Curriculum Vitae - Department of Classics

Curriculum Vitae - Department of Classics

Curriculum Vitae - Department of Classics


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CURRICULUM VITAERoger Dillard Woodard<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>232 Lincoln Parkway MFAC 338Buffalo, NY 14216University <strong>of</strong> Buffalorwoodard@buffalo.edu Buffalo, NY 14261-0011716-465-1120 716-645-0464fax: 716-645-2225POSITIONS HELDAndrew van Vranken Raymond Chair <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Classics</strong> and Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong><strong>Classics</strong>, 1999-present; Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Linguistics, 2003-present;Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Anthropology, 2012-present; <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>,University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo (The State University <strong>of</strong> New York), Buffalo, NY14261-0011Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>Department</strong>s <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong> and Linguistics, University <strong>of</strong>Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, 1998-1999Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>Department</strong>s <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong> and Linguistics, University<strong>of</strong> Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, 1994-1998Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>Department</strong>s <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong> and Linguistics, University<strong>of</strong> Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, 1991-1994Mellon Scholar (Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor), <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, 1988-1991Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linguistics, Swarthmore College,Swarthmore, PA 19081, 1986-88OTHER AFFILIATIONSVisiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte,Berlin, June 2012American Academy in Rome Scholar in Residence (RAAR), AmericanAcademy in Rome, winter/spring 2012; Visiting Scholar, July 2012Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College, Oxford, Trinity Term 2011Visiting Scholar, American Academy in Rome, summer 20101

esthétique : pragmatique cultuelle des formes discursives et des imagesen Grèce ancienne. Edited by Claude Calame and Pierre Ellinger.Paris.“Greek Linguistic Thought and its Roman Reception.” Forthcomingin The Cambridge History <strong>of</strong> Linguistics. Edited by Linda R. Waugh.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.“Sacrificing the Sign: The Alphabet as an Offering in Ancient Israel.”Forthcoming in Worlds <strong>of</strong> Sacrifice: Exploring the Past and Present <strong>of</strong>Gifts for the Gods. Edited by Carrie Murray. Albany, NY: StateUniversity <strong>of</strong> New York Press.“Acca Larentia.” In The Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Ancient History. Edited byRoger Bagnall et al. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.“Bona Dea.” In The Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Ancient History. Edited by RogerBagnall et al. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.“Fetiales.” In The Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Ancient History. Edited by RogerBagnall et al. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.“Floralia.” In The Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Ancient History. Edited by RogerBagnall et al. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.“Juventas.” In The Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Ancient History. Edited by RogerBagnall et al. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.“Salii.” In The Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Ancient History. Edited by Roger Bagnallet al. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.“Labiovelar Development in Greek and an Alphabetic Repercussion.”In The Sounds <strong>of</strong> Indo-European 2: Phonetics, Phonemics, andMorphophonemics: Potsdam Linguistische Untersuchungen, pp. 299–313. Edited by Roman Sukač and Ondřej Šefčík. Munich: LincomEuropa, 2012“The Roman Regifugium: Myth and Ritual <strong>of</strong> the King’s JourneyBeyond the Boundary.” In Routes et parcours mythiques : des textesà l’archéologie, pp. 304–332. Edited by Alain Meurant. Brussels:Éditions Safran, 2011.“Phoinikēia Grammata: An Alphabet for the Greek Language.” InCompanion to the Ancient Greek Language, pp. 25–46. Edited byEgbert Bakker. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.5

“Theories <strong>of</strong> Language.” In Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Ancient Greece and Rome,volume 4:201–203. Edited by Michael Gagarin et al. New York:Oxford University Press, 2009.“Linguistic Theory.” In Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Ancient Greece and Rome,volume 4:256–257. Edited by Michael Gagarin et al. New York:Oxford University Press, 2009.“Language in Ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aksum.” In TheAncient Languages <strong>of</strong> Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aksum, pp. 1–5.Edited by R. D. Woodard. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2008.“Language in Ancient Syria-Palestine and Arabia.” In The AncientLanguages <strong>of</strong> Syria-Palestine and the Arabian Peninsula, pp. 1–4.Edited by R. D. Woodard. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, 2008.“Language in Ancient Europe.” In The Ancient Languages <strong>of</strong> Europe,pp. 1–13. Edited by R. D. Woodard. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2008.“Language in Ancient Asia Minor.” In The Ancient Languages <strong>of</strong> AsiaMinor, pp. 1–5. Edited by R. D. Woodard. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 2008.“Language in Ancient Asia and the Americas.” In The AncientLanguages <strong>of</strong> Asia and the Americas, pp. 1–5. Edited by R. D.Woodard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.“Muthoi in Continuity and Variation.” In The Cambridge Companion toGreek Mythology, pp. 1-13. Edited by R. D. Woodard. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 2007“Hesiod and Greek Myth.” In The Cambridge Companion to GreekMythology, pp. 83-165. Edited by R. D. Woodard. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2007.“Greek Alphabet: MS108.” In collaboration with David A. Scott, etal. In Papyri Graecae Schøyen, pp. 149-160. Edited by RosarioPintaudi. Firenze: Edizioni Gonnelli, 2005.“An Early Copper Plaque from the Eighth Century BC with GreekInscription.” In collaboration with David A. Scott. In Metals 2001, pp. 138-145. Edited by I. D. Macleod, J. M. Theile and C. Degrigny. Canberra:Western Australian Museum, 2004.6

“Attic Greek.” In Cambridge Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> the World's AncientLanguages, pp. 614-649. Edited by R. D. Woodard. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2004.“Greek Dialects.” In Cambridge Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> the World's AncientLanguages, pp. 650-672. Edited by R. D. Woodard. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2004.“Introduction to the World's Ancient Languages.” In CambridgeEncyclopedia <strong>of</strong> the World's Ancient Languages, pp. 1-18. Edited by R.D. Woodard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.“Indo-European.” In collaboration with Henry Hoenigswald andJames P. T. Clackson. In Cambridge Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> the World'sAncient Languages, pp. 534-550. Edited by R. D. Woodard.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.“Writing Systems.” In Atlas <strong>of</strong> Languages, pp. 160-207. Revisededition. Edited by B. Comrie, S. Matthews and M. Polinsky.London: Quarto Publishing, 2003.“Aramaic.” In The Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Danbury,Connecticut: Grolier, 2002.“The Disruption <strong>of</strong> Time in Myth and Epic.” Arethusa 35 (2002):83-98.“Writing Systems.” In International Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> the Social andBehavioral Sciences, 24:16633-16640. Edited by N. Smelser and P.Baltes. Oxford: Pergamon, 2002.“The Greek Alphabet.” In Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Greece and the HellenicTradition, 1:58-60. Edited by G. Speake. London: FitzroyDearborn Publishers, 2000.“Greek Dialects.” In Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Greece and the Hellenic Tradition,1:472-474. Edited by G. Speake. London: Fitzroy DearbornPublishers, 2000.“The Evolution <strong>of</strong> Writing Systems.” In The Grolier MultimediaEncyclopedia. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier, 2000.“The Alphabet.” In The Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. Danbury,Connecticut: Grolier, 2000.7

“Greek-Phoenician Interaction and the Origin <strong>of</strong> the Alphabet.” InMediterranean Cultural Interaction, pp. 33-51. Edited by A.Ovadiah, 2000.“Linguistic Connections Between Greeks and Non-Greeks.” In Greeksand Barbarians, pp. 29-60. Edited by J. Coleman and C. Walz.Cornell: Cornell Near Eastern Studies, 1997.“On the Interaction <strong>of</strong> Greek Orthography and Phonology:Consonant Clusters in the Syllabic Scripts.” In Writing Systemsand Cognition, pp. 311-334. Edited by W. C. Watt. Dordrecht:Kluwer Academic, 1994.“The Edict <strong>of</strong> Tudhaliya IV.” In collaboration with RaymondWestbrook. Journal <strong>of</strong> the American Oriental Society 110 (1990):641-659 (linguistic and philological commentary [Woodard] andlegal commentary [Westbrook] on a Hittite text).“Dialectal Differences at Knossos.” Kadmos 25 (1986): 49-74.Republished athttp://chs.harvard.edu/wa/pageR?tn=ArticleWrapper&bdc=12&mn=3732.“The Palatalization <strong>of</strong> the Labiovelars in Greek: A Reassessment inTypological Perspective.” In collaboration with LaurenceStephens. Indogermanische Forschungen 91 (1986): 129-154.Reference Works:Consultant for Latin and Greek and contributing editor <strong>of</strong> Indo-European etymology, American Heritage Dictionary <strong>of</strong> the EnglishLanguage, 3rd ed. My work is republished in the 4th ed. Boston:Houghton Mifflin, 2000 (a project which required 15 to 25 hoursper week for approximately two and one-half years).Consultant and contributing editor <strong>of</strong> etymology, Encarta WorldEnglish Dictionary. New York: St. Martin's Press; London:Bloomsbury Publishing, 1999 (a project which required 15 to 20hours per week for approximately one and one-half years).Book Reviews and Book Notes:Review <strong>of</strong> Dumézil, Georges. Archaic Roman Religion. 2 vols. ReligiousStudies Review, 24 (1998): 413-414.8

Review <strong>of</strong> Dik, Helma. Word Order in Ancient Greek: A PragmaticAccount. Religious Studies Review, 24 (1998): 68.Review <strong>of</strong> Khan, H., ed. The Birth <strong>of</strong> the European Identity: The Europe-Asia Contrast in Greek Thought 490-322 BC. Religious Studies Review,23 (1997): 23.Review <strong>of</strong> Beekes, Robert. Comparative Indo-European Linguistics: AnIntroduction. Religious Studies Review, 23 (1997): 172-173.Review <strong>of</strong> Osborne and Hornblower, eds. Ritual, Finance, Politics.Religious Studies Review, 22 (1996): 241.Review <strong>of</strong> Yoshida, Kazuhiko. The Hittite Mediopassive Endings in -ri.Journal <strong>of</strong> the American Oriental Society 116 (1996): 126-128.Review <strong>of</strong> De Jong and Sullivan, eds. Modern Critical Theory andClassical Literature. Religious Studies Review 21 (1995): 327-328.Review <strong>of</strong> Malkiel, Yakov. Etymology. Historiographia Linguistica 22(1995): 409-414.Review <strong>of</strong> Holliday, Peter. Narrative and Event in Ancient Art. ReligiousStudies Review 21 (1995): 40.Review <strong>of</strong> Schefold, Karl. Gods and Heroes in Late Archaic Greek Art.Religious Studies Review 21 (1995): 48.Review <strong>of</strong> Senner, Wayne, ed. The Origins <strong>of</strong> Writing. The ClassicalWorld 86 (1992): 47-48.Review <strong>of</strong> Arbeitman, Yoël, ed. A Linguistic Happening in Memory <strong>of</strong>Ben Schwartz: Studies in Anatolian, Italic, and Other Indo-EuropeanLanguages. Journal <strong>of</strong> the American Oriental Society 111 (1991): 824-826.Review <strong>of</strong> Drews, Robert. The Coming <strong>of</strong> the Greeks: Indo-EuropeanConquests in the Aegean and the Near East. The American Journal <strong>of</strong>Philology 111 (1990): 264-268.Review <strong>of</strong> Beck, Roger. Planetary Gods and Planetary Orders in theMysteries <strong>of</strong> the Mithras. Religious Studies Review 16 (1990): 258.Review <strong>of</strong> Vennemann, Theo. Preference Laws for Syllable Structure andthe Explanation <strong>of</strong> Sound Change: With Special Reference to German,9

Germanic, Italian and Latin. The American Journal <strong>of</strong> Philology 110(1989): 524-526.Invited Public Lectures and Conference Leadership:“The Transference and Coalescence <strong>of</strong> Primitive Indo-European andNear Eastern Systems <strong>of</strong> Knowledge in Ancient Greece: The Case<strong>of</strong> Bellerophon,” lecture presented at the symposium Transfer <strong>of</strong>Knowledge in Systems (in the series Global Transfer <strong>of</strong>Knowledge and the Globalization <strong>of</strong> Knowledge), Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, Germany, June 19,2012.“Alphabet and Dialect at Methone: Beginning a Typology <strong>of</strong>Methone Alphabetic Symbols and an Alternative Hypothesis forReading hεκεσάνδρ,” lecture presented for the Centre for theGreek Language International Conference, Panhellenes atMethone: Graphê in Late Geometric and Protoarchaic Methone,Macedonia (ca 700 BCE), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 8, 2012.“Andrew v. V. Raymond and the Raymond Endowed Chair <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Classics</strong>: A Legacy <strong>of</strong> Excellence in Service to Humanity,” lecturepresented for the congregation <strong>of</strong> the First Presbyterian Church<strong>of</strong> Buffalo, on the occasion <strong>of</strong> the 200 th anniversary <strong>of</strong> the Churchand the 90 th anniversary <strong>of</strong> the congregation’s endowing <strong>of</strong> theRaymond Chair, Buffalo, April 8, 2012.“Bellerophon and Feminine Aggression: The Conjunction <strong>of</strong>Diachrony and Synchrony in Myth and Cult,” lecture presentedat Du récit au rituel par la forme esthétique: Pragmatiquecultuelle des formes discursives et des images en Grèceancienne, Colloque international, ANHIMA, L’École des HautesÉtudes en Sciences Sociales, Université Paris Diderot, Paris,France, February 28–29, 2012.“Sacred Space, Sacred Boundary, Sacred Sovereign: Transgressionand Restoration,” lecture presented at the American Academy inRome, Rome, Italy, January 26, 2012.“Latin rēgifugium and a Roman Priestly Crisis,” lecture presented atthe <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, Notre Dame University, South Bend,November 9, 2011.“Archaic Greeks in the East: A Case <strong>of</strong> Cultural Melding,” lecturepresented for The World Civilizations Committee Meeting,University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, Buffalo, October 25, 2011.10

“The Diffusion <strong>of</strong> Ancient Greek Culture: A Reciprocal Process,”lecture presented for the Buffalo Hellenic Society, Buffalo,October 20, 2011.“Sotah: Elements <strong>of</strong> Magic in Ancient Jewish Ritual RegardingAdultery,” lecture presented at Jesus College, Oxford University,Oxford, UK, June 20, 2011.“Sacrificing the Sign: The Alphabet as an Offering in Ancient Israel,”lecture presented at the Fourth IEMA Visiting ScholarConference, Worlds <strong>of</strong> Sacrifice: Exploring the Past and Present<strong>of</strong> Gifts for the Gods, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, Buffalo, April 16–17,2011.“Letter Variation in the Copper Plaques and its Implications forEarly Greek Alphabetic Usage,” lecture presented for the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, UCLA, Los Angeles, February 24, 2011.“The Rex Sacrorum and Mamurius Veturius: Figures in Crisis at theChanging <strong>of</strong> the Roman Year,” lecture presented for the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> Southern California, LosAngeles, February 23, 2011.“Labiovelar Development in Greek and an Alphabetic Repercussion,”lecture presented at the Second International Congress on theSound <strong>of</strong> Indo-European, The Silesian University <strong>of</strong> Opava,Opava, Czech Republic, November 18, 2010.“Performing the Alphabet,” lecture presented for the Faculty <strong>of</strong>Linguistics and Philology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, May 18,2010.“From the Regifugium to the Second Equirria: Indo-EuropeanPerspectives,” lecture presented for the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>,University <strong>of</strong> North Carolina, Chapel Hill, October 26, 2009.“Poetic Weaving as a Cognitive Metaphor for OrthographicProduction,” lecture presented for the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong>Linguistics, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, Buffalo, April 24, 2009.“The Roman Regifugium: Myth and Ritual <strong>of</strong> the King’s JourneyBeyond the Boundary,” lecture presented at the Septièmecolloque international d’anthropologie du monde indo-européenet de mythologie comparée, Université Catholique de Louvain,Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, March 19, 2009.11

"The Weaving <strong>of</strong> Writing: The Performance <strong>of</strong> Orthography inArchaic Greece," lecture presented for the School <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, St.Andrews University, St. Andrews, Scotland, March 13, 2009."The Greek Alphabet on the Edges: Geographic and Cultic," lecturepresented for the <strong>Classics</strong> Faculty, Cambridge University,Cambridge, England, March 11, 2009.“Writing as Performance: An Early Greek Conceptualization <strong>of</strong> theAlphabet,” lecture presented for the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong> andMediterranean Studies, University <strong>of</strong> Illinois, Chicago, November12, 2008.“Script as Sacrifice; Writing as Revelation,” lecture presented at theconference on Revelation in Ancient Greek Religion, University<strong>of</strong> Illinois, Chicago, November 10, 2008.“Homers Bane,” lecture presented for the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>,Williams College, Williamstown, Mass., April 16, 2008Invited discussant, Conference on The Centrality <strong>of</strong> Animal Sacrificein Ancient Greek Religion: Ancient Reality or Modern Construct.University <strong>of</strong> Chicago, Chicago, April 11-13, 2008“Chthonic Spirits and Sacred Spaces,” lecture presented for the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> Texas, Austin, February 23,2006.Chair <strong>of</strong> Linguistics session, 138th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AmericanPhilological Association, San Diego, January 2006.“The Suovitaurilia, Manius and Roman Field Lustration,” lecturepresented for the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies, DukeUniversity, Durham, March 28, 2005.Chair <strong>of</strong> Linguistics session, 137th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AmericanPhilological Association, Montreal, January 2005.“The Fayum Alphabet and Its Place in the Evolution <strong>of</strong> GreekWriting,” lecture presented for the Max-Planck-Institut fürevolutionäre Anthropologie, Leipzig, Germany, August 27, 2003.“The Earliest Greek Alphabet,” public lecture presented for theUniversity <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, Buffalo, June 2, 2003.12

“Cato’s De Agricultura 141 and the Roman Notion <strong>of</strong> Sacred Space,”paper presented for the Classical Association <strong>of</strong> the EmpireState, Buffalo, October 27, 2001.“The Earliest Greek Writing,” paper presented for the ClassicalAssociation <strong>of</strong> Western New York, Buffalo, May 31, 2001.“Terminus and Iuventas,” paper presented for the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Classics</strong>, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, February 2001.Organizer <strong>of</strong> the panel session <strong>of</strong> the Society for the Study <strong>of</strong> Greekand Latin Language and Linguistics (SSGLLL) <strong>of</strong> the annualmeeting <strong>of</strong> the American Philological Association (1992-2001).Chaired session, Greek and Latin Linguistics (Panel Session <strong>of</strong>SSGLLL), at the 132nd Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AmericanPhilological Association, San Diego, January 2001.“The Disruption <strong>of</strong> Time in Greek Epic,” paper presented at theconference Epos and Mythos: Language and Narrative inHomeric Epic, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, Buffalo, April 2000.“Linguistic Aspects <strong>of</strong> Early Greek Writing,” paper presented for the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linguistics, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, Buffalo,February 2000.Chaired session, Greek and Latin Diachronic Linguistics (PanelSession <strong>of</strong> SSGLLL), at the 130th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AmericanPhilological Association, Washington, D.C., December 1998.“The Origin <strong>of</strong> the Alphabet in Cyprus and Its Transmission to theAegean,” paper presented for the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>,University <strong>of</strong> California, Los Angeles, January 1998.Chaired session, Greek and Latin Linguistics (Panel Session <strong>of</strong>SSGLLL), at the 129th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AmericanPhilological Association, Chicago, December 1997.“Greek-Phoenician Interaction and the Origin <strong>of</strong> the Alphabet,’paper presented at the Howard Gilman International Conferenceon Mediterranean Cultural Interaction, Rethymno, Crete, June1997.Chaired session, Trojan Writing, Greek Grammar, Latin Syntax(Panel Session <strong>of</strong> SSGLLL), at the 128th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Philological Association, New York, December 1996.13

Chaired session, Linguistic Development and Language Diversity(Panel Session <strong>of</strong> SSGLLL), at the 127th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> theAmerican Philological Association, San Diego, December 1995.Chaired session, Of Beginnings and Transitions (Panel Session <strong>of</strong>SSGLLL), at the 126th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AmericanPhilological Association, Atlanta, December 1994.Chaired session, The Written Word (Panel Session <strong>of</strong> SSGLLL), at the125th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the American Philological Association,Washington, D.C., December 1993.The Sixth Annual Poultney Lecture in <strong>Classics</strong> and HistoricalLinguistics, “Phoenician Fricatives and Greek Graphemes,” JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, April 1993.“Linguistic Connections Between Greeks and Non-Greeks,” paperpresented at the Conference on Greeks and Barbarians, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, New York, April 1993.Chaired session, A Tribute to James W. Poultney (Panel Session <strong>of</strong>SSGLLL), at the 124th Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the AmericanPhilological Association, New Orleans, December 1992.“Syllabic Greek Spelling and the Sonority Hierarchy,” paperpresented for the <strong>Department</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Cognitive Sciences andLinguistics, University <strong>of</strong> California, Irvine, October 1991.“The Image <strong>of</strong> Women in Indo-European Myth,” paper presented forthe Johns Hopkins University Women's Forum, Baltimore, April1990.“On the Phonology <strong>of</strong> Orthography: Evidence from Syllabic GreekInscriptions,” paper presented for the Cognitive Science Center,Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, May 1989.“A Summary and Critical Analysis <strong>of</strong> the Method <strong>of</strong> DeepReconstruction <strong>of</strong> Proto- Languages,” paper presented at theColloquium on Indo-European Origins, Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore, November 1988.“Markedness, Grammatical Relations and Morphological Change,”paper presented for the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linguistics, University <strong>of</strong>Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, September 1988.14

Chaired session at the Conference on Inflectional Morphology andSyntax, University <strong>of</strong> North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NorthCarolina, February 1987.RECENT AWARDS AND HONORSVisiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte,Berlin, June 2012American Academy in Rome Scholar in Residence, winter/spring 2012Visiting Scholar, Wolfson College, Oxford, Trinity Term 2010 and 2011Visiting Scholar, American Academy in Rome, summer 2009 and 2010,June 2012CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title <strong>of</strong> 2006: award made to Woodard2004, The Cambridge Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> the World’s Ancient Languages.Cambridge: Cambridge University PressSustained Achievement Award, UB Exceptional Scholars Program, 2002COURSES TAUGHTUniversity <strong>of</strong> BuffaloMyth and Religion in the Ancient World, Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003,Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Fall 2005, Spring2006, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008,Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall2011, Fall 2012, Spring 2013Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (graduate course) Spring2001, Fall 2003, Spring 2007, Spring 2010, Spring 2013Greek III, Fall 2012Greek I, Fall 2001, Fall 2011Greek II, Spring 2002, Spring 2011Greek Syntax and Stylistics (graduate course), Fall 2008, Fall 201015

Euripides (Greek readings, graduate course), Fall 2009Hesiod (Greek readings in the Works and Days, graduate course),Spring 2009Sanskrit I, Fall 2004, Fall 2007Sanskrit II, Spring 2005, Spring 2008Homer (Greek readings in the Odyssey, graduate course), Fall 2006Seminar in Hesiod (seminar investigation <strong>of</strong> Hesiod and Greekreadings in Theogony; graduate course) Spring 2004Seminar in Roman Religion (graduate course) Spring 2003Hellenistic and Imperial Greek Poetry (Greek readings in variouspoets; graduate course) Fall 2001Plutarch (Greek readings in the Life <strong>of</strong> Numa and Roman Questions;graduate course) Fall 2000Apollodorus (Greek readings in the Bibliotheca; graduate course)Spring 2000University <strong>of</strong> Southern CaliforniaClassical Mythology, Fall 1992, Fall 1993, Spring 1994, Fall 1994, Fall1995, Fall 1996, Fall 1997, Spring 1998Greek Lyric Poetry (Greek readings in various lyric poets), Fall 1997Historical Linguistics (graduate course), Spring 1992, Spring 1995,Fall 1996Script and Culture (the origin and development <strong>of</strong> writing), Spring1994, Spring 1996Greeks and Barbarians (graduate seminar), Spring 1996Latin III (readings in Ovid and Virgil), Fall 1995Comparative Grammar <strong>of</strong> Greek and Latin (graduate course), Fall1992, Spring 1995Latin I, Fall 199416

Greek III (readings in Homer), Fall 1993Greek I, Spring 1992History <strong>of</strong> the Greek Language (graduate seminar), Fall 1991Greek Historians (Greek readings in Herodotus), Fall 1991Johns Hopkins UniversityAdvanced Latin (readings in Ovid and Livy), Spring 1991Medical Etymology, Fall 1990Historical Grammar <strong>of</strong> Greek (graduate seminar), Spring 1990Comparative Indo-European Mythology, Summer 1989, Fall 1989 (2sections)History <strong>of</strong> the Latin Language (graduate seminar), Spring 1989Hittite I and II, Fall 1988 and Spring 1989Historical and Comparative Linguistics, Fall 1988Swarthmore CollegeSanskrit I, Fall 1987Sanskrit II, Spring 1988Historical and Comparative Linguistics, Fall 1986, Spring 1988Indo-European Culture and Society (seminar attachment toHistorical and Comparative Linguistics), Spring 1988Comparative Grammar <strong>of</strong> Greek and Latin, Fall 1987Koine Greek I, Fall 1987Koine Greek II, Spring 1988Seminar in Syntactic Theory, Spring 1987Introduction to Language, Spring 198717

Linguistics and the Human Sciences (a survey <strong>of</strong> the development <strong>of</strong>structuralist methodology and its application to disciplinesother than linguistics), Fall 1986Brain and Language (attachment to Introduction to Psychology), Fall1986UNIVERSITY AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICEEditorial Board for the Journal Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée, since 2012American School <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies in Athens, Chair <strong>of</strong> NEH FellowshipSelection Panel, 2012/13European Research Council Executive Agency Referee, 2009–2013Advisory Council to the Committee on the School <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies <strong>of</strong>the American Academy in Rome, since 2010<strong>Classics</strong> Search Committee, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, 2012/13Institutional Standing Committee on Assessment <strong>of</strong> Student LearningOutcomes, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, 2010/11, 2012/13Supervisor <strong>of</strong> Introductory Latin Instruction, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo,Spring 2010, 2010/11, Fall 2011, 2012/13College <strong>of</strong> Arts and Sciences Policy Committee, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo,2009/10, 2010/11, Fall 2011, 2012/13Jewish Studies Search Committee, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, 2009/10Acting Director <strong>of</strong> Graduate Studies, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, Spring 2008<strong>Classics</strong> Search Committee, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, 2007/08Linguistics Search Committee, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, 2007/08UB 2020 Scholars Fund: Humanities Panel, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo,2007/2008Arts Administration Advisory Committee, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo,2004/05, 2005/06, 2006/0718

Faculty Senate, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05,2005/06Linguistics Search Committee, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, 2005/06Chair <strong>of</strong> Latin Search Committee, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, 2002/03Acting Chair, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> Buffalo, Spring 2002Personnel Committee, College <strong>of</strong> Letters, Arts and Sciences, University<strong>of</strong> Southern California, 1998/99General Education Planning Committee, University <strong>of</strong> SouthernCalifornia, 1998/99Director <strong>of</strong> Undergraduate Studies, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University<strong>of</strong> Southern California, 1994/95, 1995/96, 1996/97Undergraduate Studies Committee (Humanities Panel and fullcommittee), University <strong>of</strong> Southern California, 1995/96, 1996/97Foreign Language Instructional Committee, University <strong>of</strong> SouthernCalifornia, 1994/95Romance Linguistics Planning Committee, University <strong>of</strong> SouthernCalifornia, 1994/95Humanities Linguistics and Language Learning Planning Committee,University <strong>of</strong> Southern California, 1993/94Codirector <strong>of</strong> Undergraduate Studies, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University<strong>of</strong> Southern California, 1993/94Merit Review Committee, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University <strong>of</strong>Southern California, 1992/93, 1993/94General Education Committee (Western Culture Subcommittee),University <strong>of</strong> Southern California, 1991/92, 1992/93, 1993/94Freshman Writing Program Policy Committee, University <strong>of</strong> SouthernCalifornia, 1991/92, 1992/93Acting Chair, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linguistics, Swarthmore College, 1986/87MEMBERSHIP IN ACADEMIC SOCIETIES19

American Philological AssociationLinguistic Society <strong>of</strong> AmericaThe Society <strong>of</strong> Fellows <strong>of</strong> the American Academy in RomeREFERENCESPr<strong>of</strong>. Maurizio Bettini, Università di Siena; mailing address: Centro diAntropologia e Mondo Antico dell’ Università di Siena, Facoltà diLettere, Via Roma 47, 53100 Siena, Italy; +39 0577/234694;bettini@unisi.itPr<strong>of</strong>. Anthony Boyle, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> SouthernCalifornia; mailing address: <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University <strong>of</strong>Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0352; (213) 740-3676;aboyle@usc.eduPr<strong>of</strong>. Edwin Brown, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, University <strong>of</strong> NorthCarolina; mailing address: <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, CB 3145,University <strong>of</strong> North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3145; (336) 585-0306; elbrown496@earthlink.netPr<strong>of</strong>. Claude Calame, Directeur d’Études, École des Hautes Études enSciences Sociales ; mailing address: École des Hautes Études enSciences Sociales Centre Louis Gernet de Recherches Comparées surles Sociétés Anciennes, 2 Rue Vivienne, F-75002 Paris, France ; +311/47038410 ; Claude.Calame@unil.chPr<strong>of</strong>. Diskin Clay, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies, Duke University;mailing address: <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Classical Studies, 237 Allen Building,PO Box 90103, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0103; (919) 684-5076; diskin.clay@duke.eduPr<strong>of</strong>. Dr. Bernard Comrie, Director, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Linguistics, Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie; mailing address:Max-Planck-Institut für evolutionäre Anthropologie, DeutscherPlatz 6, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany; +49 (341) 3550 315;comrie@eva.mpg.dePr<strong>of</strong>. Gregory Nagy, <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Classics</strong>, Harvard University; mailingaddress: Center for Hellenic Studies, 3100 Whitehaven Street, N.W.,Washington, D.C. 20008; (202) 745-4445; gnagy@chs.harvard.edu20

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