-TOR VEHICLE ACT, THEFOLLOWING WILL BE SOLDAT PUBLIC SALE UNLESSCHARGES ARE SATISFIEDWITHIN 30 DAYS.GARAGE KEEPER: SOUTH-SIDE WRECKER, 8200 SCONGRESS , AUSTIN, TX.78745.HOMEMADE VENDER TRAIL-ER NO LP NO VIN1992 CADILLAC1G6CD53B6N42526731986 DODGE PK1B7KD24W5GS009914AV0716 POUND SALENOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLES IM-POUNDED BY ORDER OF THE CHIEF OF POLICEIN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 683.011 ET SEQ.,TEXAS TRANSPORTATION CODE, REGULATINGTHE IMPOUNDING AND SALE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES BY DELEGATE OR PERSONALLY.THE PURCHASER SHALL TAKE TITLE TO THEMOTOR VEHICLE FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL LIENSAND CLAIMS OF OWNERSHIP AND IS ENTITLEDTO REGISTER THE PURCHASED MOTOR VEHICLEAND RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE.I WILL PROCEED TO SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIONTO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH IN THE CITYOF AUSTIN, TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, THE FOL-LOWING DESCRIBED MOTOR VEHICLES WHICHHAVE NOT BEEN REDEEMED BY THE OWNERS,THEREOF TO WIT;JULY 16, <strong>2009</strong> @ 9:30 AM @AUSTIN POLICE DEPT.,4308 TERRY-O LANE,AUSTIN, TX 78745095030767 1998 PONT 4DR 191NGH TX 1G2NE52T7WM513540095032215 1980 CADI 4DR 958VBJ TX 6D696A9113821095032494 1997 BUIC 4DR HWT966 TX 1G4CW52K9V4661402095032499 1998 HOND 4DR 011JHD TX 1HGEJ6671WL046875095033682 1987 OLDS 4DR F574 MS 1G3GM11Y5HR311721095033696 1983 DODG VN 282PPY TX 2B4HB11T9DK392408095033704 1982 CHEV PK 76YHV3 TX 1GCHC33W4CS138130095033815 2000 STRN 4DR 742SRL TX 1G8JU52F8YY646711095034157 1999 MAZD 4DR G57HMK TX JM1BJ222X0182102095034161 2004 CHEV PK 41GNC1 TX 1GCEC14XX4Z140293095034376 1993 HOND 4DR 687LDI AR 1HGEG8548PL003170095034378 1994 TOYT 4DR L49MVS TX JT2SK12E7R0256529095034394 1996 STRN 4DR Y07DCP TX 1G8ZK5274TZ329593095034396 1990 FORD 4DR 623KCC MS 2FACP74F7LX105369095034401 1997 INFI 4DR GNG634 TX JNKAY21DCVM501750095034618 199 FORD 4DR V53SFS TX 1FALP5246RG141185095034621 1996 SUBA SW Y83XVR TX 4S3BK4355T7932417095035123 1992 GMC PK 8ZZGH TX 1GTDC14Z1NZ544128095035125 1995 ISUZ LL W68DNK TX 4S2CK58E2S4356504095035545 1988 TOYT 4DR 096LGC TX JT2SV22E3J3252848095035546 1997 MAZD 4DR VHR90J TX 1YVGE22C0V5614506095035557 2003 FORD LL X882120 IL 1FMZU73KX3ZA98676NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES Pursuant to TexasAbandoned Motor VehicleAct, the following vehicleswill be auctioned off unlesscharges are satisfied within10 days.2001 DODGE1B3EJ46X31N5980551993 FORD1FMCA11U5PZC253861990 TOYOTA1NXAE94A1LZ0710971991 HONDAJHMED3548MS025602AUCTION <strong>July</strong> 10, <strong>2009</strong> @6:00 A.M.ADVANCED TOWING &RECOVERY1810 BENCH MARK DRAUSTIN, TX 78728(512) 402-0024NOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES PURSUANT OFTEXAS ABANDONED MO-TOR ACT, THE FOLLOWINGVEHICLE WILL BE AUC-TIONED OFF BY THE TRAVISCOUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICEUNLESS CHARGES ARESATISFIED.GARAGEKEEPER:IMAGE AUTO STORAGE407 FM 685PFLUGERVILLE, TX 78660512-251-9400VEHICLE: 1998 JAGUARVANDEN PLAS, GOLD INCOLORLEFT FOR STORAGE AT: IM-AGE AUTO STORAGEVIN: SAJKX6245WC825306PLATE: NONENOTICE OF ABANDONEDVEHICLES 1994 LINCOLN4DR VIN #1LNCM9744MY738207 IM-POUND DATE 12/01/08 BYAUTHORITY OF APDCHARGES AS OF 05/12/09 $3678.95 / 1994 HONDA CIV-IC 4DR VIN #1HGEJ1221RL076793 IM-POUND DATE 05/01/09 BYAUTRHORITY OF APDCHARGES AS OF 05/12/09 $479.80 / 1997 PONTIAC GPRIX 2DR VIN #1G2WP12K7VF334366 IM-POUND DATE 09/17/08 BYAUTHORITY OF APD STOR-AGE CHARGES AS OF 05/12/09 $ 5302.70 DAILY STOR-AGE ON UNITS $20.00 PERDAY + TAX UNITS ARE LO-CATED @ 915-B E. ST ELMORD AUISTIN TX 78745 VSF#0577589NOTICE OF LIEN SALEIn accordance with the provisionsof Chapter 59 of theTexas Property Code, therebeing due and unpaid chargesfor which the undersignedis entitled to satisfy an owner’slien of the goods hereinafterdescribed and stored atthe Uncle Bob’s Self Storagelocations listed below; And,due notice having been given,to the owner of said propertyand all parties known toclaim an interest therein, andthe time specified in such noticefor payment of such havingexpired, the goods will besold at public auction at thebelow stated locations(s) tothe highest bidder or otherwisedisposed of on the followingdates. No one under16 allowed. Cash Only.Uncle Bob’s #2859717 U.S. HWY 290 E<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78724(512) 278-1220Tuesday, <strong>July</strong> 21, <strong>2009</strong> @9:00 AM558 Patricia Zuniga: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, TV/stereoequip605 Sabrina Fryman: furn,boxes, windowsUncle Bob’s #2318227 North Lamar<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78753(512) 833-0855Tuesday, <strong>July</strong> 21, <strong>2009</strong> @10:00 AM701 Derrick Lee: sportinggoods, tools, appliances, TV/stereo equip, movies749 Sterling Jones: furn, TV/stereo equip907 Candalaria Jimenez:hsld goods, furn1004 Cooper Greg: hsldgoods, boxes, tools, TV/stereoequip1018 Paul Hawkins: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, TV/stereoequip, accounting records1033 James Hardin: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, TV/stereoequip1501 Butler Torry: hsldgoods, boxes, sportinggoods1623 Marta A. Cancino: vehicle,hsld goods, boxes,acct records, sporting goodsUncle Bob’s #2762830 South A.W. GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX 78664(512) 310-0279Tuesday, <strong>July</strong> 21, <strong>2009</strong> @11:00 AM114 Marcus Cardinali: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, TV’s orstereo equip, office machines212 Barbara A. Gray: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, TV’s orstereo equip, accountrecords413 Emily Tidmore: householdgoods, furniture, boxes2208 Kathy Clifton: householdgoods, furniture, boxes2317 Jacinda Davis: furniture,boxes3127 Alisa Richardson:household goods, furniture3135 Jaison John: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip,office equip, office machines,landscaping equip3325 Joe Moreland: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip,office equip, office machines,landscaping equip, accountrecords4311 Joyce Thompson:household goods6209 Patrick Daly, Sr.: householdgoods, boxes, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereoequip6309 Linna M. Shuler: householdgoods, furniture, boxes,appliances, TV’s or stereoequip8126 Martin Candelaria: furniture,boxes8213 Lauren Remaley: furniture,boxes (maybe)8309 Irma Renae Sanders:hsld goods, furniture, boxes,appliances, TV’s or stereoequip, office machines/equip,landscaping equip9101 Frieda Sauls: furniture,boxes9423 Patricia Rogers: boxes9616 Ansley Judie: hsldgoods, boxes, sportinggoods, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip, accountrecordsUncle Bob’s #1975547 McNeil Dr.<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78729(512) 336-8390Tuesday, <strong>July</strong> 21, <strong>2009</strong> @12 noon311 Lucaya Riley: hsldgoods, boxes409 Michael Stapp: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, sportinggoods, tools, TV/stereoequip, office equip, constructionequip829 John Pecore: furn, boxes,tools, appliances, TV/stereoequip, office equip, officemachines1101 Ricardo Rivera: hsldgoods, boxes, TV/stereoequip1701 Nancy Perez: hsldgoods, furn, boxes, TV/stereoequipUncle Bob’s #2876509 South First Street<strong>Austin</strong>, TX 78745(512) 326-9696Tuesday, <strong>July</strong> 21, <strong>2009</strong> @1:30 PM108 Edward R. Lopez: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip, bicycles117 Jackson Ellsworth: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods316 Manuel Antonio Allen:hsld goods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip,account records339 Tiffany Sharp: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes1146 Patricia Perez: hsldgoods2243 Janika Wright: furniture2345 Beatrice Holmes: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes, appliances,TV’s or stereoequip, office machines/equip3113 Pamela Beck: hsldgoods, boxes, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip3136 Lisa Sosa: hsld goods,furniture, boxes, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip3143 Amy Pate: hsld goods,furniture, boxes, tools, appliances,TV’s or stereo equip3427 Phillip Pardo: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes3422 Jason Guntert: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, TV’s orstereo equip, accountrecords3359 Shane Widner: hsldgoods, furniture, boxes,sporting goods, tools, TV’s orstereo equip, office equip, officemachines, accountrecordsNOTICE OF NEW TRAFFICREGULATION Notice is herebygiven that Travis County,Texas, proposes the approvalof the following traffic regulation:SET MAXIMUM PRI-MA FACIE SPEED LIMITSON HORSEBACK HOLLOWIN PRECINCT THREE.Any resident of TravisCounty, Texas, aggrieved bythis proposal action maymake written request for amandatory public hearing.Such request must be addressedto the Transportationand Natural Resources Department,Travis County, Texas,P.O. Box 1748, <strong>Austin</strong>,Texas, 78767, and must bereceived within seven (7)days of this notice.NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUC-TION A Public Auction will beheld to satisfy landlord’s lienpursuant to Chapter 59 of theTexas Property Code. Saleswill be held on <strong>July</strong> 18,<strong>2009</strong>. A sale will be held at9:00am, at A-A-A Storage,227 Park 35 Cove N. Buda,phone 512-312-2227. A salewill be held at 11:00am atA-A-A Storage, 4405 Highway71 East, Del Valle,phone 512-247-9708. A salewill be held at 1:00pm at A-A-A Storage, 8956 ResearchBlvd. N., <strong>Austin</strong>, phone 512-338-9900. A sale will beheld at 3:00pm at A-A-AStorage, 10707 IH 35 North<strong>Austin</strong>, phone 512-977-9775.All units will be sold to thehighest bidder for cash.Clean up and removal depositwill be required. Sellerreserves the right to rejectany bid. Sales include itemsfrom the following tenants’storage spaces. #2123 BrendaTenorio: HHG #426 MaryMinchew: misc. #317 FelipeGarza: misc. #2115 Lori Williams:HHG #3307 EdwardNorman: misc. #105 BrandonMarshall: misc. boxes, chairs#113 Mandy Simpson: desk,boxes #273 Brenda Fresch:clothes #2271 Don Franklin:moving equipment, furniture#6820 Krystal Castaneda:misc. #6854 Carlos Salicrop:tools. #7030 Carolyn Stephens:HHG #8029 LazzaroCarro: HHG #8002 John JoeValenzuela: misc. #8008Sheila Machado: misc. #9107Cory Canada: furniture, toys#7039 Stephanie Longoria:furniture #562, #3722 HermaniaChavez: HHG, toys#3703 Angelica Gamboa:couch, boxes, misc.NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAR-ING Notice is hereby giventhat the Board of Adjustment,City of Sunset Valley, Texas,will hold a Public Hearing onWednesday, <strong>July</strong> 15, <strong>2009</strong> at7:00 p.m. at the City Hall locatedat 3205 Jones Road,Sunset Valley, Texas to considerthe following ZoningVariance Requests:1. An application submittedby Lance Vaughn, 1022 SunflowerTrail requesting approvalof a variance to allowconstruction of a pergola toencroach into the rear buildingsetback.3. An application submittedby Bruce Smith, 44 PillowRoad requesting approval ofa variance from the front andrear building setback for constructionof rainwater harvestingfacilities.All interested persons are invitedto attend and participatein said hearing. Anyperson may submit testimonyin person at such hearing orsubmit written commentsfiled with the City Secretarybetween 8:00 a.m. and 5:00p.m., Monday through Fridayprior to the hearing. All writtencomments must be receivedby 5:00 p.m., onTuesday, <strong>July</strong> 14, <strong>2009</strong>. <strong>The</strong>application for the zoningvariance request may be examinedat the office of theCity Secretary of Sunset Valley,Texas during regular officehours.NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALEPS Orangeco, Inc. herebygives notice that the propertygenerally described below isbeing sold to satisfy a Landlord’sLien pursuant to Chapter59 of the Texas PropertyCode, at the time and placeindicated below, and on thefollowing terms: All propertygenerally described belowwill be sold at public sale tothe highest bidder for cash,or credit cards, NOCHECKS, with payment to bemade at the time of the sale.Seller reserves the right to refuseany bid and to withdrawany item or items from thesale. <strong>The</strong> property will besold on the 15th of <strong>July</strong> <strong>2009</strong>on or about the time indicatedat each self-storage facilityidentified: NO CHILDRENPLEASE.Wednesday, <strong>July</strong> 15th <strong>2009</strong>.9:00 a.m. Public Storage@9814 Westgate Blvd, <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 787480029 DONNA CAMPBELL,BOXES, TOTES, FURNITURE0265 KIMBERLY D WHITE,SCOOTERS, FURNITURE,REFRIGERATOR0353 MICHAEL LUMBLEY,TRUNKS, FURNITURE, COM-PUTER9:30a.m. Public Storage @7200 S 1st Street., <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 78745C065 DAVID LANGLEY,TOOL BOX, TABLE SAW,WASHERF199 MICHELLE GOMEZ,POTTERY, FURNITURE, BOX-ESI244 SANDRA MADRID,WASHER, CHAIR, TABLEI249 DEANN FLORES, BOX-ES, FURNITURE, COMPUTERI251 ISMAEL GOMEZ, FUR-NITURE, BOXES, TOTESM371 PAUL MILLS, BOXES,TOTES, FURNITUREM393 CRYSTAL MOLIS, FUR-NITUREN412 SEAN MATHIS, FURNI-TUREO469 DENISE CANALES,ALL ITEMS IN UNITQ508 DANIEL SANTOS, BOX-ES, BAGS560 HELEN BABBITT, ALLITEMS IN UNITS570 JULIE ARSUAGA, ALLITEMS IN UNITT594 ELVIA GARZA, ALLITEMS IN UNITV711 VIVIAN HILL, TV, BOX-ES, TOTES10:00 a.m. Public Storage @7112 S Congress, <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 78745B6 LAUREN VALDEZ, FUR-NITURE, TOTES, TOYSC39 ABRAHAM GATERS,BEDDING, ELECTRONICS,CAMPER TOPC40 KERRY KIRK, WASHER,DRYER, FURNITURED7 HASSAN MAHMOOD,SOFA, LOVE SEAT, BOXESF4 ROBERT RENTERIA, BOX-ES, COMPUTER, LAMPF30 CARLOS RIVAS, BOXES,MONITOR, FURNITUREJ58 JACKIE AUGUSTIN,BOXES, FURNITURE, BED-DINGK4 LARRY MARSHALL, BOX-ES, COMPUTER, TOTESL24 ANGIE BARRIENTOS,BOXES, TOTES, BOOKSL54 DINO DE YOUNG, FUR-NITURE, BOXES, BAGSL55 LINDA CHANDLER, TA-BLE, STOVE, BOXESL79 CROSS COUNTRY VANLINES, FURNITURE, BOXES,WASHERM3 ROSA MARIA ALVAREZ,BIKES, BOXES, TOYS10:30 a.m. Public Storage @4202 Santiago, <strong>Austin</strong>, TX78745316 SIMEON RODRIGEZ,ALL ITEMS IN UNIT110 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E JULY 3, <strong>2009</strong> a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m

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