Novel Research - MockSides

Novel Research - MockSides

Novel Research - MockSides


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Mock Sides, Volume 1: Original Scripts for Workshop Actors"<strong>Novel</strong> <strong>Research</strong>"byChad Schnackel & David DaltonPages: 2+Characters:Jake, 40+Crystal, 25+Synopsis: Jake is a member of themob and has unwisely allowed awriter, Crystal, to follow himaround as research for her novel.He decides it was not a good idea.Permission: This script may be usedfor educational purposes only andmay be produced, filmed andvideotaped as long as writers andwww.mockside.com is listed on titlecredits.Copyright © 2010 www.mocksides.com

Mock Sides, Volume 1: Original Scripts for Workshop ActorsINT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHTJAKE opens the door to his apartment. Sitting on thecouch is CRYSTAL. Jake is startled for a moment.Crystal smiles.JAKEJesus, you scared me!CRYSTALSorry. I didn’t mean to.JAKEHow the hell did you get in?CRYSTALOh I have my ways.JAKELook, don’t take this the wrongway but you shouldn’t sneak up onpeople like that.He pulls out his gun and shows her.JAKEIt could be bad for your health ifyou know what I mean.Crystal’s eyes lock on the gun.CRYSTALOh this is good.She pulls out a note pad and a pen. As she writes shetalks out loud.CRYSTAL(writing as shespeaks)The Mobster pulled out his gun onthe helpless damsel. He forced hisbody against hers...Jake looks confused.JAKEWhat the hell are you talkingabout? I didn’t force nothin.CRYSTALOh I know. It’s for the book. Thisis good stuff.Copyright © 2010 www.mocksides.com(CONTINUED)

Mock Sides, Volume 1: Original Scripts for Workshop ActorsShe smiles at him.JAKELook lady. I said you could followme around a bit for research butnow you’re making me out to bethis hardened criminal. That’s nothow it works.CRYSTALI thought mobsters were supposedto be ruthless. They take whatthey want when they want.JAKEFirst off, don’t call me amobster. I am in the sanitationbusiness. Secondly, I don’t forcemyself on any women.CRYSTALWell you could.JAKELady, I have a girlfriend.She holds her finger up and starts writing and talkingout loud again.CRYSTAL(writing)As he eyed her breasts heconfesses the love triangle thatis inevitable. He tears her shirtwith ...Jake holds his hands up.JAKEWoa woa woa. Okay, that’s it. Yougotta go.CRYSTAL(still writing)His breath warms her neck sendingchills down her spine. Goose bumpsbegin to form around her...Jake grabs the pad from her.JAKEThat’s enough. No more writing. Mygirlfriend is on her way over. Youhave to go.Copyright © 2010 www.mocksides.com(CONTINUED)

Mock Sides, Volume 1: Original Scripts for Workshop ActorsShe pulls out a tape recorder. She starts to talk intoit.CRYSTAL(into recorder)Lines are blurred as all threebodies intertwine forming onemassive pile of flesh and ecstacy.A moment before climax themobster...Jake grabs the recorder from her and turns it off.JAKELady, you are nuts. Get the hellout of my apartment.She stops speaking and looks at him. She is almost tooexcited.CRYSTALAre you going to be forceful?Jake pulls out his gun and points it at her. She holdsher hands up in the air.CRYSTALDo you have handcuffs or should weuse mine?JAKEI’m serious. Get out now!She gets up and makes her way to the door. As she walksthrough it she turns back and winks at him.Call me...CRYSTALThe door shuts and Jake locks it. He breaths a heavy sighas we...FADE TO BLACK.Copyright © 2010 www.mocksides.com

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