Los Angeles Relocation Guide - Antevia

Los Angeles Relocation Guide - Antevia

Los Angeles Relocation Guide - Antevia

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Long Beach has some bike paths along city streets, plus the Long Beach bicycle pathalong the ocean from Shoreline Village to Belmont Shore, plus there are bike paths alongboth the San Gabriel and <strong>Los</strong> <strong>Angeles</strong> rivers.CultureBikinis and business suits mix along a beach that a world trade center overlooks.Standing next to elegant buildings where commerce takes place, is the Pacific Ocean.Period architecture, beach expanses, unique communities such as Naples with canals andgondolas, historic adobes, ethnic restaurants and a Bohemian feel provide an allure thatmakes Long Beach a world-class destination. The downtown region of the city has trendyshops, restaurants, an art district, and a picturesque skyline that can be viewed atop manyof the towers that dot the downtown landscape. Long Beach offers many sandy beachesand coastline near downtown, Naples, Belmont Shore and Long Beach Peninsula that areenjoyed for their scenic beauty.ArtThe Long Beach Museum of Art is owned by the City of Long Beach, and operated bythe Long Beach Museum of Art Foundation. Long Beach also features the Museum ofLatin American Art, founded in 1996 by Dr. Robert Gumbiner. It is the only museum inthe western United States that exclusively features Latin American art.The University Art Museum on the Long Beach State campus (founded in 1973) has anational reputation for its high-quality and innovative programs. [4] Long Beach State isalso home to the largest publicly funded art school west of the Mississippi.In 1965, Long Beach State hosted the first International Sculpture Symposium to be heldin the United States and the first at a college or university. Six sculptors from around theworld and two from the United States created many of the monumental sculptures seenon the campus. There are now over 20 scuptures on the campus.The Southern California is known for its street art and the Long Beach area has many fineexamples. Some of the murals were created in conjuction with the city's Mural andCultural Arts Program, but many others were not. [5] [6]On the exterior of the Long Beach Sports Arena is one of environmental artist Wyland'sWhaling Walls. At 116,000 square feet (11,000 m²), it is the world's largest mural(according to the Guinness Book of Records).Shops and galleries feature their monthly art openings and artists exhibit in streetgalleries on the Last Saturday [7] in the East Village Arts District, in downtown LongBeach.Music

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