Huntington Premier Money Market Account Agreement and ...

Huntington Premier Money Market Account Agreement and ...

Huntington Premier Money Market Account Agreement and ...


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Date:<strong>Account</strong> No.<strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> <strong>Money</strong><strong>Market</strong> <strong>Account</strong><strong>Agreement</strong> <strong>and</strong> Disclosureof <strong>Account</strong> Terms <strong>and</strong>Rules <strong>and</strong> RegulationsOpening Deposit Amount $Information only (if checked)Current Rates Interest Rate AnnualBalancePercentage Yield$0.01-2,499.99:%%$2,500-9,999.99:%%$10,000-19,999.99:%%$20,000-49,999.99:$50,000-99,999.99:$100,000 or more:%%%%%%see attached rate disclosure if this box is checked"You" <strong>and</strong> "your" mean the individual(s), proprietorship,partnership, limited liability company, corporation, association orother person or business entity which opens <strong>and</strong> owns thisaccount. "We", "us", <strong>and</strong> "our" mean The <strong>Huntington</strong> NationalBank.This <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> <strong>Money</strong> <strong>Market</strong> <strong>Account</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong> <strong>and</strong>Disclosure of <strong>Account</strong> Terms <strong>and</strong> Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations (the"Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations") contains information about the moneymarket account we are opening for you or for which you haverequested information. These Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations, thePersonal <strong>Account</strong> Charges Form or, if this is a business accountthe Schedule of Business Banking Deposit <strong>Account</strong> Charges orSchedule of Business <strong>and</strong> Commercial Deposit <strong>Account</strong> Charges,any signature card <strong>and</strong> any other documents for this account arecollectively referred to as the "<strong>Account</strong> Documents".ACCOUNT RELATIONSHIPIf we are opening a new <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> <strong>Money</strong> <strong>Market</strong><strong>Account</strong> for you, you agree to all of the provisions contained in the<strong>Account</strong> Documents <strong>and</strong> all of our procedures which govern thistype of account.If we are responding to your request for information about yourexisting <strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> <strong>Money</strong> <strong>Market</strong> <strong>Account</strong>, then the<strong>Account</strong> Documents set forth the provisions which govern youraccount.If we are responding to your request for information about a<strong>Huntington</strong> <strong>Premier</strong> <strong>Money</strong> <strong>Market</strong> <strong>Account</strong>, then we are notopening any account for you, <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Account</strong> Documents haveno legal effect other than to provide information to you. All of theinformation we provide to you is subject to change.® <strong>and</strong> <strong>Huntington</strong>® are registered service marks of<strong>Huntington</strong> Bancshares Incorporated. © 2011,<strong>Huntington</strong> Bancshares Incorporated. Member FDIC.RR PREM MKT (Eff 04/11)MINIMUM BALANCE TO OPEN THIS ACCOUNTThe minimum balance to open this account is $1,000.00.RATE INFORMATIONThe interest rate(s) <strong>and</strong> corresponding annual percentageyield(s) that are applicable at the time you open this account, <strong>and</strong>minimum balances to earn each rate, are shown on the currentrate sheet which we are providing to you at the same time asthese Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations. These rates may change withoutnotice to you as described under "RATE CHANGES". Wecompute interest for each day using the current interest rate orrates for which your principal balance at the end of the dayqualifies you.We compute interest at a daily periodic rate of 1/365th (1/366thin a leap year) of the applicable annual rate for each day. Interestwill be compounded <strong>and</strong> paid on a monthly basis. Interest will bepaid by adding it to your account (less any amount required to bewithheld).If you close your account before interest is paid for the statementperiod, we will pay you the accrued interest for that statementperiod. However, there may be circumstances under which minoradjustments may result in a small amount of accrued interest notbeing paid to you when you close your account.We may stop paying any interest on the account if you violatethe transaction limits applicable to this account. See"TRANSACTION LIMITS". We will not pay interest on any amountwe withdraw from your account <strong>and</strong> hold elsewhere in responseto garnishments, attachments, levies, support orders, courtorders, or other process involving your account.RATE CHANGESThe interest rate or rates <strong>and</strong> annual percentage yield maychange at any time at our discretion without notice to you. Wemay determine different rates for different balance tiers.BALANCE COMPUTATION METHODWe use the daily balance method to calculate the interest onyour account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to theprincipal balance in the account at the end of each day, less theamount of any items for which we have not begun to accrueinterest as described below, to determine the interest earned forthat day. We then add together the interest earned for each day inthe monthly period to determine the amount of interest to pay youfor that monthly period.WHEN INTEREST BEGINS TO ACCRUE ON NON-CASHDEPOSITSInterest begins to accrue no later than the business day we aredeemed to receive credit for the deposit of non-cash items (forexample, checks). However, we are not required to pay intereston items that are returned for insufficient funds or for anotherreason, even if we have begun to accrue interest on that item,<strong>and</strong> we can debit your account for interest that we havepreviously paid on such returned items.MINIMUM BALANCE TO EARN INTERESTThere is no minimum balance requirement to earn interest.TRANSACTION LIMITSAlthough you may normally make withdrawals from your accountat any time, under federal regulations we can require you to giveus 7 days prior notice of any withdrawal.Under federal regulations, you are limited to a total of no morethan 6 transfers <strong>and</strong> withdrawals, or a combination of suchtransfers <strong>and</strong> withdrawals, in any calendar month to anotheraccount of yours with us or to a third party by certain methodsfrom your account. These methods are by (i) preauthorized orautomatic transfer, (ii) telephone agreement, order or instructionor (iii) check, draft, debit card or similar order payable to thirdparties. We do not necessarily offer any or all of these methodsof withdrawal from your account. If you exceed these limits, wemay refuse to permit the excessive withdrawal(s), terminate yourpreauthorized, automatic, or third party transfer <strong>and</strong> paymentprivileges, or close your account.You may not use or permit your account to be used to make orparticipate in illegal transactions, including unlawful Internetgambling. We will not be liable if you engage in an illegaltransaction. We may reject or deny any transaction, including butnot limited to merchant authorization or other electronic inquiries,if identified as an Internet gambling transaction.Any limitations on electronic fund transfers available for thisaccount are set forth in the agreement <strong>and</strong> disclosure for thatelectronic fund transfer service.CHARGESYou agree to pay the applicable charges set forth from time totime in the Personal <strong>Account</strong> Charges Form or, if this is abusiness account the Schedule of Business Banking Deposit<strong>Account</strong> Charges or Schedule of Business <strong>and</strong> CommercialDeposit <strong>Account</strong> Charges. You also agree to pay any charges weassess in connection with garnishments, attachments, levies,support orders, court orders, or other process involving youraccount. You also agree to pay our charges for additionalservices in connection with your account. You authorize us todebit all charges from your account.WHEN FEES ARE INCURRED AND DEBITEDMonthly fees are incurred at the beginning of the monthlystatement period <strong>and</strong> debited at the end of the statement period.For new accounts, monthly fees are incurred when the account isopened. When an account is closed, monthly fees are debitedwhen the account is closed rather than waiting until the end of thestatement period. Monthly fees incurred for the monthlystatement period in which an account is opened or closed applyfor the entire statement period even though the account may beopened for less than a full month during that statement period.However, any monthly fee incurred will be waived if a waivercondition applies. During the monthly statement period in whichan account is opened or closed, minimum or average dailybalance requirements are computed for the days the account wasopened during that statement period.Activity or transactional fees are incurred when the activity ortransaction occurs, <strong>and</strong> may be debited when the activity ortransaction occurs or at the end of the monthly statement period.When an account is closed, activity or transactional fees may bedebited when the account is closed if not previously debitedduring that statement period.BONUSESIf we offer any bonus in connection with opening this account,we will provide information about the bonus on a separatedocument given to you along with these Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations.MAKING DEPOSITSYou may make deposits in any manner we permit at any timeour banking offices or other deposit-taking facilities are available.All deposits are made subject to our verification procedures <strong>and</strong>the terms <strong>and</strong> conditions on our depository envelope (if any). Wemay refuse, limit or return deposits for any reason <strong>and</strong> at anytime, including but not limited to, deposits made at our bankingoffices, or when we or others process the deposit for collection.Any of you may make deposits or, when permitted by law or bythe terms of the item, endorse the other's checks or other itemsfor deposit to your account.We will act as your agent in collecting the money for checks,other items <strong>and</strong> entries deposited to your account ("depositeditems"). We will be careful in making collections, but we will notbe responsible for losses caused by you or others in the collectionprocess. We may credit your account for the amount of depositeditems, subject to actually collecting the money for them.However, subject to federal regulations <strong>and</strong> our Funds AvailabilityPolicy, we reserve the right to wait until we have actually receivedthe money for them before we credit your account, <strong>and</strong> to receivedeposits subject to special conditions. If we credit your accountfor the amount of any deposited item <strong>and</strong> it is returned for anyreason, we may debit that amount from your account. We maydo this even before a deposited item is returned to us if we havegood reason to believe it cannot be collected or is being returned.You will be responsible for, <strong>and</strong> agree to indemnify <strong>and</strong> hold usharmless from any liability, loss or expense (including reasonableattorneys' fees) arising from a deposited item that is returned tous, even after it is initially paid, for an alleged breach of warrantyunder applicable law or other reason not caused by us, includingbut not limited to, a claim of forged or unauthorized indorsement,a claim of alteration, or a claim that a remotely created check (acheck that does not bear a signature applied, or purported to beapplied, by the person on whose account the check is drawn) isnot authorized.If you make a deposit in foreign currency, we will post thetransaction in U.S. dollars based on the currency exchange ratein effect on the day we settle the transaction. The currencyexchange rate may be different on that day than on the day weprocessed the transaction. There may be special currencyexchange charges. This may result in your account being postedfor a greater or lesser amount than the original amount of thetransaction.All deposited items must be completed in dark blue or black ink.You may not deposit a substitute check with us unless 1) weotherwise agree in a separate writing with you or 2) a check thatyou deposit is returned to you as a substitute check for the firsttime. You will be responsible for, <strong>and</strong> agree to indemnify <strong>and</strong> holdus harmless from any liability, loss or expense (includingreasonable attorneys' fees) arising from a deposited check that isnot completed in dark blue or black ink, or a deposited substitutecheck that violates this paragraph. In addition, you will beresponsible for, <strong>and</strong> agree to indemnify <strong>and</strong> hold us harmlessfrom any liability, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys'fees) arising from a delay in return caused by any condition of adeposited check arising after it is issued <strong>and</strong> before we accept itfor deposit (including, but not limited to, markings that obscure aproperly placed bank indorsement).2 34

presented for payment from your account <strong>and</strong> all other debits Please be advised <strong>and</strong> forewarned that:posted to your account. We establish the processing order in our . All the money in this joint account may be withdrawn by anyonesole discretion. We may change that order from time to time, or named on this account; or may be pledged as security for a loanwe may vary the order on a case-by-case basis, without notice toyou. If there are insufficient available funds in your account tocover all items to be paid or debited from your account on a givenday, the processing order we establish will determine which itemswe are able to pay or debit from available funds.You will be responsible for the payment of any insufficient fundsor debt by anyone named on the account, UNLESS, priorwritten notice is given to the bank not to permit it.. Despite any notification to the bank, the bank may pay theentire account balance to a creditor or other legal claimantpursuant to legal process.JOINT ACCOUNT SURVIVORSHIP RIGHTSfees, overdraft fees, or other fees which are imposed for items we Unless our account ownership records for your accountpay or debit which overdraw your account or for items we return specifically show otherwise, any joint account is opened as jointunpaid. See the Personal <strong>Account</strong> Charges Form or, if this is a with right of survivorship. If one of you dies, the balance in yourbusiness account the Schedule of Business Banking Deposit account may be paid to the survivor. If there is more than one<strong>Account</strong> Charges or Schedule of Business <strong>and</strong> Commercial survivor, the balance in your account may be paid to any of them.Deposit <strong>Account</strong> Charges for applicable fees. The processing The survivors will still have rights of survivorship. If however, ourorder we use may result in higher or lower total fees than other account ownership records for your account specifically show thatmethods which we might have used, depending on the size, the account is joint without right of survivorship <strong>and</strong> one of younumber <strong>and</strong> type of items <strong>and</strong> other factors. You can avoid such dies, we may pay the balance in your account to any survivor orfees if you practice good account management <strong>and</strong> maintain the personal representative of the deceased owner. We maysufficient available funds in your account to cover all items to be make any payment referred to in this paragraph regardless of thepaid or debited from your account.source of the funds in the account.STATEMENTSJOINT ACCOUNT OWNED AS TENANCY BY THEWe will keep records of your account <strong>and</strong> send you periodic ENTIRETIES (For <strong>Account</strong>s opened in Florida)statements showing the activity on your account. We may suspendIf the joint owners of an account opened in Florida are husb<strong>and</strong>sending statements depending on the balance <strong>and</strong> activity in your<strong>and</strong> wife, the account may be owned as tenancy by the entiretiesaccount. You agree to review your statements <strong>and</strong> to notify usif our ownership records for the account specifically show that thepromptly of any suspected errors or change of address. If ouraccount is owned as a tenancy by the entireties. If one spouserecords show that an error has been made on your statement, wedies, we may pay the balance in your account to the survivingspouse. If your marriage is otherwise terminated, the tenancy bywill correct it.the entireties will be terminated <strong>and</strong> the account will become aLOCATION OF ACCOUNTjoint account with right of survivorship.Although you may transact business on your account at any ofJOINT ACCOUNTS REQUIRING MORE THAN ONEour banking offices in any state, you agree that this account is SIGNATURElocated at the banking office where the account is opened. If youUpon receipt of such notice, we mayIf your account requires more than one of you to makedo not open your account through one of our banking offices, but withdrawals, the same requirement will apply to:do so remotely through the Internet, our telephone banking facility (i) transferring ownership of your account;or some other means, the account will be located in Columbus, (ii) authorizing someone else to conduct business for yourOhio, unless we assign the account to a banking office in your account; <strong>and</strong>state. We may change the location of an account if we determine (iii) closing your account.that it is appropriate to do so.LIABILITY OF JOINT ACCOUNT OWNERSACCOUNT OWNERSHIPIf the transaction is not settledUnless our account ownership records specifically show thatThe ownership of this account <strong>and</strong> the manner in which this your account is held as a tenancy by the entireties, any moneyaccount is held are established by the signature card or other deposited in a joint account by any of you is subject to beingaccount opening or master document that we use to identify garnished or levied upon by the creditors of any of you, <strong>and</strong> isownership. If the signature card or other account opening or subject to our right of set-off. This is true even if the one of youmaster document is lost or unavailable, we will use the best owing us or the other creditor money is different than the one ofevidence available in our records to determine ownership <strong>and</strong> the you who deposited the money. This is also true even if the one ofmanner in which this account is held.you owing us or the other creditor money was made a joint ownerJOINT ACCOUNTSonly for signing, convenience, or other purpose. We may use theTwo or more individuals may open a joint account. Unless werequire more than one of you to act, we may allow any of you to:(i) deposit to the account;(ii) pledge the entire account or any portion of it to secure any ofthe obligations of any of you;(iii) withdraw from or conduct business on your account for all orany part of the balance;(iv) transfer ownership of your account;money in the account to satisfy any garnishment, attachment, levyor similar process against any one or more of you, regardless ofthe source of the funds in the account.If your account is held as a tenancy by the entireties, you agreethat the funds held in your account may be subject to our right ofset-off for debts to us on which any one of you is liable, whetherjointly with another or individually. We are authorized at any timeto charge any such debt against your account without regard to(v) authorize someone else to conduct business on your account; the source of the funds in the account.orACCOUNTS PAYABLE ON DEATH (For <strong>Account</strong>s Opened in(vi) close your account.States Other Than Michigan)We do not have to consider the source of funds in the account This account may be made payable on death ("P.O.D."), if all ofwhen we allow you to do any of these things. You agree that any the account owners are natural persons <strong>and</strong> all of you sign thewithdrawal by any of you is presumed to be for the benefit of each P.O.D. agreement on the signature card for this account. Anyof you. You also agree that, when permitted by law or by the terms change of designated payees must be signed by all of you <strong>and</strong>of the item, each of you may endorse the other's checks or other delivered to us on a special form we will give you. While any ofitems for deposit.you are Iiving, no designated payee has any rights with respect toNOTICE TO JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS (For <strong>Account</strong>s the account. If any of you pledge the account to secure anyOpened in West Virginia)obligations, that pledge shall take precedence over the interest ofIf you are opening a joint account in West Virginia with one or any designated payee.more other individuals, this notice applies to your account:DEPOSITS IN TRUSTThis joint account is payable in both your name "or" in the nameThe account may be opened "in trust for" another person byof the other person(s) listed on the account (for example, "Mr.indicating that the account is a trust deposit on the signature cardSmith or Mrs. Smith").for the account. If no other or further notice of the existence <strong>and</strong>terms of a legal <strong>and</strong> valid trust are provided to us, then upon the5 67 8WITHDRAWALSExcept as otherwise limited by these Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations,withdrawals may be made in person, by writing checks or in anyother manner we permit.All checks must be on forms you get from us or that we approve.You must complete the check in dark blue or black ink. Unlessotherwise required by law, we will charge against your accountany post-dated check you have written even if it is presentedbefore the date of the check.We reserve the right to refuse to pay any check or permit anyother withdrawal if there is not a sufficient amount of money inyour account that has been collected or if we have not learnedthat collection is final. If you deposit cash, we do not have to letyou withdraw it until our next business day because we need timeto post the deposit on our records. We may charge a fee to theperson to whom you wrote a check if that person attempts tonegotiate the item with us but does not have an account with us.TIMING OF TRANSACTIONSWe will treat each deposit <strong>and</strong> withdrawal as having beenmade on the day we post it to your account. We may treat anydeposit or withdrawal made on a day that is not a business day(such as Saturdays, Sundays, <strong>and</strong> holidays) or after our cut-offtime on any business day as if made on our next business day.For transactions made after our cut-off time on any business day,however, we may treat the transaction as made on that day forthe purpose of determining the amount of funds in your account tobe used to pay other items presented against your account.Similarly, when you use a debit card, automated teller machine(ATM) card or other electronic means to make deposits orwithdrawals, we may receive notice of the transaction before it isactually presented to us for payment, collection, or deposit. Thatnotice may be in the form of a merchant authorization request orother electronic inquiry.treat the transaction as if it were then posted to your account forthe purpose of determining the amount of funds in your account tobe used to pay other items or transactions presented against youraccount. We may conclusively rely on that notice even if thenotice incorrectly describes the transaction or the amount in thenotice differs from the amount actually posted to your accountwhen the transaction settles.within our established time period after receiving the notice(usually a few days), we will no longer treat the transaction as if itwere posted.The procedures described in this section may affect theamount of funds in your account to be used to pay checks orother items or for ATM, debit card or other electronic transactions.We will not be responsible for damages or wrongful dishonor ifany item or transaction is not paid because of insufficient fundsresulting from these procedures.OVERDRAFTSWe may pay a check, draft, or other item, or allow an in-personwithdrawal, ATM withdrawal, or withdrawal or transfer by otherelectronic means, or debit fees posted to your account even if thiscreates an overdraft. However, we have no obligation to allow anoverdraft on your account, you have no right to overdraw youraccount, <strong>and</strong> no course of dealing, usage of trade, or bank policyor procedure establishes a right for you to overdraw your account.If we allow an overdraft on your account, you must pay usimmediately for the amount of the overdraft <strong>and</strong> any fees wecharge in connection with the overdraft. By making or allowingdeposits to your account, you agree that we may use suchdeposits to reduce or eliminate any overdraft balance in youraccount.PROCESSING ORDER OF ITEMS TO BE PAID OR DEBITEDThe law allows us to establish the processing order for all itemsdeath of the owner or all other owners if there are more than one,we may pay the funds to the person named as beneficiary on thesignature card.POWER OF ATTORNEYIf you sign a power of attorney appointing an attorney or agentto conduct business for your account, we do not have to honor itunless we approve it. The person you appoint will be subject to allof the provisions of the <strong>Account</strong> Documents. If you have a jointaccount, we may require each of you to consent to theappointment.UNCLAIMED FUNDS AND DORMANT ACCOUNTSUnder applicable state law, the money in your account will beconsidered ab<strong>and</strong>oned <strong>and</strong> payable to the state of the lastaddress we have for you in our records if a specified period oftime has passed <strong>and</strong> you do not:(i) Make a deposit or withdrawal, or(ii) Inquire about or take any other action in connection with youraccount.In addition, if you do not initiate activity in the account for asubstantial period of time, we will treat the account as beingdormant. In that event, you agree that, unless prohibited by law,we may charge dormant account fees on the account in additionto other charges. In addition, we may stop sending you periodicstatements.NONPERSONAL ACCOUNTSIf the account owner is not a natural person, the personsidentified on our resolution form for the appropriate businessentity are the persons entitled to transact business on your behalffor this account. You agree that we may conclusively rely on thecurrent resolution form in our records.TRANSFERRING OWNERSHIPYour account is transferable only with our consent. We willconsent if you provide us with all information we request <strong>and</strong> ifyou sign a form we will give you or that we approve. If there aretwo or more of you, we may require all of you to sign.IF YOU OWE US MONEYIf any of you owe us money which is due, whether jointly withanother or individually, you agree that, unless prohibited by law,we may use the money in this account to pay the debt, regardlessof the source of the funds in the account. This is our right ofset-off. We will not be liable for the dishonor of any check whenthe dishonor occurs because we set-off a debt against thisaccount. You agree to hold us harmless from any claim arisingas a result of our exercise of our right of set-off. If you have a jointaccount, each of you also agrees that you are responsible to payany amount overdrawn on the account by any of you.COMMUNICATIONS TO YOU INCLUDING TO CELL PHONESIn order for us to service your <strong>Account</strong> or to collect any amountsyou owe, you agree <strong>and</strong> consent that we or a third party acting onour behalf may from time to time:• Make telephone calls <strong>and</strong>/or send text messages to you at anytelephone number(s) you give to us or that we otherwise havefor you or your <strong>Account</strong>, including wireless (cell phone)telephone numbers that could result in charges to you.• Use any technology available at the time to make telephonecalls <strong>and</strong>/or send text messages to you, including but not limitedto the use of prerecorded/artificial voice messages <strong>and</strong>/or anautomatic telephone dialing system.• Send e-mails or any other available form of electroniccommunication to you at any e-mail or other electronic addressyou give to us or that we otherwise have for you or your<strong>Account</strong>.• Monitor <strong>and</strong> record any telephone call or other communicationbetween you <strong>and</strong> us.

STOP PAYMENT ORDERYou can stop payment of a check or similar paper item by callingus <strong>and</strong> following our procedures. We are not responsible forstopping payment of any item if we have not had a reasonabletime to act on your stop payment order. Also, you must reimburseus for any liability or loss we have because we complied with yourorder. If there is more than one account owner, any one of youmay place a stop payment order. A stop payment order iseffective for six months.ALERT AND TEXT SERVICESYou may choose to enroll in our mobile text messaging <strong>and</strong> alertservices (collectively, "Text Services"). By receiving or otherwiseusing Text Services, you agree to the following terms. You agreethat we may send messages through your communication serviceprovider in order to deliver them to you <strong>and</strong> that yourcommunication services provider is acting as your agent in thiscapacity. We may use a telephone number, e-mail address orother delivery location we have in our records for you or othersuch contact information as you may provide to us for the TextServices so that we may send you certain information about yourapplicable account. Additionally, you agree to indemnify, defend<strong>and</strong> hold us harmless from <strong>and</strong> against any <strong>and</strong> all claims, losses,liability, cost <strong>and</strong> expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees)arising from your provision of a phone number, e-mail address, orother delivery location that is not your own or your violation ofapplicable federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance. Yourobligation under this paragraph shall survive after your applicableaccount is closed. The Text Services are provided for yourconvenience <strong>and</strong> do not replace your monthly accountstatement(s), which are the official record of your accounts. Youunderst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> agree these services may not be encrypted <strong>and</strong>may include personal or confidential information about you suchas your account activity or the status of your account. For aportion of the Text Services, information may be delivered tovoicemail or answering machines if nobody answers thetelephone. Messages may be delayed or impacted by factor(s)pertaining to your Internet service provider(s), phone carriers, orother parties. We will not be liable for losses or damages arisingfrom any disclosure of account information to third parties,non-delivery, delayed delivery, misdirected delivery ormish<strong>and</strong>ling of, or inaccurate content in, the messages sentthrough the Text Services. The Text Services are only available tocustomers who have an eligible account with us. While you haveto have an eligible account to use the Text Service, once it isactivated, if you have other types of accounts with us, you mayhave access to those other accounts as well. You areresponsible for any <strong>and</strong> all charges, including, but not limited to,fees associated with text messaging imposed by yourcommunications service provider. Message <strong>and</strong> data rates mayapply. Such charges include those from yourcommunications service provider. Message frequencydepends on user preferences. To cancel the Text Services,send STOP to 446622 at any time. For help or information onthe Text Services, send HELP to 446622. For additionalassistance with the Text Services, contact customer serviceat 1-800-480-BANK.NIGHT DEPOSITORYIf you make use of our night depository facilities where currency,commercial paper, checks or other negotiable items for deposit orpayment by you (“Property”) may be placed you agree:1. To place only Property <strong>and</strong> instructions for h<strong>and</strong>ling theProperty in the night depository facilities. The Property <strong>and</strong>instructions must be in a secure device such as a sealedenvelope, tamper resistant pouch or locked bag(“Depository Bag”).2. To follow any instructions we provide to you, to take allprecautions as may be necessary to insure Property leavesthe receptacle <strong>and</strong> drops down the chute, <strong>and</strong> to preventunauthorized persons from tampering with the nightdepository facilities, for example, by locking the receptacle<strong>and</strong> removing the key. If Property is not found in the nightdepository facilities by us, it shall be conclusively presumedthat Property was not placed therein.3. To notify us if any equipment we have given you to use inconnection with the night depository facilities is lost orstolen. If applicable, you or your authorized representatives,as designated in the Night Depository Resolution(“Resolution”), shall appear at The <strong>Huntington</strong> NationalBank (“Bank”) to identify <strong>and</strong> claim any Property on the nextbanking day following each use of the night depositoryfacilities. If you do not identify <strong>and</strong> claim the Property orequipment used in connection with the night depositoryfacilities in a reasonable amount of time, we may take anysteps that we deem necessary, including but not limited toplacing a lien on such Property for safekeeping ordepositing such Property into any account you have with us.The Bank is authorized to deliver Property or equipmentused in connection with the night depository facilities to youor any authorized representative you designate.4. We shall not be responsible or liable at any time for theoperation, safety, or condition of the night depositoryfacilities or any equipment we have given to you to use inconnection with the night depository facilities. In using thenight depository facilities, you assume all risks. We do notinsure Property placed in the night depository facilities. Wewill not be responsible or liable for any loss of Propertycaused by fire, flood, water damage, v<strong>and</strong>alism, burglary oracts of God.5. You can elect on the Resolution to have either Bank openthe Depository Bag or for Bank to hold the Depository Bag.In the absence of an election on the Resolution, you agreethe Bank can open the Depository Bag.6. If you elect to have Bank open the Depository Bag, we willbegin to process the Property once the Property has beendelivered to our teller during Banking Hours, as posted inthe Banking Office where you used the night depositoryfacilities. In the event you do not include proper instructionsfor h<strong>and</strong>ling by us of any Property placed in the nightdepository facilities, we shall have a lien upon such Propertyfor safekeeping <strong>and</strong> at our option, we may deposit suchProperty to any account you have with us. The Bank shallnot have any obligation to ascertain whether any Propertyhas been deposited with your account at the Bank, <strong>and</strong> theBank does not have to ascertain what Property has beenreceived by us. You agree to keep a list of Property youprovide to us. You shall accept our count of the Property asfinal.7. If you elect to have Bank hold the Depository Bag, we willremove the Depository Bag from the night depositoryfacilities during Banking Hours, as posted in the BankingOffice where you used the night depository facilities, <strong>and</strong>place the Depository Bag in a secure location until yourauthorized representative claims the Depository Bag. Youagree to claim the Depository Bag no later than the nextbusiness day following each use of the night depositoryfacilities. If the Depository Bag is not claimed within areasonable amount of time, we may then open theDepository Bag <strong>and</strong> deposit the Property to any account youhave with us. No relationship of debtor or creditor betweenBank <strong>and</strong> you shall arise unless or until we have opened theDepository Bag <strong>and</strong> deposited the Property to your account.8. We may withdraw the night depository facilities from use atany time without notice to you. You agree to return to usany equipment we have furnished to you in connection withthe night depository facilities upon our request ortermination of your account or use of the night depositoryfacilities.9. You agree to defend, indemnify <strong>and</strong> hold Bank, its affiliates<strong>and</strong> its <strong>and</strong> their respective directors, officers, shareholders,employees, representatives, agents, successors <strong>and</strong>assigns (collectively the “Indemnified Parties”) harmless, ondem<strong>and</strong>, from <strong>and</strong> against any <strong>and</strong> all claims, actions, suitsor proceedings, <strong>and</strong> shall pay all losses, liabilities,damages, costs or expenses, including reasonableattorneys’ fees, judgments, fines, penalties <strong>and</strong> the likeincurred or to be incurred by the Indemnified Parties: (a)arising from or relating to your action or inaction, includingany action or inaction by your authorized representatives orother employees or personnel, which in any way constitutesa breach of any of your obligations <strong>and</strong>/or covenants setforth herein; (b) as a result of your negligence or willfulmisconduct, including the negligence or willful misconduct ofyour authorized representatives, employees or otherpersonnel; (c) as a result of personal injury, including death,or property damage arising from or relating to your negligentor intentional acts, including the negligent or intentional actsof your authorized representatives, employees or otherpersonnel.NOTICESExcept as otherwise required by law or provided in these Rules<strong>and</strong> Regulations, all notices required to be sent to you will beeffective when we mail or deliver them to the last address that wehave for you in our records or when we make such noticesavailable to you through our Internet banking services or at thelast known e-mail address that we have for you in our records. Ifyour account is joint, notice to any of you is effective for all of you.You agree that we may send or provide by electroniccommunication any notice, communication, or disclosure requiredto be provided orally or in writing to you.DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION TO OTHERSWe may disclose information about your accounts with us asfollows:• To consumer reporting agencies.• In connection with audits or any sale or transfer of youraccounts or a <strong>Huntington</strong> company or division.• For fraud, security or risk control.• To help complete a transaction you initiate, includinginformation requested to verify the existence or condition ofan account.• To resolve disputes or inquiries you may have about youraccounts.• With your consent or at your direction, which may be oral, inwriting, by telephone, electronic or other means werecognize.• When disclosure is required by law, such as pursuant tocourt order, subpoena, legal process or government agencyexamination or investigation, or to protect or enforce ourrights.• To companies that perform services for us in connection withyour accounts, such as data processing <strong>and</strong> softwarecompanies <strong>and</strong> collection agencies.• As otherwise necessary to service your accounts, or aspermitted or required by law.• In response to a request from any <strong>Huntington</strong> company.See our separate "Customer Information Privacy Notice" formore information about how we use customer information <strong>and</strong>your choices.RECORDINGYou agree that we may tape record any telephone conversationsyou have with us regarding the account. However, we are notobligated to do so <strong>and</strong> may choose not to in our sole discretion.OUR OTHER RIGHTSNo course of dealing <strong>and</strong> no delay or omission on our part inexercising any of our rights are a waiver by us of such rights orany other right. All of our rights under the <strong>Account</strong> Documents arecumulative <strong>and</strong> not exclusive <strong>and</strong> may be exercised concurrentlyor successively.CLOSING YOUR ACCOUNTSubject to these Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations, your account may beclosed at any time by you or by us.CHANGE IN TERMSFrom time to time we may change the provisions of the <strong>Account</strong>Documents. We will comply with any notice requirements underapplicable law. If applicable law does not specify any noticerequirements for the change, we will decide what kind of notice (ifany) we will give you <strong>and</strong> the method of providing any suchnotice. We are not required to notify you of any changes in theapplicable interest rate or annual percentage yield.GOVERNING LAWThese Rules <strong>and</strong> Regulations are governed by the law of thestate where your account is located as determined above under"LOCATION OF ACCOUNT". Your account <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Account</strong>Documents are also subject to federal law. If any of the provisionsof the <strong>Account</strong> Documents cannot be legally enforced, they will beconsidered changed to the extent necessary to comply withapplicable law.9101112

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