21 Spring 2013 - Greenhead College

21 Spring 2013 - Greenhead College

21 Spring 2013 - Greenhead College

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<strong>Greenhead</strong>newsNEWSLETTER ISSUE <strong>21</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong>New Faces • New Faces • New Faces • New FacesThe Reading of LifeGlen Dewsbury is the new Head of English. Afterstudying English and History at York University, Glenspecialised in English, working in adult educationbefore teaching in secondary schools. In terms ofhis early impressions of <strong>Greenhead</strong>, Glen commentsthat “the great thing about teaching at <strong>Greenhead</strong>is that students are independent”.Glen is passionate about his subject. On literature, he says he “can’timagine life without reading in its deepest, broadest sense” and it can“potentially make you a freer human being.” In his limited spare timeGlen enjoys spending time with his family. It is clear that Glen is happyin his new job noting that <strong>Greenhead</strong> “is a community and that allindividuals are respectful and compassionate.” The college “is a very,very special place”.Maddy Hay & Rosa Mason-Jones“Everlasting Enthusiasm”A fan of walking and cross-stitch, Ruth Hurd hasjoined the college English department. Born andbred in the Midlands, Ruth had her mind set onteaching from an early age. Ruth has thoroughlyenjoyed her work at <strong>Greenhead</strong>; the ‘greatatmosphere,’ ‘enthusiastic students’ and mostimportantly, ‘the banter!’ Ruth’s everlasting enthusiasm is shared bythose in her lessons.A Welcome AdditionMark Glover is a welcome addition to the EnglishDepartment here at <strong>Greenhead</strong>. Born and raisedin Scotland, Mark studied an English and Historycombined degree at Glasgow University. Markchose English because of his love of “literatureand poetry.” Particular poetry classics that herecommends are ‘Paradise Lost’ by John Milton and the work of WilliamBlake. Mark is also a keen listener of Black American Soul and Jazzmusic; owning a varied vinyl record collection consisting of artists suchas Jimi Hendrix and James Brown. When asked about <strong>Greenhead</strong>’scollege community, Mark is aware of the positive reputation of thecollege. “I am very impressed with the students’ enthusiasm and theunique relationship between the teachers and students.”Annabelle Denford & Jossie KatayamaPhI+2L+Ip→GC + ChemistryPhillip Crowther is the newest member to theChemistry department. He studied Chemistry parttimeat Huddersfield University, consolidating theindustrial experience he obtained when working atSyngenta. Phillip really enjoyed A-level Chemistry,and as a former student himself, he knows whata difference college can make to the lives of students, thereforechoosing to work at <strong>Greenhead</strong>. As Phillip observes, ‘I knew I wanted tobe a teacher and Chemistry is the most interesting A-level I chose, soeverything worked out well in the end’.Phillip’s favourite element is Oxygen, but Carbon and Hydrogen are upthere as well. In his free time he enjoys walking, and up until this seasonhe played rugby union!Jade Craven & Georgia TaylorCareering into <strong>Greenhead</strong>Not quite sure which career pathway to go down?Never fear, Zoe is here. Zoe Smith is the newestmember of <strong>Greenhead</strong>’s Careers Department.Currently working part time at <strong>Greenhead</strong> and parttime for C&K Careers, Zoe’s job in college is to helpand assist college students who are unsure aboutwhich career pathway they want to take. Zoe provides help by givingout information or organising one-to-one meetings. Prior to joining<strong>Greenhead</strong>, Zoe worked in Kent & Sussex in the careers service beforemoving to work in careers in Kirklees. She also spent a number of yearsdoing EFL teaching in the UK and abroad. Zoe says she loves workingat <strong>Greenhead</strong> and enjoys interacting with young motivated people.What she likes most about her job is the variety of jobs and careers thatpeople ask about, never knowing who is going to walk through the doornext. Zoe did explain some of her former students’ careers wishes, froma snake charmer (real!) to a private investigator. She also expressesher enjoyment about “the diversity of the job” which makes every daydifferent and presenting a new challenge to look forward to.Hayley DouglasSupporting the StudentsA big welcome to Marie Logush! She has recentlyjoined <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> as a Support Assistant.Marie supports a blind student in all of her subjects,and decided to take on the role at <strong>Greenhead</strong> asshe previously worked with this student throughoutmost of her GCSEs. When asked about the studentsof <strong>Greenhead</strong>, Marie said “They are very mature. There are a fewchallenges but you get that with any job!” Educated in Dublin, Mariemoved to England for work and studied Social Sciences at University.Outside work, Marie has many interests; she enjoys cycling, reading,cooking and listening to a wide variety of music. We hope Mariethoroughly enjoys her time at <strong>Greenhead</strong>.Lauren Bickerdike and Olivia StoreyPractical WhizzA warm welcome to Naomi Convery who has joined<strong>Greenhead</strong>’s Chemistry Department. After studyingher degree, Naomi initially worked in Customs andExcise– and moved to Brussels for six monthsbefore professionally embarking on a teachingcareer. Naomi remarks that she “thoroughlyenjoys” teaching Chemistry at <strong>Greenhead</strong>, stating how much she enjoysteaching practical lessons with students noting “it’s the best way tolearn.” Naomi also references how lovely the staff and students are at<strong>Greenhead</strong>. Outside of college, Naomi enjoys reading books as she is “abig reader”, and spending time with her daughter.Sophie Malik & Lucy North4www.greenhead.ac.uk

<strong>Greenhead</strong>newsSki TripA2 students spent a fantastic week in the Aosta Valley in Italy, skiing andsnowboarding. Next year, there are a record number of students going on the annualski trip, this time visiting Courmayeur. BFForging New Directions:Sophie IvattsSophie left <strong>Greenhead</strong> in 2005. Her journeyinto theatre direction has been interesting,diverse and a testament to her individualdedication to work in this competitive creativefield. “At university, although I wasn’t studyingtheatre formally, I did have the chance to doa lot of extra-curricular student theatre. AfterI graduated, I joined the Young Vic Directors’Network, which continues to be of huge value inbringing young Directors together to share skillsand train. I got the chance to meet a Directorwhose work I loved.” From this point, Sophieassisted the Director “on a workshop, whichled to a small scale show at the HampsteadTheatre, which led to a large scale show atthe RSC.” Sophie was the Assistant Directoron the critically acclaimed Royal ShakespeareCompany production of King John, directedNEWSLETTER ISSUE <strong>21</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong>by Maria Aberg comprising part of the WorldShakespeare Festival in 2012. Sophie’sambitions are “to be an associate director ata good theatre like the Young Vic, where youhave a part in shaping the artistic output of thebuilding as well as working in the rehearsalroom. But my main ambition really it to beable to make a living from directing.” Whenasked about the advice Sophie would give to<strong>Greenhead</strong> students who wish to progressinto professional direction, a salient replyfollows. “Read plays, see work and work withactors, not against them. They will teach youeverything.” And a play that Sophie would liketo direct in the future? “I’m interested in storiestold from a female voice, Helen Edmundson’sThe Heresy of Love is a great play.”We wish Sophie continued professional successand happiness as she continues her alreadyacclaimed directorial route.Britain’s BrightestBusiness Brain –<strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong>Winner!A2 Economics student James Merewood has recentlytaken part in the UK Schools’ Brightest BusinessBrain competition. The competition originated onlinewith a business test; out of 3300 entrants the top60 were invited to the headquarters of Deloitte inLondon to take part in the Grand Final. The finalistscompeted against each other, taking part in differentbusiness challenges set by six different sponsorsincluding Microsoft, Hilton Worldwide and Aviva.These challenges varied from debates and team workexercises through to dealing with awkward customers.James was fortunate enough to win the prize for thebest performer in the eyes of Hilton Worldwide; he wasawarded an iPad Mini and is now in talks with Hiltonwith regards to an apprentice scheme. Congratulationsto James on displaying initiative to enter thecompetition and performing fantastically on the day!James Merewood, National Winner at the UKSchools’ Brightest Business Brain Competition.Seen pictured here with Mark Mitchell, Head ofBusinessSome of this year’s successful Oxbridge applicantsOFFERS ROLL IN!Hundreds of university offers have been achieved by <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong>students over the last few weeks, from all over the country (and abroad!),and for a wide range of courses.They include 34 offers to read for degrees at the universities of Oxford andCambridge. These Oxbridge offers add to the many <strong>Greenhead</strong> students haveachieved over the years, with 147 offers being made in the last five years. Theoffers achieved by our students reflect achievement by all departments at the<strong>College</strong>, and their former High Schools.This success confirms the excellence and high standards of <strong>Greenhead</strong><strong>College</strong>. Congratulations to all the students as they embark upon theirfutures.6www.greenhead.ac.uk

<strong>Greenhead</strong>news<strong>Greenhead</strong> Amnesty GroupNEWSLETTER ISSUE <strong>21</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Important Diary DatesThe Amnesty International StudentGroup has recently been established at<strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong>. The human rightsactivist group aims to raise awarenessof human rights violations internationally.With over 700 groups already in schoolsacross the UK, <strong>Greenhead</strong> <strong>College</strong> is oneof the few sixth form college groups tobe set up. In the future the group wishesto expand and work with other studentgroups in local universities and colleges.Youth social activism is integral toAmnesty International’s work, bypromoting campaigns, fundraising andlobbying local MPs. One of the campaignsat the forefront of the <strong>Greenhead</strong> studentgroup is fighting for an International ArmsTrade Treaty, as every minute passesone person loses their life due to armedviolence and conflict. An arms trade treatyis vital for regulation and making surearms do not get in the wrong hands. The2012 UN General Assembly has seen thebiggest show of support for the Treaty yet- 157 governments have voted in favourof a final two weeks of a negotiatingconference commencing March 18. Thestudent group fundraised and raisedawareness for this campaign through abun sale on March 22 – Buns not Guns.Also in tangent with this, the group aresupporting the campaign for peace inSyria by writing letters to local MPs.Students are encouraged to join and helpthe cause, as the more voices there are,the more likely governments are to listenand take action.Lucy Richardson, Chair of <strong>Greenhead</strong>Amnesty says, ‘Not only is it about humanrights but having fun too and making newfriends! Recruitment is also a key aim, themore the merrier.’ The group meet everyTuesday lunchtime on the top floor of thenew building. If anyone is interested injoining the group please come along andjoin the fight against injustice.Jossie KatayamaMARCH28 <strong>College</strong> closesAPRIL10 & 11 Library and G8 open for revision9.30am to 4.00pmSUMMER TERM15 <strong>College</strong> opens25 Higher Education Information Eveningfor Parents at 7.15pmMAY6 <strong>College</strong> closed7 Students meet PaWS Project Leaders/Supervisors (6 period day)13 AS/A-level Examinations commence17 Last day of AS teaching20 AS General Studies exam (am)23 AS General Studies exam (pm)24 Last day of A2 teaching<strong>College</strong> closesStudents working on Amnesty banners for their latest campaignUCAS blogging on an international scaleSteph Horrocks, a current A2 <strong>Greenhead</strong> student, should be congratulated on her newUCAS ‘blogging’ role. She was selected by UCAS as a student blogger. “UCAS e-mailedpeople who had registered with them asking if any of us would be interested in creating ablog...I thought I’d give it a go, so I sent in a 200-word example piece.” Steph was selectedto be a UCAS student blogger as a result. “The blog is basically part of a collective thatlooks to offer advice to people applying to university, whether you’re from the UK or areapplying from abroad. It’s a way of UCAS connecting to young people in a way that doesn’tmake them sound like a preaching parent.” There are “actually some real people talkingabout how the application process is going for them.” Steph is one of four UK bloggers. “It’sreally helped me to connect to other applicants on a global scale...I’ve had hits from placeslike Russia, Australia, Bahrain and India. I’m happy writing the blog to relieve other peopleof their worries.” And as for Steph’s future plans? “I’m happy going wherever the windblows me to be honest. As Abraham Lincoln said, the best thing about the future is that itcomes one day at a time - I’m content just working my way through the rest of this year. Aslong as I can keep writing I’ll be a happy girl!” Well done to Steph on her achievement.JUNE3 <strong>College</strong> opens (A-level examinationscontinue)7 A2 General Studies exam (am)11 Art Show Private View, 6.30pm-9.30pm12 A2 General Studies exam (am)14 ‘What’s Ahead?’ careers conference at8.45amMeeting with PaWS supervisors/project leadersNew A2 admin session17-<strong>21</strong> Project and Work Placement Week24 Lessons commence for new A2studentsSummer Examinations endGovernors’ Meeting26 PAWS Debriefing (4 period morning)26-27 Trip to Oxford University Open DayJULY2 Summer Concert at 7.30pm4-5 Trip to Cambridge University Open Day12 <strong>College</strong> closeswww.greenhead.ac.uk 7

<strong>Greenhead</strong>newsNEWSLETTER ISSUE <strong>21</strong> <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2013</strong>Careers ReportThis year’s Employer and Gap Year Fair held on 28th February, aimedprimarily at those not taking the conventional HE path, proved to bethe most successful to date. Footfall was twice as heavy as in previousyears and reflects the fact that, nationally, more students are lookingfor Higher Apprenticeships and more employers are providing them.Firms attending for the first time included Asda, KPMG and Ernstand Young. Traineeships and time in exotic places have already beenorganised as a consequence.A1s have experienced a number of careers lessons covering alloptions at 18 and A2s have been concentrating on interview skills,many participating in mock interviews conducted by externalprofessionals. As usual, many attended the Higher EducationConvention in Manchester as well as other college-organised tripsto universities, and all will attend our “What’s Ahead?” Conference inJune, immediately prior to a week of work-shadowing.NEW this year – we have held a personal statement workshopfor those applying for healthcare courses; all A2s have had theopportunity to experience an interview with a university representative;two employability skills workshops with external training companieshave been held and a CV writing help service is ongoing.For those who are still unsure, individual careers interviews areavailable every day of the week. RBGetting advice at the Employer and Gap Year FairPoster Presentations EventPictured is a still of the Extended Project Qualification poster presentationswhich took place in March. The Reading Room where the event was held “wasbuzzing.” This innovative approach to student presentations has provided newground and a fresh forum for <strong>Greenhead</strong> EPQ students to present their workin this way. Everyone involved in the EPQ qualification thought it was a greatsuccess.CHBEPQStudent Star Successes!Pictured are some of the 12 students who completed theirExtended Project Qualification in November 2012 and havejust been issued with their certificates.CHBPhotography Acknowledgement: Thank you to Ian Kennedy for his range of excellent photographs which feature in this edition of <strong>Greenhead</strong> News.Created by www.concept4.com (ref 5874-03/<strong>2013</strong>), an ISO9001 Quality and ISO14001 Environmental accredited company.8www.greenhead.ac.uk

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