Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...

Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ... Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...


This pathway model will enable the FNHC to gather First Nations input and guidance for key decisions of the First Nationshealth governance structure. This engagement and approvals pathway could be included in the governing documents of theFirst Nations Health Council, First Nations Health Directors Association, and a future First Nations Health Authority, so thatFirst Nations have clarity and certainty about the process for decision-making, and know that their voice and direction will beheard on key decisions such as program redesign.3.) Resolution 2011-01 Workplan: Project ChartIn table format, this workplan provides the detailed approach to the implementation of Resolution 2011-01 over the next twoyears. This table is organized as follows:• Milestones: Each milestone is taken directly from Resolution 2011-01 (and, for easy reference, is numbered inaccordance with the relevant provision of Resolution 2011-01). For each milestone, a series of action items required toachieve that milestone are described.• Timeframes: The anticipated timeframes for the commencement and completion of the milestones and action items overthe next two years.• Responsibilities and Decision Points: The roles and responsibilities for the implementation of the milestones and actionitems (note that, not only are the decision-making responsibilities included here, but also roles in oversight, advice, andimplementation of the milestones and action items). The majority of the decision points rest with First Nations at theregional level, and not with the First Nations Health Council, First Nations Health Directors Association, or First NationsHealth Society.• Indicators: Key indicators and benchmarks to measure progress in the implementation of each milestone.This Workplan is important for setting the goalposts and process to keep our work on track over the next two years. At thesame time, however, we have learned that flexibility is fundamentally important. As noted by Barry Phillips, CEO of BigstoneHealth Commission, at Gathering Wisdom for a Shared Journey IV, “Monday’s plan may last until Tuesday.” We are in aconstantly shifting and evolving environment, and while we need a clear and commonly understood plan, we also need to beagile enough to take advantage of new opportunities, or address unexpected issues as they arise, including issues such asthe availability of resources and the perspectives of our tripartite partners.Perhaps, even more fundamentally important than this short-term Workplan is the long-term collective commitment to, andsupport for, a shared vision and values of the First Nations health governance structure – ensuring that we are all workingtowards the same goal and for the same purpose. In the coming months, we will circulate to all First Nations a First Nations6 DRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan

Health Governance Structure Workbook. We will ask for your advice on a collective vision for First Nations health, andthe mission statements and roles and responsibilities of the First Nations Health Council, First Nations Health DirectorsAssociation, the First Nations Health Authority, and First Nations Regional Caucuses - including the relationship between allof these various components. We will also seek your input on the governance structure of these various components, suchas their membership and appointment processes.Thank you in advance for your wisdom and guidance with respect to the enclosed Workplan. A series of Regional Caucussessions have been scheduled over the coming weeks and months to obtain your valued advice and input into this importantdocument. Your feedback and input is crucial to the ongoing success of this work. We look forward to seeing all of you atthe upcoming round of regional caucus sessions to build on the momentum and unity achieved at the Gathering WisdomForum IV, and to continue this historic process of First Nations health governance reform.Sincerely,FIRST NATIONS HEALTH COUNCILMarjorie McRaeNorthern RegionJames WilsonVancouver Island RegionCliff AtleoVancouver Island RegionErnest ArmannVancouver Coastal RegionChief Maureen ChapmanFraser RegionChief Ko’waintco MichelInterior RegionShana MansonVancouver Island RegionGwen PhillipsInterior RegionChief Bernie ElkinsInterior RegionGrand Chief Doug KellyFraser RegionWarner AdamNorthern RegionChief Willie CharlieFraser RegionCharles NelsonVancouver Coastal RegionLaura WebbNorthern RegionLeah- George WilsonVancouver Coastal RegionDRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan7

Health Governance Structure Workbook. We will ask for your advice on a collective vision for <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> health, andthe mission statements and roles and responsibilities of the <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Council, <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health DirectorsAssociation, the <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Authority, and <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Regional Caucuses - including the relationship between allof these various components. We will also seek your input on the governance structure of these various components, suchas their membership and appointment processes.Thank you in advance for your wisdom and guidance with respect to the enclosed <strong>Workplan</strong>. A series of Regional Caucussessions have been scheduled over the coming weeks and months to obtain your valued advice and input into this importantdocument. Your feedback and input is crucial to the ongoing success of this work. We look forward to seeing all of you atthe upcoming round of regional caucus sessions to build on the momentum and unity achieved at the Gathering WisdomForum IV, and to continue this historic process of <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> health governance reform.Sincerely,FIRST NATIONS HEALTH COUNCILMarjorie McRaeNorthern RegionJames WilsonVancouver Island RegionCliff AtleoVancouver Island RegionErnest ArmannVancouver Coastal RegionChief Maureen ChapmanFraser RegionChief Ko’waintco MichelInterior RegionShana MansonVancouver Island RegionGwen PhillipsInterior RegionChief Bernie ElkinsInterior RegionGrand Chief Doug KellyFraser RegionWarner AdamNorthern RegionChief Willie CharlieFraser RegionCharles NelsonVancouver Coastal RegionLaura WebbNorthern RegionLeah- George WilsonVancouver Coastal Region<strong>DRAFT</strong>- <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong>7

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