BrightStor CA-1 Tape Management - SupportConnect

BrightStor CA-1 Tape Management - SupportConnect

BrightStor CA-1 Tape Management - SupportConnect


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Control Statements:The CTSSYNC utility processes the following commands:VERIFYNOVERIFYBULKNOBULKEJECT{,vvvvvv{-vvvvvv}}PROTECT{,vvvvvv{-vvvvvv}}SCRATCH{,vvvvvv{-vvvvvv}}PRIVATE{,vvvvvv{-vvvvvv}}SYNC{,vvvvvv{-vvvvvv}}EXPORT{,llllll{-llllll}} {,destination}IMPORT{,pppppp} {,llllll{-llllll}} {,ooooooooo}Where vvvvvv - volume serial number (real or virtual)llllll - volume serial number for a logical (virtual) tapepppppp - volume serial number for a physical (container) tapeooooooo - IMPORT option either 'SCRATCH' or 'PRIVATE'VERIFY|NOVERIFYThe VERIFY instructs the system to first verify if the volume serial number is defined in the 3495/3494 LCSdatabase prior to executing any further commands. If NOVERIFY is specified, the LCS commands areissued even if the cartridge does not reside in the 3495/3494 LCS database. VERIFY is the default.BULK|NOBULKThe BULK command instructs any following EJECT commands to be sent to the bulk location. TheNOBULK command instructs all following EJECT commands to be sent to the convenience location. Ifneither BULK nor NOBULK was specified prior to an EJECT command, the utility defaults to the bulklocation.EJECTInstructs the 3495/3494 robotic device to eject the specified VOLSER(s). Depending on whether a BULK orNOBULK command had been issued prior to the EJECT command, the cartridge would be ejected to eitherthe bulk or the convenience location.PROTECT|SCRATCH|PRIVATEThe PROTECT, SCRATCH, and PRIVATE commands all change the status of the specified VOLSER(s).The SCRATCH command changes the status to scratch, while the PROTECT and PRIVATE commandschange the status to private within the 3495/3494 LCS database. This affects which cartridge(s) areselected to satisfy SCRATCH requests and which cartridge(s) are added to any auto cartridge loaders(ACLs) located inside the 3495/3494 robotic device. There is no difference between PROTECT andPRIVATE.SYNCCauses the specified VOLSER(s) to be synchronized between the tape management database and the3495/3494 LCS database. If the status is different, the tape management database is assumed to becorrect. This is the default if no specific command is specified.EXPORTCauses the specified LOGI<strong>CA</strong>L VOLSER(s) to be written to the export list volume (a logical volumeresiding in the same library as the volumes to be exported).PDC# QI30073

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