21 Spring 2013 - Greenhead College

21 Spring 2013 - Greenhead College

21 Spring 2013 - Greenhead College

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<strong>Greenhead</strong>news<strong>Greenhead</strong> Amnesty GroupNEWSLETTER ISSUE <strong>21</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Important Diary DatesThe Amnesty International StudentGroup has recently been established at<strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong>. The human rightsactivist group aims to raise awarenessof human rights violations internationally.With over 700 groups already in schoolsacross the UK, <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> is oneof the few sixth form college groups tobe set up. In the future the group wishesto expand and work with other studentgroups in local universities and colleges.Youth social activism is integral toAmnesty International’s work, bypromoting campaigns, fundraising andlobbying local MPs. One of the campaignsat the forefront of the <strong>Greenhead</strong> studentgroup is fighting for an International ArmsTrade Treaty, as every minute passesone person loses their life due to armedviolence and conflict. An arms trade treatyis vital for regulation and making surearms do not get in the wrong hands. The2012 UN General Assembly has seen thebiggest show of support for the Treaty yet- 157 governments have voted in favourof a final two weeks of a negotiatingconference commencing March 18. Thestudent group fundraised and raisedawareness for this campaign through abun sale on March 22 – Buns not Guns.Also in tangent with this, the group aresupporting the campaign for peace inSyria by writing letters to local MPs.Students are encouraged to join and helpthe cause, as the more voices there are,the more likely governments are to listenand take action.Lucy Richardson, Chair of <strong>Greenhead</strong>Amnesty says, ‘Not only is it about humanrights but having fun too and making newfriends! Recruitment is also a key aim, themore the merrier.’ The group meet everyTuesday lunchtime on the top floor of thenew building. If anyone is interested injoining the group please come along andjoin the fight against injustice.Jossie KatayamaMARCH28 <strong>College</strong> closesAPRIL10 & 11 Library and G8 open for revision9.30am to 4.00pmSUMMER TERM15 <strong>College</strong> opens25 Higher Education Information Eveningfor Parents at 7.15pmMAY6 <strong>College</strong> closed7 Students meet PaWS Project Leaders/Supervisors (6 period day)13 AS/A-level Examinations commence17 Last day of AS teaching20 AS General Studies exam (am)23 AS General Studies exam (pm)24 Last day of A2 teaching<strong>College</strong> closesStudents working on Amnesty banners for their latest campaignUCAS blogging on an international scaleSteph Horrocks, a current A2 <strong>Greenhead</strong> student, should be congratulated on her newUCAS ‘blogging’ role. She was selected by UCAS as a student blogger. “UCAS e-mailedpeople who had registered with them asking if any of us would be interested in creating ablog...I thought I’d give it a go, so I sent in a 200-word example piece.” Steph was selectedto be a UCAS student blogger as a result. “The blog is basically part of a collective thatlooks to offer advice to people applying to university, whether you’re from the UK or areapplying from abroad. It’s a way of UCAS connecting to young people in a way that doesn’tmake them sound like a preaching parent.” There are “actually some real people talkingabout how the application process is going for them.” Steph is one of four UK bloggers. “It’sreally helped me to connect to other applicants on a global scale...I’ve had hits from placeslike Russia, Australia, Bahrain and India. I’m happy writing the blog to relieve other peopleof their worries.” And as for Steph’s future plans? “I’m happy going wherever the windblows me to be honest. As Abraham Lincoln said, the best thing about the future is that itcomes one day at a time - I’m content just working my way through the rest of this year. Aslong as I can keep writing I’ll be a happy girl!” Well done to Steph on her achievement.JUNE3 <strong>College</strong> opens (A-level examinationscontinue)7 A2 General Studies exam (am)11 Art Show Private View, 6.30pm-9.30pm12 A2 General Studies exam (am)14 ‘What’s Ahead?’ careers conference at8.45amMeeting with PaWS supervisors/project leadersNew A2 admin session17-<strong>21</strong> Project and Work Placement Week24 Lessons commence for new A2studentsSummer Examinations endGovernors’ Meeting26 PAWS Debriefing (4 period morning)26-27 Trip to Oxford University Open DayJULY2 Summer Concert at 7.30pm4-5 Trip to Cambridge University Open Day12 <strong>College</strong> closeswww.greenhead.ac.uk 7

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