Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...

Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ... Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...


MILESTONES TIMEFRAMES RESPONSIBILITIES & DECISION POINTS INDICATORS6 Gathering Wisdom V• Debate on ratification ofConsensus Paper: First NationsHealth Governance Structure• Workplan for implementation ofFirst Nations Health GovernanceStructure (for implementationof ratified outcomes ofGathering Wisdom V, includingpotentially Consensus Paper:First Nations Health GovernanceStructureMay 2012 • First Nations Chiefs Decision Makingo Participate in debate on resolution regardingFirst Nations Health Governance Structure• FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Provide leadership to discussions and debateon resolution regarding First Nations HealthGovernance StructureSeptember2012• Regional Caucus Leadership & Adviceo Provide feedback into workplan• FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Provide direction for development of workplano Provide leadership to Regional Caucusdiscussions on workplan• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide research, analysis, andrecommendationso Provide technical, drafting, and logisticalsupport• Ratified ConsensusPaper: First NationsHealth GovernanceStructure• Completedworkplan for theimplementation ofany resolution arisingfrom GatheringWisdom V6 Gathering Wisdom VI• Potential debate on ratificationof Consensus Paper: FirstNations Health ProgramsTransformation and RedesignNovember2013• First Nations Chiefs Decision Makingo Participate in debate on potential resolutionregarding program transformation andredesign• FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Provide leadership to discussions and debateon potential resolution regarding First Nationshealth program transformation and redesign• Potential ratifiedConsensus Paper:First NationsHealth ProgramsTransformation andRedesign20 DRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan

Notes:DRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan21

Notes:<strong>DRAFT</strong>- <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong>21

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