Perceptions of CO2 Report - Global CCS Institute

Perceptions of CO2 Report - Global CCS Institute Perceptions of CO2 Report - Global CCS Institute
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Q: What kind of information about CO 2 or CCS do you want more of?Answer questions about participants’ characteristics by filling out questionnaireQ: Do you sometime collect scientific information you are interested in? What kind of information source do youtend to trust? (TV, newspaper, magazine, books Internet etc. Government, scientists, industries, NGO, etc.)Q: Which issues are you most interested in? Political, economic, social, environmental, educational, etc.Discuss information on CO 2, CCS, and general issues56 | Understanding how individuals perceive carbon dioxide

Appendix C Survey DesignQ1Q2Q3Q4Question statementsStarting with the following statements of opinion aboutenvironment or energy issues, please indicate to what extent thisstatement applies to you.(Tick the most appropriate number on the scale from 1-5.)I am convinced that climate change (global warming) is happening.We should promote the use of renewable energy as soon as possible.I am worried about fossil fuels running out.It is important for our society to accept some risks related to newtechnologies.Something should be done about climate change (global warming) now.I refuse to pay more tax to address climate change (global warming).Here you are presented with statements about possiblecharacteristics of CO 2. Please indicate how sure you are about thetruth of each statement.Tick the most appropriate number on the scale from 1-5. If you do notknow or are not sure of the answer you can choose option 3.CO 2 is lighter than air.CO 2 occurs naturally.CO 2 is flammable.CO 2 is soluble in water.The air around us contains CO 2.It is easy to break down CO 2.Here you are presented with statements about possible effects ofCO 2. Please indicate how sure you are about the truth of eachstatement.Tick the most appropriate number on the scale from 1-5. If you do notknow or are not sure of the answer you can choose option 3.Plants and trees need CO 2 to grow.CO 2 influences the climate.CO 2 harms the ozone layer.CO 2 has the same effect on humans as CO (carbon monoxide).CO 2 in high concentrations is toxic for the human body.CO 2 affects human health in the same way as air pollution substancessuch as soot.Here you are presented with statements about possible sourcesand absorbents of CO 2. Please indicate how sure you are about thetruth of each statement.Tick the most appropriate number on the scale from 1-5. If you do notknow or are not sure of the answer you can choose option 3.CO 2 is released during electricity production from power plants usingnatural gas or coal.The human body creates CO 2.CO 2 is absorbed by plants and trees.CO 2 is absorbed by oceans.Naturally occurring CO 2 has a different chemical structure to industriallyoccurring CO 2.Variable NamesConvincedGWRenewableFossilFuelRiskDoForGWMoreTaxLighterNaturallyFlammableSolubleAirContainEasyBDPlantNeedClimateOzoneCOToxicSootPowerPlantHumanPlantAbsorbOceanDifferentSubstanceUnderstanding how individuals perceive carbon dioxide | 57

Q: What kind <strong>of</strong> information about CO 2 or <strong>CCS</strong> do you want more <strong>of</strong>?Answer questions about participants’ characteristics by filling out questionnaireQ: Do you sometime collect scientific information you are interested in? What kind <strong>of</strong> information source do youtend to trust? (TV, newspaper, magazine, books Internet etc. Government, scientists, industries, NGO, etc.)Q: Which issues are you most interested in? Political, economic, social, environmental, educational, etc.Discuss information on CO 2, <strong>CCS</strong>, and general issues56 | Understanding how individuals perceive carbon dioxide

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