IPfocus-eZine Nov 09 - IP UserGroup

IPfocus-eZine Nov 09 - IP UserGroup

IPfocus-eZine Nov 09 - IP UserGroup

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<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong><strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>09</strong>promoting <strong>IP</strong> as the future technology for the security industry25th EditionWe Appreciate your Support!Onward to the next 25...<strong>09</strong>/11The Official Quarterly Technical Journal of the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> - www.ipusergroup.comNetworked Security & SafetySolutions in ActionTaking the lid off the pinch pointswithin Homeland and Enterprise SecurityNetworked and DigitalVideo RecordingWe take a look at the very latestdevelopments in NVR / DVR TechnologyWeb-based Access Control& CCTV ManagementSpecial Russian event preview<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> members represented at ALL-over-<strong>IP</strong>, Moscow®

VSo<strong>IP</strong> - evolvingfrom Analogueto <strong>IP</strong> CCTVSometimes as a customer or integrator you face an oftenconfusing choice about the best way to bring CCTV systems intothe 21st century computer age.Recognising this quandary, CBC has developed VSo<strong>IP</strong>, possibly the first trulysoftware based hybrid video management solution.VSo<strong>IP</strong>’s main strength is that it doesn’t just allow you to connect to amultitude of <strong>IP</strong> cameras and video codecs – it also enables you to connectyour existing analogue cameras, thereby achieving the best of both worlds.The Ganz VSo<strong>IP</strong> system has been designed to provide the integration andbenefits of <strong>IP</strong> based products whilst offering advantages of using yourexisting analogue equipment.Scalability gainsVSo<strong>IP</strong> is a true client server application that will give you scalability, fromjust a few cameras right up to a system with hundreds of surveillance unitsspread over multiple sites and monitored by multiple operators. Thesystem’s unique design enables existing analogue cameras to be monitoredand managed just like an <strong>IP</strong> device.This will allow you, as a system manager, to view multiple analoguecameras anywhere on your site/s as individual cameras. Their pictures canbe displayed either on the VSo<strong>IP</strong> video wall displays or as images on youroperators’ screens. Analogue images can be mixed and matched withimages from your <strong>IP</strong> cameras and video Codecs to provide complete controland management of the system. This flexibility includes the ability to viewlive images and review recorded images from any site, any time, anywhere.Open protocolsThe open architecture of VSo<strong>IP</strong> supports not just the Ganz and VSII range of<strong>IP</strong> cameras and video Codecs but also over 20 of the world’s most popular<strong>IP</strong> video equipment, and providing multiple protocols for control of a vastarray of PTZ devices. The VSo<strong>IP</strong> video management system will give youtotal control of your estate, whether on a single site or multiple locations.Your operators can navigate their way around simply and efficiently usingVSo<strong>IP</strong>’s server based HTML maps feature, which offers an overview map ofthe site as well as multiple level maps to give the greatest detail, eg asingle room or corridor.

A quick click on the camera icon will then provide the operator with instantpictures of that area. For those where a map feature is not required theoperators can easily find the cameras of choice by clicking on the relevantcamera or cameras display in a ‘Windows’ PC tree structure displayed onthe left-hand side of the monitor screen.Alarm managementThe operators can also monitor and manage any alarms connected to thesystem. Once an alarm is activated a chain reaction of events can betriggered instantaneously –activating PTZ cameras, switching lighting,setting up automatic video connections, operating electronic doors, settingup different recording sequences and so on. VSo<strong>IP</strong> can even be set up sothat multiple alarms have to be activated together before a sequence istriggered. Using Boolean logic to manage alarms and their reaction youhave total control. No matter how an alarm event is handled, as soon asone alarm is activated it is flashed up on all your operators’ screens sothey have full knowledge of what is happening around your site/s.ConclusionIn summary, the VSo<strong>IP</strong> video management system’s true client serverapplication means that smaller installations can be installed on a PC. Forlarger applications multiple VSo<strong>IP</strong> recorders and VSo<strong>IP</strong> clients can be used.With its maps feature, tailored rights for every operator, integration withthird party equipment & multiplatform decoders, touch screen displays;almost endless configurations can be achieved – making VSo<strong>IP</strong> the idealchoice for any application.Putting you, the system manager back in control.✔✔✔✔✔✔All your imagesAll your alarmsAll your recoded footageAll your PTZ camerasAll your sitesAll your operators and much moreFor further information on how VSo<strong>IP</strong> can help you manage your new orexisting system, please visit www.ganzvsiop.com, or in your next edition of<strong>IP</strong> Focus magazine.Visit us at I<strong>IP</strong>SEC 20ten 3rd – 5th February and see VSo<strong>IP</strong> in action foryourself.

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Popular Pelco DVRs NowIntegrated withSureView ImmixAutomation SoftwarePlatformPelco have announced the successful integrationof its DX4500 and DX4600 digital video recordersinto Immix SureView automation softwareplatform, which delivers a single platform tomanage video surveillance/CCTV, intrusion and firealarms, access control and Vo<strong>IP</strong> audio.According to Pelco management, the integration ofthe DX4500 and DX4600 DVRs is part of a strategicpartnership between Pelco and SureView, wherethe full line of Pelco DVRs, <strong>IP</strong> cameras, and othersecurity and surveillance equipment will be fullyintegrated into Immix. These integrations enablecentral stations and their integrators theconfidence to deploy any of the Pelco productsknowing that they will be fully supported withinthe Immix video monitoring platform.ASL Safety & Security to supply <strong>IP</strong>-enabled publicaddress products to Norwegian rail network.The preliminary installations covering 75 stations willallow local and central staff to make platformannouncements to their individual stations as wellLong Line Public Address announcementtransmissions to individual and grouped stations.Crucial factors in the contract award were the abilityof the ASL solution to integrate with the client’spassenger information management system and theircapability to deliver a 20-year support framework.Sousan Azimrayat, Director at ASL, said: “Over the lastthree years we have implemented a major investmentprogramme in <strong>IP</strong>-based PA solutions with combinedrouting, amplification, PC/DVA, Text to Speech andRemote Diagnostic functions in one 2U fanless unit,making it ideally suited to solving the challengesposed by major transport infrastructure Long Line PAand Voice over <strong>IP</strong> projects.”She continued: “Some of the stations are above theArctic Circle and extremely remote with minimalstaffing. We were able to accommodate the client byredesigning our microphones on our ambient noisesensors to cope with temperatures as low as -50˚C.The improved quality and intelligibility of PAannouncements will be a real benefit to theNorwegian travelling public.”The Norwegian National Rail Administration(Jernbaneverket) owns and maintains the country’srail network including track and stations as well asbeing responsible for all traffic management otherthan tramways and rapid transit. Track is standardgauge and covers 4,114 kilometres of which 2,552kilometres is electrified. The installation will beperformed by Jernbaneverket’s own installation armwith site supervision and commissioning assistancefrom ASL Safety & Security.A framework agreement is in place between ASL andJernbaneverket for the rest of the network with atotal of 283 stations. Additional functionality atminimal cost on the iPA400 units to be installedincludes the ability for a passenger to replay the lastannouncement at the touch of a button.Get Connected! stays Connected with Network Webcams"We are very pleased by this next step in theintegration process of our <strong>IP</strong> products with theImmix solution," says Stephane Lantoine, APIBusiness Development Manager for EMEA withPelco. "We were attracted to building a relationshipwith SureView based on the solid reputation of itsImmix platform, and thanks to the partnershipbetween SureView and Pelco our joint customersare able to take full advantage of one easy-tomanagesecurity solution." "Integrating with theDX4500 and 4600 is a critical part of rounding outour existing integrations with the DX8100 andDigital Sentry DVRs from Pelco. Through ourstrategic partnership we will continue to improveand enhance our integrations so that we can takeadvantage of the full feature set of Pelco's suite ofvideo surveillance products," says Craig Evans,SureView Systems' Managing Director.To contribute to <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> contact us - 0870 7870 546or email paul.hennings@theippeople.com.Alternatively submit your story at www.ipfocus.infofollow the links to contributions.10_issue 25In retail, the use of hi-tech <strong>IP</strong> cameras capable of highquality recording, connected directly in to an existinginternet connection is about much more than juststore security. Network Webcams’ work withexpanding mobile phone retailer Get Connected!demonstrates the full potential of <strong>IP</strong> CCTV.Network Webcams began working with Get Connected!in <strong>Nov</strong>ember 2005, when the retailer had around 30mobile phone stores. Since then, the chain hascontinued to expand across Wales and into Shropshire,the Midlands and the West Country and now hasaround 60 branches. As each new store opens, GetConnected!’s General Manager Ben French ensuresthat one or two Panasonic <strong>IP</strong> cameras are suppliedand installed by Network Webcams.The decision to use <strong>IP</strong> CCTV technology was both asecurity and a store management issue: Ben realisedthat by having a live feed from each of his outlets, hecould not only use the cameras as a deterrent toshoplifters but also remotely view all aspects of storepresentation in real time, from making sure thatpromotions were clearly visible and merchandisingwas up to scratch to checking that staff were on timeand properly dressed.The cameras’ security role has worked well, accordingto Ben: “In a small store just one or two cameras areimmediately visible and customers are aware of themso they’re a good deterrent. Get Connected!’s headoffice is able to record any incidents remotely on twoservers and we have successfully prosecuted thievescaught on camera.”The benefits of <strong>IP</strong> CCTV go further than that, though.Said Ben: “Essentially, I manage 60 stores remotely viaour head office – it’s a great system that really worksfor us. I would never run a retail chain without <strong>IP</strong>cameras and wouldn’t hesitate recommending them toanyone who wants to keep an eye on their stores.”“It’s one of the best investments I have ever madewithin the company. The costs are low and a fractionof traditional CCTV. Staff are comfortable with the ideaand appreciate the protection it gives them.”

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Plustek In-Vehicle Video Recorder Drivesforward EU Safety StandardsPlustek, a global security solutions company, has beenawarded the e13-mark by TÜV Rheinland.A product that displays the mark indicates that itcomplies with all the relevant regulations of aEuropean nation.EC directives and ECE regulations require allautomobiles, motorcycles and their componentsimported to EU member states to be inconformance with a range of safety standards fordrivers and the environment. This ensures that allautomobile and motorcycle products sold bymanufacturers and operated by users conform tobasic safety and environmental standards. Allproducts covered by regulatory controls must betested, certified and display the appropriate mark.Products without an e13-mark can’t be sold orPlustek and Axis Communications Video inTransport Event a Great SuccessAston University Conference Centre, Birminghamsaw the first gathering of security professionals asPlustek and Axis Communications invited delegatesto join a half-day networked security seminar.Attendees gained a better understanding of ITwithin security, trends, issues in the market andcurrent and future practices. On the day, Plustekand Axis provided delegates with an in-depthappreciation of the type of solution available totoday's security market. Speakers included EdwardHill, Plustek UK, Phil Doyle, Axis Communications12_issue 24used in these member states.Edward Hill, Business Development Manager,Plustek, said: “Safety has priority worldwide.Numerous norms apply to vehicles, systems andcomponents and no matter whether it has to dowith the Federal Motor Safety Standards (StVZO) inGermany or the Federal Motor Vehicle SafetyStandards in America. For the sales of motorvehicles and their components, approvalsaccording to the standards of the destinationcountries are essential. Achieving this e-markallows Plustek to extend its presence in theEuropean market for automobile products.?Plustek’s NVR 4200V was certified with the e13-and George McDonald of Wavesight. Ed Hilldiscussed the pro’s and con’s of ruggidised videorecording devices, Phil discussed the value of <strong>IP</strong>Networked Video and how it should be utilisedwithin the transport network and Georgeintroduced the delegates to the concept andtopology of wireless network deployment.The challenge for networked surveillanceAfter September 11, 2001, government agencies fromall over the world took extreme measures againstfurther attacks resulting in fast-growing needs ofthe security marketand surveillanceindustry. With theglobal security marketreaching $220 billionand researchsuggesting furthere13mark. The NVR 4200V is a mobile network videorecorder specifically designed for public transitapplications. Engineered to withstand the heavyvibrations generated by vehicles and temperaturefluctuation, it is built for dependability, long lifeand low maintenance.The NVR 4200V is the ideal choice for mobilesurveillance in all types of public and commercialvehicles such as taxis, vans, buses, trains, trams,limousines and heavy goods vehicles because itcan multiplex record up to four cameras at up to60fps, while concurrently handling panic/systemalarms, processing GPS positing data, transmittingpositional co-ordinates via SMS and usingintelligent power management.Operating on a Linux framework, the NVR 4200V isless vulnerable to virus attack and offers muchlower power consumption than PC-basedsurveillance solutions. The NVR 4200V records upto four channels in MJPEG format and providesseveral capturing options, such as alarmrecording, schedule recording and manualrecordings.rapid growth of 30% annually in networksurveillance-related products (NVRs & <strong>IP</strong> cameras),it is vital that new technologies are embraced andutilised to their full potential.Even though many companies took a big hit withthe global financial crisis, government agencies andenterprises have both acknowledged the urgency ofinstalling relevant and suitable surveillancesystems. The issue that needs to be addressedhowever, is how can we upgrade the existingsystems in a cost efficient way and still improveother related functions. This is the challenge thenetwork surveillance industry needs to face.Next Plustek/Axis Seminar: Mobile Surveillance -the future of “on-the-road” solutions.Manchester University Conference Centre,Fallowfield Campus, Thursday 5th <strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>09</strong>Register: www.ipfocusonline.com/plustek.html

Much more than another pair of eyesPlustek NVR4200VDesigned specifically for mobileinstallations, this NVR can be standalone or integrated with your existingonboard systems, (e.g. ticketing,telemetry, tracking etc.).Technology PartnersPlustek UK ltd.20a Church Road, WolverhamptonShropshire. WV7 3LBTel: +44 (0)7888 844768edwardhill@uk.plustek.comissue 22_13

<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> - Latest Affiliate MembersHaving identified the benefits and opportunities available to them the companies below have recently signed-up asAffiliate (company) members of the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong>. With membership numbers now exceeding 20,000, and our <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE events continuing to be a great success, we welcome BT Security Solutions, CISCO, ComNet Europe,CSIT, SAE Electronics and Time Data Security Ltd..We are a leading supplier of arange of high quality end toend CCTV solutions. With over 20 years experience in security signaling CCTVtransmission we can deliver analogue, ethernet and wireless transmissionnationwide.We provide integrated and resilient fully managed security systems that protectpeople and assets across the country. Our solutions include video storage,cameras, telemetry, network, access control, video walls, control room refresh andother bespoke applications. Our end to end security includes design, projectmanagement, installation and maintenance.Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet.Today, networks are an essential part of business, education,government and home communications, and Cisco <strong>IP</strong> basednetworking solutions are the foundation of these networks.Cisco Physical Security solutions facilitate the capture, transmission, viewing, recording,archiving, and management of analog and <strong>IP</strong> video sources as well as electronic accesscontrol. Engineered with network and video expertise, Cisco Physical Security standardsbasedproducts:• Deliver easy, secure access to live and recorded video• Use the <strong>IP</strong> network as a platform to deploy electronic access control• Provide excellent scalability, reliability, and availability• Simplify deployment and control of new security applications• Lower operational costs• Protect existing physical security systems investments• Support multivendor device and applications interoperability• Facilitate a smooth migration from analog to digital to full <strong>IP</strong>ComNet manufactures a comprehensive range of fiber optictransmission products for analogue and digital signals. Ourportfolio encompasses video, data, audio and contactclosure in any combination. Products available extend from single channel transmissionthrough to drop, insert, repeat and self-healing ring. ComNet also offer field expandablemultiplexers allowing transportation of up to 32 video and 8 data channels on one fiber.An extensive range of Ethernet products are available from media converters tomanaged and un-managed switches with optional Power over Ethernet (PoE). Allequipment is field hardened and covered by a comprehensive industry leading lifetimewarranty.Affiliate Membership & BenefitsThe benefits of Affiliate membership are clear to more and more companiesin the security industry.“Maintaining your marketing presence in difficult times is essential” – and the <strong>IP</strong><strong>UserGroup</strong> offers a beneficial and value for money option that promotes to anunsurpassed quality audience.As the community grows the message gets louder and more customers andindustry professionals gain the opportunity to access a wealth of information about<strong>IP</strong> technology and the application possibilities it offers.Affiliate Benefits include:FREE entry in “Affiliate Directory” in <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> Magazine• Opportunity to make presentations and lead discussions and activities at“<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE” events•50% discount to exhibit products and services in the exhibition area at“<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE” events14_issue 24The Centre for Secure InformationTechnologies (CSIT) is a new innovationand knowledge centre and is based at Queen's University of Belfast's, Institute ofElectronics, Communications and Information Technology (ECIT) in the NorthernIreland Science Park, Belfast.With the total funding in the region of £30M over five years. CSIT will create thesecurity infrastructure needed to safeguard the trustworthiness of informationstored electronically, both at home and in the workplace. The Centre will bringtogether research specialists in complementary fields such as data encryption,network security systems, wireless enabled security systems and intelligentsurveillance technology.SAE ® is a high-tech enterprise specially supported by Chinesegovernment, Since established in 1997, SAE® has been growingrapidly and steadily .At present SAE® has achieved to be thetop speed dome manufacturer in China with more than 200 staff and over 15 branches inlarge cities of China , such as Beijing , Shanghai , HongKong etc.SAE ® has become one of the famous brands in China , who owns high reputation. Inoverseas market SAE ® specially co-operates with some world-wide famous brandcompanies in OEM co-operate Mode.With the high quality control and environment management system,SAE ® has gained theISO9001 and ISO14000 certificates . All the products have CE and, FCC certificates. Thanks tothe development of R&D, SAE® has been providing total solutions for customers with fullranges CCTV products for years, such as speed dome, mini dome, keyboard, different size ofvideo matrix system, large position system, Fiber optic system etc.Mr. Vincent Zhou, the president of SAE ® , has been ranked as “Top ten leaders of China SecurityIndustry” in 2005, and the honorable professor of China People's Public Security University.TDS (Time Data Security) Ltd are leading specialists inthe provision of integrated Security Systems andIdentification Technologies. Our CoreAccess EnterpriseWide Security Management solution provides ourinternational customer base with; controlled, highly secure access to buildings, officesand plant, combined with maximum ease of use and aesthetic appeal. CoreAccess isdesigned to deliver layered value resulting in improved performance of the Security andSafety Function, optimisation of resources, investment protection and cost benefits bothimmediate and on-going.With over twenty years experience providing integrated Security Management Solutions,TDS offers an unrivalled combination of product knowledge, consultancy services,installations and technical support.Affiliate Membership Contact: Andy Hennings - <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> ManagerPhone: 01983 403693 or email: andy.hennings@ipusergroup.comDiscounted advertising packages for <strong>IP</strong> focus® magazineNEW - Discounted Banner Advertising on websites.• NEW - Discounted Banner Advertising and Promo articles in “<strong>IP</strong>Connections” eNewsletters.• Self-administering section of the website www.ipusergroup.com to postcompany news, views, new product and services information.• Company Press Releases, News Items, Case Studies and Technical Papersposted on the homepages of websiteDiscounted eBlast and other promotional electronic activitiesPromotion of products and services through <strong>IP</strong> focus®Use of <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> Affiliate Membership logo’sFREE use of Affiliates Lounge @ I<strong>IP</strong>SEC exhibitionAccess to other marketing and promotional channels• An opportunity to influence the direction of the industry

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>An <strong>IP</strong> First for Scotlandat <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVEFor the first time, <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE crossed the border to provide the first ever <strong>IP</strong> security event inScotland. Held at the home of Scottish rugby, the magnificent Murrayfield Stadium the day tookplace on 17th September 20<strong>09</strong>.With close to 100 attending guests, members andAffiliates the day included an excellent SeminarProgramme that with the theme of “TransportApplications” included a case study presentation of theSt Pancras International Station project.With the Exhibition area sold out well in advance of theday, guests were provided with an excellent display ofthe very latest products and services using <strong>IP</strong>technology from some 30 companies providing thelargest <strong>IP</strong> security exhibit Scotland has seen to date.Comprehensive Seminar ProgrammeFollowing the vertical theme of "TransportApplications" and the technical theme of "Mobile &Wireless Technologies" <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Scotlandprovided a full Agenda of informative and educationalpresentations.Following introductions from Andy Hennings theseminars started with “Integration & Control” – StPancras Station Case Studypresented by Richard Lack, Directorof Sales & Marketing forApplication Solutions Ltd. Richardexplained that St Pancras was thenew home of Eurostar and thebusiest rail hub in Europe. Hereviewed the site’s open-architecture 3D SiteManagement which brings together over 1,000 camerasand 8,000 field devices across 16 different life safetyand security subsystems.This was followed by John Earley,Strategic Development Manager atMetronet UK who presented “CanWireless Ever Be As Reliable AsFibre?”. John examined thetechnology associated with stateof-the-artwireless communications, the design of radionetworks, the issues that threaten reliability andprovided some insight into what it really takes toachieve wireless equivalency.Next was “<strong>IP</strong> Surveillance Solutionsin Transport” from Daren Lang, KeyAccount Manager Transport at AxisCommunications. He took a look at<strong>IP</strong> surveillance in the transportsector and discussed some of thespecific issues and requirementsthat are particular to that sector, providing someexamples from successful installations.After a short break forrefreshments and some time in theExhibition Area Edward Hill,Business Development Manager forPlustek UK presented “CCTV MobileSurveillance Solutions” in which hegave a brief introduction to thecurrent market of surveillance for mobile situations,discussed the trends and future predictions along witha review of available solutions to enable a clear visionin this growing sector.“H.264 and <strong>IP</strong> CCTV” completed thepresentations and was provided byJason Higgins-Casey, Senior FieldApplication Engineer at ATEME.Jason provided an overview ofH.264 video compression standardand its benefits for <strong>IP</strong> video CCTVapplications. He showed how the use of open,interoperable standards enables the long-term viabilityof security assets without locking customers intoproprietary solutions.Exhibition Area - LIVE DemonstrationsFollowing a free buffet lunch with refreshments and theopportunity to network with fellow guests, attendeeshad the opportunity to spend quality time in theExhibition Area.Once again the experts were on hand to demonstratesome of the very latest <strong>IP</strong> products and servicescurrently available in the marketplace and answer thevisitors’ questions in a relaxed and informalenvironment.Companies that Exhibited at Murrayfield included:Application SolutionsATEMEAxis CommunicationsBFi OPTiLASCBC EurpoeCodestuffCommend UKComNetComputerlinksFluidmeshFreeSpace NetworksGallagher SecurityGarrettComHoneywell Securityi-Comply<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> MagazineJVC ProfessionalKane ComputingKorenix UKMOBOTIXNICE SystemsPlustek UKSANYOSeSys Ltd.TOA UKVeracityVerintVicon IndustriesWavesight.Next Event – <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Bucks (MK) – 3rdDecember 20<strong>09</strong><strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE events are intended for people at ALLlevels of the knowledge ladder and are suitable forInstallers, Integrators, Consultants, VAR's andparticularly End-User Customers. With a fullprogramme of educational seminars and an exhibitionarea to see the very latest products available, this willbe a very popular event.Find out more @ www.ipusergroup.com/LIVEForthcoming events<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> - Global Activities 20<strong>09</strong>17 <strong>Nov</strong>ember - <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Atlanta, USA19 <strong>Nov</strong>ember - All-over-<strong>IP</strong>, Moscow3 December - <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Bucks (MK), UKfor details visit www.ipusergroup.com/live<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> - UK/EU Activities 20103 - 5 February I<strong>IP</strong>SEC 20ten, Solihull, UKMarch<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Cheltenham, UKJune<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Liverpool, UKJuly 7th - 8th <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Dublin & Belfast, EUSeptember<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Nottingham, UKDecember<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Watford, UKissue 25_15

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong><strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Bucks (MK)Thursday 3rd December MK Dons Stadium, Milton KeynesThe last of our four events of the 20<strong>09</strong>programme, <strong>IP</strong>- in-Action LIVE Bucks(MK) is expected to provide a big finaleto the year.Taking place at the newly built home of the MKDons football team on Thursday 3rd December,the last of our four events of the 20<strong>09</strong>programme, <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Bucks (MK) hasseen a good level of registrations already and isexpected to provide a big finale to the year.Programme Includes:• Full Agenda of Educational Seminars• Very Latest <strong>IP</strong> Products in Exhibition Area• Excellent Networking Opportunity• Free Buffet Lunch• Networking Dinner (evening before)With the themes of "Retail Applications" and"Convergence & Integration" <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVEBucks (MK) will provide an excellent seminarprogramme with a full agenda of informativeand educational presentations.Aimed at people on all "rungs of the knowledgeladder" the events are particularly worthwhilefor Installers, Consultants and End-UserCustomers who wish to find out more aboutnetworked security, its possibilities andapplication opportunities, so come along andjoin us - it's all FREE !<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> Doubles-Up in Ireland witha Two-Centre <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Event.In association with the Irish Security IndustryAssociation and the CSIT (Queens University,Belfast).Following the great success of the Dublin event in2008, it was always our intention to return and nowwith a kind invitation from the CSIT (Centre forSecure Information Technology) to host an event attheir base, Queens University Belfast we introduce:<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Ireland (North & South).This two-centre event is planned for the 7th and 8thJuly 2010 and is expected to be a very popularevent with Affiliates, Members and guests alike (justlike Dublin in 2008). Each of the days will follow thesame successful model of a full programme ofEducational Seminars along with our ever populartable-top Exhibition Area.In conjunction with the Irish Security IndustryAssociation, the Dublin event will be held at theOur Exhibition area at Milton Keynes is onceagain proving very popular. A good number ofexhibition tables have already been booked todisplay some of the very latest <strong>IP</strong> products fromsome of the leading edge companies in theindustry.Guests will be able to spend "quality time withquality people" to discuss their requirementswith the experts and see the productsdemonstrated in a relaxed and informalatmosphere.Spend "Quality Time with Quality People" - bookyour FREE place now<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> Membership Enquiries:Contact: Andy HenningsDirect: +44 (0) 1983 403693andy.hennings@ipusergroup.comwww.ipusergroup.comRegency Hotel on Wednesday 7th July – an excellentvenue, with the Belfast event the following day,Thursday 8th July, at the CSIT complex on thecampus of Queens University Belfast.<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Ireland (North & South) is a specialevent over and above our usual four <strong>IP</strong>-in-ActionLIVE events for 2010 with special arrangements forcompanies wishing to attend both days (see right).Companies already booked to Exhibit include:BFi OPTiLASKane ComputingCBC EuropeKorenixCOE LimitedMOBOTIXCommend UKPlustek UKFluidmesh Networks SeSys Ltd.FreeSpace Networks TOA UK Ltd.Gallagher Security VerintGarrettComVeracityHoneywell Security Vicon Industries<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> Magazine WavesightIQinVision+ our media partnerJVC Professional PSP PublishingGet More Involved!Exhibit at <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVEA quick note to remind you that the currentExhibiting "Special Deal" of 4 consecutive UK<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE events is only available until1st December, so if you want to save on yourtable-tops for 2010 - Book NOW - This Deal isavailable to <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> Affiliate Members on aPre-Paid basis.Speaking Programme for 2010I am also in the process of getting theprogramme for 2010 in place and wouldappreciate your letting me have your proposedpresentations. To submit a presentation ideaNOW - visit:www.ipusergroup.com/live for detailsNote to Exhibitors/SpeakersThis is an ideal opportunity for Exhibitors tocombine sales visits to the two maincommercial centres in Ireland.If you wish to participate in the Irish twocentreevent the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> will be arranginghotel accommodation at both sites PLUS coachtransfer from Dublin to Belfast on theWednesday evening (2hrs) we can alsoaccommodate a limited amount of equipment.There will also be popular Network Dinnersprior to both events.Places will be limited so please book early(single venue booking are also available).For details visit www.ipusergroup.com/live

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Arecont Vision Introduces World’sFirst H.264 10 Megapixel Camera.AV10005 Camera Offers 3,648 x 2,752 Resolution at up to 5Frames Per Second With Dual H.264/MJPEG Encoding.Arecont Vision, the leading manufacturer ofmegapixel surveillance cameras, achieves a newtechnology summit at ASIS 20<strong>09</strong> with theintroduction of the first 10-megapixel videosurveillance camera that incorporates H.264compression at full resolution. The new AV1000510 Megapixel Camera offers 3,648 x 2,752-pixelresolution at up to 5 frames per second, and dualH.264 and MJPEG encoding.“Technology leadership is an important part ofArecont Vision's mission. While low-end megapixelcameras can now be assembled from commoditycomponents developed for HD camcorders, higherresolution devices require the use of specializedscalable processors. This new addition to ourproduct line fully leverages our unique MegaVideo® technology and is a testimony to the high levelof innovation we bring to the megapixel cameramarket,” said Dr. Michael Kaplinsky, CEO, ArecontVision. “Our new H.264 10 megapixel camerafurther reduces the cost of surveillance per unitarea and raises the standard of video detailachievable with manageable bandwidth.”Targeting the most demanding surveillanceapplications, the new 10MP AV10005 cameraprovides full-format 10-megapixel resolution at fullframe rates in both MJPEG and H.264 compressiontypes. The camera provides multiple non-identicalstreams with variable frame rates, bit rates,resolutions and compression quality. Zoomwindowing capabilities of this camera offer a truealternative to expensive pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ)devices. Available bit rate control, maintainsdesired bandwidth and storage size. Real-timestreaming protocol (RTSP) assures compatibilitywith media players such as Apple QuickTime,Windows Media Player, VLC Player and others.The 10MP AV10005 joins Arecont Vision's broadlineup of megapixel surveillance cameras,including models with advanced capabilities suchas dual day/night and panoramic viewing.ViDiCore KG is a leading European representativewith more than 20 years of experience in the areaof CCTV and 10 years of <strong>IP</strong> Video, supportingArecont Vision`s range of <strong>IP</strong> Megapixel cameras tointroduce High Definition Video in Europe and toexpand the distribution activities in Europeancountries. For more information, please visitwww.vidicore.com or call + 49 (0) 2433-4469-1000issue 25_17

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Optelecom-NKF Unifies Product Lineunder the Siqura® Brand NameOptelecom-NKF, Inc., supplier of advanced video surveillance solutions, announces that all productsdeveloped and distributed by the company will use the Siqura® brand name as of January 1, 2010.The Siqura registered trademark was adoptedin 2006 to distinguish Optelecom-NKF’s <strong>IP</strong>product line, even as the company’s fiberproducts continued to be marketed under theOptelecom-NKF brand name. Since itsintroduction, the Siqura brand hasexperienced widespread market success.Siqura achievements are due, in part, toOptelecom-NKF’s unique ability to offer both <strong>IP</strong>and fiber video network solutions, a benefit tomany cost-conscious customers. Hybridsystems make it possible to incorporate thebest features of both technologies, allowingcustomers to maximize the return oninvestment in their existing systems whileleveraging the advantages of <strong>IP</strong>-based video.“The extension of the Siqura brand to ourentire product line broadens the reach anddefinition of our technology across each ofour key markets,” said Dave Patterson,Optelecom-NKF’s president and CEO.“Integrating all of our products that collect,transmit, and transform video and data willhelp us position a portfolio of solutions thatdeliver actionable information. Our goal is toprovide technology to support each phase ofthe security lifecycle: To prevent, detect,respond to, and investigate incidents. Siqurasolutions address these phases through apractical, market-focused approach.”Now offering complete solutions under theSiqura brand name, the company launched anew advertising campaign on October 19,20<strong>09</strong>: “Siqura: Taking the Drama out of Life.”The promotion will feature a series of lightheartedadvertisements demonstratingdifferent ways Siqura solutions help to makethe world a safer and more pleasant place tolive. The company will also apply the Siquralogo to all Optelecom-NKF products as part ofits efforts to improve global awareness of ourbrand and to position it as a familiar,accessible, and reliable trademark.Optelecom-NKF Wins Traffic ManagementProject for El Fresno Tunnel in thePrincipality of Asturias, SpainOptelecom-NKF, Inc. a leading global supplier ofadvanced video surveillance solutions has won amajor traffic management technology contract inSpain. Optelecom-NKF will work with IndraSistemas, S.A. (Indra), Spain’s leading informationtechnology company, to design and deploy acombined traffic monitoring and automaticincident detection (AID) system in the 949 meterlong El Fresno Tunnel, located along the A-63highway in the Principality of Asturias, NorthernSpain. Terms of the contract were not disclosed.Plans call for the El Fresno Tunnel’s local<strong>IP</strong>/Ethernet network system to utilize eighteenSiqura® TrafficServers, multiple Siqura domecameras, located at tunnel entrances, and twentytwofixed cameras spanning the interior of thetunnel to stream real-time video to a centralcontrol room.The TrafficServer is an award winning intelligentsolution for traffic management and incidentdetection. It offers a combination of incidentdetection, traffic data collection, and cameramonitoring in a single, temperature-hardenedmodule. The TrafficServer provides real-time dataand image information for optimal traffic controland accurate incident detection.“We’re pleased to be working with Indra to improvetraffic management and road safety in the El18_issue 24Fresno Tunnel,” said Dave Patterson, Optelecom-NKF’s president and CEO. “Video incident detectionis a fast and reliable tool for managing traffic,controlling secondary accidents, and saving lives.Our TrafficServer alerts operators to incidents sothey can quickly assess and initiate responses torapidly occurring events.”The TrafficServer’s AID technology extends tunneloperators’ eyes and ears to detect abnormal trafficconditions, including stopped vehicles, laneoccupancy and flow speed, sudden speed changes,the presence of pedestrians, and smoke.Indra Senior Account Executive, Julian DiazMontoya added, “Optelecom-NKF was able to meetthe complex needs of this project: To provide thecontrol room with both the images and data toenable effective decision making for optimizingtraffic flow and incident detection.”About IndraIndra is the premier information technology (IT) company inSpain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and LatinAmerica. It is ranked as the second European company in itssector by stock market capitalization and also the secondSpanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008,revenues reached Euro 2,380 million, a third of which camefrom the international market. The company employs morethan 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than ninetycountries.About Optelecom-NKFOptelecom-NKF, Inc. manufacturer of Siqura® advancedvideo surveillance solutions, provides a full range ofcameras, video servers/codecs, network video recorders,fiber transmission equipment, video content analysisapplications, and video management software based onan open technology platform that simplifies integrationand installation.Our Siqura solutions offer a perfect blend of ease of useand processing power, enabling end-users to optimize theeffectiveness of their surveillance systems while reducingthe total cost of ownership. All products and solutions aredeveloped and tested for professional and mission criticalapplications.We deliver complete solutions for the Traffic Monitoring,Public Transport, Industrial and Commercial Security, andGovernment markets. Our systems are deployed byprofessionals at highway departments, airports, seaports,casinos, public transport authorities, hospitals, citycenters, shopping centers, and corporate, military, andgovernment campuses.Optelecom-NKFZuidelijk Halfrond 42801DD GoudaThe Netherlandswww.optelecom-nkf.comwww.siqura.com

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong><strong>IP</strong>-in-ActionNew CCTV surveillance system at Gunsan Port, South KoreaIn a project undertaken with South Korean partner,Tuvics Co. Limited, COE has provided a videotransmission and management solution for GunsanPort in South Korea.Gunsan Port is located at the estuary of Keum River in thecentral region on the west coast of South Korea. GunsanPort has a rich history, being the principal point of ricetradefor its region of South Korea from as early as the1300s. In recent years, the port has become a majorcommercial hub handling more than 20 million tones ofcargo annually distributed over some 4600 meters ofpiers. A variety of products now pass through Gunsan, withdedicated wharfs for cement, oil & silica, and a large carexclusivequay for shipping from manufacturing facilities.Given the large physical area of Gunsan Port, COE’ssuperior video transmission technologies were animportant factor in maintaining high quality video atcontrol rooms stationed throughout the port. Highquality picture and sound over an extended distance wasessential to the success of the installation and COE’sequipment provided an excellent solution to thischallenge. At Gunsan Port, Tuvics implemented an <strong>IP</strong>network infastructure through integrating a variety ofCOE transmission equipment. COE’s X-Net H-Card (H.264)encoders were used at the camera source to convertanalogue output from the cameras to digital, H.264compressed video. This video signal was then passedthrough COE X-Net Ethernet Switches. The X-Net EthernetSwitch is a new product from COE and includes seven10/100BaseT ports and three Gigabit RJ-45/SFP opticcombo ports, enabling up to seven Ethernet inputs to betransmitted via each switch. At Gunsan Port, multiple X-Net Ethernet Switches were deployed, utilising theflexibility of combo optical fibre and gigabit RJ-45 outputsto provide seamless transmission of video, PTZ controland alarms across the large network area of the site.Prior to the installation of their surveillance system,Gunsan Port’s security measures were restricted to an20_issue 25alarmed fence to detect security breaches. One of thekey challenges in designing and implementing this projectwas the integration of their existing alarm system for thefence with COE’s Video Management System (VMS)enterprise software for system management.In addition to integrating alarm responses from theperimeter fence to the VMS system, COE has also enabledPTZ cameras around the perimeter to respond to thesealarms, redirecting to the point of contact along thebarrier fence as an alarm is triggered. This solutionenables operators to determine the nature of a threat totheir site both rapidly and securely, gaining insight as tothe best course of action before making any physicalapproach to the incident. Recording of this footage andall other video at Gunsan Port is enabled through COE’s X-Net Network Video Recorder (NVR) software. Thismodular, scalable recording solution for digital recording,storing and archiving of video from analogue & <strong>IP</strong>cameras was integrated with the existing fencing alarmsystem at Gunsan Port to provide a scalable solution forvideo recording and management at this project.Additional security for Gunsan Port is provided byintegration of COE’s X-Net VI video analytics package. X-Net VI, based on Agent VI technologies, distributesanalytical processing between the device at the edge ofthe network (encoder) and a remotely based server. Thisunique hardware/software combination ensures thatanalysis is performed on highest quality uncompressedvideo, whilst the processing power available throughutilising server based analysis is also retained. Thesystem installed at this Phase at Gunsan Port comprisesover 90 new analogue cameras which have beenenhanced with X-Net VI capabilities by addition of COEequipment.The core requirement of the Gunsan Regional MaritimeAffairs & Fisheries Office (GRMAFO) when commissioning anew video surveillance system was to heighten thesecurity of Gunsan Port whilst gaining control over themanagement and response to security threats.Integrating COE equipment, augmented by expertinstallation by Tuvics, this objective has been met, andGunsan Port has received a CCTV system that is bothcutting edge and fully scalable to expand as theirrequirements develop in the future.Yong Ill Woo, General Manager of Tuvics comments: “COEwere instrumental in the success of this project, providingexpert network architecture design and thesupplementary tools and support to enable my team toperform this installation to an exceptional standard. Thehigh quality of COE equipment supported our project atGunsan Port to the highest standard, and we are verypleased with the end result.”COE’s high quality, rugged products excel in the seaportenvironment, as evidenced by our installations at GunsanPort, the Port of Singapore, the Port of London and more.Veracity CAMSWITCH powers network video for NASAWhile NASA neither explicitly nor implicitlyendorses Veracity's products nor Axis' products,NASA has chosen to use CAMSWITCH by Veracityas well as the AXIS 207 Network Camera in theDesert RATS Space SuitVeracity, the leader in <strong>IP</strong> connectivity and transmissionsolutions, has enabled the NASA Desert RATS (DesertResearch and Technology Studies) team to powernetwork video cameras located on their researchers’astronaut backpacks whilst on the move.Comprised of NASA personnel as well as NASA partners,NASA’s Desert RATS are a NASA-led team who worktogether to prepare for human-robotic exploration inspace. Each year, the team conducts field testdemonstrations of extra-vehicular hardware underrepresentative planetary surface terrain conditions inthe Arizona desert.The RATS activities also help develop the necessarylevels of technical skills and experience for the nextgeneration of engineers, scientists, technicians, andastronauts who will be responsible for realising thegoals of NASA’s Constellation Program.NASA is using Veracity’s CAMSWITCH Quad to supplypower to an AXIS 207 network camera. The camera ismounted on backpacks worn by RATS researchers whoare wearing working space suits and the cameraprovides a forward facing view of the scene ahead.The CAMSWITCH QUAD is located within the backpackitself and was chosen by NASA due to size, ruggedconstruction, and the ability to take DC power.Veracity’s CAMSWITCH QUAD offers a cost-effective,rugged four plus-one-port 100BaseT Ethernet industrialnetwork switch especially designed for networked videoapplications. Four of the ports offer Power overEthernet (PoE) for powering network cameras via theCAT5 network cable. The fifth port on the opposite sideof the case provides a convenient downstream networklink for easy cable management.Scott Sereboff, CEO of Veracity USA, mentioned that:“CAMSWITCH’s versatility made it a winner for the folksat NASA. Whether or not the RATS space suit ever windsup on a shuttle or moon mission, the fact that Veracity’sCAMSWITCH is within it is immensely flattering and atestament to the design of the unit and the people whoengineered it from drawing to product.”Alastair McLeod, managing director, Veracity UK Limited,commented:“CAMSWITCH QUAD is ideal for this application as it caneasily be powered by a DC power source and is ruggedenough for the most extreme conditions.”

<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong><strong>IP</strong> Intercom for Thomas Miller Building from CommendA prestigious English company, established over many years,Thomas Miller is a London based company operating in theFinancial Market. Underwriting Insurers, they have workedalongside many companies operating out of theCommonwealth, and predominantly within the Shippingmarket.As part of their development, the company decided to movelocation to the old Zurich Insurance Building at 90 FenchurchStreet. The whole building, whilst architecturally endearingfrom the outside, needed to be completely re-built internally,with new internal offices, office equipment, security systems,CCTV and a reception area.John Morgan of Service Com acted for the company as aConsultant for the procurement of the security and CCTVsolutions. John has worked with Commend UK Ltd (the newname for Complus Teltronic Ltd), for many years, and knewthat a system from Commend would be the best solution forthe customer, achieving high quality of speech, reliability andwould be future proof.The ProjectThere are six floors in the Thomas Miller building, five ofwhich are occupied by the Underwriters. To ensure there iscommunication throughout the building, especially in times ofemergency, it was decided to put loudspeakers on all floorsand hide them under the ceiling tiles in all except thebasement floor. These Penton Loudspeakers supplied bySisys, connect to the Commend system using KE 520’s(Amplifiers) and operate over the <strong>IP</strong> (Internet Protocol)network using Commend’s ET 901’s (<strong>IP</strong> Gateway’s).In the reception area, an EE 811 hands free Master station isused to make announcements throughout the building and toreceive and make calls to the entrances. Mounted on thisstation is a small CCTV monitor. This screen is split into fourlive images which take views from the four entrances. When acall is made, the operator can see where the call is comingfrom on the Master station, but can also verify them on themonitor. The image can then be made larger on the screen sothat the operator can see and talk to the caller.There are four main entrances, each of which has a CommendSlave station so that visitors can call to request access.The RequirementThe main requirements were for all the security systems inthe building to run over <strong>IP</strong> and for the entire system to becurrent, for at least 10 – 15 years. Access intercom wasrequired at all entrances to the building and a public addresssystem on all floors, from the basement to the 6th for bothsecurity and emergency announcements. CCTV camerasneeded to be installed around the exterior of the building toverify who callers are and for general security surveillance.Access Intercom was needed at the following entrances:• Goods In entrance• V<strong>IP</strong> entrance• Main entrance• Underground car park• Front entranceEach intercom station calls back to an EE 811 Master stationsituated in the main foyer. On this master station is a smallmonitor. This screen shows a picture split into 4. Each ofthese images shows a camera shot of each of the entrances,so that the operator can see who is calling.A secondary Master station is housed in the Facility Managersoffice which also has all the functionality of the receptionMaster station.With the versatility of the Commend <strong>IP</strong> solution, the wholesystem in London, including integrated CCTV can be operatedby Thomas Millers’ other office on the Isle of Man.The SolutionTim Hasslegrave the Contracts Manager for Thomas Millerstated “The quality of speech that we get is good, our mainproblem was with ambient noise from the street outsidemeaning that the people answering the calls could not hearwhat was being said”The Commend Intercom equipment has resolved this via itsadjustable ambient noise level settings, enabling volumelevels to be set to enhance speech and reduce backgroundnoise.Pan Nordic Logistics, delivers Greater Asset Protectionwith Avigilon HD Surveillance SystemAvigilon HD Surveillance System helps track deliveryof goods to protect against theft and loss andheightens overall securityPan Nordic Logistics, the Nordic region’s leadingtransportation and logistics company, has deployed theAvigilon High Definition (HD) Surveillance System at its mainterminal to improve security and ensure the safe delivery ofgoods. Pan Nordic Logistics selected the Avigilon HDsurveillance solution because its superior image quality,reliability, and ease-of-use dramatically expedites theinvestigation process.“The image quality delivered by the Avigilon HD SurveillanceSystem is at least two steps ahead of anything else I’ve seen,and a remarkable improvement over our previous analogbasedsystem,” said Bengt-Eric Johansson, security managerat Pan Nordic Logistics. “We can now confidently track thedelivery of packages throughout the transportation andlogistics supply chain to prove without a doubt that we havefulfilled our obligations and done our job.”With the assistance of Santek Bevakningsteknik AB, a localprovider of surveillance system design, installation, andservice, Pan Nordic Logistics installed 15 Avigilon HD cameras,ranging from two to eleven megapixels to monitor allentrances and exits, dock doors, the main logistics terminal,the checkpoint for drivers, and the drivers’ lunchroom. Toleverage their existing investment in 22 analog surveillancecameras, the company deployed seven Avigilon Analog VideoEncoders. With access from four monitors, the teamseamlessly manages the Avigilon HD Surveillance Systemusing Avigilon Control Center network video managementsoftware with HD Stream Management and installed fiveAvigilon HD network video recorders (NVR) to store up to 37days of continuous video.“While the transportation and logistics industry hasremained relatively unchanged when it comes to the modesof transport used to deliver goods around the world, thevalue of the goods being shipped today has changed, risingdramatically over the years,” said Dave Tynan, vice presidentof global sales at Avigilon. Consequently, so has the risk ofasset theft.With the Avigilon HD Surveillance System in place, Pan NordicLogistics can conduct investigations 50 percent faster thanbefore, saving time that can now be used for other tasks andcontributing to the system’s overall return on investment(ROI.) Avigilon’s enhanced image quality offers the evidenceneeded to prove the company’s innocence when facingclaims of lost or stolen goods. By eliminating the cost ofhaving to cover false claims, the Avigilon HD SurveillanceSystem will pay for itself within three years. Pan NordicLogistics has made surveillance a priority across the entiretransportation and logistics supply chain and as a result, canreduce the risk of external or internal theft and ensure thesafe delivery of goods around the world. Because Pan NordicLogistics can count on the reliability and image clarity of theAvigilon HD Surveillance System, surveillance footage hasonce again become a critical investigation tool for the team,delivering superior evidence to confirm and convict.Avigilon Control Center with HDSMAvigilon Control Center is the award winning HD networkvideo management software with High Definition StreamManagement (HDSM) that delivers full situational awarenessand detail, leading to faster response times, reducedinvestigation times, and superior overall protection. AvigilonControl Center is a secure and reliable open enterprise classnetwork video management platform for capturing,managing, and storing high definition surveillance videowhile efficiently managing bandwidth and storage. Providingthe industry with a complete HD and megapixel surveillancesystem, Avigilon offers the industry’s greatest choice in HDcameras from one to 16 megapixels.issue 25_21

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Round-upDVR / NVR Product Round-upThe latest in a series of product round-ups in which weinvite our Affiliate (Company) Members to submit theproducts that in their view are the most innovative.Synectics Mobile SystemsUnit 4 Wyrefields Poulton Le Fylde Lancs. FY6 8JX. United KingdomTelephone: 01253 891222Synectics T1000, Digital Video RecorderProduct Description: The T1000 is a best in class product with theability to record up to 16 channels at real time 25 frames per second,true D1 resolution. Designed specifically for the demandingTimeSight Systems16000 Horizon Way Suite #800 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 - United StatesTelephone: 856.206.9739 x 214TimeSight Video Surveillance Appliance NVRProduct Description: TimeSight Systems offers the first intelligentNetwork Video Recorder (NVR) that utilizes Video LifecycleManagement (VLM) and Motion Optimized Recording (MORe) for both<strong>IP</strong> and Analog cameras. It can support hundreds of high-resolutionVGA cameras on a single appliance. By applying VLM to video, usersdramatically reduce risk and storage requirements without sacrificingresolution, frame rate, or retention. An Analog Camera EnvironmentBrivo Systems LLC4330 East West Highway Suite 250 Bethesda, MD 20814 USATelephone: 647.880.4992OVR WebServiceProduct Description: OVR WebService provides centralized videostorage for Brivo’s ACS WebService, a Web-hosted access controlsolution. View live or event-related video at a fraction of the cost oftraditional hardware DVRs—all fully integrated with the access controlsystem and accessible via the Internet. OVR WebService supports up tofour cameras per connection, and an unlimited number within theOptelecom-NKFZuidelijk Halfrond 4 2801 DD Gouda The NetherlandsTelephone: +31 182 592 215Siqura i-NVR+ EliteProduct Description: The Siqura® i-NVR+ Elite complements the Siqura<strong>IP</strong> surveillance portfolio with a cost-effective, highly reliable rackmount video storage solution. In combination with the supplied client,Siqura Operator Storage, or the Siqura MX SDK, the i-NVR+ Eliteforms an essential part of the video surveillance application bystoring and retrieving vital video information. It fully supports thevideo streams of the S- and C-series video codecs/servers and <strong>IP</strong>Plustek UK Ltd.20a Church Road, Wolverhampton Shropshire. WV7 3LBTelephone: +44 (0)7888 844768Plustek NVR RangeProduct Description: The perfect solution to your video surveillance;The Plustek NVR4200 is a Network Video Recorder which provides M-JPEG, MPEG4 and H.264 encoding. It connects directly to your networkand is manageable through either your local network area or throughthe internet (from anywhere in the world). It offers a complete digitalsolution in an easy to install and user friendly package.The NVR4200 is compatible with a number of <strong>IP</strong> cam brands includingBiKal <strong>IP</strong> CCTV4th Floor 25 Eccleston Square London SW1V 1NS United KingdomTelephone: 08448042400HDNVR Network Video RecorderProduct Description: Wireless HDNVR from BiKal is a 4 to 16chnetwork video recorder featuring full 1080p HD video output with dualmonitor function. The NVR features EyeSoft surveillance softwaresupporting over 400 models of <strong>IP</strong> cameras and can be upgraded toinclude functions such as video analytics, POS & smoke detection. TheNVR also features hardware acceleration of H.264 video via its NVidia22_issue 25environments of bus and train, the recorder is designed specifically tominimise loss of critical footage which has hampered other systems inthe past.Technical Spec: The only DVR to offer true real time recording on allavilable 16 channels. It features a dual, integral power supply so that ifone power supply fails, the other will take over. The recorder alsofeatures solid state media backup. In the event of a heavy orcatastrophic collision, this is a backup in case of hard drive failure.(ACe) card allows analog cameras to migrate to H.264, allowing usersto benefit from VLM and Motion Optimized Recording (MORe) byapplying specific resolution, frame rate, and retention policies to nonmotionvideo, thereby controlling a company's storage investmentTechnical Spec: TimeSight’s Enterprise platform is designed in a 2U rackmount chassis powered by two Intel Xeon® Quad Core E5520 2.26GHzmicroprocessors. It is equipped with eight 3.5" hot-swap SATA harddrives, and utilizes RAID and a redundant 720W power supply forgreater system reliance.. The easy-to-use GUI allows for fast setup andsimple administration. Administrators can quickly define camera-basedrules for motion and non-motion events and establish compression andretention policies.WebService account. Since ACS WebService easily supports multiplelocations, all cameras on the system can be viewed and managedfrom a single centrally managed account! ACS WebService becomesthe single interface for all access and video within the account—regardless of location.Technical Spec: Professionally managed, geographically dispersed datacenters host OVR WebService video, providing a secure, redundantenvironment for unparalleled peace of mind. OVR WebService supportsup to four <strong>IP</strong> cameras per broadband connection, and an unlimitednumber of cameras for each ACS WebService account. The video runsat 5 frames per second and is viewable from any Web browser withoutthe need for network configuration—set up is complete in minutes.cameras. For other <strong>IP</strong> cameras please contact Optelecom-NKF.Technical Spec: The Siqura i-NVR+ Elite supports scheduled backgroundrecording in a FIFO cyclic buffer and alarm track recording withconfigurable pre- and post-event duration. Tracks can be retrievedbased on camera name, time/date, event, and user-definablebookmarks. Exported files are watermarked with a checksum to ensurecontent integrity. The i-NVR+ can simultaneously handle backgroundrecording for 64 streams, retrieving up to 32 tracks, and event-drivenrecording while at the same time executing all management tasks. Thei-NVR+ operates without the need for a central server or storagemanager, thus eliminating the risk of a single point of failure incomplex networks.AXIS; MOBOTIX; SONY; PANASONIC; PELCO and VIVOTEK. This ensures acomprehensive surveillance solution for any situation.Technical Spec: The Plustek NVR series are designed with split LAN andWAN ports to ensure the bandwidth of each port and provide themaximum possible transmission signals between the <strong>IP</strong> Camera,storage, and management. Furthermore, the Linux based design offersthe best energy saving consumption on the market and is also lessvulnerable to virus attacks compared to other PC-based recorders. Asone of the innovating security recorder companies, Plustek also designthe NVRs under the DMS theory (Distributed Management System),users can not only expand according to their needs but also managethe infrastructure incrementally for maximum security!graphics processor featuring Cuda / PhysX technology which is alsoused to offload analytics processing to the GPU for increased NVRperformance. The NVR is also supplied with an Air or Gyro mouse forkeyboard free operation.Technical Spec: Intel Atom Dual Core Processor, 1.8Ghz, (overclocked)combined with Nvidia ION processor with PureVideo, Cuda, PhysXtechnology supporting up to 1080p resolution, VGA, DVI, HDMI (dualcapable), Coaxial + Optical Audio (7.1 surround), 2GB RAM, Gigabit Lan,WiFi (802.11b/g), 3 X SATA (RAID optional), 1 x e-SATA, 6 x USB, Windows7/XP, 1TB (2TB optional) CD/DVD RW DL, (Blue Ray Optional), EyeSoftStandard Software, VC-1 video codec, Bluetooth Air Remote.Key Features:• 16 Channel ruggesdised DVR• H.264 Video compression• 400 frames per second global @ D1 resolution (real time)• 2 monitor outputs • Audio• Dual integral power supply• Integral accelerometer• Upto 2TB storage (2.5" SATA)• SD solid state backup E markedKey Features:• Automated Video Lifecycle Management capability• Capable of supporting hundreds of high-resolution VGA cameras• Motion Optimized Recording (MORe)• Analog Camera Environment (ACe) feature for analog cameras• Integration to many analog and <strong>IP</strong> Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) cameras• Windows-Based Interface with “drag & drop” camera placement• Supports standard video controls• Multiple camera views for virtual matrix capability• User permission for greater security & management efficient• Advanced video management capabilitiesKey Features:• Fully integrated, online access control plus video service• Fully managed, redundant, disaster-tolerant network applicationthat operates across multiple facilities over any <strong>IP</strong> medium• Reduces over 80% of the up-front costs• Remotely view live & access event-tagged video in any browser• Provides video from one or 100 locations• View and manager video from one central account and at eachindividual camera location• Easy to install, easy to operate, and requires no on-site storage• Download and save video events for later playback• View video from any point in timeKey Features:• 32 or 64 stream input and up to 32 streams output• One CC event I/O stream per video stream input• High-density RAID 5 storage with SNMP support• 8 or 16 hot-swappable hard disks• Intelligent video motion detection• Integrated event handling• SDK support• Redundant power supply option• Robust industrial design (2HU or 4HU, 19 in. housing)• Supports MPEG-2/-4 and H.264Key Features:• Manage remotely via the LAN or Internet (offsite)• Reduce your storage requirements• Reduce your power consumption• Modular design with Distributed Management System• Dual backup Mode• Weekly Scheduled Recording• Auto <strong>IP</strong> System – Plug and play with <strong>IP</strong> cams• Supports camera functions such as motion detect and scenechange notification• ntegration with existing analogue systems• Ultra-Slim Compact Size• Remote Control via GANZ Vso<strong>IP</strong> SuiteKey Features:• Support 1080p Hi-Definition Audio & Video• Support Most Popular <strong>IP</strong> cameras, 400+ models• Support MegaPixel Cameras• Dual monitor output via DVI / HDMI• Video Analytics Capable• Hardware Video & Analytics Acceleration• Integrated Wireless, Place Anywhere• Keyboard Free Operation• Green NVR, less than 24watts power consumption

Round-up<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>CBC Europe Ltd7/8 Garrick Industrial Centre Irving Way London NW9 6AQ UKTelephone: 0208 732 3312Digimaster DVRProduct Description: The Ganz DIGIMASTER range of Real time DVR’soffer exceptional value for money along with state of the art featureswhich include; simultaneous live view, playback, network view, recordall at the same time. Smart search feature allows you to search for aspecific incident quickly and easily. The DVR can be operated usingmouse, front panel and IR remote control. Back-up of an incident canbe via integral DVD/CD, USB or via network. On board dome protocolsmake connection simple and easy. These protocols include Ganz PTCBC Europe Ltd7/8 Garrick Industrial Centre Irving Way London NW9 6AQ UKTelephone: 0208 732 3312VSo<strong>IP</strong> Suite NVRProduct Description: VSo<strong>IP</strong>3 Pro is GANZ’s latest network-based videomanagement system. Based on true client/server topology, VSo<strong>IP</strong>software suite seamlessly migrates all your CCTV images across any <strong>IP</strong>network. VSo<strong>IP</strong> integrates GANZ analogue DVR’s and digital <strong>IP</strong> devicesalong with third party manufacturers’ equipment into a cost-effectivesingle <strong>IP</strong> system that encompasses legacy installations. VSo<strong>IP</strong> providesa unique and consistent hybrid solution for both NVR and DVRequipment, working across multiple sites and remote locations. ThePanasonic Network Solutions EuropePanasonic House, Willoughby Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 8FPTelephone: 01344 853855WV-ND400 NDRProduct Description: Panasonic brings to the market the WJ-ND400high performance network hard disk recorder. The WJ-ND400 isdesigned specifically to meet the demands of megapixel camerarecording where high data throughput and large storage capacity arerequired. This licence-free NDR reduces the time and labour requiredfor network set-up; Easy <strong>IP</strong> Set-up lowers installation costs andmaintenance costs. The new concept NDR realises a level of usabilitynever before experienced. The new Panasonic WJ-ND400 is a marketDedicated Micros1200 Daresbury Park, Warrington WA4 4HS United KingdomTelephone: 0845 600 9500SD Advanced DVRProduct Description: A highly capable mid-range hybrid DVR, theSD Advanced builds on the extensive feature set of the SD Rangewith the addition of <strong>IP</strong> streaming & recording, front panel localcontrol, VGA main monitor support and Oracle Dome configuration.Technical Spec: Capable of the seamless recording & display of <strong>IP</strong>video streams from <strong>IP</strong> Cameras, domes, encoders & other NetVuConnected Video Servers offering viewing and recording of <strong>IP</strong>Sources, irrespective of the devices’ location. Telemetry is alsoDedicated Micros1200 Daresbury Park, Warrington WA4 4HS United KingdomTelephone: 0845 600 9500EcoSense DVRProduct Description: Dedicated Micros new entry-level DVR,provides low cost multi channel recording with simultaneousplayback and viewing. The EcoSense can be accessed andcontrolled from the state of the art touch sensitive front panel orvia a mouse or keyboard, giving the user full access to all the DVRsfeatures including Telemetry control, Alarm and EventManagement and Activity Detection. The EcoSense benifts fromBFI OPTiLAS LtdWolverton Mill Square Milton Keynes MK12 5ZY United KingdomTelephone: 07917 702651Avigilon NVMSProduct Description: BFi OPTiLAS distribute unique Plug & Playnetwork video recorders from Avigilon. The NVRs are suppliedconfigured for a seamless <strong>IP</strong> CCTV installation. Avigilon’s preinstalledaward winning video management software enablessimple end-user operation of the industry’s most advancedfeatures, exploiting the latest camera technology with minimaltraining. Its true open platform structure allows integration of allrange, Ganz OCP, Pelco P & Pelco D. Full alarm notification includingemail and network.Technical Spec: The GANZ DIGIMASTER-NRT takes the stand-aloneembedded DVR platform to the next level with 400 <strong>IP</strong>S recording andXVGA screen resolution. Up to 3TB of internal recording capacityprovides more than 60 days of recording time at a full D1 (704 x 576)resolution. PENTAPLEX performance allows simultaneous live andplayback viewing, ‘always-on’ MPEG-4 recording, scheduled or instantarchiving capabilities and strong networking features, with alloperations running independently of one another. An intuitive pointand click GUI provides a powerful yet user-friendly interface forcomplete system management. Enhanced “Smart Search” featuresallow object-oriented museum and motion-based search algorithms,enterprise video management system allows users to view live imagesand review recorded pictures from a variety of surveillance devicesand system configurations.Technical Spec: The VSo<strong>IP</strong> Suite is based on three different softwaremodules: the server, recorder and client. The server is the true core ofany VSo<strong>IP</strong> system and manages network communications using acentralised SQL-based audit trail that stores all system events. It alsomanages all available peripherals. Based on this structure, allsupported DVRs, <strong>IP</strong>-cameras, web-servers, I/O interfaces, receivers andclients are synchronised and monitored by unique or multiple servers,allowing easy system configuration and control of geographicallydistributed installations. Additional modules can be added such asVSo<strong>IP</strong> Touch, a Touch Screen Spot Monitor for all <strong>IP</strong> Devices, Videowall,leading network recorder, offering secure functionality and highreliability.Technical Spec: Up to 64 network cameras can be connected to the WJ-ND400 and their images and audio recorded simultaneously. The NDRhas 9 serial ATA HDD slots with each optional extension unit alsocontaining 9 serial ATA HDD slots for additional capacity, making theWJ-ND400 ideal for large scale surveillance systems. With hot plugsupport, drives can be replaced without any downtime, allowing 24/7operation. For high reliability, the WJ-ND400 supports RAID 5/6;enabling image data to be stored across multiple HDDs (minimum 4HDDs required). If one HDD (or two drives for RAID 6) should fail,recordings can be recovered from the remaining HDDs without any lossof data. The unit also features embedded OS and data encryption.supported. Offering up to 400pps across the unit (16 Channelmodel), the SD Advanced has a default setting of 5pps (2CIF) percamera irrespective of the model allowing the unit to be installedwith minimum configuration. AnalyticsCapable products can beupgraded to run a range of Dedicated Micros analytics componentsincluding; ANPR, Object Left/Removed, Detection Tripwire andCounting Tripwire. (A hardware or software licence upgrade may berequired). With complete integration between the Oracle Dome andSD Advanced, users are able to configure the PTZ dome directlyfrom the DVR. When used in combination with the latest features ofNetVu Console, up to 16 SD Advanced DVRs can be controlled from asingle keyboard interface providing live and playback viewing,monitor and camera control. Ideal for situations where the unitsare centrally located and configured in a monitor wall scenario.on-board help videos for assistance on both User andConfiguration features.Technical Spec:• 4, 8 or 16 Channel models, up to 200pps (@ CIF Resolution) acrossthe unit.• Simultaneous Live viewing and Recording• On-board help/training videos for User• Configuration features D1/4CIF/2CIF/CIF record rate at 3/3/6/12ppsper camera• State of the art touch sensitive front control panel• Simple graphical interface controlled via USB Mouse or TelemetryKeyboard.analogue, <strong>IP</strong> and multi mega pixel cameras. It is the first and onlyHD software to record millions of pixels of data using losslesscompression to eliminate compression artefacts. Avigilon’s broadrange has put it three years ahead of other MP offerings.Technical Spec: Each NVR makes use of enterprise class hardwarefor outstanding reliability and performance. Its simultaneous datastriping across all disks enables it to be the most efficient HDrecorder available, just one NVR can record 96 ‘Lossless’ videostreams. The pre-installed video management software holds someof the industry’s first features such as intuitive virtual PTZ zones,dynamic screen contrast control and efficient user control for themost common features. Avigilon’s High Definition StreamManagement enables Avigilon to provide the highest image qualityfor more efficient searching of recorded video data.Key Features:• 400 <strong>IP</strong>S Real-Time DVR• USB Mouse, IR Remote & Keyboard Control• High Image Quality - XVGA Live Display• Efficient MPEG-4 Compression• 4 Spot Outputs with Quad Display• Advanced Smart & Panorama Search• Archive to DVD or USB Memory Stick• Full VSo<strong>IP</strong> Suite Inegration• Panic button recording mode with adjustable settings• SV35 Seagate Hard disk drives engineered for Digital VideoSurveillance optimize performance and improve reliabilityDisplays up to 25 images simultaneously across 4 monitors and VSo<strong>IP</strong>Gateway, Transcoding of images to allow access via PDA/Mobile Phone.Key Features:• Integration into new or existing <strong>IP</strong> networks• Integration with all Ganz CCTV products including Video Codecs, <strong>IP</strong>cameras, encoders, multi-channel decoders, VSo<strong>IP</strong> Video Wall• Integration with third-party equipment• View ANYWHERE, ANY TIME, ANY SITE live images from <strong>IP</strong> cameras, <strong>IP</strong>Codecs, or DVRS• View ANYWHERE, ANY TIME, ANY SITE recorded images from VSo<strong>IP</strong>Recorder, Ganz 4 channel encoder and DVRS• Alarm notification and management to all• Tailored rights for every operatorKey Features:• Up to 64 network cameras can be connected & images recorded.• Various Recording Modes• Panasonic Camera Control: Pan/Tilt, Zoom, Focus, Brightness, PresetPosition and Auto Mode.• Audio from up to 64 i-Pro network cameras recorded/play back.• Flexible playback controls.• HDD capacity is expandable up to 27TB with 9HDD slots in the mainunit and up to 5 optional Hard Disk Extension Unites with 9HDD slots• MPEG-4 and JPEG multi format.• 200 Mbps throughput: for Megapixel i-Pro Network Cameras.• The WJ-ND400 is Licence free• Two network interfacesKey Features:• Local control from the front panel.• Real-time display.• 8, 12 or 16 channelmodels, up to 400pps across the unit.• Composite or VGA main monitor.• <strong>IP</strong> Streaming and Recording.• AnalyticsCapable – deploy DM analytics components• Transcoding – High quality using MPEG4 or JPEG• MultiMode Recording - Dynamically-switchable• Text Support – capture, record and search text data• DVD-writer and USB ports for download of video archive• NetVu Connected.• Embedded Operating System• Control Multiple Units from a single SD Advanced• DVD writer and USB ports for download of video archive toexternal storage device.Key Features:• On-board help videos for assistance• Colour Coded User Interface• Low cost multi-channel recording• User friendly state-of-the-art touch sensitive control panel• Benefits from TransCoding technology• Interoperable with other NetVu Connected products• Extensive features and capabilities at low cost• Developed by the world’s leading DVR manufacturer• Unified control optionsand frame rate at the lowest bandwidth for real time video acrosslimited bandwidth links.Key Features:• Four hour ‘On Site’ response to faults.• Record 1 to 16 mega pixel cameras losslessly.• Lifetime support and access to quarterly software updates.• Open Platform design for all leading <strong>IP</strong> and Analogue cameras.• Integration options for Access Control, ANPR & Analytics etc.• View & Record JPEG2000, H.264, MPEG-4 and JPEG.• Auto find camera feature for plug and play installations.• Compliant with 20<strong>09</strong> HOSDB CCTV Guidelines and Encryption.• Raid 5 & other redundancy and expansion options.• Record 96 camera channels - 2880 images per secondissue 25_23

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>19 <strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>09</strong>Sokolniki Expo, Moscow, RussiaPenetrating the Russian Market - A Unique OpportunityAn opportunity to Penetrate the Soviet Block atALL-Over-<strong>IP</strong> Expo in Moscow by participating andintroducing the benefits of <strong>IP</strong> based Security andSafety Technology, was one that we felt we couldnot ignore.We are delighted that <strong>IP</strong> Focus and the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong>have been appointed Primary Media Sponsors forthis unique event to be held on 19th <strong>Nov</strong>ember 20<strong>09</strong><strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> Magazine is being distributed at this eventfor the first time this year and has allowed ourmembers to take advantage of this enormousopportunity specificallly aimed at the Russian andformer Soviet Marketplace.If you are looking to do business or gain access tothis lucrative market NOW is a great time to putyour products and services in front of thesepotential clients.ALL-OVER-<strong>IP</strong> Exhibitors to IntensifyContacts with Russian CustomersThe September 20<strong>09</strong> Security Sales & IntegrationMagazine offers a report covering security enduser statistics. Over 60% of end users say theirbudget/funding is their company’s biggestobstacle in achieving a more secure workplace."Despite all the market fluctuations, Russianend-users are willing to purchase" – saysAlexander Vlasov, business developmentexecutive at Groteck Business Media. – We cansee a significant increase in tender activities and"spontaneous" purchases. Besides, deals areheating up in any autumn season.""As security spendings have been cut down,vendors and distributors will have to intensifyinforming customers on technical and economicadvantages of their solutions. There are muchless money available on the market now, and thenumber of customers are still the same."24_issue 24About All-over-<strong>IP</strong>All-over-<strong>IP</strong> Business Forum is held by GroteckBusiness Media, the largest Russian B2B mediacompany, in conjunction with security, IT, telecomand broadband professionals. Vendors are provideda unique route to top managers and decisionmakersof Russian customers. Key defferentiators ofthe Forum:• <strong>IP</strong> focused event for all professionals concerned,• carefully prequalified audience – meet customerswho have purchasing budgets for 2010!• direct access to leading distributors, resellers andsystem integrators – find partners!• direct access to key end-users – promote yourbrand!• a combination of exhibition, seminar, conference,contest and club events – use various types ofcommunication to contact customers!• business deals and projects in the focus ofattention.All the advantages given above are key factors inobtaining a higher ROI than at any otherprofessional events in Russia. Participants savetime, money and organizational efforts: 1 day – 1venue – 1000 customers prepared for businesscommunication.All-over-<strong>IP</strong> Business Forum includes 11 product areas:• <strong>IP</strong> Video Surveillance• <strong>IP</strong> Access Control• Vo<strong>IP</strong>, <strong>IP</strong> Telephony• <strong>IP</strong> Intrusion & Fire Alarms• <strong>IP</strong>TV New 20<strong>09</strong>!On 19 <strong>Nov</strong>ember20<strong>09</strong>, SecondAnnual ALL-OVER-<strong>IP</strong>Forum will becomea venue for securityinstallers andsystem integratorsthat aim atexpanding theirbusiness in Russia-s regions, as well as enduserswho are looking forward to gettinginformation that will help them choose asupplier and certain products. They will bewelcomed by the leading global and Russianvendors and distributors of security, IT andtelecom solutions:www.all-over-ip.ru/conference/partners_20<strong>09</strong>"The fist thing we expect of All-over-<strong>IP</strong> Forum isincreasing of our brand awareness. We wouldlike to inform the attendants about our uniquetechnology." Lucian Ciobanu, MOBOTIX• Industrial Ethernet New 20<strong>09</strong>!• Communication Platforms, UnifiedCommunications New 20<strong>09</strong>!• Data Storage, Document Management SystemsNew 20<strong>09</strong>!• Intelligent Building, Business Continuity New20<strong>09</strong>!• Video Conference Communications New 20<strong>09</strong>!• ERP, CRM, SCM, BPM New 20<strong>09</strong>!CCTV Pro Show is the the largest gathering ofengineers, installers and technicians who are willingto get detailed information on video surveillancesolutions and compare various equipment ininstallation. What can you do at CCTV Pro Show?• gain access to tech professionals involved invideo surveillance installation and maintainanceeveryday 27/7,• educate engineers, installers and techniciansabout your products and services through yourwhole-day seminar programme,• allow tech professionals feel and touch yourproducts and value their advantages at yourbooth,• hold installer contests to allow tech professionalscompare advantages of various solutions andchoose the ones appropriate to their needs,•get instant feedback from Russian customers,• network with the senior decision-makers withinRussia's largest system integrators and corporateend-users."The Forum offers customers a chance to collectmaximum useful information during one daywith an extremely busy meeting schedule."Dmitry Streltsov, Mitsubishi Electric"We are determined on getting 5 large potentialprojects and 10 new partners. We’re also lookingfor analytics solution partners with the expertisefor value-adding Milestone integrations."Lawrence de Guzman, Milestone SystemsExhibitors: Axis Communications, Bosch Security,Milestone Systems, MOBOTIX AG, MitsubishiElectric, Panasonic, Promise Technology,Samsung, Sony, VERINT, Xtralis, AAM Systems,ABRON Holding, Aktiv-SB, Byterg, DSSL,EVRAAS.IT, Elvees, ID Systems, Itrium SPb,ITV/Axxon, Layta, Natex, ON.Com, Profiseti, SAE,Sigrand, Smartec, SMP, Softronic, Stilsoft,Teleinkom-PC, ELVEES, DSSL, Halon Security, IDSystems, MicroDigital Inc., VIDAU Systems.Primary Media Sponsor: <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong>(www.ipusergroup.com)

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Paul Hennings to AddressALL-over-<strong>IP</strong> forum, MoscowPaul Hennings of the <strong>IP</strong> User Group, will discuss why <strong>IP</strong>camera sales is expected to overtake analogue by 2010while network based surveillance software sales isexpected to grow by 37%. A European market surveyshowed that 2/3 considered <strong>IP</strong> as important to businessbut more than a half people claimed that they were notsufficiently informed about it. Among top applications of<strong>IP</strong> there were CCTV, time and access and integrated systems.Current trends:Paul, Editor of <strong>IP</strong> Focus stated “The industry is now in a state of flux moving from asales, installation and maintenance model to the much more creative customer facing,design, planning and implementation model as utilised in the IT industry. A model thatprovides on-going business, a growth path via further integration and convergence andultimately greater customer satisfaction”No doubt, technology in the security market today is changing. Surveillance, locks,doors, card readers, remote monitoring, gate and visitor control, fire detection andmore, are now on the network. <strong>IP</strong> technology provides an excellent return oninvestment coupled with exceptional benefits. All over the world, a great number ofbusinesses have already started to make the switch. Along the way they are findingthat <strong>IP</strong> technology is providing a security solution that is affordable. flexible, reliableand scalable but this is not going un-noticed by the IT Industry.An additional thought – in many European countries there are now legislative andeconomical reasons for going green and one of the major advantages of <strong>IP</strong> basedsolutions are ecological.The need to pull expensive copper to each camera is reduced by using existing networkinfrastructure, Power over Ethernet (PoE) has removed the need for separate powersupplies to be used for each devise and encouraged camera manufacturers to considerlower power consumption models even PTZ Cameras. Ultimately systems will movestorage and software applications to hosted service providers, further reducing theneed for capital expenditure, expensive hardware and special air conditioned IT serverrooms but retaining the flexibility of the solution. The ecological and economicarguments are very strong and where voice over <strong>IP</strong> has gone, Video over <strong>IP</strong> will almostcertainly follow in 20<strong>09</strong>/10. This will further increase the penetration of the IT,Telecommunications and Networking industries into the physical security sector.Search out our Affiliate MembersAxis CommunicationsProvider of <strong>IP</strong>-based network video solutions (Sweden)www.axis.comMilestone SystemsDeveloper of open platform <strong>IP</strong> video management software. (Denmark)www.milestonesys.comMOBOTIX AGDeveloper and manufacture of HiRes <strong>IP</strong> cameras for video surveillanceand web attraction solutions via network. (Germany)www.mobotix.comPanasonicOne of the world's premier security manufacturers. (Japan).www.panasonic.comVERINTLeading provider of Actionable Intelligence® solutions for enterpriseworkforce optimization and security intelligence. (USA)www.verint.comXtralisSupplier of very early warning fire detection and integrated securitysolutions that help identify threats before life, critical infrastructureor business continuity is compromised. (Belgium)www.xtralis.comRegister FREE - www.ipusergroup.com<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> MembershipEnquiries:FREE Individual Registration -www.ipusergroup.comAffiliate Membership - Contact:Andy Hennings<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong>Direct: +44 (0) 1983 403693Skype: +44 (0) 121 288 6856andy.hennings@ipusergroup.comwww.ipusergroup.com

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>It’s Time to Consider <strong>IP</strong><strong>IP</strong> is here and it offers a myriad of benefits. But navigating the road to <strong>IP</strong> requires careful considerationof many factors, from network infrastructure to physical security needs.By Jeremy Kimber, EMEA Marketing Leader, Honeywell Systems GroupWhen it comes to new security installations, Internetprotocol (<strong>IP</strong>)-based systems are growing in prevalence asviable options alongside traditional analogue-basedapproaches. But how can one rationalize and navigate aswitch from analogue to <strong>IP</strong> — especially in light of tightbudgets, undecided industry standards and increasedscrutiny on new expenditures? The answer is complex,although one thing is certain: <strong>IP</strong> migration is not a matter ofif — it is simply a matter of when.Overall, industry research shows that the video surveillancemarket is approaching a tipping point, where the volumeand revenue of <strong>IP</strong> units will soon surpass analogue-basedsystems. And, as the market moves toward this point, theprice difference will fall, and the capabilities and benefits of<strong>IP</strong> will only continue to grow.For quite some time, the proprietary nature of <strong>IP</strong> systemshas been a primary barrier to <strong>IP</strong> adoption, but the tide ischanging. In the past year, two industry groups — thePhysical Security Interoperability Alliance (PSIA) and theOpen Network Video Interface Forum (ONVIF) — have eachemerged with the first versions of their <strong>IP</strong> systemspecifications. These specifications offer many potentialbenefits. In the case of PSIA, for example, the industrygroup’s standard aims to establish a primary protocolarchitecture not only for communication and compatibilitybetween <strong>IP</strong>-based cameras, but also with access, intrusionand building controls.Although market preference is for one agreed-uponstandard, this industry development helps further build thecase for <strong>IP</strong> adoption by making it easier than before andlaying a solid foundation for shifting to <strong>IP</strong>-based systems. Inlight of this inevitable shift, beginning a migration to <strong>IP</strong>basedsystems is a necessary way to future-proof anorganization and prepare for when <strong>IP</strong> will be the dominantform of video. To what degree one should migrate to <strong>IP</strong>,however, is a question with many possible answers.The way to most effectively implement <strong>IP</strong> depends on theneeds of an organization and the depth to which anorganization is willing to go with an installation. As such,one must consider several factors when considering <strong>IP</strong>. Interms of pure pricing, the difference between analogue and<strong>IP</strong> is noticeable, with <strong>IP</strong> carrying a price premium in today’smarket. <strong>IP</strong> cameras offer many feature advantages, though,such as higher resolution images, multiple inputs, relayoutput and two-way audio, among others—features thatcan’t be supported by analogue video. <strong>IP</strong> also enablesintelligent video capabilities built right into a camera, suchas motion detection or people counting features.<strong>IP</strong> migration is not necessarily an either-or situation,however. It’s not simply a matter of deciding whether anorganization should make the full switch to <strong>IP</strong> or not. Insome cases, <strong>IP</strong> can wait. For example, if an organization iscompletely analogue-based and plans to install around thissystem occasionally, with infrequent upgrades, then stickingwith analogue might make sense for the time being. But26_issue 25hybrid solutions, which include a mix of <strong>IP</strong> and analoguebasedtechnology, are one way to begin migrating systemsto <strong>IP</strong>. In many cases, organizations can leverage existingnetwork infrastructure and cabling to install <strong>IP</strong>-basedsystems, so the installation cost can actually be lower thanexpected due to less cabling.In addition to lower costs, migrations can also be simplerthan initial expectations due to the IT infrastructure andexpertise in place for the vast majority of organizationstoday. If an organization has solid IT capabilities andknowledge in place, this network familiarity will makeinstalling <strong>IP</strong> systems fairly smooth. Overall, whether anorganization is looking to make a complete switch to <strong>IP</strong> orconsidering a hybrid approach, network accessibility iscritical.In making the transition to <strong>IP</strong>, it is also critical fororganizations to bridge any gaps that may exist between ITand physical security departments and to ensure both sidesare involved in all decisions and developments associatedwith <strong>IP</strong> installations. <strong>IP</strong> introduces new components andconsiderations for security personnel, including networking,which entails a new skill set not typically required oftraditional security groups. Additionally, the traditionalsecurity aspect is something IT personnel are not as wellversed in. Thus, buy-in and involvement from both sides—from planning and implementing to keeping the system upand running—is critical for <strong>IP</strong> migrations.Once an organization decides to take on an <strong>IP</strong> migration,the benefits become apparent. Moving to the network worldprovides greater storage freedom, since conventional ITtypes of storage systems are also capable of storing video.<strong>IP</strong>-based systems offer “edge intelligence,” and in additionto advanced recording and analytics, this provides simplephysical benefits, as well. These cameras reduce theamount of cabling and storage space typically required bytheir analogue counterparts. Because the cameras haveedge devices and recording solutions, no cabling is neededfor routing back to encoders and DVRs. Pushingfunctionality out to the cameras helps simply ease thephysical space problem commonly encountered withtraditional analogue-based systems.Consider the case of PTZ cameras, for example. <strong>IP</strong>-basedPTZ cameras offer advantages over analogue versions forseveral reasons. These cameras are complex systems, andin order to install an analogue dome, one would have to runanalogue, serial and power cables. With <strong>IP</strong>-based cameras,however, there is no need for different data and videocables. Thus, in addition to benefits including moreintegration and control capabilities, <strong>IP</strong>-based cameras canalso help alleviate space issues.In addition to taking up less space, <strong>IP</strong>-based systems arealso good options to consider for situations involvingremote access and security. A recent customer exampleproves just how beneficial <strong>IP</strong> can be. The company iscomprised of many geographically dispersed sites, and itsought to improve the physical security of these locations.To do so, the company installed a hybrid camera solutionthat combines with access control and intrusion. Thesystem processes analogue camera input, stores that datalocally and then provides a network interface that allowscompany personnel to remotely access camera units toquickly verify alarms.Of course, any time systems run on a network,organizations must make it a point to ensure the rightprecautions are in place to keep systems secure andrunning smoothly, and <strong>IP</strong> is no exception. Having the rightpeople in place with the necessary network knowledge —such as proper segmentation of the network to preventnetwork bottlenecks that can threaten system performance— is critical for <strong>IP</strong>-based systems. These individuals shouldbe well versed in how to properly manage devices over anetwork, as well.When it comes to system security, both <strong>IP</strong> and analoguebasedsystems each have their own sets of requirements.Because <strong>IP</strong> systems are housed on a network, the same ITsecurity technology and considerations must be applied.Incidentally, the threat of security breaches for either typeof system often comes down to a question of physicalsecurity. Individuals can easily hack into analogue systems,for example, by simply cutting cables and installing theproper connectors in order to get a video feed. Also, if alocation lacks proper physical security, network-basedsystems are also vulnerable, no matter how much networksecurity is in place. For example, one classic hacking caseinvolved a person simply picking a facility’s locks and thenstealing passwords, which enabled him to easily access an<strong>IP</strong>-based telephone network. Overall, organizations mustapply a complete and thorough approach to securingsystems, regardless of their analogue and <strong>IP</strong>-basedcomponents.The same is true when considering <strong>IP</strong>. One must take a lookat an <strong>IP</strong>-based approach from all angles, and consider howand where to apply it to meet an organization’s needs.Whether an organization is simply looking to dip its toe inthe <strong>IP</strong> pool and install one camera, or it’s looking to makethe full analogue-to-<strong>IP</strong> switch, realised value can be gleanedfrom each scenario — when <strong>IP</strong> is applied correctly, carefullyand strategically.Honeywell Systems GroupUnit 6 Aston Fields RoadWhitehouse Industrial EstateRuncorn. WA7 3DLTel: +44 (0) 1928 754 008www.honeywellsecurity.com

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>On-the-RecordOn-the-Record; Richard White,Managing DirectorKane Computing Ltd (KCL)The latest in the series of interviews with those influencingthe future of security and surveillance technology. <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>quizzes those in the know and gains an insight into opinionsthat will be shaping the industry in the future.Q. How do you see the <strong>IP</strong> networking market developing in the short and longterm?A. <strong>IP</strong> networking is the new coax. Digital is the new analogue. It is everywhere,from TV transmission, personal cameras and consumer products. The use of <strong>IP</strong>networking for video security is taking off at a slower pace than these otherareas because of the existing analogue solutions and the same old concernsregarding 'different' technology and what new problems it can be bring. "Do Ialways need a PC? What about LAN broadwidth for normal stuff?"Q. Where is KANE COMPUTING’s place in the market?A. KCL's background is technology based with a knowledge of signal processingand video processing/compression for video security, broadcast, scientific andindustrial applications. We therefore understand what can be achieved andwhat cannot be achieved. We also understand what a customer needs andadvise on how their needs can be met.Q. What new plans does KANE COMPUTING have to help installers make the jump?A. We do not work with installers but can educate the system integrators and alsospecifiers to understand and request digital systems.Q. How can traditional security/CCTV/Access Control installers win contractsagainst IT integrators? What is the best piece of advice you could give?A. Installers, like anyone in this changing world have to be prepared to learn andadapt, so my advice would be 'if you can't beat them join them". There are twothings users need to see, firstly an understanding of their needs and then asolution that appears simple, effective and sensible. Installers have theexperience of the problems and needs and this is more important thantechnical knowledge if the supplier does not know how to apply it.Integrators are winning out over traditional installers because they areprepared to listen and learn from customers. Some installers have found it tooeasy to offer the traditional solutions in the past and maybe have their headsstuck in the sand.Q. Does KANE COMPUTING support the idea of independent consultantsrepresenting installers?A. I think installers need to talk to technical experts, such as KCL to understandthe options and the pros and cons of analogue and digital solutions.Q. Where does the UK and Europe sit with <strong>IP</strong> in regards to the rest of theworld? Is the UK CCTV and Access Control market too mature forwholesale <strong>IP</strong> penetration? And will <strong>IP</strong> penetration be mainly via hybrid,add-on systems in the UK? Is this the ideal way to start and will the restof the world follow?A. China, Japan etc accept new technologies far quicker than the UK and areprepared to change. The UK video security market is much moreestablished (saturated?) using analogue technology and so new (<strong>IP</strong>based) systems are not as prevalent as in the past. Integration of <strong>IP</strong> withexisting analogue systems is happening more and more.Q. How long will it be before <strong>IP</strong> penetrates the access control and intruderalarm sectors in the same way as it has with CCTVA. The use of <strong>IP</strong> for integrated security systems including access control andintruder alarms is developing quickly and in some cases video can be anextra function to <strong>IP</strong> access control systems.Q. How do you see the role of the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> and <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> developing inthe coming Months and Years?A. The <strong>IP</strong> User Group and <strong>IP</strong> Focus are doing an excellent job is educatingand bringing together users, suppliers, consultants and integrators toobtain a better knowledge and more confidence in <strong>IP</strong>.In the future perhaps the <strong>IP</strong> User Group should be rebranded to deemphasisethe "<strong>IP</strong> technology" and maybe re-emerge as the networkeddigital security and facilities group?About KANE COMPUTINGKCL (www.kanecomputing.co.uk) has been providing Image Processing, DSPand high performance computing products for use in industry, educationand research since 1987 and is a Texas Instruments Third Party Partnerspecialising in consultancy and advice on TI development tools/platformsand image processing applications.KCL have extensive knowledge and experience of providing videocompression solutions for many industries particularly for digital videosecurity and high quality broadcast applications. KCL has a policy ofcontinual improvement and operates its business in accordance with therequirements of ISO9001:2000.28_issue 25

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Erste Bank uses Milestone <strong>IP</strong> video platformto protect 139 locations across the Ukraine.1,300 Axis network cameras aremanaged through 140 XProtectservers for both local and centralcontrolJSC Erste Bank was founded in 2006, after ErsteGroup, one of the leading financial institutionswith 190 years experience in Central and EasternEurope, entered the Ukrainian market. TodayErste Bank Ukraine serves its retail customers,small and medium size businesses, and largecorporate clients in 135 retail branches acrossthe Ukraine. It provides a wide range of bankingservices and products, including deposits andcurrent accounts, salary projects and creditcards, cash-settlement services, projectfinancing and treasury operations.Focusing on service quality and building longtermcustomer relations, the Erste Bank teamsprovide customers with all the advantages of thelargest financial groups in Europe. Erste Bankbases its customer relations on the principlesthat have been successful over the past 190years and are still used today: they understandthe individual needs of every customer andconstantly search for solutions to help buildfinancial independence.Since October 2007, Milestone XProtect <strong>IP</strong> videosoftware has been implemented across the ErsteBank Ukraine locations to manage a mix ofcamera models from Axis, Sony, IQinVision, JVC,and other manufacturers. As of 20<strong>09</strong>, 139 ErsteBank locations have Milestone video servers inoperation with 1,300 cameras monitoring thebuilding facilities that are anywhere from 100 to250 square meters in size.“The video controlsystems have beenmainly installed forsafety and securityreasons, i.e. to watchout for the safety ofcustomers and toprovide quality controlin our businessprocesses, insure against errors and fraud, andto improve service levels,” says Vadim Lazarev,Head of Technical Security, Erste Bank Ukraine.The authorized and certified Milestone PartnerLANIT – IV COM Ltd. participated in the tender onthe video control system installation for ErsteBank Ukraine, and presented to the bank theMilestone software with a scalable, future-proofopen platform. The software can be upgraded asnew improvements and innovations come along,and scaled to the widespread locations with bothlocal and central management abilities.“Milestone uses <strong>IP</strong> technology which is moreconvenient for us, and we know that thistechnology gives us the opportunity to advancein future. We chose Axis network cameras in themix because they have a reasonable correlationbetween good quality and price. We work withLANIT – IV COM because their company has anexcellent reputation all over the Ukraine,”explains Vadim Lazarev.The LANIT IT – IV COM Deputy Director is VladimirStefanenko. He reports: “The software at thecore of the system is Milestone XProtectEnterprise and XProtect Central, managing 1,300network video cameras of all types. Milestone isbuilt with an open platform that allows thewidest choice in hardware or other technologysupport, so we could put together a best-ofbreedsolution for Erste Bank that fits their exactneeds in every situation.”He describes how each bank branch has its ownlocal network – 140 servers are runningMilestone in each of the 139 bank locations andthe headquarters location, which has centralaccess to each of these with excellent overviewof the system operations and status at all times.Each branch location also has employees givenaccess to the system, which is set up in theMilestone user access rights.Altogether, 27 employees are working with theMilestone video management. The centralheadquarters access to each of the bankbranches means that they do not have to travelto each branch as much – quite a distance in thiswidespread geography – which saves costs intravel and time.“With the help of the Milestone videosurveillance, the control over differentoperations and incidents has been improved,”says Vadim Lazarev. “We haven’t had anyproblems with LANIT – IV COM Ltd regarding thepurchase or installation, and if necessary, theyare ready to support in servicing.”Vadim Lazarev continues: “Milestone recordedover 20 incidents which were not consideredcriminal offences according to the law. Ateenager who vandalized ATMs was revealed.One of the branches got images of a fraud artistand sent his photo to other banks all over theUkraine; as a result, this fraud artist wasarrested in one of the commercial banks.”About MilestoneMilestone Systems is the global leader of openplatform <strong>IP</strong> video management software. XProtectdelivers a powerful surveillance solution that is easyto manage, reliable and proven in thousands ofcustomer installations worldwide. With support forthe industry’s widest choice in network hardware andintegration with other systems, XProtect providesbest-of-breed solutions to ‘video enable’organizations - reducing costs, optimizing processes,protecting people and assets. Milestone software issold throughissue 24_29

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>CEM Systems Provides Access Control forDelhi International AirportCEM Systems have been awardedthe contract to provide accesscontrol for the new Terminal 3 inIndira Gandhi InternationalAirport, Delhi.The contract was awarded by ADT Security,India who will supply a fully integrated accesscontrol and <strong>IP</strong> video solution.Spanning 500,000 square meters andfeaturing more than 160 check-in counters,the new Terminal 3 is part of a phase ofplanned development work which shouldincrease the airport’s capacity from around20 million passengers per year to around 60million passengers per year.CEM’s industry leading AC2000 AE (AirportEdition) system will be installed at the airport.The flexibility and high quality offered by theAC2000 AE is a key factor in its suitability forthe airport environment. The system offersairport-specific access control and can becustomised to meet the unique needs of eachairport. As the AC2000 AE system wasdeveloped with the needs of airports in mindit features airport-specific applicationsincluding card reader door modes such as‘Passenger’, ‘Trolley’ and ‘Airbridge’.The Delhi installation will have approximately3000 CEM S610 <strong>IP</strong> card readers making it oneof the largest <strong>IP</strong> systems in the region. Thesystem will include two variations of theadvanced S610 <strong>IP</strong> card readers; S610e andS610F fingerprint reader.The S610e card reader offers an on-board10/100Mbps Ethernet connection and internaldatabase for offline card validation, ensuringthat access control is provided even if thereader is offline from the host system. Thereader comes with a graphical LCD allowing alarge number of default or user configurablemessages to be displayed. These messagesprovide feedback to the cardholder on his orher card usage, eg. ‘Wrong Timezone’, ‘WrongAccess Level’ and ‘Card Expiring’. The displayalso provides information to the system user,e.g. airline staff, on which door mode the dooris operating; for example ‘Passenger Mode’where a member of airline staff uses his orher card to keep the door open for anextended period of time for arriving/departingpassengers.For the more security-critical areas, theairport has chosen the S610f fingerprintreader which combines a fingerprint reader,intelligent controller, and advanced <strong>IP</strong> cardreader in one powerful solution. The fullyintegrated biometric solution offered byAC2000 allows seamless integration byallowing the user to enrol a cardholder’sfingerprint template onto the AC2000 SEserver at the same time as capturing otherdetails such as personal information and aphotographic image. This integrated processremoves the need for any 3rd partyenrolment software or hardware to beinstalled in addition to the AC2000 accesscontrol system.“We are thrilled to be awarded this excitingopportunity to secure a state-of-the-artfacility” said Ramesh Jayaraman, GeneralManager of ADT Security, India. “With a fullyintegrated solution, the system will allow theairport to run more efficiently in terms ofboth cost and operations”.30_issue 25

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>The seamless integration will enable theairport to handle operational complexity andsecurity-related challenges in a large-scaleenvironment. Hence, the integrated systemcan fully support the operational applicationssuch as passenger movement, vehiclemanagement, airbridge monitoring systemand check-in desk enabling which are criticalto the airport’s ground operations.The newly integrated terminal at theInternational Airport is expected to becompleted by March 2010 and fullyoperational before the Commonwealth Games2010, which will be hosted in New Delhi.About CEM SystemsCEM Systems is a leading provider ofcustomised security management solutionsincluding integrated access control, ID Badgingand alarm monitoring systems.With over 20 years experience in the security &IT industry, CEM uniquely manufactures boththe system hardware and software. CEM'srange of solutions are expandable and havethe option to be fully integrated with thirdparty external subsystems. The end result is afully integrated security management systemembracing access control, audio, intrusion,video, intercoms and other related subsystems.Our success is attributed to many factors, butof key importance is the long-termpartnerships formed with our customers overmany years. This in turn is supported byadding value to our clients through thedevelopment of leading edge technology tomeet their ever-changing needs.From a small building to a large multi-sitefacility with tens of thousands of users, CEMhas a solution to meet your needs. CEMworldwide clients include Airports, Ports,Petrochemical plants, Universities, Hospitals,Banks, corporate premises and much more...issue 25_31

I SEC20TENco-located withThe Only Event Focused on Network CentricPhysical Security & Safety Technology has Moved!The International <strong>IP</strong> in Security Exhibition & ConferenceEarls Court 2 LONDON 20th - 21st October 2010The International <strong>IP</strong> in Security Exhibition and Conference is the only event in the world dedicatedto Security and Life Safety applications based upon network and IT technologies.I<strong>IP</strong>SEC has welcomed approaching 10,000 visitors, delegates and exhibitors over the past threeyears to what has become a recognised calendar event in the UK, Europe and beyond. Now inits eighth year, the show which is presented by the team behind the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> securitytechnology forum, <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE road shows and the <strong>IP</strong> focus magazine and <strong>eZine</strong>, againpromises to bring together all that is <strong>IP</strong> from within the security sector.Safety and Security has never been so high on the global agenda, with concerns aboutterrorism, theft, arson, anti-social behaviour and knife and gun crime being so prevalent,now is an excellent time to present to a quality international audience where network basedsolutions can provide practical and affordable solutions to these ongoing challenges. I<strong>IP</strong>SEChas been instrumental in the success of many companies entering the Network Centric Security& Safety Sector and we hope that you will give us the opportunity to perform for your company.We are pleased to invite exhibitors, delegates, speakers and visitors to join us at our new venueEarls Court 2 LONDON 20th - 21st October 2010 Co-located with the <strong>IP</strong> Expo.The centre of expertise for all things <strong>IP</strong>…New Venue, New Location, New Dates -New Partnership!Exciting News from I<strong>IP</strong>SEC – Europe’s Premier <strong>IP</strong> basedSecurity Technology event co-locates with <strong>IP</strong> Expo andrelocates to Earls Court LONDON in October.We are pleased to announce today that I<strong>IP</strong>SEC 20ten,Europe's Premier <strong>IP</strong> based Security Technology eventhas been re-scheduled and co-located with the UK's No.1<strong>IP</strong> infrastructure event <strong>IP</strong> Expo and moved to LondonEarls Court 2 on 20 - 21 October 2010<strong>IP</strong> Expo is now in its 5th year and attracts over 7,000 ITprofessionals across all verticals with a particular strength in public sector and finance.This arrangement will now allow exhibitors, delegates and visitors to both events to move freelybetween <strong>IP</strong> EXPO and I<strong>IP</strong>SEC, engage with one another, enhancing the overall participant experienceand further increasing the knowledge base within both sectors. The structure and educational contentof I<strong>IP</strong>SEC will remain as strong as ever and the "spending quality time with quality people" ethos willcontinue to underpin the event.For exhibitors, the opportunity to present and demonstrate products and services to more that 10,000potential customers are unparalleled and with the event now located in the prestigious Earls CourtComplex in the heart of LONDON, it represents a very positive development for visitors, delegates andexhibitors alike.I<strong>IP</strong>SEC’s partners, Imago Communications organisers of <strong>IP</strong> EXPO are equally excited about theprospect of further growth into "Application Areas" and are committed to delivering a first classtechnology event.NOW at Earls Court 2 London. 20 - 21 October 2010Enquiries: 0870 7870 54632_issue 25Spending Quality Timewith Quality PeopleI<strong>IP</strong>SEC is a focused event created specifically tobring together manufacturers, vendors,developers and service providers with theirpotential clients in an environment that isconducive to doing real business with genuinecustomers who have money to spend and wherenetworking at the very highest level is assured.As a focused, niche event I<strong>IP</strong>SEC is the onlyshow where an exhibitor can spend quality timewith a prospect, qualify their needs and build astrong working relationship, all at one event.The quality of the visitors and delegates are firstclass and the event has consistently deliveredre-sellers, installers, integrators, consultants andhigh level end-users who have specificrequirements for network based security andsafety solutions.

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>An Impressive Mix of Manufacturers,Developers and Solution ProvidersProviding a first class boutique styleProduct Showcase & Exhibition Area.The new venue offers excellent opportunities formanufacturers, developers, vendors and serviceproviders to present their products in a brightpurpose built exhibition area. The boutique stylestand layout provides booths to suit all budgetswith shell scheme or space only locations from6sqm to 36sqm.The Showcase area will also provide amplespace for meetings and light refreshment andwill include the popular Internet Café. Adjacent"There are very few events where you can spendquality time with quality people, qualify yourleads, establish working relationships and have anindepth conversation with genuine prospects - Allin three days and under one roof.”Need to keep your <strong>IP</strong> based securityor safety products in the public eye?Call now! +44 (0) 870 7870 546Email: info@iipsec.comwww.iipseconline.comto the exhibition area are two restaurants, a V<strong>IP</strong>lounge and access to the Conference and MasterClass theatres, workshop studios and privatemeeting rooms.With more than 100 exhibitor locations theshowcase offers an impressive mix oforganisations who will present all aspects of thetechnology and provide a quality enviromentwithin which business can be done.Exhibitor Packages start at just £2995* andprovide a comprehensive range of services thatwill satisfy all of your sales and marketingrequirements. As everyone who has participatedAt I<strong>IP</strong>SEC 20ten, we will focus on the commercialopportunities available to <strong>IP</strong> savvi securityinstallers and integrators, the challenges whichface the industry, the skills gap and the change ofattitude and practice needed to exploit theopportunities that <strong>IP</strong> solutions can offer.The industry is in a state of flux moving from asales, installation and maintenance model to themuch more creative customer facing, design,planning and implementation model as utilised inAs identified by the UKTI DSO, security has neverbeen more relevant than it is today. Fromhomeland security and border control, tosurveillance and detection equipment, there’s agrowing global market and the UK and Europe isat the forefront of design, manufacture andsales.The security sector attracts a range ofcustomers from the private sector, state andlocal governments, the intelligence communityand armed forces. Trends in customer demandsare increasingly moving towards complexnetworked solutions, with a strong focus on theInternet and IT platforms.Indeed, according to the Homeland SecurityResearch Corporation, the global security marketin past years will know, the quality of the I<strong>IP</strong>SECinternational audience is second to none andthe Education Programme first class.* Excluding Vat and Loyalty Savings.Key Conference Theme for 20ten:Adding Value Through Technologythe IT industry. A model that provides on-goingbusiness, a growth path via further integration andconvergence and ultimately greater customersatisfaction.All over the world, a great number of businesseshave already started to make the switch. Along theway they are finding that <strong>IP</strong> technology isproviding a security solution that is affordable.flexible, reliable and scalable and this is not goingun-noticed by the IT Industry.The World looks to the UK andEurope for expertise and directionis expected to grow from US$28 billion in 2003 toover US$170 billion by 2015.We invite companies from the following areas ofexpertise to participate:• Surveillance & CCTV• Access Control, Time & Attendance• Intruder Detection & Alarms• Fire Detection & Evacuation• Integrated Security/Safety Solutions• Audio, Intercom & Messaging• Biometrics and Visual Content Analysis• Transmission & Comms Systems• Building Management Systems• Remote Monitoring & Hosted Servicesissue 24_33

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>The <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> USA’s Technical Forum, <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Dallas, hosted a sophisticated groupof over 100 <strong>IP</strong> security industry representatives,systems integrators and end users, sharing thelatest information on <strong>IP</strong> technology.The August 11, 20<strong>09</strong>, <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Dallas, held atCityplace Conference Center, Dallas, TX, featured a fullday of exceptional presentations and a tabletop expocomprised of the leaders in <strong>IP</strong> Products and Services.In the Opening Keynote, “How <strong>IP</strong> ConvergenceTransforms Security,” Dan Dunkel, Founder, New EraAssociates, offered the audience some 21st CenturySecurity Facts. “The security industry is in culturaltransformation. A global security executive isemerging,” said Dunkel. “Understanding the past is thekey to seeing the future,” he added.Dunkel put forth a history of security and illustratedthat the future is already here. “The web culture isimpacting security. It all started with convergence,” hestated. According to Dunkel, convergence mattersbecause global security needs to leverage <strong>IP</strong> better.“The bad guys are winning,” he pointed out.Next up, Todd Dunning, Senior Product Manager,Imaging, Pelco presented the Video MasterClass,“Camera System Architecture.” In a clear and concisemanner, Dunning explained what affects focus and waysto prevent bad focus from happening. He describedwhat sensors do and how to get the best image quality.Dunning also discussed processing, covering the34_issue 25relationships between frame rates, resolution,compression, analytics and open standards.<strong>IP</strong> Solutions, “The New Math: More Cameras + MoreResolution + More Retention = Less Infrastructure,” wasthe title of the presentation by Charles Foley, ChiefExecutive Officer, TimeSight Systems. Foley offered anew method of retaining video in order to cut down onstorage. The new math involves leveraging technologyto reduce risk, and understanding the lifecycle of thevideo to make a determination of how time mitigatesrisk.In the next presentation, Emerging Technology, “Free UpYour Network Using Edge Based Video Analytics,” JohnWhiteman, President Americas, ioimage, covered whatanalytics can do and how it offers better detection withfewer false alarms. This comprehensive lesson inanalytic architecture included illustrations of theconnected system and bandwidth consumption.Integration Insight, “Video Enabling on an OpenPlatform,” featured Robert Daniels, Gulf Region TerritoryManager, Milestone Systems. He defined the phraseOpen Platform and gave examples of the increasingvalue of open platform systems over time. Daniels alsopresented an understanding Metcalfe’s Law. Metcalfe'slaw states that the value of a network is proportional tothe square of the number of connected users of thesystem (n2).Tech Tips, “The Evolution of Megapixel Technology in theSurveillance World,” by Michael Hodor, Vice President ofSales - North America, Arecont Vision, presentedview from across the pond<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Dallas Delivers:Quality Presentations, Participant and Attendees<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> presents the latest news from our transatlanticcousins the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> USA.statistics on the growth of <strong>IP</strong> and megapixel video. Inaddition to a discussion of H.264 compression, Hodorshowed ways in which the industry is benefitting fromnew advances in technology and how surveillanceproblems are being solved in new ways.The Business Case, “<strong>IP</strong> Surveillance at Watertown USA:Protecting A Facility Around the Clock” showcased awater park that is utilizing <strong>IP</strong> technology. Presenter andsystem integrator, Wes Usie, Founder, Guardian AlarmSystems, used a NUU0 Inc. system which illustrated that<strong>IP</strong> does not have to mean a huge install with tons ofcameras. Usie brought the possibilities of installing <strong>IP</strong> tothe average dealer. He also suggested that the best wayto sell the technology is to show customers thedifference in image quality between analog and <strong>IP</strong>cameras.To review the presentations from <strong>IP</strong>-In-Action Live Dallasvisit www.ipusergroupusa.com<strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE Atlanta Educational Program & Exhibit AgendaDate: <strong>Nov</strong>ember 18, 20<strong>09</strong>Venue: American Management Association ExecutiveConference Center in Atlanta, 1170 Peachtree St., N.E., 3rdFloor, Atlanta, GA 303<strong>09</strong> - (404) 892-7599Welcome and Opening Remarks, Susan Brady, ManagingDirector, <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> USAOpening Keynote “Security Master Planning,” Timothy D.Giles, CPP, PSP, President, Risk/Security Mgmt &ConsultingVideo MasterClass “Understanding the H.264/MPEG-4 Part10/AVC Video Compression Standard,” Chris Adesanya,Senior Systems Engineer, Panasonic System SolutionsCompanyTech Tips "Fail Safe Recording Options for <strong>IP</strong> EdgeDevices" Daniel Cremins, Manager, Product Marketing,Edge Devices, March NetworksEmerging Technology “The 5 C’s of Security as a Service:Why End-users Are Looking to the Cloud,” Dave Williams,Director of Business Development, Brivo Systems, LLC<strong>IP</strong> Solutions “The New Math: More Cameras + MoreResolution + More Retention = Less Infrastructure,”Charles Foley, Chief Executive Officer, TimeSight SystemsThe Value of <strong>IP</strong> “Showing the ROI on <strong>IP</strong>: How IntelligentSurveillance Improves the Bottom Line,” Stephen Russell,co-founder and chairman, 3VR SecurityIntegration Insights "Integrating a Security Network onCampus - Bringing it all together with <strong>IP</strong>" Theron Roe,Surveillance & Security Industry Strategic RelationshipsManager, GarrettCom, Inc.Exhibitors (at time of print):3VR ~ Arecont Vision ~ Axis ~ Basler Vision ~ BrivoSystems ~ Exacq Technologies ~ GarretCom Inc. ~ Genetec~ IQinVision ~ JVC ~ Milestone Systems ~ NUUO Inc. ~ONSSI ~ Panasonic System Solutions Company ~ Pelco ~Quaddrix ~ SAE Electronic Co. ~ ScanSource Security ~Sentry 360 Security ~ Timesight Systems ~ Video IQGet involved with <strong>IP</strong>-in-Action LIVE - more details - www.ipusergroupusa.com

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong>Latest News from our International Affiliate Membersioimage and Milestone Announce TechnologyPartnershipioimage video analyticsappliances to run onMilestone’s <strong>IP</strong> videomanagement platform.ioimage and MilestoneSystems have establisheda partnership to deliver comprehensive and enhancedsecurity solutions.ioimage intelligent cameras and encoders can now beseamlessly integrated within the Milestone XProtectvideo management open platform, offering unique <strong>IP</strong>video surveillance capabilities to enterprises of all sizes.Video from ioimage’s intelligent encoders and <strong>IP</strong> camerasis viewed through the intuitive Milestone XProtect userinterface, alerting operators to threats and recordingrelevant events for easy indexing and searching.Australian Customs Service Selects <strong>IP</strong> VideoSurveillance Solution from March Networksand Sun MicrosystemsThe Australian Customsand Border ProtectionService has selected theCompany’s VideoSpheresolution to enhance itssecurity operations inmultiple airports acrossthe country.The integrated systems include March Networks’ VideoManagement System (VMS) software and Edge encoders,as well as host and storage servers from SunMicrosystems.Customs and Border Protection Service currently servesmore than 20 million passengers annually at eightinternational airports throughout Australia, workingclosely with other government and internationalagencies to detect and deter the unlawful movement ofgoods and people. VideoSphere was selected based onthe system’s high reliability, advanced videomanagement, and ability to support existing CCTVcameras.Wisconsin Association of Fraud InvestigatorsJoins 3VR CrimeDex NetworkWAFI Joins Industry’s Most RobustCrime Fighting Network toExpedite Investigations and ShareCritical Information to Solve andPrevent Crime Across 1300 MemberAgencies.The Wisconsin Association of Fraud Investigators hasjoined CrimeDex, the industry’s most robust collaborativecriminal data-sharing service, with secure socialnetworking capabilities dedicated to solving andpreventing crime.The Wisconsin Association of Fraud Investigators (WAFI)is the most recent addition to the fast-growing CrimeDexnetwork, which now supports over 1300 memberagencies and reaches over 600,000 fraud, lossprevention and law enforcement professionals. CrimeDexwill provide WAFI’s 300 bank, credit union and retailmembers the unique ability to search a comprehensiveWeb-driven database of more than 14,000 criminalsuspects, expedite investigations and securely sharecritical information to aid in the solving and preventionof crime.Wind Creek Casino and Hotel Takes Security tothe Next Level with Omnicast and SynergisThe Wind Creek Casinoand Hotel in Alabama hascompleted theinstallation of anintegrated securitysolution which includesboth Omnicast video surveillance and Synergis accesscontrol.Wind Creek Casino and Hotel was recently rebuilt as atop-of-the-line entertainment and resort complex, andGenetec's <strong>IP</strong>-based unified solutions were chosen tomanage over 85 doors and 650 cameras at the newstate-of-the-art gaming facility.The original casino that had been torn down for therebuild project used an outdated, coaxial-based analogsecurity system, from which no components were sparedfor the new construction. Instead, Wind Creek Casino andHotel wanted a truly <strong>IP</strong>-based system that would affordthem the possibility to take advantage of the latestinnovations in security technology, and lower their totalcost ownership by reducing the amount of wiringrequired for access control readers and video cameras.Axis’ Network CamerasSecure Sydney SuburbanRailAxis Communications has wonthe contract to supply networkcameras for Sydney’s newWaratah train suburban fleet.Installations of network videosolutions within the transportation segment haveincreased during the past few years and network videoproducts from Axis have been installed in severaldemanding transportation environments.“We are proud to deliver our solution to the trains inSydney in order to increase safety and security on thetrains.” said Ray Mauritsson, President, AxisCommunications. “Axis’ network camera AXIS 2<strong>09</strong>MFD-Raddresses the market’s demand for video surveillance inlocations where an ultra-compact solution is requiredand it is specifically designed for the transportationsegment”Largest Ever HD <strong>IP</strong> Video System Keeps Watchon US-Canadian Border CrossingsCanada Border ServicesAgency (CBSA) hasdeployed what is believedto be the largest everHigh-Definition (HD) <strong>IP</strong>Video surveillance systemto monitor its customsoperation on the US-Canadian border and at Vancouver Airport.CBSA chose IndigoVision’s complete <strong>IP</strong> Video system toupgrade 30 of its land border crossings, transitioning itssurveillance from analog/DVR technology to a fullydistributed, scalable <strong>IP</strong>-network based platform. Theenhanced video surveillance images and tools assist theCBSA with the enforcement of illegal and threateningacts through the collection of useable evidentiary videoimages.DIGIOP Deploys Its ObjectVideo-enabledCounting Solution for Leading FashionRetailer, T he LimitedDIGIOP Technologies, withtechnology providerObjectVideo, has successfullycompleted a nationwidedeployment of its videomanagement systems forLimited Stores, LLC, (dba TheLimited) an affiliate of Sun Capital and a retailer ofupscale women's apparel with 220 stores. The projectconsisted of the installation of DIGIOP's digital videorecorders with intelligent analytics capabilities fromObjectVideo® and cameras in stores across the UnitedStates.One of the World's Largest Malls Protects ItsVideo Surveillance Data With Pivot3 ServerlessComputingPivot3 Storagehelps the Mall ofAmerica keepvideo footageintact andavailable.The Mall of America, one of the largest malls in theworld, has more than four miles of storefronts, 13,000employees, and hosts nearly 40 million visitors eachyear. The Pivot3 Serverless Computing Array runningGenetec Omnicast video management system softwarewas selected to improve the quality, speed, andreliability of the video surveillance system, which covers4.2 million square feet of enclosed space, including aseven-acre indoor amusement park and a 1.2 milliongallon aquarium.Become an Affiliate member! - more details - www.ipusergroupusa.comissue 25_35

Affiliate Directory<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> - Affiliate(company) MembersA definitive list of Manufacturers, Re-sellers and Solution Providers who support the group’sactivities. The <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> is an independent security technology forum representing fresh ideas,leading edge technology and state-of-the-art solutions.802 Global is a value-added distributor working solely throughchannel partners to offer leading edge wireless and <strong>IP</strong> CCTVsolutions.We offer all-round support to our partners, from presales designand site surveys of complex multivendor solutions through toproject implementation, training and ongoing support.Our product range includes point to point, point to multipoint andmesh wireless, free space optics, MPEG4 encoding, network digitalvideo recording and storage.Contact - Tim Close802 GlobalComet HouseUnit 3 Calleva Business PkAldermaston BerkshireRG7 8JATel: +44 (0) 845 0666 802e-mail: tim.close@802global.comhttp://www.802global.comACTi Corporation is the technology leader in <strong>IP</strong> surveillance, focusing onmultiple security surveillance market segments. ACTi's extensivetechnology innovations in the development of JPEG/MPEG-4/H.264 hasempowered ACTi's worldwide partners and customers to enjoy bestquality video performances from VGA up to Megapixel resolution atminimum bandwidth.The core value of ACTi is the ability to develop, integrate and marketcomplete end-to-end solutions for our clients in the <strong>IP</strong> surveillancemarket. ACTi's technology advancements enable complete solutionofferings to cover all segments of the security market. Not only offeringthe <strong>IP</strong> surveillance hardware such as <strong>IP</strong> cameras and video servers, allACTi products are bundled with free management software; in additionto the rich selection of management applications offered by leadingIndependent Software Vendors that support ACTi hardware.Contact - Ivy YangACTi Corporation7th F., No.1, Alley 20, Lane407,, Sec.2, Tiding Blvd.,Neihu District, Taipei 114TaiwanTel: +88 62 2656 2588email. sales@acti.comhttp://www.acti.comAECOM (formerly Faber Maunsell/AECOM) provides acomprehensive range of consultancy services from initial strategyand design of physical IT infrastructure for new and refurbishedbuildings through to specification and full implementation ofspecialist voice, data and video projects.Being entirely independent we recommend products andsystems purely in terms of their suitability to the individualclient’s requirements. Ultimately, we aim to ensure that clientscan move into buildings precisely tailored to their present andfuture business needs.Contact - Tony BuckinghamAECOM5th Floor2 City WalkLeedsLS11 9ARTel: +44 (0) 113 391 6800Fax: +44 (0) 113 391 6899email.tony.buckingham@aecom.comhttp://www.aecom.comAlwaysON are unique in supplying fully polled Security GradePrivate Networks that deliver DSL services outside the Internet.The service includes Network Management with Zero Touchrouters provided, Also alternative transmission paths andupgrade devices to convert legacy alarm and cctv installations to<strong>IP</strong> are available if required.A Self – service front end portal enables Installation companiesto order, provision, progress and monitor all connectionsthemselves.Analysys Mason is the world's premier adviser in telecoms, IT andmedia. Through our global presence, we deliver strategy advice,operations support and market intelligence to leading commercial andpublic-sector organisations in over 80 countries.Cut the CCTV camera wires with Arkessa using a unique 3Gcommunications service that works anywhere in the UK.Free you CCTV cameras with no problematic wires to install.Services are high quality, simple to set up and cost effective. Theeasy connections are optimised for high-speed data uplink anddownload and enable you to bypass firewalls and IT departments.Contact - Simon CrossAlwaysON1 Napier CourtNapier RoadReadingRG1 8BWTel: +44 (0) 8452 418325Fax: +44 (0) 8452 418306e-mail:scross@alwaysongroup.comhttp://www.alwaysongroup.comContact - Rob NicolAnalysys Mason5 Exchange QuayManchesterM5 3EFTel: +44 (0) 161 877 7808e-mail:consulting@analysysmason.comhttp://www.analysysmason.comContact - Paul GreenArkessa Limited,Salisbury House,Station Road,Cambridge,CB1 2LATel: 0845 3311668Fax: 0845 3311669email. pgreen@arkessa.comwww.arkessa.comASL’s iVencs software features full Command and Controlfunctionality in one seamless 3D user interface for all subsystemsincluding access control, PA/VA, BMS, Analogue and <strong>IP</strong> Cameras,Video Storage, clocks, SCADA, Helppoints, VoiP and Fire Panels.The software is designed around open protocols and opensource technologies with a comprehensive set of integrationtools allowing it to be used on the most complex of projects.Contact - Richard LackApplication Solutions Ltd.Unit 17Tel: +44 (0) 1273 405411Cliffe Industrial Estate email: e-mail@rlack@aslcontrol.co.ukLewes BN8 6JLhttp://www.asl-control.co.uk36_issue 25Ateis is a manufacturer of voice alarm and public addressequipment including Vox@Net, an <strong>IP</strong>-based system widely usedin transport for long-line public address and also in campus styleapplications. The system includes a comprehensive but easilyprogrammed GUI interface, message servers and interfaces forpassenger information displays. Vox@Net can be fully redundantfor secure communications, integrates with Ateis or third partyvoice alarm and combines intercom facilities for help point andcustomer interaction.Vox@Net is a mature technology and has been installed in manycountries in Europe and in the Middle East.Ateis also manufacture digitally steerable line array columns andDSP-enabled thru glass intercoms.Contact - Neil VoceAteis UK Ltd.Censeo House6 St. Peter’s StreetSt. AlbansAL1 3LFTel: +44 (0) 7751 940 182Fax: +44 (0) 8456 521 511e-mail: neil.voce@ateis.co.ukhttp://www.ateis.co.ukATEME (www.ateme.com) is a world leading provider of MPEG-4 / H.264 video compression solutions. ATEME’s renownedtechnology supports both standard and HD content, deployedacross any platform – from mobile to Ultra HD. ATEME providesbroadcasters, telcos and security providers with unmatchedcompression quality while simultaneously licensing its uniqueMPEG technology and expertise to select vendors.Contact - Wissam LoudaiefATEME26 Burospace Tel: +33 (0) 169 358 971Route de Gisy Fax: +33 (0) 160 191 39591570 Bievres e-mail: w.loudaief@ateme.comFrancehttp://www.ateme.com

Working closely with security professionals, and leveragingunique expertise in security, digital imaging and enterprisesoftware, Avigilon develops surveillance systems withunmatched performance.Axis increases the value of network solutions. The company is aninnovative market leader in network video and print servers.Axis’ products and solutions are focused on applications such assecurity surveillance, remote monitoring and documentmanagement. The products are based on in-house developedchip technology, which is also sold to third parties. Axis wasfounded in 1984 and is listed on the Stockholmsbörsen (XSSE:AXIS). Axis operates globally with offices in 14 countries and incooperation with distributors, system integrators and OEMpartners in 70 countries. Markets outside Sweden account formore than 95% of sales.Axxess Identification Ltd is a leading independent manufacturerof <strong>IP</strong> based access control, environmental monitoring and photoidentification products including RFID cards and key fobs.Axxess ID have a range of <strong>IP</strong> products showcasing true globalintegration, monitoring and control through a single softwarepackage AX Enterprise.Products include <strong>IP</strong> based access, environmental monitoring,rack and cabinet control. New solutions include <strong>IP</strong> basedautomatic number plate recognition (ANPR), secure globalprinter & print job control and PC security with energy savingfeatures. For system integrators ActiveX software developmentkits are available for integration to 3rd party applications.Contact - Rick RamsayAvigilonBox 378101-1001 West BroadwayVancouver V6H 4E4CanadaTel: +1 604 629 5182Fax: +1 604 629 5183e-mail:rick.ramsay@avigilon.comhttp://www.avigilon.comContact - Alexandra TurnerAxis Communications Ltd.6 - 7, Ladygrove CourtHitchwood Lane, PrestonNr Hitchin, HertfordshireSG4 7SATel: +44 (0) 1462 427910Fax: + 44 (0) 1462 427911email.Alexandra.turner@axis.comhttp://www.axis.comContact - TBAAxxess Identification Ltd.27-28 Shrivenham HundredBusiness ParkWatchfield, Swindon,Wiltshire SN6 8TZTel: 01793 784002info@axxessid.comhttp://www.axxessed.comBAE Systems provides market leading products, combined withextensive technical expertise - delivering customer-focusedsolutions to meet security and surveillance requirements. Productsinclude the Universal Video Management System (UVMS). Basedon Internet Protocol (<strong>IP</strong>) networks, it provides digital videomonitoring, recording and archiving technology for customerswith multi-site/multi-camera capabilities. BAE Systems is aninternational supplier to local and central governments, police andsecurity forces as well as commercial customers.Hardware: Cameras (Pan/Tilt/Zoom), Interface Devices, IntuderDetection, Access Control.Software: Video Recording, Camera Control, Fire Detection,Data/Image, Storage/Archiving, Intruder DetectionBasler Vision Technologies is a leading manufacturer of digitalcameras for industrial, medical, and traffic system applications aswell as for the video surveillance market. Basler has more than20 years of experience in image processing. We have designedand manufactured high quality digital cameras for more than 10years. Our products are world famous for excellent imagequality, high reliability, ease of use, and ease of integration.BFi OPTiLAS Ltd is a leading distributor of electronic components andsystems including GSM & GPRS modules, transceivers and WirelessBroadband technologies to the security defence, broadcast andwireless communication markets.BFi OPTILAS provides an expertise in communications infrastructureand support for its wide range of products from the industry’s leadinginnovators.Contact - Annette MeadowsBAE SystemsTel: +44 (0) 1276 603291Victory Point,Fax: +44 (0) 1276 603248Lyon Way, Frimley, e-mail:Surreyannette.meadows@baesystems.comGU16 7EXhttp://www.baesystems.comContact - Anke WuebbelmannBasler Vision TechnologiesAn der Strusbek 60-62Ahrensburg22926GermanyTel: +49 4102 463 511Fax: +49 4102 463 46 511email.anke.wuebbelmann@baslerweb.comhttp://www.baslerweb.comContact - Ian StevensBFi OPTiLAS Ltd.Mill SquareWolverton Mill SouthMilton KeynesMK12 5ZYTel: 01908 326326Fax: 01908 221110email. ian.stevens@bfioptilas.comhttp://www.bfioptilas.co.ukBiKal develop <strong>IP</strong> CCTV products and applications from <strong>IP</strong> camerasto network video recorders and surveillance software. Bikaldistributes equipment as well as providing consultancy and systemintegration of professional network based surveillance systemsincluding video analytics and custom security solutions..Borer Data Systems - Borer’s holistic approach offers a whole suiteof workplace management software modules, which are beingaccepted by some of the UK’s top blue chip organisations. Our rangeof devices are designed from the ground up to be <strong>IP</strong> savvy and ITnetwork traffic lean; an ideal choice for clients looking for reducedcost of ownership and a return on IT infrastructure investment.Proud winner's of the “Best Application” award at the 2006International <strong>IP</strong> in Security Conference and ExhibitionBrivo Systems LLC provides an online, open-system securitymanagement technology platform that empowers organizations toprotect and remotely monitor buildings and perimeter entry pointsusing the latest in Internet and wireless technologies. With Brivo’ssecurity management system, customers significantly expand theirphysical access control system by customizing functionality to exactlyfit their needs and more effectively mitigate and manage security risk.The company’s hardware products and software services enablebusinesses to control physical access to offices, warehouses,remote/unmanned buildings, as well as sensitive areas such ascomputer rooms, where real-time control and accountability of entryare critical. 20<strong>09</strong> marks 10 years of Brivo making security simple forthousand of end users around the world.Contact - Bippon KaliaBiKal <strong>IP</strong> CCTV4th Floor25 Eccleston SquareLondonSW1V 1NSTel: 0844 804 2400Fax: 020 7233 9333e-mail: uk@bikal.co.ukhttp://www.bikal.co.ukContact - John HornBorer Data SystemsCrown HouseToutley RoadWokinghamRG41 1QNTel: +44 (0) 118 979 1137Fax: +44 (0) 118 977 3526email. jph@borer.co.ukhttp://www.borer.co.ukContact - Shayne BatesBrivo Systems LLC4330 East West HighwaySuite 250Bethesda, MD 20814USATel: +1 301 664 5216Fax: +1 240 965 2210email.Shayne.bates@brivo.comhttp://www.brivosystems.comWe are a leading supplier of a range of high quality end to endCCTV solutions. With over 20 years experience in securitysignalling CCTV transmission we can deliver analogue, ethernetand wireless transmission nationwide.We provide integrated and resilient fully managed securitysystems that protect people and assets across the country. Oursolutions include video storage, cameras, telemetry, network,access control, video walls, control room refresh and otherbespoke applications. Our end to end security includes design,project management, installation and maintenance.Contact - Liz HawkinsBT Redcare CCTV andSecurity Solutions11-13 Great Tower St.LondonEC3R 5AQTel: +44 (0) 7710 046915e-mail:btsecuritysolutions@bt.comwww.redcare.bt.com/transmissionCBC (Europe) Ltd. - CBC is a subsidiary of the parent holdingcompany CBC Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan. CBC (Europe) Ltd. is an ISO9001 registered company and an active player in the Securitymarket. Founded in 1971, it has 35 years of successful tradinghistory in the U.K.CBC manufactures the Computar and Ganz branded CCTVproducts. The Computar brand is associated with Lenses (opticalproducts) and the Ganz brand with Electronic products; Cameras,Domes, Housings, DVR’s, VCR’s, Monitors, and <strong>IP</strong>/Transmissionequipment. As a full manufacturing house, CBC continues to setnew standards particularly in the fields of digital surveillanceproducts and also develop new and exciting products.Contact - John DownieCBC (Europe) Ltd.7/8 Garrick Industrial CentreIrving WayLondonNW9 6AQTel: +44 (0) 2087 323 312Fax: +44 (0) 2082 023 387e-mail: marketing@cbcuk.comwww.cbcuk.comCEM Systems is a leading provider of advanced securitymanagement systems to include access control, ID badging,alarm monitoring and systems integration.CEM offers a complete <strong>IP</strong> solution with a range of industryleading and proven <strong>IP</strong> products including:• Power over Ethernet access control - the first to offer 1.6Amps delivered via a CAT5/6 Ethernet cable to reliably power acomplete door set (consisting of a controller, two 650mAMaglocks, door holder, sounder and strobe).• Intelligent Multi-technology <strong>IP</strong> card readers with on-boarddatabase for offline operation• webEntry II - web based access controlContact - Sarah GolloglyCEM Systems Ltd.Unit 4Ravenhill Business ParkBelfastBT6 8AWTel: +44 (0) 28 9045 6767Fax: +44 (0) 28 8945 4535email:cem.sales@tycoint.comwww.cemsys.comissue 25_37

Chris Lewis Fire & Security has been established in Oxford since1993. Over the past 15 years we have been at the forefront ofchanges and developments in technology and security systems,and are now recognised as the leading provider of securityinstallations in the UK.We offer a complete range of security systems, and are currentlyleaders in the design and implementation of digital security. Wedesign bespoke solutions to fully meet the specific needs ofeach client and install and maintain the equipment to thehighest standards.Contact - Chris LewisChris Lewis SecurityUnit 3 Isis BusinessCentrePony RoadOxford, OX4 2RDTel: +44 (0) 1865 782444Fax: +44 (0) 1865 782400email:sales@chrislewissecurity.co.ukwww.chrislewisfs.co.ukCisco is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. Today,networks are an essential part of business, education, governmentand home communications, and Cisco <strong>IP</strong> based networkingsolutions are the foundation of these networks.Cisco Physical Security solutions facilitate the capture, transmission,viewing, recording, archiving, and management of analog and <strong>IP</strong>video sources as well as electronic access control. Engineered withnetwork and video expertise, Cisco Physical Security standardsbasedproducts:Deliver easy, secure access to live & recorded video - Use the <strong>IP</strong>network as a platform to deploy electronic access control - Provideexcellent scalability, reliability, & availability - Simplify deployment &control of new security applications - Lower operational costs -Protect existing physical security systems investments - Supportmultivendor device and applications interoperability - Facilitate asmooth migration from analog to digital to full <strong>IP</strong>Contact - Graham PorterCiscoUK HQ Cisco Systems9-11 New SquareBedfont LakesFeltham TW14 8HATel: +44 (0) 800 0153003Fax: +44 (0) 20 8824 1001e-mail: grahport@cisco.comwww.cisco.com/go/physecCitySync is a world leader in the ANPR technologies market; workingexclusively with trade partners, OEM’s and distributors delivering ANPRsolutions since 1999.Listening to our customers helps us deliver demanding applications inthe Law Enforcement, Security, Parking and Traffic Managementsectors.CitySync are acknowledged for our Technology Innovations and ourability to deliver a broad range of client solutions. Our Mission is todeliver excellence in our products, relationships and support. ~ ANPRYou Can Trust~Contact - Natalie SmithCitySync Ltd.Turpin Court124a Great North RoadHatfieldAL9 5JNTel: +44 (0) 1707 275169Fax: +44 (0) 1707 273876e-mail: natalie.smith@citysync.co.ukhttp://www.citysync.co.ukClearview Communications are system integrators withexperience of CCTV, Access Control, Intruder Detection, Fire,Public Address, Physical Security, TV Distribution and Locks.The company installs and services large scale wired and wireless<strong>IP</strong> networks and fully integrated security systems. Market sectorsinclude Policem Government, Local Authorities, Education, Oil &Gas, commercial and the Health Sector.Contact - Paul MainClearview CommunicationsRob Johns RoadChelmsfordCM1 3AGTel: +44 (0) 1245 214104Fax: +44 (0) 1245 214101e-mail: paul.main@clearviewcommunications.comhttp://www.clearviewcommunications.comCodestuff Limited, are an independent software developmentcompany offering the security industry tailored applicationdevelopment of video management solutions that operate with <strong>IP</strong>devices from 19 different market leading manufacturersIn addition to video management the products created byCodestuff have the flexibility and scalability to include integrationof Access Control, Intercoms, Fire and Intruder. Codestuffcustomers have access to over 30 man year’s expertise creatingproducts within the <strong>IP</strong> Security Industry.Our Customers include:• Integrators who want their own software brand• Manufacturers who want to benefit from our multi-platformapproach.• Distributors who require their own software product thatmanages the great variety of manufacturer devices they supply.• Development Teams who need access to our network videoexpertise.Contact - David RichieCodestuff Ltd.Breich Pit StudioMid Breich FarmWestwood, West CalderWest Lothian. EH55 8PLTel: +44 (0) 1506 870 777Fax: +44 (0) 1506 870 770e-mail: d.ritchie@codestuff.nethttp://www.codestuff.netEstablished for over 20 years, COE are industry experts in videosurveillance, transmission and management. We offer acomprehensive range of products and design services to suitprojects of any scope and requirement; from small-scale systems,to 10,000+ camera networks.Featuring the highest quality fibre optic transmission range in theworld, video servers, industry leading video analysis software andvarious management solutions, COE equipment is featured atsome of the most high-profile, complex and security conscioussites in the world.Contact - Greg ElsborgCOE LimitedPhoton HousePercy StreetLeedsLS12 1EGTel: + 44 113 230 8800Fax: + 44 113 279 9229email: sales@coe.co.ukwww.coe.co.ukCommend UK Ltd. (a new name for Complus Teltronic Ltd.) -Networked IntercomOne of the most important features of Commend intercomsystems is the ability to create Network Solutions. The network isnot just confined to providing rapid communication links todifferent locations on a single site.An intercom network provides the means of linking almost anynumber of sites anywhere in the country into one homogeneoussystem. This means that all the system features apply across thewhole network and the whole network can be administered andreconfigured from any Commend central on the network.ComNet manufactures a comprehensive range of fiber optictransmission products for analogue and digital signals. Ourportfolio encompasses video, data, audio and contact closure inany combination. Products available extend from single channeltransmission through to drop, insert, repeat and self-healing ring.ComNet also offer field expandable multiplexers allowingtransportation of up to 32 video and 8 data channels on onefiber. An extensive range of Ethernet products are available frommedia converters to managed and un-managed switches withoptional Power over Ethernet (PoE). All equipment is fieldhardened and covered by a comprehensive industry leadinglifetime warranty.COMPUTERLINKS is a leading distributor of IT security andInternet technology solutions, providing UK and Irish channelpartners with reliable, supported solutions from world-leadinghardware and software manufacturers. We do not sell direct tothe end-user community or possess our own reseller arm. Weoperate through a network of reseller partners offering them asingle point of expertise and assistance as they deliver solutionsto improve the security and efficiency of modern business.Utilising a full 20 years experience in <strong>IP</strong>-based business solutions,COMPUTERLINKS delivers true value-add by providing a fullservicepackage of technical, sales and marketing support,practical training and efficient logistics.Contact - Greg GregoriouCommend UK Ltd.Park HouseCambridge RoadHarlowEssex CM20 2EUTel: +44 (0) 1279 457 510e-mail: sales@complus.co.ukwww.complusteltronic.co.ukContact - Tom ExleyComNet Europe Ltd.8 Turnberry Park RoadGildersomeMorleyLeeds LS27 7LETel: +44 (0) 113 307 6400Fax: +44 (0) 113 253 7462e-mail: texley@comnet.netwww.comnet.netContact - John TurnerComputerlinks UKSuffolk HouseFordham RoadNewmarketCB8 7AATel: +44 (0) 1638 569 702Fax: +44 (0) 1638 569 601email.john.turner@computerlinks.co.ukwww.computerlinks.co.ukThe Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) is a newinnovation and knowledge centre and is based at Queen'sUniversity of Belfast's, Institute of Electronics, Communicationsand Information Technology (ECIT) in the Northern IrelandScience Park, Belfast.With the total funding in the region of £30M over five years.CSIT will create the security infrastructure needed to safeguardthe trustworthiness of information stored electronically, both athome and in the workplace. The Centre will bring togetherresearch specialists in complementary fields such as dataencryption, network security systems, wireless enabled securitysystems and intelligent surveillance technology.With over two decades of sales and development experienceworldwide, Dedicated Micros have earned a reputation as oneof the industry's foremost innovative forces.Our products are packed with all the features we know truesecurity professionals demand. We offer a range on networkvideo servers and network-ready digital multiplex recorders thatare straightforward, user friendly and simple to install.And what's more we deliver the full support you look for in alarge international company. In short everything you wouldexpect from the company that first made CCTV videomultiplexing a practical, commercial reality. If you're serious aboutsecurity, talk to the name you can trust - Dedicated Micros.Digital CCTV Limited was formed in 1988. Havingmanufactured and commissioned some of the very first, andnow hundreds, of <strong>IP</strong> CCTV recording, transmission and controlsystems in the United Kingdom and internationally we haveconsiderable experience of the real market for upgradedanalogue, <strong>IP</strong> and Hybrid system solutions.Today we specialise in the design, installation and maintenanceof <strong>IP</strong> video, audio and alarm signalling solutions for BuildingManagement, CCTV, Access Control and Alarm solutions toretail, distribution, industrial manufacturing, airport, heathservice and local authority applications. We provide reliablemulti-site management at a fraction of the legacy cost.Contact - Dr. Godfrey GastonCSITThe Institute of ElectronicsQueen’s University BelfastNorthern Ireland BusinessPark Belfast BT3 9DTTel: +44 (0) 2890 971700Fax: +44 (0) 2890 971702e-mail: g.gaston@ecit.qub.ac.ukwww.csit.qub.ac.ukContact - Steve GreenDedicated Micros1200 Daresbury ParkDaresburyWarringtonWA4 4HSTel; +44 (0) 1928 706413Fax: +44 (0) 1928 706356email.customerservices@dmicros.comwww.dedicatedmicros.comContact - Michael GrainDigital CCTV Ltd.The Old SchoolNewport RoadWoughton ParkMilton Keynes MK6 3APTel: +44 (0) 1908 239239Fax: +44 (0) 1908 239239m.grain@digitalcctv.comwww.digitalcctv.com38_issue 25

DVTel bridges the gap between security systems and thenetwork by offering a full-featured, enterprise-wide NetworkVideo Recorder System (NVRS) that functions as an integrationplatform for several mission-critical security systems. The NVRSPlatform incorporates the most sought after features of threebest-in-class hardware systems—Digital Video Recorder (DVR),video matrix switching system, and video multiplexer—into onesoftware based system. The NVRS Platform is based on adistributed architecture, which allows the end user to leverageexisting networking infrastructure while eliminating the needfor multiple, costly wiring sets.Founded in 2000, Ekahau is the recognized leader in locationenablingenterprise Wi-Fi networks. Ekahau's mission is toprovide the easiest, most cost effective and accurate positioningsolutions for locating people, assets, inventory and other objectsusing wireless enterprise networks. The Ekahau solution trackswireless laptops, PDAs, VO<strong>IP</strong> phones, Wi-Fi tags and other802.11 enabled devices.Ekahau’s solution allows businesses to keep track of valuableassets and equipment, improve the overall workflow, andimprove the levels of corporate security and customer service.With Ekahau, the critical corporate resources, people and assets,will be always available at the right place and at the right time.Emizon 21 is the global alarm signalling service for commercial anddomestic premises. Using broadband and GPRS networks, Emizon21 delivers advanced, dual-path and secure signalling, costeffectively.Following close collaboration with panel manufacturers, 2008 seesEmizon launch dial-capture and remote panel programming featuresContact - David PetrookDVTel UK Ltd.7 Lancaster CourtCoronation RoadCressex Business ParkHigh Wycombe. HP12 3TDTel. +44 (0) 870 2400 716Fax. +44 (0) 870 2400 716email. dpetrook@dvtel.comwww.dvtel.comContact - Barry ReedEkahau Inc.Tallberginkatu 2Helsinki00180FinlandTel: +44 (0) 8458 901576Fax: +44 (0) 8458 901576email. barry.read@ekahau.comwww.ekahau.comContact - Sian LloydEmizonSmiths YardDog LaneSouth KilworthLE17 6DYTel: +44 (0) 1858 575754e-mail: sian.lloyd@emizon.comhwww.emizon.comEnai is the leading solutions provider for Alarm ResponseCenters and alarm communication products.ENAI-systems supplies innovative solutions to the securitybranch so that our customers will be able to carry out theirservices successfully. Enai distinguishes itself by supplementingits knowledge in the security branch with the most moderntelecommunication, electronics and computer technology.Integration of these technologies makes our solutions unique.Envisage Technology Ltd are a high-end CCTV distributor for theEMEA with an emphasis on original products which fill nichesconventional CCTV can not do justice to. Envisage are at theforefront of cutting edge Megapixel CCTV (SentryScope) andIntelligent Video Tracking / Threat Detection (IOIMAGE)Technologies which are set to revolutionalise the industry.Envisage have earned their reputation through helping theirclients create innovative project designs and smooth systemintegration.Etrovision Technology is an industry leader in designing highquality<strong>IP</strong> surveillance products. Our innovation and thoughtfulengineering make our products outstanding and easy to use. Ourproducts include <strong>IP</strong> Cameras, Video Servers, Video Decoders, andNVR/CMS Software. All products share the same powerful SDK(Software Development Kit).Contact - Ingo van DrielENAI SystemsVan der Hoopstraat 14Krimpen aan den Ijssel2921 LRNetherlandsTel: +31 180 512 005Fax: +31 108 510 113e-mail:ingo.van.driel@enai.nlwww.enai.nlContact - Kevin BrownEnvisage65 Portsmouth RoadHorndeanWaterloovillePO8 9LHTel: +44 (0) 2392 570044Fax: +44 (0) 2392 570066e-mail:Kevin@envisagetechnology.comwww.envisagetechnoogy.comContact - Miranda WuEtrovision Technology2F, No.19-5, San Chung RoadNan Kang DistrictTaipei 115. TaiwanTel: +886 2 2655 1518Fax: +886 2 2655 1540e-mail:mirandawu@etrovision.comwww.etrovision.comFibre Options specialise in the implementation of enterprise <strong>IP</strong>networks supporting video, audio and data transport inbroadcast and surveillance applications. Designed to maximisethe authenticity of streamed and stored images, Fibre Optionsnetworks feature high resolution camera and codec solutions(up to 2048x1536 pixels), robust and secure networkinfrastructures, open platform software interfaces and scalablestorage options. Our full installation and configuration capabilityguarantees truly integrated network solutions.Contact - Mark TrojacekFibre Options Ltd.The CourtyardPark RoadTringHP23 6DBTel: +44 (0) 1442 382200Fax: +44 (0) 1442 382201e-mail: m.trojacek@fibre-options.comwww.fibre-options.comFLIR Systems, Inc. is the global leader in the manufacturing anddevelopment of Infrared cameras, night vision and thermal imagingsystems. Our products play pivotal roles in the security of a widerange of industrial, commercial and government activities in morethan 60 countries. Pioneers in the commercial infrared cameraindustry, the Company has been supplying night vision equipmentto industry, law enforcement and the military for over 30 years.Flir Systems offer the widest range of Thermal Imaging Static and PTZcameras and used across every vertical and environment for the protectionof assets. Thermal Imaging cameras have proven to be the preferredchoice for security professionals due to cost saving benefits, performanceand reliability. Detection distances of 100mtrs to over 30Kms.Contact - Christiaan MarasFlir Systems2 Kings Hill Avenue,Kings HillWest MallingKent. ME19 4AQTel: +31 765 79 41 94email: christiaan.maras@flir.comwww.flir.comFluidmesh Networks is the worldwide leader in wireless videosurveillancesystems based on mesh networking technology. Thecompany is focused on the development of top-quality wirelessproducts for video-surveillance applications in large at-risk areas.Target markets span municipalities, industrial plants, seaportsand marinas, archaeological sites, resorts, theme parks andracing tracks.Founded by a team of researchers and engineers from theMassachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA(USA) and the Politecnico of Milan in Italy, Fluidmesh Networksserves customers worldwide from its headquarters in Boston,Massachusetts in the U.S. as well as from its European office inMilan, Italy.Contact - Umberto MalesciFluidmesh Networks165 Tremont StreetSuite 1502Boston 02111USATel: +1 617 381 4219Fax: +1 866 458 1522umberto.malesci@fluidmesh.comwww.fluidmesh.comFRAMOS Electronics offers a comprehensive range of imageprocessing components and solutions. With more than 25 yearsexperience our objective is to be your innovative partner for highquality image processing projects.The FRAMOS product portfolio includes image sensors and awide range Industrial, Scientific and Security cameras from ourpartner companies which include: Sony, Aptina, Lumenera,Toshiba-Teli, Ikegami, Tamron and Pentax.Contact - Julian ParfittFramos UKThe Colliseum BusinessCentreRiverside WayCamberley GU15 3YLTel: +44 (0) 1276 4041 40Fax: +44 (0) 1276 4041 44email:julian.parfitt@framos.co.ukwww.framos.co.ukFreeSpace Networks design, manufacture and supply carrierclasswireless solutions for voice, video and data networks. Themanufacturing of all our solutions is conducted at our ISO9001certified facilities in Derby UK, and allows us to ensure that allproducts are built, tested and configured to meet the highestquality standards.FreeSpace Networks range of wireless products offer anunparalleled level of performance allowing the cost effectivedeployment of both short and long range wireless networks.Our products are the perfect solution for all your voice, videoand data transmission requirements, enabling network installersand systems integrators to extend networks beyond physicalwired boundaries.Contact - Karl BelmerFreeSpace Networks Ltd. Tel: +44 (0) 1332 290544St Thomas House Fax: +44 (0) 1332 360885Mansfield Road e-mail:Derbykarl@freespacenetworks.co.ukDE1 3TNwww.freespacenetworks.co.ukGallagher Security Management Systems is a market leader ofinnovative, high quality electronic access control, intruderalarms, and perimeter security systems in chosen markets.Cardax access control and intruder alarm systems range fromcost-effective, pre-configured solutions to systems with highlevels of integration and a business management informationfocus. PowerFence systems provide an active deterrent to anywould-be intruder. Advanced PowerFence perimeter securitysystems can be integrated with Cardax FT.Gallagher Security Management Systems markets its Cardax andPowerFence systems through a network of subsidiary companiesand accredited business partners around the world.Contact - Dave BentleyGallagher SecurityManagement Systems Ltd.Unit 5, Eastboro FieldsAttleboroughNuneaton CV1 6GLTel: +44 (0) 24 7664 1234Fax: +44 (0) 24 7664 2345email:daveb@gallaghersms.comwww.gallaghersms.comissue 25_39

GarrettCom is an industry leader in providing cost effective,efficient and innovative, off-the-shelf industrial Ethernetproducts for heavy duty and stressed applications.<strong>IP</strong> Video Surveillance requires hardened networking productsthat can be installed in temperature uncontrolled environments.A full range of rugged Ethernet products, including PoE, isavailable.Contact - David MossGarrettCom EuropeHasler Marine TechnologyParkHasler RoadGosport, PO12 2AUTel: +44 (0) 870 3825 777Fax: +44 (0) 870 3825 <strong>09</strong>8e-mail:david.moss@garrettcom.co.ukwww.garrettcom.co.ukGeutebruck has been a technology leader in the surveillanceindustry since the early 70s. Our in-house hardware andsoftware developers are continuously focused on meeting thelatest needs of security professionals, and our German-made,cutting-edge, high quality digital cctv systems protect many ofthe world’s most prestigious and sensitive sites.With open architecture and networking, Geutebruck’s flexible,customised systems are the natural choice for easy, seamlessintegration and cost-effective analogue-to-digital-to-<strong>IP</strong> transition.Ultra-efficient encoding, multi-processor digital signal processingand high grade software functionality deliver high performanceand customer satisfaction, outstanding flexibility, longevity andlow cost of ownership.Contact - Carmen LahrGeutebruck GmbHIm Nassen 7 – 9WindhagenD-53578GermanyTel: +49 (0) 2645 137-0Fax: +49 (0) 2645 137-999e-mail: info@geutebruck.comwww.geutebruck.comHeatSec are appointed distributors for FLIR Systems the leadingmanufacturer of Thermal Imaging Cameras for the Securityindustry. With offices in The UK and Europe.In addition to the supply of the cameras we also offer the OEMmodules and MIST, the advanced Video Analytics platform,i-LIDS® approved for use in sterile zone monitoring.HeatSec offers full and professional services and support, withdemonstrations, training, design and consultancy. As a leadingdistributor we carry the full range of Thermal Cameras, Static,PTZ, Duel head systems to address the short to long rangeapplications cover every application and vertical.Contact - Alex ThorntonHeatSec UK Ltd.PO Box 1125CrawleyTel: +44 (0) 1293 873128West Sussexe-mail: alex@heatsec.comRH10 0JBwww.heatsec.comHoneywell Security products are manufactured to the higheststandards for performance and reliability. Honeywell securitysystems can be designed to fit the demands of any building.Using a combination of intruder alarms, CCTV and accesscontrol systems – you can protect your premises and assets,monitor and record activity and control the movement of peoplewithin your work environment..Specialists in the manufacture of a complete range of CCTVmanagement and control solutions. Our products include: videocontrol and administration systems, network video recorders, <strong>IP</strong>based camera switching, re-deployable cameras and <strong>IP</strong>transmission.Our flag ship product V-TAS PRO represents a new generation incontrol room management. Now even the most demandingenvironments, worldwide, can enjoy the benefits of this solutionoffering integrated CCTV, record/playback/retrieval, buildingmanagement, advanced reporting all in one package.IImPerium Integration Limited is an independent company committedto providing innovative, integrated software solutions for all your fireand security requirements. We are suppliers of the ImPeriumManagement Suite software which is and <strong>IP</strong> bassed CCTV andrecording system with integration to Fire Detection, Intruder, VoiceEvacuation, Intercom, Access Control for event led monitoring anddisplay.Contact - Daniel WanHoneywell Systems GroupUnit 6 Aston Fields RoadWhitehouse IndustrialEstateRuncorn. WA7 3DLTel: +44 (0) 1928 754 008e-mail:daniel.wan@honeywell.comwww.honeywellsecurity.comContact - Hugh Barker1st Floor OfficesDragon Bridge House253 – 259 Whitehall RoadLeedsLS12 6ERTel: +44 (0) 1132 311100Fax: +44 (0) 1133 504595e-mail: hugh@i-comply.co.ukhttp://www.i-comply.co.ukContact - Alan InksterImperium Integration Ltd.The StudioWhite ReapIntake LaneHuddersfield HD7 5TYTel: +44 (0) 871 622 7468Fax: +44 (0) 1484 515217e-mail:ainkster@imperium.uk.nethttp://www.imperium.uk.netIndigoVision is a leading manufacturer of complete <strong>IP</strong> Videosolutions for the security market. These solutions deliveroutstanding video quality, live from cameras and networkedvideo recorders via <strong>IP</strong> networks. IndigoVision solutions are used formission critical applications in airports, city centres, mines, trafficsystems and the military. IndigoVision is headquartered inEdinburgh UK, with local sales & support offices in New Jerseyand Toronto.“The <strong>IP</strong> Video market will benefit enormously from a forum whichbrings together manufacturers, consultants, systems integratorsand end users. That’s why IndigoVision joined.”Oliver Vellacott, CEO, Indigo VisionContact - Oliver VellacottIndigoVision Ltd.Charles Darwin BuildingThe Edinburgh TechnopoleBush Loan, EdinburghEH26 0PJTel. +44 (0) 131 475 7200Fax. +44 (0) 131 475 7201Email. sales@indigovision.comhttp://www.indigovision.comInner Range are world leaders in the design and manufacture ofstate of the art security solutions.Since our inception in 1988, over 50,000 Inner Range systems havebeen installed in over 30 countries. Amidst impressive growth, InnerRange has remained focused on what it does best; the integrationof intruder alarm and access control functionality.The implementation of integrated building management technologyallows Inner Range to deliver an impressive mix of power andflexibility to control multiple remote sites via traditional and <strong>IP</strong>networks.Cost effective scalability, programming flexibility, intuitive userinterface and third party integration are compelling reasons tochoose an Inner Range solution.Contact - Tim NorthwoodInner Range (Europe Ltd.)Units 10 & 11Tel: +44 (0) 118 957 5055Theale Lakes Business Park Fax: +44 (0) 118 957 5058Moulden Way, Sulhampstead, e-mail: tim@innerrange.co.ukReading, Berks RG7 4GB. UK http://www.innerrange.comIntellio is the developer of a new generation of advanced videosurveillance systems based entirely on intelligent <strong>IP</strong>-cameras withreal-time video analytics suited especially for medium and large,multi-site surveillance environments.Intellio’s system is designed to enable security providers to takeimmediate action in case of potential and actual risk-events.Intellio has offices in the UK, Hungary and the Czech Republicand a development team in Budapest, Hungary.Contact - Janos KophaziIntellio Ltd.Gyarmat u. 99/b, Tel: +36 1220 42791147Fax: +36 1221 9216Budapestemail. jamos.kophazi@intellio.euHungaryhttp://www.intellio.euIntellistream operates a platform for remotely controlling,recording and viewing any <strong>IP</strong> camera , NVR, or video server. Thesystem can be accessed via the internet or any 2G or 3G mobilehandset. Our focus is on making the platform easy to use forthe installer, integrator and the end user.Contact - Jani PeltonenSuite 7The Old Truman Brewery91 Brick LaneLondonE1 6QLTel: +44 (0) 207 710 5460Fax: +44 (0) 207 796 3483e-mail:query@intellistream.co.ukhttp://www.intellistream.co.ukIQinVision designs, manufactures and markets the IQeye family of highperformance network cameras, intelligent video processors, andnetwork video recording (NVR) systems. A technology leader, IQinVisionhas redefined the surveillance and industrial video markets byintroducing Hi Definition, Megapixel and Intelligent Video networkcameras. The IQeye can act as a stand-alone system or integrate withother systems via a standard API or a Software Developer's Kit for fullcustomapplications. The IQeye's proprietary and time-tested ImageProcessing Operating System (<strong>IP</strong>OS) provides unrivaled image qualityand network stability. The company's products are available as IQeyebrand,private-label, and OEM models, and are widely used ingovernment, institutional and commercial applications. IQinVision iscommitted to leading the industry in innovative products and worldclassservice and support.Contact - Cathy CooperIQinVision33122 Valle RoadSan Juan CampistranoCA 92675USATel: +1 717 5<strong>09</strong> 1384Fax: +1 717 5<strong>09</strong> 7320e-mail:cathy.cooper@iqeye.comhttp://www.iqeye.comIQ Security offer turnkey solutions for security, communication &control system applications. We design, supply, install andmaintain these systems.Our approach? Innovative thinking, sensible use of technologyand common sense! As a truly independent system integrator, weselect equipment from a wide range of manufacturers to meetprecise requirements. Our ability to work both with latest <strong>IP</strong>technology and conventional systems allow us to providecustomers with effective, comprehensive and economical solutionsthat minimises redundancy and waste.Our key personnel have decades of international project experiencefrom involvement on several prestigious projects across variousmarket sectors. Benefit from our knowledge and experience!!Contact - Denys BurkeIQ SecurityThe PosthouseBrookhill RoadCopthorneRH10 3QJTel: +44 (0) 845 055 1972Fax: +44 (0) 845 055 1973e-mail:denys@iqsecurity.co.ukhttp://www.iqsecurity.co.uk40_issue 25

Nedap GB - is a world leader in the manufacturing RFID technologiesand integrated native <strong>IP</strong> based Access control systems.The AEOS Security management system provides visitor management,contractor management and a plethora of additional vitalmanagement information beyond traditional access control softwareNetwork Webcams Ltd provides managed webcam hostingservices as well as <strong>IP</strong> surveillance and monitoring solutions.The people at Network Webcams have been involved with <strong>IP</strong>camera application since the technology first became available in1996. We use this experience by offering our customers solutionsthat allow them to take maximum benefit of the manyadvantages <strong>IP</strong> technology has to offer.NICE Systems is a leading supplier of video surveillance,command and control management and communicationsinterception solutions, serving over 15,000 customersworldwide.NiceVision® smart video solutions integrate real-time videoanalysis with recording, transmission and management toenable fast and informed decision-making. Public and privatesector organisations benefit from heightened security, moreefficient allocation of human resources and powerful insightsinto operational performance.Contact - Sanna LanbourneNedap GBCalleva ParkAldermastonBerkshireRG7 8DNTel: +44 (0) 1189 821038Fax: +44 (0) 1189 821040e-mail:sanna.lambourne@nedap.comwww.nedap.comContact - Frank CrouwelNetwork Webcams Ltd.124E Market StreetHoylakeWirralCH47 3BHTel: +44 (0) 151 633 2111Fax: +44 (0) 151 633 2300frank@networkwebcams.co.ukwww.networkwebcams.co.ukContact - Graham ThatcherNICE SystemsTollbar WayHedge EndSouthamptonSO30 2ZPTel: +44 (0) 8707 22 4146e-mail:graham.thatcher@mccint.comwww.nice.comWith annual revenues in excess of £126 million and growing, NorbainSD is one of Europe’s most successful distributors of CCTV, <strong>IP</strong>, AccessControl and Intruder Detection solutions.As well as being an authorised distributor of over 90 of the World’sleading electronic security brands, Norbain also carries a wide range of<strong>IP</strong> specific brands from leading manufacturers including Milestone, Axis,Sony, Panasonic, Mobotix, JVC, Bosch, Dallmeier, Dedicated Micros,American Dynamics and Pelco.Headquartered in Reading, Berkshire, the company employs 290 peoplethroughout the UK at its distribution and service centres in Warrington,Manchester and Blackpool. Each year, Norbain’s International SalesDivision sells into 77 countries across five continents.Contact - Richard PriceNorbain SD210 Wharfedale RoadWinnersh TriangleWokinghamRG41 5TPTel: 0118 912 5000Fax: 0118 912 5001e-mail: sales@norbain.co.ukwww.norbain.co.ukOn-Net Surveillance Systems Inc (ONSSI), based in Suffern, NY, isa market leader in non-proprietary, open architecture <strong>IP</strong>-BasedVideo Surveillance. OnSSI‚s systems deliver feature-rich cameramanagement, sophisticated recording and archiving, automaticPush Live Video on event, and a complete control-room videowallmanagement solution using the <strong>IP</strong> Network as a limitlessvirtual matrix. OnSSI‚s systems can be found in a wide range offederal and local government agencies, as well as enterprise,industrial and educational settings.Contact - Mr. Mulli DiamantOn-Net SurveillanceSystems Inc. - OnSSI222 Rt. 59, Suite 303Suffern, New York1<strong>09</strong>01. USATel: +1 845 369 6400Fax: +1 845 369 8711e-mail: info@onssi.comwww.onssi.comOptelecom-NKF, Inc. (NASDAQ: OPTC), is a global supplier of networkvideo equipment, including video servers, Ethernet switches, fiberoptic systems, video management software and <strong>IP</strong> cameras. Wedeliver complete solutions for traffic management and security inairports, seaports, public transport, public space, industry parks andbuildings.Founded in 1972, its R&D centers have accumulated extensiveknowledge of fiber optic and <strong>IP</strong>/Ethernet network technologies.Optelecom-NKF supplies top quality equipment and is committed toproviding its customers with expert technical advice and support. Allproducts are developed and tested for LAN and WAN applications.Optelecom-NKF has offices in the US, the Netherlands, France, Spain,the UK, and Singapore, and expertise centers in the US and Europe.Contact - Tamara KoningsteinOptelecom-NKF B.V.Zuidelijk Halfrond 42801 DDGoudaThe NetherlandsTel: +31 182 592 333Fax: +31 182 592 123e-mail:marketing.nl@optelecom-nkf.comwww.optelecom-nkf.comPanasonic is the leading branded manufacturer and stands forstate of the art technology and an honourable and committedapproach to the markets it operates in. With this position,Panasonic benefit from a long established dealer network andwe are proud of our comprehensive range of quality products,customer service and support.Panasonic have a wider range of <strong>IP</strong> cameras ranging from entrylevel to external vandal resistant. The range includes both fixedand dome cameras including Super D and Day/Night Features.Contact - Gareth MatthewsPanasonicPanasonic HouseWilloughby RoadBracknellRG12 8FPTel: +44 (0) 1344 853176Fax: +44 (0) 1344 853221email:gareth.matthews@eu.panasonic.comhttp://www.panasonic.co.ukPelco is a world leader in the design, development andmanufacture of video security systems and supportingequipment. With a long and prestigious history of offering highqualityproducts and exceptional customer service, Pelco hasbecome the most sought after product supplier in the industry.Operating from the largest CCTV manufacturing complex in theworld — Pelco produces a complete offering of cameras,enclosures, positioning systems, digital video recorders, andmany other professional video security products. This year, Pelcoproudly released the Endura® network video system to ravereviews. With Endura, Pelco offers the industry’s mostcomprehensive, most responsive <strong>IP</strong>/network-based video securitysolution available.Contact - Kevin SmithIndigo HouseMulberry Business ParkFishponds RoadWokinghamRG41 2GYTel: +44 (0) 870 220 2622Fax: +44 (0) 870 220 2633e-mail:UKSales@pelco.comhttp://www.pelco.comPivot3 is the fastest-growing surveillance storage company, withits award-winning products widely deployed in the gaming,homeland security, public safety, education and transportationmarkets.The Pivot3 core product lines are High-Definition Storage, aclustered iSCSI SAN, and Serverless Computing, the industry’sfirst integrated NVR/SAN platform. To learn more about Pivot3,visit www.pivot3.comContact - Lee CaswellPivot31900 EmbarcaderoSuite 111CA 94303USATel: +1 650 391 1166Fax: +1 650 391 1305email: leec@pivot3.comhttp://www.pivot3.comIn business since 1986, Plustek began as an original equipmentmanufacturer (OEM) for many large companies, producinginnovative lines including scanners, <strong>IP</strong> cameras, servers andimaging related products. Through dedicated design innovationwith strict and high quality manufacturing standards, Plustek hasgrown to become one of the largest image solution providers inthe world.In addition to sales and supporting offices worldwide, Chinabasedfactories and offices provide just-in-time manufacturingand superior engineering. This allows Plustek to introduceoutstanding new products to the market in high quality andoutstanding after sales services.Contact - Edward HillPlustek UK20a Church RoadWolverhamptonWV7 3LBTel: +44 (0) 7888 844768e-mail:edwardhill@uk.plustek.comwww.plustek.comPointer Ltd are an <strong>IP</strong> security solutions provider with aninternational client base. With over thirty year’s experience inelectronic security, Pointer have a proven track record in thedesign, installation, maintenance and monitoring of securitysolutions across a wide range of industries and sectors.With the worlds of IT and security converging, it takes aspecialist company with specialist skills to ensure that everyaspect of both disciplines is addressed professionally. Pointer hasboth these skills and the experience to deliver projectssuccessfully. So secure your future with Pointer.Contact - John MacKayPointer Ltd.65 North Wallace StreetGlasgowG4 0DTTel: +44 (0) 141 564 2500Fax: +44 (0) 141 552 3368email:john.mackay@pointer.co.ukhttp://www.pointer.co.ukPowerDsine invented Power-over-Ethernet and manufacture alarge range of Midspan Appliances and associated splitters thatcan power devices such as <strong>IP</strong> Phones, Wireless Access Points,Access Control Systems, and <strong>IP</strong> CCTV cameras. From simple 1port devices right up to 48 ports in one appliance.With the launch of new High Power products we can alsopower devices such as 802.11n Wireless Access Points, ThinClients, and PTZ <strong>IP</strong> cameras, guaranteeing compatibility withIEEE 802.3at.Also, the PowerDsine power management software can helpwith green and environmental issues by controlling the power todevices by turning them off when not in use and giving fullconsumption details and control of an SNMP UPS.Contact - Graham HowtonPowerDsine4 Bunsen PlaceShenley LodgeMilton KeynesMK5 7GSTel: +44 (0) 7810 553692email: ghowton@microsemi.comhttp://www.microsemi.com/powerdsine42_issue 25

Raytec are a specialist manufacturer of CCTV Lighting and ANPR hardware.Raytec provide a complete range of World leading Infra-Red and White-Light illuminators for the CCTV/<strong>IP</strong> Professionals. All our illuminators offerindustry leading performance with low running costs and lowmaintenance. Raytec illuminators offer the following unique performanceenhancing features:- Adaptive Illumination- Even Output illumination- Cool Running thermal management system- Surface Mount LED technology- Infra-Red and White-Light versions- Distances up to 300m- 10 year life / 5 year warrantyContact - David LambertRaytecUnit 3 Wansbeck BusinessParkRotary ParkwayAshington, NE63 8QWTel: +44 (0) 1670 520055Fax: +44 (0) 1670 528447email.david.lambert@rayteccctv.comhttp://www.rayteccctv.comRedHand is the brand name for the software products developed andsupported by Network Connections (UK) Ltd. Network Connections wasestablished in Cheltenham in 1999 and also offers IT Consultancy andNetwork & System Design services. RedHand was launched 3 years ago tomeet the increasing interest in <strong>IP</strong> technology and its ability to provideflexible and user-friendly security solutions. Network Connections'knowledge and understanding of the operations and limitations of <strong>IP</strong>networks led to the introduction of Vision<strong>IP</strong>, our surveillance product thatprovides quality pictures, can reduce installation costs and savesmanagement time. Subsequently the RedHand product range has beenextended to include Intruder<strong>IP</strong>, a truly, live monitoring system that providesSmart Security for Monitoring Centres. The Command<strong>IP</strong> software is aunique application, written specifically for Primetech UK Ltd to support theirnew Incident Management system for the Emergency Services. The systemenables voice and video to be viewed and recorded from multiple camerasand PTZ functions controlled remotely, from a single screen.Contact - Alan PascoeRedhand Ltd.11 Riverview HouseBond’s Mill EstateStonehouseGL10 3RFTel: +44 (0) 870 887 0256Fax: +44 (0) 870 705 9452e-mail: alan.pascoe@redhand.co.ukhttp://www.redhand.co.ukRISCO Group creates <strong>IP</strong> based integrated security solutions for theglobal security markets. From software solutions to highperformancewired and wireless integrated systems, the companydevelops products matching customers’ requirements and industrystandards.RISCO Group’s solutions for buildings and control rooms,sophisticated detector technology, intrusion and access controlsystems are found in commercial, industrial, institutional andresidential applications around the world.Contact - Steve HopkinsRISCO Group UKCommerce HouseWhitbrook WayMiddletonManchester. M24 2SSTel: +44 (0) 1616 555 500Fax: +44 (0) 1616 555 501email:steve.hopkins@riscogroup.comwww.riscogroup.comRuggedCom is a leading provider of rugged communicationsnetworking solutions designed for mission-critical applications inharsh environments. Our robust technology solutions includeEthernet switches, network routers, wireless devices, serial servers,media converters, software (proprietary embedded software andapplication software) and professional services.RuggedCom products are designed for use in harsh environmentssuch as those found in electrical power substations, oil refineries,military applications, roadside traffic control cabinets and metalsand minerals processing. RuggedCom is well positioned tocapitalize on emerging trends within the rugged communicationsindustry, including the growing worldwide demand for <strong>IP</strong>-basedcommunications networks suitable for harsh environments and theglobal initiative to integrate communications networks with electricpower grids, known as ‘‘Smart Grids’’.Contact - Ian PoulettKnowledge Business CentreInfoLab21Lancaster UniversityLancasterLA1 4WATel: +44 (0) 1524 510434Fax: +44 (0) 1524 510433e-mail:ianpoulett@ruggedcom.comhttp://www.ruggedcom.comSAE® is a high-tech enterprise specially supported by theChinese government and since being established in 1997, SAE®has been growing rapidly and steadily .At present SAE® hasascended to be the top speed dome manufacturer in China withmore than 200 staff and over 15 branches in large cities ofChina, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong etc.SAE® has become one of the famous brands in China , with ahigh reputation. In overseas market SAE® specially co-operateswith some famous brand worldwide companies in OEM cooperateMode.With the high quality control and environment managementsystem,SAE® has gained the ISO9001 and ISO14000 certificates. All the products have CE and, FCC certificates. Thanks to thedevelopment of R&D, SAE® has been providing total solutionsfor customers with full ranges CCTV products for years, such asspeed dome, mini dome, keyboard, different size of video matrixsystem, large position system, Fiber optic system etc.Contact - Dominic Jones23rd FloorYing Long Zhan Ye BuildingNo. 6025 Shennan RoadCentral Futian DistrictShenzhen China 518040Tel: +44 (0) 7872 163044e-mail:fan.chenhui@sae-cctv.cnwww.saecctv.comWith over 40 years of experience SANYO have one of the mostcomprehensive CCTV product ranges available today.Our products utilise cutting edge technology along with firstclass build quality, performance and reliability.Combine these elements with our renowned technical back upand service support you can understand why SANYO is thepreferred choice for installers and end users alike.SANYO offer a complete range of CCTV solutions withadvanced recording, control and display systems and worldleading camera technology including full HD cameras.Contact - Dominic JonesSANYOSanyo House18 Colonial WayWatfordWD24 4PTTel: +44 (0) 1923 477223e-mail:dominic.jones@sanyo.comwww.sanyo.co.ukSensor Access Technology is based in East Sussex in the UK. Thecompany is privately funded by experienced directors with over20 years experience in access control.This year we are celebrating out 10th birthday, together withthis we are also launching a brand new product into the UKaccess control market.Our GuardPoint NET software is a flexible <strong>IP</strong> based access controlsolution. With web based administration it allows end users andinstallers to control and monitor the system from any computerwith an internet connection. The data is hosted externally in asecure data centre off site.Contact - Ahmed AbbasSensor Access TechnologySensor HouseWestergate RoadBrightonBN2 4JZTel: +44 (0)1273 242 355Fax: +44 (0) 1273 235 030e-mail:ahmed@sensoraccess.co.ukwww.sensoraccess.comSesys provide imaging solutions using the latest <strong>IP</strong> technology.Working in many market sectors to deliver the very best imagequality to the user. SeSys also specialize in remote monitoringusing cabled networks, wireless networks and alternativetechnology such as GPRS or 3G mobile networking.Contact - David CawkellSeSys LimitedUnit 1 Rotherbrook CourtBedford RoadPetersfield GU32 3QGTel: +44 (0) 1730 230530Fax: +44 (0) 1730 262333e-mail: dc@sesys.co.ukwww.sesys.co.ukShenzhen EasyN Technology Co. Ltd is a professional enterprise engaged indeveloping and manufacturing <strong>IP</strong> cameras, digital video servers and variousnetwork communication products with advanced IT technology. We provideOEM and ODM services and our excellent products are lauded by a list ofoverseas customers. EasyN is also a supplier of video surveillance solutionsand a professional provider of security surveillance systems for ChinaTelecom Group and a great number of overseas customers.In EasyN's surveillance security system line, our <strong>IP</strong> cameras can be associatedwith the security products such as infrared detectors, door/window gapdetectors and more. We have been in the field of electronic productdeveloping and manufacturing for ten years. Hence we have substantialexperience to meet your needs. We now have over 400 production workersand 30 R&D professionals, and our plant is equipped with SMT, D<strong>IP</strong>, autoflowassembly lines, an independent RoHS workshop and a standardworkshop.Contact - Tony ChouShenzhen EasyN TechnologyTiegangBaoanShenzhenChina 518052Tel: +86 13632 77 99 30e-mail: psd@easynp.comwww.easyn.cnSiemens Building Technologies offers intelligent integrated solutionsfor complete building life cycle management. Interoperability acrossthe areas of security, fire safety and building automation ensuressecure investment protection maximising safety and security in thebuilding, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.From ports, airports, commercial and retail, to banking, governmentand industrial premises, Siemens provides a comprehensive andenvironmentally conscious portfolio of products, systems, solutionsand services. With one of the largest research and developmentoperations in the world, Siemens has both the knowledge and theexperience to deliver the technologies you need.Siemens as a brand is recognised worldwide as representing quality,innovation, leading edge design and reliability – values which arerepresented across all portfolios.Contact - Sales TeamSiemens Switzerland Limited Tel: +41 41 724 2424Building Technologies Division Fax: +41 41 723 5484International Headquarters securityproducts.sbt.uk@siemens.comGroup Communications www.siemens.com/buildingtechGubelstrasse 22, CH-6301 Zug nologiesSilverNet is a leading wireless solution provider dedicated tobroadband wireless connectivity, as well as various mobile dataapplications.SilverNet focuses on delivering solid-quality, high-performancecost-effective wireless networking devices, as well as totalsystem solutions to its global customers.Customers include Enterprises, System Integrators, WirelessInternet Service Providers (WISP's) and CCTV Providers.A wealth of experience in broadband radio equipment andnetwork design enables SilverNet to provide the expertise,equipment, installation advice and support needed to deploycost-effective wireless networks. See our references!Contact - Christopher BallardSilverNet Ltd.16 Cochran CloseCrownhillMilton KeynesMK8 9AJTel: +44 (0) 871 2233 067Fax: +44 (0) 870 6220 254cballard@silvernet.comwww.silvernet.comSINOVIA had developed an innovative technology to supervisecities/sites and buildings. Sinovia’s solution pilots heterogeneousequipments (cameras, fire alarms, intruder detection…), providesin one unique interface a global vision of the materials (Geolocalization), detect materials anomalies, interacts with multipleequipments and manage to alert people through multiple canalsin case of dangers.SINOVIA also provides a specific solution for cities lighting tomanage light intensity and reduce energy spending.Contact - Edwige BrossardSINOVIATour Evry II523 Place des TerrassesEvry91 000 FranceTel: +33 (0) 160 873 120Fax: +33 (0) 160 873 129edwige.brossard@sinovia.comhttp://www.sinovia.comissue 25_43

We are a leading Video Analytics Value Added Reseller, targetingtraffic management, surveys, and security.We supply Smart ANPR cameras, Smart Video Analytics cameras,multi mega pixel <strong>IP</strong> cameras, DVRs with embedded Video Analyticsand Video Analytics systems capable of processing over 500 videostreams in one system.In addition we provide services from pre sales consultancy throughto training for the operators to ensure that a cost effectivesolution is deployed.Contact - Nick HewitsonSmart CCTV16 The Oakwood CentreDownley RoadHavantPO9 2NPTel: +44 (0) 2392 456560Fax: +44 (0) 2392 476078email.nick.hewitson@smartcctvltd.comhttp://www.smartcctvltd.comImmix is an open architecture software product which integrates awide range of security systems providing central stations with asingle point of control and service delivery for diverse hardwareconfigurations and to support developing customer needs.Immix is a UL classified automation software platform designed toreceive alarm events from industry standard receivers, video, videoanalytics and access control systems. Immix is fully compliant withthe British Standards 8418 and 5759 and also fully adheres to thePolice White paper on use of CCTV images as court evidence.Contact - Chris EckersleySureview SystemsInternationalTechnium WaterfrontKings RoadSwansea SA1 8PHTel: +44 (0) 8444 142747e-mail:chris.eckersley@sureviewinternational.comwww.sureviewsystems.comSynectic Systems Group Limited have been designing andmanufacturing CCTV switching and control systems since 1985.Synectics products are deployed in the majority of UK Town Centresystems, along with numerous, banking, retail, stadia andtransportation systems across the globe.Recently Synectics launched the Synergy Pro complete command,control, and recording management solution bridging the gapbetween analogue and digital <strong>IP</strong> surveillance solutions. The SynergyPro system delivers a zero redundancy migration path fromanalogue to digital <strong>IP</strong> based systems. It offers a common userinterface and storage solution to numerous third party analogueand digital peripherals, along with integration to other services suchas Access Control, Intruder Detection, PA, Help Point and ANPR.Contact - David AindowSynectics Systems Group3 – 4 Broadfield CloseSheffieldS8 0XNTel: +44 (0) 114 255 25<strong>09</strong>e-mail: david.aindow@synx.comwww.synx.comTellemachus are recognised specialists in the design,development and deployment of IT and communicationinfrastructures which support <strong>IP</strong> security. We have recentlyintroduced a series of training courses developed to enable thesecurity industry to benefit from the advantages that <strong>IP</strong>networks deliver. Our unique skills are in designing,implementing & supporting <strong>IP</strong> networks using a wide variety oftechnologies including: Wireless, Internet, Cable, Satellite.We specialise in providing secure <strong>IP</strong> network connectivity acrossthe globe. We are at the forefront of cutting edge technologiesthat give our customers & partners a competitive advantage inthe current market place.Contact - Matthew WoodTellemachusTerminal HouseOakworth RoadSpringfield MillsKeighley BD21 1QQTel: +44 (0) 8700 119040e-mail:matt.wood@tellemachus.co.ukwww.tellemachus.co.ukTDS (Time Data Security) Ltd are leading specialists in the provisionof integrated Security Systems and Identification Technologies. OurCoreAccess Enterprise Wide Security Management solutionprovides our international customer base with; controlled, highlysecure access to buildings, offices and plant, combined withmaximum ease of use and aesthetic appeal.CoreAccess is designed to deliver layered value resulting inimproved performance of the Security and Safety Function,optimisation of resources, investment protection and cost benefitsboth immediate and on-going.With over twenty years experience providing integrated SecurityManagement Solutions, TDS offers an unrivalled combination ofproduct knowledge, consultancy services, installations andtechnical support.Contact - Barry McMahonTime Data Security Ltd.1 Northumberland AveTrafalgar SquareLondonWC2N 5BWTel: +44 (0) 207 8725 826Fax: +44 (0) 207 8725 611e-mail:barry.mcmahon@timedatasecurity.co.ukwww.timedatasecurity.co.ukTimeSight Systems has developed a truly 'game changing'technology in the massive market for video surveillance storage.By combining the IT concept of Information LifeCycleManagement (ILM) with advanced codecs and rules enginesoptimized for Video Surveillance, we have developed a powerfuland unique solution to address the exploding storagerequirement driven by increasing camera counts and higherresolution.TimeSight is unique in the ability to automatically compressstored video data over time according to pre-set business rulesas it becomes older/less relevant, enabling the move to highresolutioncameras and advanced analytics without requiring amassive storage investment.Contact - Charles FoleyTimeSight Systems Inc.16000 Horizon WaySuite 800Mt. LaurelNJ – 08054 USATel: +1 856 206 9739Fax: +1 856 206 9738e-mail:cfoley@timesightsystems.comhttp://www.timesightsystems.comTOA Corporation are manufacturers of professional audio andCCTV products. With a portfolio of over 4,000 products, TOAspecialise in audio products for both Commercial andProfessional use; <strong>IP</strong> products include voice and data, intercomand CCTV.Contact - Ian BridgewaterTOA Corporation (UK) Ltd.HQ3, Unit 2Hook Rise SouthSurbitonSurrey KT6 7LDTel: +44 (0) 870 774 <strong>09</strong>87Fax: +44 (0) 870 777 0839e-mail: ian@toa.co.ukhttp://www.toa.co.ukTouchstone Electronics is a leading provider of integrated electronicsecurity systems, providing “state of the art” security solutions for a widerange of environments. We specialise in the design, manufacture, supply,installation and maintenance of fully integrated systems for use in video,audio and data management applications.These systems include high resolution CCTV, Access Control, Fibre Optics,Public Address, Information Displays and Video or Data transmission.We are able to offer a complete "turnkey" solution, from site survey &system design, through to supply, installation and maintenance. We canalso provide custom-engineered solutions using the latest technology, withhighly advanced control suites, specialist software, multi-channel videoswitching, and fibre optic or microwave transmission.Contact - Steve TylerTouchstone ElectronicsOddington Grange Tel: +44 (0) 1865 331880Weston-on-the-Green Fax: +44 (0) 1865 331881Bicestere-mail: SteveTyler@t-e-l.co.ukOX25 3TGhttp://www.t-e-l.co.ukThe Traffic & Transportation group of Tyco Fire & IntegratedSolutions is a market leader in the development, installation andsupport of complete integrated solutions for traffic andtransportation systems throughout Europe.These range from stand-alone control systems to fully integratedsolutions covering Video Surveillance, ANPR, Automatic IncidentDetection, PA, Intercom, Paging, Wireless Communications,Congress/Conference systems, and RFID. Tyco have establishedan unrivalled reputation for understanding the customer’s needsand applying the latest <strong>IP</strong> technology to challengingtransportation applications.Contact - Alan PerrottTyco Traffic & TransportationSolutionsBridge House, Saxon WayBar HillCambridge CB3 8TYTel: +44 (0) 1954 784061Fax: +44 (0) 1854 784010email. aperrott@tycoint.comhttp://www.tyco.comVeracity manufactures transmission, storage and display productsfor the <strong>IP</strong> Video market. The products solve many currentproblems which restrain greater <strong>IP</strong> Video market growth, and assuch are welcomed by all players in the market, including othermanufacturers, some of which OEM our products.We focus on mega-pixel video surveillance in particular, as this willbe the key growth area in <strong>IP</strong> Video over the next five years.Verint Systems is a leading provider of analytic software solutions forcommunications interception, digital video security and surveillance, andenterprise business intelligence. Today, Verint’s actionable intelligencesolutions empower more than 1,000 organisations in 50 countries. Ourmarketplace is global and includes diverse, companies in a broad range ofmarkets, including governments, global corporations, law enforcementagencies, financial institutions, transportation, retail, utilities, andcommunications service providers. Featuring the SmartSight, Loronixand Lanex brands, Verint offers a digital video solution to address theneeds of every public, private and commercial organisation. And forsecuring outdoor areas, Verint offers video-over-<strong>IP</strong> solutions designed tobe highly durable, reliable and secure with the same breadth offunctionality as our solutions for wired CCTV.Vicon is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of CCTVequipment and high quality video systems. Vicon offers fullyengineered solutions based on both traditional analogue andnewer network digital products. Vicon’s latest digital solutions arebased on the powerful ViconNet software platform thatincorporates its superior performance Kollector Elite and KollectorPro digital video recorders and the new Surveyor VFT dome rangeoffering direct connection options to an <strong>IP</strong> network.Contact - Christine FindlaterVeracity UK Ltd.6 Barns StreetAyrKA7 1XTel: +44 (0) 1292 264967Fax: +44 (0) 1292 263127email: info@veracityuk.comhttp://www.veracityuk.comContact - Robert WintVerint Systems241 Brooklands RoadWeybridgeSurreyKT13 0RHTel. +44 (0) 1932 839 595email marketing.emea@verint.comhttp://www.verint.comContact - Chris WallVicon Industries (UK) LtdBrunel WayFarehamHampshirePO15 5TXTel. +44 (0) 1489 566 300Fax. +44 (0) 1489 566 322email. sales@vicon.co.ukwww.vicon.co.uk44_issue 25

VDT is the manufacturer of the MemoCam and the Net <strong>IP</strong>. Alsothe GW 5000 and 8000 Security Class Routers. They are regardedas the leading provider of Security Class <strong>IP</strong> Surveillance solutionsfor the Security, Police and Military sectors. Alarm Verification andLive Video Monitoring is fast becoming the big growth opportunityand VDT have the best priced solutions.Videotec was founded in Italy in 1986, and has specialised in the creationof functional and aesthetic CCTV products ever since. Well known for itsrange of CCTV housing products, Videotec has expanded its product linesto become one of the largest state-of –the –art CCTV product rangemanufacturers in the Market.Videotec lead the market in the production of CCTV housing designedspecifically for <strong>IP</strong> cameras and domes.Vigilant Technology are a global leader in the development ofintelligent <strong>IP</strong> digital video solutions for the high-end CCTV securityand surveillance markets.Our product portfolio covers solutions ranging from end-to-end <strong>IP</strong>surveillance solutions, high-end DVRs (with high-availabilityfeatures) to encoders and NVR platforms. All our systemssimultaneously provide 4CIF and real-time video with synchronizedaudio for all channels; and can accommodate tens, hundreds andeven thousands of cameras per site.Contact - Clive MasonVDT UK Ltd.Millenium HouseSovereign WayMansfieldNG18 4LQTel: +44 (0) 870 330 0166Fax: +44 (0) 870 330 0167email: clive@vdomain.comwww.vdomain.comContact - Robert GroomVideotec SpAVia Friuli, 636015 Schio (VI)ItalyTel: +44 (0) 1353 775438email: b.groom@videotec.comwww.videotec.comContact - Mark <strong>Nov</strong>akVigilant Technology9 Windmill Business VillageBrooklands CloseSunbury on ThamesTW16 7DYTel: +44 (0) 1932 73 8780Fax: +44 (0) 1932 73 8781mark.novak@vigilanttechnology.co.ukwww.vglnt.co.ukVirage Security and Surveillance provides world-leading securitymonitoring solutions which enable all organizations to respond toincreasingly complex security concerns at a corporate, national andglobal level. The key value of Virage lies in its ability to monitor vastquantities of intelligence from multiple sources and, using anadvanced functionality set including automatic hyperlinking,clustering, profiling and alerting, make conceptual intelligence basedassociations between multiple pieces of data.By providing the technology which allows organizations tounderstand and interpret the potential significance of large volumesof data, Virage Security and Surveillance facilitates superior real-timesurveillance, detection and protection operations in all securityenvironments.Visioprime has been at the leading edge of developing high quality, easy touse, high performance, intelligent digital video processing products for usersaround the world for more than 10 years. The company is part of theindependent UK Centerprise Group, itself a major supplier of ICT products,systems and services to UK businesses. Visioprime products are manufacturedand globally distributed from Centerprise’s Basingstoke facility. Visioprime hasfor many years pioneered innovation in the surveillance market including lipsynchedaudio, object tracking and camera sabotage detection. Thecompany’s systems use strong authentication algorithms and are Kalagateapproved. The FX/FXL/PXL machines use wavelet compression and providemany unique and patented features. The new IVP range is backwardcompatible with all Visioprime’s existing products and combines the samefeatures with the benefits of MPEG4 compression to deliver broadcast qualityimages and crystal clear sound at faster images rates which can be stored forlonger periods.Wavelet Technology The Wavestore enterprise level, digital video& audio recording & management systems, are fully <strong>IP</strong> enabled;providing secure remote monitoring and easy integration intocomplex security networks.Interactive site maps, for Control Centres or Hand-held Devices, areeasily customised using Wavelet Technology’s Extended VideoInterface. Coupled with the industry’s fastest “Image Find”capability, high quality Video & Audio footage can be copied toDVD and replayed on domestic DVD players.Contact - David HumphreyVirage Security & SurveillanceAutonomy HouseCambridge Business ParkCowley RoadCambridge CB4 0WZTel: +44 (0) 1223 448000Fax: +44 (0) 1223 448001email info@virage.comwww.virage.comContact - Mark LewisCenterprise InternationalHampshire Int. Bus. Pk. Tel: +44 (0) 1256 378203Lime Tree WayFax: +44 (0) 1256 378208Basingstokeemail. info@visioprime.comRG24 8GQwww.visioprime.comContact - Chris WilliamsUnit 1, Hayes Metro CentreSpringfield RoadHayesMiddlesexUB4 0LETel: +44 (0) 20 8756 5480Fax: +44 (0) 870 139 3900email:chrisw@wavestore.comwww.wavestore.comWavesight is one of Europe’s leading innovators in the design,manufacture and supply of wireless transmission solutions for thesecurity industry.Our WaveSEC suite offers the next generation in wireless CCTVtransmission, bridging the gap between traditional and <strong>IP</strong>-enabledsecurity systems. The suite includes single and multi-channel <strong>IP</strong> videointerfaces and rapid-deployment dome cameras, all supported byWavesight’s class-leading wireless bridges delivering up to 80 Mbpsover distance.Around the world, Wavesight is working closely with securityconsultants and integrators to provide their clients with flexible, lowcost solutions that allow them to fully exploit the potential of <strong>IP</strong>.Xtralis is a global leader in very early warning smoke detection andcontrol systems, traffic detection systems and interactive videosecurity solutions which protect business-critical assets across theworld. Xtralis operates a global network of companies in Australia,Asia, Europe and the Americas. Brands include; Xtralis ADPROVideo Security Systems and Solutions, Xtralis VESDA Air SamplingSmoke Detection Systems and Xtralis ASIM Traffic ManagementSolutionEstablished in 1901, Zenitel is an international market leader in thefield of integrated communication, information and securitysolutions. Zenitel customers are professional users for whomcommunication is critical because their work involves theprotection of life, health, environment and tangible assets. Wework to help them make that one vital call. Zenitel’s STENTOFONbrand is an industry leader in the security intercom market. Zenitelis a listed company (Euronext).Contact - Lawrence WebsterWavesightUnit 13Dencora WaySundon Business ParkLuton. LU3 3HPTel: +44 (0) 1582 578160Fax: +44 (0) 1582 578298email:info@wavesight.com/www.wavesight.comContact - Isabelle BakerVision House,Focus 31 Mark Road,Hemel Hempstead,HertfordshireHP2 7BW,Tel. +44 1442 242 330Fax. +44 1442 249 327email: ibaker@xtralis.comwww.xtralis.comContact - Stephen KingZenitel2 Baird CloseMaxwell WayCrawleyRH10 9XETel: +44 (0) 1293 545911Fax: +44 (0) 1293 545914email:info.uk@zenitel.bizwww.zenitel.com<strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> USA Charter & Affiliate MembersFounder Charter MembersAxis CommunicationsCisco Systems IncDallmeier Electronic USA IncDVTel IncIQinVisionMilestone Systems IncOn-Net Surveillance Systems IncVideoProteinVideoIQ IncAffiliate Members3VRAltronix CorpAmtel Security SystemsArecont VisionBasler Vision TechnologiesBrivo Systems LLCCBC (America) CorpControlware CommunicationsSystems IncDIGIOP Technologies LtdDigital Acoustics CorpExacq Technologies IncFluidmesh Networks IncGarrettComGenetec IncIndigoVision IncIoimage LLCMarch MetworksMobotix CorpNorth American VideoNUUO IncPanasonic Security SystemsPCSCPelcoPivot3Pixim IncPresto Networks IncPROBE IncQuaddrixSAE ElectronicScanSource SecuritySentry 360 Security IncTimeSight SystemsVeracity USA IncVIVOTEK USA Incissue 25_45

<strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong><strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> InternationalMedia and Associate MembersGIT Security + ManagementWith 20,000 copies and 6 issues perannum GIT SECURITY + MANAGEMENT hasthe best market presence of all security magazines inthe EMEA market. This European security publicationthat also addresses readers in the Middle East and Africais the best communication channel to this key market.The high circulation numbers in combination with asuperior level of editorial quality and a swiftly growingreputation are key assets of GIT SECURITY +MANAGEMENT. The magazine is unique with itscomprehensive approach to security and safety. Thepublication deals with the diversity and complexity ofsafety and security topics and covers them in thepermanent sections: Management, Security, InformationTechnology, Fire Protection and Safety. It presentsmarket news and trends and it features products,companies and applications to the decision makers.Contact - Heiko BaumgartnerGIT VERLAG GmbH & Co.KG -Roesslerstr. 90 D - 64293Darmstadt GermanyTel.: +49-6151/8<strong>09</strong>0-137http://www.gitverlag.com/en/print/2/34/index.htmlPublic Sector PublishingPublisher of Government Technology,Government Business, Education Business and HealthBusiness magazines, now in its fifth year, is publishedmonthly the pages contain need-to-know features, newsand case studies that explain the administrative andcommercial issues affecting IT and computing in Centraland Local Government, Health and Educational Sectors.Contact - Sally BrockmanPublic Sector Publishing226 High Road, Loughton,Essex IG10 1ETTel: 0208 502 0340http://www.psp-media.co.ukInternational Security Industry OrganizationISIO represents trade organizations, which are eitherregional, international, and/or, specialised in a region offocus. ISIO, is either the official or partner 'Endorsing'trade organization to most of the security conferencesand exhibitions world-wide. and is the official tradeorganisation to 22 security vertical sectors providing thecredibility and authenticity for the stake holders.Therefore, Serious Security Professionals are linked viamembership to ISIO, and then participate, visit or obtainsecurity updates via security conferences, exhibitionsand then the media - in that order.Contact - Juan KirstenInternational Security Industry Organizationemail: isio@intsi.orgwww.intsi.orgEDIS Srl - essecomeEDIS SrL has been serving the market forover 25 years as a qualified source ofinformation and professional updating for all securityrelatedoperators. It has progressively created specificpublications that have attained leadership in thesecurity field: essecome, TVCC, BiometriaTech,Fire&Smoke, Vigilanza&Dintorni, essecome InternationalMagazine and AirPort&Rail. EDIS has also launched thefirst Italian security portal www.securindex.com which isnow the virtual point of reference for the security field.Contact - Raffaella MazzaEdis Edizioni Specializzate s.r.l.Via Pietro Miliani, 7/a40132 Bologna - ItalyTelefono: (+39) 051 6419611www.securindex.comProfessional SecurityProfessional Security Magazine is themarket leader in the UK. The flagship monthly title isaimed at UK security and CCTV managers and installers,and anyone interested in UK private security - consultants,specifiers, police crime prevention officers, you namethem! We've broadened over recent years offering annualsupplements in digital video recorders; and CCTV camerasand domes, to name two. Our annual Retail Securitymagazine now goes out six times a year, aimed at theretail loss prevention and profit protection markets.This total of 21 magazines a year is all produced, withseven other specialist security magazines, by a strongand experienced editorial and production team. We prideourselves on being first with the news and knowing anddelivering what the UK security man wants to knowabout. Topics we regularly cover are fraud, physicalsecurity, CCTV, access control, intruder alarms, mannedguarding, regulation and training; and we run monthlynew product pages and 'spending the budget' pages. FordetailsContact - Mark RoweProfessional Security Magazine,4 Elms Lane, Shareshill,Wolverhampton WV10 7JS.Tel: 01922 415233.http://www.professionalsecurity.co.ukInternational SecurityBuyers GuideThe Security Buyers Guide is a marketleading publication that's read by more than 30,000security professionals worldwide.This impressive global distribution, combined with highquality editorial content and eye catching design makesThe Security Buyers Guide an ideal vehicle for yourmarketing communications.The magazine is relevant, accessible, interesting andreadable, key ingredients that make The InternationalSecurity Buyers Guide the leading publication forsecurity professionals.The Security Buyers Guide is an A4, full colour glossypublication packed with everything you need to knowabout the market that reached 30,000 securityprofessionals it combines editorial excellence and all theadvantages a magazine can offer with the usefulnessand longevity of a directory.The Security Buyers Guide has also recently beenconfirmed as the Official Show publication for IntersecDubai and First Official ONVIF Media partner..Contact - Mark FermorInternational Security Buyers Guide60 Churchill SquareWest Malling ME19 4YUTel: +44 (0) 1732 525815www.securitybuyer.comGroteck Business MediaGroteck is a Moscow-based leadingbusiness-to-business provider of media solutionsoperating in Russia and the CIS countries. We create themost respected, value-rich publications, trade shows andconferences, and online media available anywhere. Ourmain experience is B2B marketing. GROTECK’s BusinessConsulting services help Russian and International stateand commercial organizations to establish benefitbusiness relations and approach their business goals.GROTECK’s business consultants work one-by-one withthe company-client to meet their business growthneeds. This includes a customized proposal with clearlydefineddeliverables and feestructure.Contact - Tanya ArtamonovaGROTECK Business Mediawww.groteck.comartamonova@groteck.ruTel: +7 985 117 95 4846_issue 25

eMarketing works!eBlast Marketing is an efficient and cost effective method tocommunicate with the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> membership, <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> circulation andprevious I<strong>IP</strong>SEC visitors and exhibitors.Electronic Media from the <strong>IP</strong> PEOPLEDedicated Technology marketing channels for Security andSafety Professionals - the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> - the Centre forInformation, Knowledge & Promotional OpportunitiesSince its inception in the spring of 2003 the <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> hasremained an unbiased and independent organisation thatcontinues to inform and educate a growing internationalcommunity.We know your target audience, who are your most importantcustomers, clients or prospects, and why you should be onthier radar! You know what is important to them and how toaddress their needs.ENQUIRIES:www.ipfocusonline.com/eMarketing.htmlTELEPHONE: (+44) 0870 7870 546With a quality distribution of nearly 20,000 individuals, companies andorganisations world-wide, eMarketing can alert our community to yourlatest product, event attendance, case studies or News items. Aneffective method to raise awareness, increase visibility and build brandwithin the Security, Live Safety, IT and associated industries.The demographic includes end-users, installers, integrators, consultantsand technologists and our community represents decision makers,directors and managers at senior levels within businesses of the veryhighest standard with projects in mind.The <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong>, <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> and I<strong>IP</strong>SEC website’s dynamic content is a userdriven experience that offers advertisers a lavish menu of focusedmarketing opportunity.why EVERY MONTH, with over 50,000 site visitors collectively viewingYOU can NOW benefit from these channels!We have several cost effective eMarketing solutions specially designed topromote your company, services or products.<strong>IP</strong> ConnectionsAdvertise in this unique eNewsletterWelcome to the all new eNews <strong>IP</strong> Connections,featuring the very latest developments in networkcentric security and safety technology. Circulated to20,000 knowledge hungry security practitioners, ITprofessionals, manufacturers, vendors and end usercustomers.For as little as £250 your company could be thrust intothe spotlight via this cost effective marketing channel.If you are an <strong>IP</strong> <strong>UserGroup</strong> Affiliate member you canbenefit from even greater reductions making the <strong>IP</strong>People's <strong>IP</strong> Connections eNewsletter one of the mostefficient communications tools available to the UK andbeyond.Present your New products to a focused AudienceWe know your target audience, who are your mostimportant customers, clients or prospects, and why youshould be on thier radar! You know what is importantto them and how to address their needs.In <strong>IP</strong> Connections each fortnight we include a photo tomake your article even more appealing, provide youwith banner advertisng to draw attention and insert alink to your website page letting you track which topicsattract the most interest.Exploit Past Successes and Strong PartnershipsTry using case studies, success stories, testimonials orexamples of how others used your product or servicesuccessfully. Or, offer to answer reader questions, andpublish the questions and the answers in your nextissue. We will add a "Find out more..." link to additionalinformation on your website.Hot Topics, News and ViewsInclude articles on topics of interest to our readers,relevant news and events. If you find an interestingarticle on your Website, you can easily ask the author'spermission to summarize the article and link to it fromour newsletter. Drive traffic to your website by enteringteaser text for the article with a link to your website forreaders to view the full text.PR, <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> Magazine and EventsUse this eNewsletter as a communication channelperhaps in association with <strong><strong>IP</strong>focus</strong> magazine and don'tforget to forward information for use within the <strong>IP</strong><strong>UserGroup</strong> website. Include articles on forthcomingevents, invite customers to join you at exhibitions or toregister for roadshows, seminars and training courses.Remember our readers are knowledge hungry and keento learn .Moscow 19th <strong>Nov</strong>ember

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