Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...

Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ... Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...


Quick Reference Guide:How to use the Material ProvidedDocument TitleHow it links to Gathering Wisdom IV Resolution1. Resolution 2011-01 Workplan: Timeline The Chiefs in Assembly requested Timeframes:This document is a higher-level illustrative representation of the Project Chart, mapped out along a timeline.2. Engagement and Approvals Pathway The Chiefs in Assembly requested a Decisions Process:This engagement pathway describes a high-level process for informing and making key decisions within the new First Nations healthgovernance arrangement.3. Resolution 2011-01 Workplan: Project Chart The Chiefs in Assembly requested a Workplan:This Workplan details the implementation of Resolution 2011-01, including milestones, timeframes, responsibilities and decisionpoints, and indicators.LegendNumberingColor CodingShapesThe numbering in the left-hand column in the Project Chart and in each of the activities mapped along the Timeline correspond toone another, and refer to the relevant provision of Resolution 2011-01.Each numbered activity (arising from Resolution 2011-01) has been assigned a color. This color is used in both the Project Chartand the Timeline; the colors in the Project Chart and the Timeline correspond to allow you to easily reference any particular activityin both documents.Shapes have been used (and correspond to one another) in both: the Timeline – in each activity box along the timeline; and, in theProject Chart – in the column “Symbols”. These shapes signify the following:- That decision-making is involved. The colour of the shape indicates who is responsible for that decisiono Black Triangle: First Nations Chiefso Yellow Triangle: Regional Caucuseso Red Triangle: First Nations Health Council- That a particular group has a role in the implementation of that activity. The colour of the shape indicates which group(s)are involved:o Yellow Square: Regional Caucuseso Red Square: First Nations Health Councilo Purple Square: FNHDA / First Nations Health Directorso Green Square: First Nations Health SocietyFirst Nations Chiefs Voting atGathering WisdomTripartiteAgreement4 DRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan

September 27th, 2011Dear First Nations Chiefs and Health Leads,On May 26th 2011, BC First Nations leaders passed a historic resolution to approve the transfer of First Nations health programsand services from federal control to First Nations control. Through Resolution 2011-01 and the “Consensus Paper: BritishColumbia First Nations Perspectives on a New Health Governance Arrangement,” First Nations provided clear direction on thestandards of this new arrangement, and tasked the First Nations Health Council with clear next steps in implementation.One of the immediate next steps that First Nations directed the First Nations Health Council to undertake was the developmentof a Resolution 2011-01 Workplan, which is to be provided to Regional Caucuses for review and feedback. This Workplan wasto include specific key activities clearly set out in the Resolution, such as: signing of the Framework Agreement; supporting thedevelopment of Regional Caucuses and Tables; and, establishing a strategy and approach for the conclusion of sub-agreements.The First Nations Health Council was directed to provide this Workplan by September 1, 2011. However, due to unanticipateddelays in approvals of the Framework Agreement by the Government of Canada, work planning was delayed, and we appreciateyour patience. To balance this delay, we will extend the deadline for feedback on this Workplan from Regional Caucuses toDecember 31, 2011 (from December 1, 2011).As directed, this Resolution 2011-01 Workplan is enclosed, and consists of three elements (note that a Quick Reference Guide toassist you in reviewing this Workplan is included as part of this package):1.) Resolution 2011-01 TimelineThis timeline is a high-level, color-coded representation of the more detailed “Resolution 2011-01 Workplan: Project Chart”described in section 2 of this document. The milestones, decision points and responsibilities are mapped along a two-yeartimeline. A legend is set out at the bottom of the timeline for ease of use.2.) Engagement and Approvals PathwayA very important feature of the enclosed workplan is the draft engagement pathway. Through Resolution 2011-01 passedat Gathering Wisdom IV, First Nations called upon the First Nations Health Council to design and describe a process for keydecisions. This process must be consistent with the 7 Directives and the principle of Reciprocal Accountability as adopted byFirst Nations in the Consensus Paper. The enclosed pathway describes 5 basic steps in a First Nations health engagement anddecision-making process: 1) Engagement; 2) Discussion Document; 3) Engagement Summary; 4) Building Consensus; and, 5)Ratification.DRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan5

Quick Reference Guide:How to use the Material ProvidedDocument TitleHow it links to Gathering Wisdom IV <strong>Resolution</strong>1. <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong>: Timeline The Chiefs in Assembly requested Timeframes:This document is a higher-level illustrative representation of the Project Chart, mapped out along a timeline.2. Engagement and Approvals Pathway The Chiefs in Assembly requested a Decisions Process:This engagement pathway describes a high-level process for informing and making key decisions within the new <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> healthgovernance arrangement.3. <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong>: Project Chart The Chiefs in Assembly requested a <strong>Workplan</strong>:This <strong>Workplan</strong> details the implementation of <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong>, including milestones, timeframes, responsibilities and decisionpoints, and indicators.LegendNumberingColor CodingShapesThe numbering in the left-hand column in the Project Chart and in each of the activities mapped along the Timeline correspond toone another, and refer to the relevant provision of <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong>.Each numbered activity (arising from <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong>) has been assigned a color. This color is used in both the Project Chartand the Timeline; the colors in the Project Chart and the Timeline correspond to allow you to easily reference any particular activityin both documents.Shapes have been used (and correspond to one another) in both: the Timeline – in each activity box along the timeline; and, in theProject Chart – in the column “Symbols”. These shapes signify the following:- That decision-making is involved. The colour of the shape indicates who is responsible for that decisiono Black Triangle: <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Chiefso Yellow Triangle: Regional Caucuseso Red Triangle: <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Council- That a particular group has a role in the implementation of that activity. The colour of the shape indicates which group(s)are involved:o Yellow Square: Regional Caucuseso Red Square: <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Councilo Purple Square: FNHDA / <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Directorso Green Square: <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Society<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Chiefs Voting atGathering WisdomTripartiteAgreement4 <strong>DRAFT</strong>- <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong>

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