Organization and Performance of Cotton Sectors in Africa ... - infoDev

Organization and Performance of Cotton Sectors in Africa ... - infoDev

Organization and Performance of Cotton Sectors in Africa ... - infoDev


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An important lesson from this analysis is that assist<strong>in</strong>g more farmers tomove <strong>in</strong>to groups 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 is critical for sector competitiveness (see data oncosts <strong>of</strong> production <strong>in</strong> table 10.1) <strong>and</strong> for poverty reduction (see figure 10.4).<strong>Cotton</strong> sectors <strong>in</strong> WCA countries have assisted more farmers <strong>in</strong> ris<strong>in</strong>g togroups 1 <strong>and</strong> 2 over time through their promotion <strong>of</strong> animal traction, whichallowed farmers to <strong>in</strong>crease their cotton area <strong>and</strong> yields. The majority <strong>of</strong> farmers<strong>in</strong> WCA also enjoy access to <strong>in</strong>puts that only the top households <strong>in</strong> selectedESA sectors enjoy. At the same time, recent strong political pressures have contributedto high (though unsusta<strong>in</strong>able) seed cotton prices for WCA producers.These broadly based successes with <strong>in</strong>put provision <strong>and</strong> animal traction,together with recent high prices, are reflected <strong>in</strong> the relatively high weightedaverage returns to farmers <strong>in</strong> all three WCA countries. There is hope to reducethe high producer prices, allow<strong>in</strong>g WCA cotton companies to break even, <strong>and</strong>still to realize returns at least as high as those achieved by most ESA sectors.The analysis also suggests that Zimbabwe is the best performer among ESAcountries from a farmer’s perspective, with Zambia <strong>and</strong> Tanzania hard to separate.However, given that the Tanzanian figures are based on a very good year<strong>and</strong> that the Zambia labor <strong>in</strong>put data are perhaps on the high side, thereforeunderestimat<strong>in</strong>g returns, Zambia probably has the edge. Thus, another keyf<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> this section is that, although competitive sectors with<strong>in</strong> ESA haveoutperformed more coord<strong>in</strong>ated ones on pric<strong>in</strong>g (chapter 5), from a farmer’sperspective they have not done so to such an extent as to outweigh their disadvantages<strong>in</strong> service provision.Some doubts l<strong>in</strong>ger over <strong>in</strong>put data for Mozambique (labor) <strong>and</strong> Ug<strong>and</strong>a(hired services). However, apparently unattractive returns for the majority <strong>of</strong>farmers are consistent with disappo<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g medium-term production growth<strong>in</strong> both countries. A better-regulated local monopoly model should be able todeliver better services to more farmers than has so far been the case <strong>in</strong>Mozambique.The question then becomes to what extent current performance at the farmlevel reflects the current state <strong>of</strong> the sector <strong>and</strong> how much it reflects the laggedimpact <strong>of</strong> past sector performance. This study suggests that the lagged impact<strong>of</strong> past performance is large. This f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g is clear both <strong>in</strong> WCA <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong> Zimbabwe,where COTTCO’s assistance through the early to mid-2000s is still felt. WCAsectors cont<strong>in</strong>ue to benefit from past <strong>in</strong>vestments, but they have seen stagnantproductivity growth s<strong>in</strong>ce the mid-1980s (area planted has risen, but yield <strong>and</strong>net marg<strong>in</strong>s have stagnated or fallen). (See table 10.2 for a summary.)It is, <strong>of</strong> course, difficult to predict future trends. The most confident predictionis that there will be limited change <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>of</strong> this type <strong>of</strong> analysisover the next five years.132 POULTON, LABASTE, AND BOUGHTON

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