July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle

July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle

July 3, 2009 - The Austin Chronicle


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legalnoticesCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXAS TOJOSEPH EDGAR “BUSTER”ROQUE AND TO ALL PER-SONS INTERESTED IN THEGUARDIANSHIP OF KATHYRAN BONNIE NOEL SCOTTaka KATHYRAN BONNIENOEL ROBB SCOTT, a minor,No. C-1-PB-09-000211 inProbate Court Number One ofTravis County, Texas.EDRENA JONES aka ED-RENA SCOTT JONES and all<strong>The</strong> alleged heir(s) at law inthe above numbered and entitledestate, filed on June18, <strong>2009</strong>, an Amended Applicationfor the Appointmentof Permanent Guardian of theEstate in the said guardianshipand request(s) that saidCourt appoint guardian forthe guardianship of KATHYRAN BONNIE NOEL SCOTTaka KATHYRAN BONNIENOEL ROBB SCOTT, a minor,and their respectiveshares and interests in suchestate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days fromdate of publication of this citation,at the County Courthousein Travis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited to appearbefore said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filinga written answer contestingsuch application shouldthey desire to do so.LMT MT016095Rev. Brian Parker, LMTMelody, LMT# 043975LMT 8896www.relaxingrituals.netIf this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date ofits issuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HANDAND THE SEAL OF SAIDCOURT at office in TravisCounty, Texas, on June 26,<strong>2009</strong>.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. BOX 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ O. RUIZCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONS INTER-ESTED IN THE ESTATE OFSTEPHEN MICHAEL MILNEDeceased, No. C-1-PB-09-000775 in Probate CourtNumber One of TravisCounty, Texas.LISA A MILNE <strong>The</strong> allegedheir(s) at law in the abovenumbered and entitled estate,filed on June 25, <strong>2009</strong>,an Application to DetermineHeirship & Appointment of IndependentAdministrator, andIssuance of Letters of IndependentAdministration in thesaid estate and request(s)that the said Court determinewho are the heirs and onlyheirs of the said STEPHENMICHAEL MILNE, Deceased,and their respective sharesand interests in such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days fromdate of publication of this citation,at the County Courthouseof Travis County, Texas.LMT 5028Life Coach/Spiritualist MinisterGuidance & SpiritualDirection for Individualsand GroupsEnergy Healing & BodyworkClasses & Workshops512-626-0222www.SynthesisGuide.comTender TouchSouth <strong>Austin</strong> Massageby Jeannie512-444-2256sweetishmassage.comMASSAGETHERAPYCENTRAL LOCATION OFF MOPACINCALL & DOWNTOWN OUTCALLS940-4087ANDPERSONALTRAINERMassage by Kimberly!Warm oil, warm hands, & warm heart!(512) 417-4141All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited to appearbefore said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filinga written answer contestingsuch application shouldthey desire to do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date ofits issuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HANDAND THE SEAL OF SAIDCOURT at office in TravisCounty, Texas, on June 25,<strong>2009</strong>.Dana DeBeauvoirCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. Box 149325,AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ MONICA LIM-ONCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASTO ALL PERSONSINTERESTED IN THE ESTATEOF MICHAEL TEVIS COBB,Deceased, No. C-1-PB-09-000763 in Probate CourtNumber One of TravisCounty, Texas.JEREL DAVID COBB <strong>The</strong>alleged heir(s) at law in theabove numbered and entitledestate, filed on June 23,<strong>2009</strong>, an Application toDetermine Heirship in thesaid estate and request(s)that said Court determinewho are the heirs and onlyheirs of the said MICHAELTEVIS COBB, Deceased, andtheir respective shares andinterests in such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days fromdate of publication of thiscitation, at the CountyCourthouse in Travis County,Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited toappear before saidHonorable Court at saidabove mentioned time andplace by filing a writtenanswer contesting suchapplication should theydesire to do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date ofits issuance, it shall bereturned unserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HANDAND THE SEAL OF SAIDCOURT at office in TravisCounty, Texas, on June 23,<strong>2009</strong>.DANA DEBEAUVOIRCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. Box 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy: /s/ MONICALIMONCITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXASCause No. D-1-FM-09-003352 To: MARCOS ALVA-RADO OLMEDO and to allwho it may concern,Respondent(s); GREETINGS:YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. Youmay employ an attorney. Ifyou or your attorney do notfile a written answer with theclerk who issued this citationby 10:00 A.M. on the Mondaynext following the expirationof twenty days after you wereserved this citation and petition,a default judgment maybe taken against you.YOU ARE HEREBY COM-MANDED to appear and answerbefore the HonorableDistrict Court, 98TH JUDI-CIAL DISTRICT COURT, TravisCounty, Texas, at theCourthouse of said County in<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, at or before 10o’clock A.M. of the Mondaynext after expiration of twentydays from the date of serviceof this citation, then andthere to answer the ORIGI-NAL PETITION FOR DI-VORCE AND TRAVISCOUNTY STANDING ORDERfiled in said court on JUNE23, <strong>2009</strong>, and said suit beingnumber D-1-FM-09-003352on the docket of said Court,and entitled “IN THE MATTEROF THE MARRIAGE OF MA-RIA G OLMEDO MARTINEZand MARCOS ALVARADOOLMEDO, and In the Interestof ODALIZ ALVARADO ANDGAVINO ALVARADO, CHIL-DREN”.<strong>The</strong> nature of said suit is arequest to DISSOLVE themarriage of the parties, appointmanaging and possessoryconservators, and dividethe estate of the parties inthe manner that the courtdeems just and right.<strong>The</strong> Court has authority inthis suit to enter any judgmentor decree in theCHILD’S interest which willbe binding on you, includingthe termination of the parentchildrelationship, the determinationof paternity and theappointment of a conservatorwith authority to consent tothe CHILD’S adoption.Issued and given under myhand and the seal of saidcourt at <strong>Austin</strong>, Texas, June23, <strong>2009</strong>.AMALIA RODRIGUEZ-MENDOZATravis County District ClerkTravis County Courthouse1000 Guadalupe, P.O. Box679003 (78767)<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78701By /s/ NIKI MITCHELL, DeputyREQUESTED BY:MARIA GUADALUPE OLME-DO6103 ADA CT-AAUSTIN, TEXAS 78744CITATION BY PUBLICATIONTHE STATE OF TEXAS TOALL PERSONS INTERESTEDIN THE ESTATE OF BETTYLOU PETERSEN, Deceased,No. C-1-PB-09-000752 in ProbateCourt Number One ofTravis County, Texas.DON R COTTON <strong>The</strong> allegedheir(s) at law in the abovenumbered and entitled estate,filed on June 22, <strong>2009</strong>,an Application to DetermineHeirship & Appointment ofAdministrator in the said estateand request(s) that thesaid Court determine who arethe heirs and only heirs ofthe said BETTY LOU PETER-SEN, Deceased, and their respectiveshares and interestsin such estate.Said application will be heardand acted on by said Courtat 10:00 o’clock a.m. on thefirst Monday next after theexpiration of ten days fromdate of publication of this citation,at the County Courthousein Travis County, Texas.All persons interested in saidestate are hereby cited to appearbefore said HonorableCourt at said above mentionedtime and place by filinga written answer contestingsuch application shouldthey desire to do so.If this citation is not servedwithin 90 days after date ofits issuance, it shall be returnedunserved.GIVEN UNDER MY HANDAND THE SEAL OF SAIDCOURT at office in TravisCounty, Texas, on June 22,<strong>2009</strong>.DANA DEBEAUVOIRCounty Clerk,Travis County, TexasP.O. Box 149325AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714-9325By Deputy:/s/ MONICA LIM-ONCONTRACTOR’S NOTICEOF CONSTRUCTIONIFB B090276-LPNotice is hereby given thatsealed bids for the ImperialValley Drive Drainage Improvements(IFB No.B090276-LP), a drainage improvementproject, will be receivedby Cyd Grimes, TravisCounty Purchasing Agent, atthe Travis County PurchasingOffice, 314 West 11th Street,4th Floor, Suite 400, <strong>Austin</strong>,TX 78701 until 2:00 P. M.CST, JULY 15, <strong>2009</strong>, thenpublicly opened and readaloud. Note: <strong>The</strong> Time-DateStamp Clock located at thefront counter of the TravisCounty Purchasing Office,will serve as the OFFICIALCLOCK for the purpose ofverifying the date and time ofreceipt of bids.Copies of plans and specificationsmay be obtainedfrom the TRAVIS COUNTYPURCHASING OFFICE. A refundabledeposit of $100.00in the form of a cashier’scheck, money order, or companycheck payable to“Travis County” will be requiredfor each set of biddocuments that is issued.<strong>The</strong> deposit will be refundedif the drawings and specificationsare returned in goodcondition within 21 calendardays of the bid opening.Copies of plans and specificationsmay be viewed freeof charge in the TravisCounty Purchasing Office oryou can download the projectmanual and plans online atwww.co.travis.tx.us/purchasing/solicitation.asp.In addition,plans and specificationswill be made available forviewing free of charge at various<strong>Austin</strong>-area Plan Roomsindicated in list below.A bid security in the amountof five percent (5%) of the totalbid amount will be required.Payments will bemade for completed work inprogressive payments withthe County retaining five percent(5%) of each paymentuntil final acceptance of theproject. Payments will bemade by check. A PaymentBond is required in theamount of one-hundred percent(100%) of the contractamount, if the contractamount exceeds $25,000. APerformance Bond is requiredin the amount of onehundredpercent (100%) ofthe contract amount, if thecontract amount exceeds$100,000. Bidder should useunit pricing, except as providedfor in the Specifications.Historically UnderutilizedBusinesses including Contractors,Subcontractors, andSuppliers are encouraged toparticipate in this projectconsistent with the goals ofthe Commissioners Court.Contractors will be requiredto comply with all applicableEqual Employment Opportunitylaws and regulations, allFederal, State, and local regulationsfor construction safetyand health standards.<strong>The</strong> successful bidder mustcommence work upon issuanceby County of a writtenNotice to Proceed. <strong>The</strong>County reserves the right toreject any and all bids and towaive any informality in thebids received. Bids may notbe withdrawn for ninety (90)calendar days after the dateon which they are opened.D-1-GV-06-001884CONSTABLE’S NOTICE OFSALEREAL PROPERTY DELIN-QUENT TAXESBY VIRTUE of a certain OrderOf Sale issued by the clerk ofthe 353RD District Court ofTravis County, on the 27thday of May, <strong>2009</strong> in a certaincause numbered D-1-GV-06-001884, wherein the following:Travis County, Eanes IndependentSchool District, TravisCounty Healthcare Districtand Travis County EmergencyServices District No. 9 (asto billing number 8340) areplaintiffs, and Casa MonteCompany; Jane Eva Bullard;<strong>The</strong> Capital National Bank in<strong>Austin</strong> nka Norwest BankTexas, <strong>Austin</strong>, N.A. nka NorwestBank, Texas, SouthCentral, nka Wells FargoBank, N.A. nka Wells FargoBank, N.A.; John W. Ray, Jr.;Thomas Pat Ray; Taylor M.Ray, Jr.; James M. Ray, BenjaminRay; Virginia Ray Daywood;Ernest Oertli, Jr.; AlvinOertli ; Edwin Oertli; LouiseOertli Toungate; KatherineOertli Haydon; Walter DouglasCaldwell; Emma LeeCaldwell Knox; Alda RayHAmilton; Edna Ray Perkins;Alyce Ray Mason; ElizabethS. Ray; Edna Elizabeth Fry;William Harris Ray; BobbyWayne Ray; Jo Ann Ferguson;Barbara Ray Baugh; EdgarHornsby; Addie(<strong>The</strong>odoria Adams) McCullough;C. C. McCullough;Norma Ashabranner; ChristianElizabeth Thrasher; andJohn G. Adams aredefendant(s), in favor of saidplaintiffs, for the followingsums:Billing Number 8340 =$14,658.94 Dollars, togetherwith all costs of suit, that beingthe amount of judgmentrecovered by the said plaintiffs,in the 353RD DistrictCourt of Travis County, Texas,on January 30, <strong>2009</strong>.I, on the 28th day of May,<strong>2009</strong>, at 2:00 o’clock P.M.,have levied upon, and will,on the 7th day of <strong>July</strong>, <strong>2009</strong>at 10:00 o’ clock, A.M., at1000 Guadalupe in the Cityof <strong>Austin</strong>, within legal hours,proceed to sell for cash tothe highest bidder, all therights, title and interest of defendantsin and to the followingdescribed property, leviedupon as the property ofdefendants, to-wit:Tract 1:Parcel No.: 01-1037-0120-0000Legal Description: A tract ofland out of the Joseph FessenderSur. 73, shown as a.698 acre tract and being aportion of that second tractas described in Volume1676, Page 327 of the deedrecords of Travis County,Texas.Billing No: 8340Location: Canyon Rim DriveTHE ABOVE SALE to bemade by me to satisfy theabove described judgmentfor the following sums: BillingNumber 8340 =$14,658.94 Dollars in favor ofplaintiffs, together with thecosts of said suit, and theproceeds applied to the satisfactionthereof.Witness my hand this 28thday of May, <strong>2009</strong>.BRUCE ELFANT,CONSTABLE PRECINCT 5TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASBY /s/ G.L. Blaylock DEPUTYON THE PROPERTY SOLD,THERE ARE NO WARRAN-TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM-ITED TO, THE IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANT-ABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE.YOU BUY THE PROPERTY“AS IS”. BIDDERS ARE FUR-THER ADVISED THAT PUR-CHASE OF THE PROPERTYAT THIS EXECUTION SALEMAY NOT EXTINGUISH ANYLIENS OR SECURITY INTER-ESTS ON THE PROPERTY.YOU ARE SIMPLY PUR-CHASING WHATEVERINTEREST THE DEBTOR HASIN THE PROPERTY. IF YOUHAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOUNEED TO CONSULT COUN-SEL OF YOUR CHOICE.IN THE GENERAL COURTOF JUSTICEDISTRICT COURT DIVI-SIONFILE NO: 09 CVD 3506NOTICE OF SERVICE BYPUBLICATIONSTATE OF NORTH CARO-LINACOUNTY OF CUMBERLANDKELVIN JEROME JORDAN,Plaintiff, vs. VALERIE LYNNJORDAN, DefendantTO: VALERIE LYNN JOR-DAN TAKE NOTICE that apleading seeking reliefagainst you has been filed inthe above-captioned action.<strong>The</strong> nature of the relief beingsought is as follows: AbsoluteDivorce.You are required to make defenseto such pleadings nolater than the 19th day of August,<strong>2009</strong>, and upon yourfailure to do so, the partyseeking service against youwill apply to the Court for therelief sought.This the 30th day of June,<strong>2009</strong>.SHERRY MILLERAttorney for PlaintiffMILLER, CLOUSE &ILLIKAINEN108 Hay StreetFayetteville, NC 28302NO. C-1-PB-09-000519IN THE ESTATE OFELIZABETH BENDERULRICH, DECEASEDIN THE PROBATE COURTNO. 1TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thaton June 23, <strong>2009</strong>, NANCYELIZABETH ULRICH, n/k/aNANCY ELIZABETH BIRD-SONG and JOHN KENNETHULRICH, a/k/a JOHN KEN-NETH ULRICH, SR. qualifiedfor Letters Testamentaryupon the Estate of ELIZA-BETH BENDER ULRICH, Deceased.Such Letters weregranted to the IndependentCo-Executors by the HonorableProbate Court No. 1 ofTravis County, Texas, inCause No. C-1-PB-09-000519, pending upon theProbate Docket of said Court.All persons having claimsagainst said Estate are herebyinstructed to present thesame within the time prescribedby law to the personalrepresentatives in careof the personal representatives’attorneys at the addressshown below:NANCY ELIZABETHBIRDSONGJOHN KENNETH ULRICH,SR.c/o Nance & Simpson, L.L.P.2603 Augusta, Suite 1000Houston, Texas 77057NO. C-1-PB-09-000618 INTHE ESTATE OF JANETANNE MEISEL, DECEASEDIN THE PROBATE COURTNO. ONETRAVIS COUNTY, TEXASNOTICE TO CREDITORSNotice is hereby given thatoriginal Letters Testamentaryfor the Estate of JANETANNE MEISEL, Deceased,were issued on June 25,<strong>2009</strong> in Docket No. C-1-PB-09-000618, pending in theProbate Court No. One ofTravis County, Texas, toROBERT C. MEISEL, IndependentExecutor.<strong>The</strong> residence for the IndependentExecutor is in TravisCounty, Texas. <strong>The</strong> mailingaddress is:c/o A. Lynn TiemannThompson & Tiemann LLPAttorney at Law5203 Pony Chase<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78727All persons having claimsagainst this Estate, which iscurrently being administered,are required to present themto the undersigned within thetime and in the manner prescribedby law.DATED the 25th day of June,<strong>2009</strong>.Respectfully submitted,THOMPSON & TIEMANN LLPP.O. Box 201988<strong>Austin</strong>, Texas 78720-1988(512) 335-6800 Telephone(512) 335-2088 Facsimile/s/ A. Lynn TiemannAttorney and CounselorState Bar No. 20021500Attorney for the EstateNO. C-1-PB-09-000676 INTHE ESTATE OF AGNESSCHOEN, DECEASEDIN THE PROBATE COURTCOMMON LAWLuke Ellis<strong>The</strong> material in this column is for informationalpurposes only. It does not constitute, nor is it a substitutefor, legal advice. For advice on your specific facts andcircumstances, consult a licensed attorney.AUSTIN WATER RESTRICTIONSWhat are the summer water restrictions in<strong>Austin</strong>? My vegetable garden is getting burnt to acrisp, so I’d like to water every day if possible. Can Ireally get in trouble if I violate the water schedule?In order to help conserve our treated drinkingwater, the city of <strong>Austin</strong> has adopted a wateruse management ordinance (Chapter 6-4 of citycode). For residential properties, which includesingle-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, andfourplexes, watering days are determined byyour street address. Odd-numbered addressesmay water on Wednesday and/or Saturday. Evennumberedaddresses may water on Thursday and/or Sunday. In either case you are allowed to waterbefore 10am and after 7pm on your designatedwatering days.<strong>The</strong> watering restrictions on residential propertiesare in place from May 1 to September 30.<strong>The</strong>re are no time-of-day restrictions for hose-endsprinklers during the rest of the year. Check outthe city of <strong>Austin</strong>’s website for more information(www.cityofaustin.org/watercon/summer.htm).<strong>The</strong>re are exceptions to <strong>Austin</strong>’s waterrestrictions. For example, you can water with ahand-held hose or bucket any time of day andany day of the week. In very limited circumstances,a property owner can seek a variancefrom either the watering-day and/or time-ofdayrestrictions.Violations of the city watering schedule areclass C misdemeanors, with each instance punishableby a fine of up to $500. <strong>The</strong> ordinance isenforced. However, the city states that its primarygoal is to work with customers to obtain compliance,not to issue fines. <strong>The</strong> city wants first toeducate people about the proper way to watertheir landscapes and assist them in complyingwith the ordinance. According to the city, violatorsare often not even aware of the problem andcan make corrections immediately.Please submit column suggestions, questions, and commentsto thecommonlaw@austinchronicle.com. Submissionof potential topics does not create an attorney-clientrelationship, and any information submitted is subject to beingincluded in future columns.a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o m JULY 3, <strong>2009</strong> T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E 109

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