Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...

Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ... Resolution 2011-01 DRAFT Workplan Package - First Nations ...


MILESTONES TIMEFRAMES RESPONSIBILITIES & DECISION POINTS INDICATORS5 First Nations Health Council Advocacy, Engagement and Accountability• Relationshipso Social determinantsmeetings with federaland provincial DeputyMinisters tableso Develop relationshipswith Councils and FirstNations organizationsin support of addressingsocial determinants ofhealtho Develop urban strategyOngoing • FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Provide leadership, oversight, direction tostrategic-level meetings and relationships withFirst Nations organizations• FNHDA / First Nations Health Directors TechnicalAdviceo Provide advice on social determinants issues• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide research, analysis, advice andrecommendationso Provide technical, drafting, and logisticalsupport• Number andoutcomes of politicaladvocacy and socialdeterminants ofhealth meetings• Number andoutcomes ofmeetings andestablishmentof relationshipagreement(s)with Councilsand First Nationsorganizations onsocial determinantissues• Accountability and Reportingo FNHC regionalrepresentatives reportingto Regional Caucusmeetingso FNHC presentations tomeetings of other FirstNations province-levelpolitical organizationso Annual reportingo Regular reports,communiqués, e-blasts,and other updates to FirstNationso Implementation ofEngagement andApproval PathwayOngoing • FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Report to First Nationso Provide strategic direction and leadership tocommunications and outreach efforts• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide technical, drafting, and logisticalsupport• Consistent updatesand reports to FirstNations using avariety of means andmechanisms• Opportunities forFirst Nations toprovide guidanceand feedback to theFNHC (includingRegional Caucusmeetings and otherreporting venues)18 DRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan

MILESTONES TIMEFRAMES RESPONSIBILITIES & DECISION POINTS INDICATORS5• Political Advocacy for TripartiteFirst Nations Health Plan andFirst Nations community andregional health issuesOngoing • FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Provide strategic political direction andleadership for implementation of the TripartiteFirst Nations Health Plano Provide political advocacy on First Nationshealth issues• FNHDA / First Nations Health Directors TechnicalAdviceo Provide advice on First Nations health issuesand health actions• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide research, analysis, advice andrecommendationso Provide technical, drafting, and logisticalsupporto Implementation of health actions• Improvements tohealth services forFirst Nations in BC• Make Room for EveryoneStrategyo Politically reach out toFirst Nations that havenot been a part of theprocess to dateo Maintain outreach andinformation-sharing to allFirst Nationso Provide an onboardingpackage to new FirstNations Chiefs andleaderso At a senior technical level,provide information to allFirst Nations and continueto support a membershipdrive for the FNHDAOngoing • Regional Caucus Leadership & Adviceo Provide input and feedback into FNHCcommunications and outreach• FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Communications and outreach to all FirstNations on health issues• FNHDA / First Nations Health Directors TechnicalAdviceo Outreach and development for BC FirstNations health directors• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide technical, drafting, and logisticalsupport• Onboarding packagesent to each newFirst Nations Chiefelected in BC• Consistent updatesand reports to FirstNations using avariety of means andmechanisms• Membershipparticipation in theFNHDADRAFT- Resolution 2011-01 Workplan19

MILESTONES TIMEFRAMES RESPONSIBILITIES & DECISION POINTS INDICATORS5• Political Advocacy for Tripartite<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Plan and<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> community andregional health issuesOngoing • FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Provide strategic political direction andleadership for implementation of the Tripartite<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Plano Provide political advocacy on <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>health issues• FNHDA / <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Directors TechnicalAdviceo Provide advice on <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> health issuesand health actions• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide research, analysis, advice andrecommendationso Provide technical, drafting, and logisticalsupporto Implementation of health actions• Improvements tohealth services for<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> in BC• Make Room for EveryoneStrategyo Politically reach out to<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> that havenot been a part of theprocess to dateo Maintain outreach andinformation-sharing to all<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>o Provide an onboardingpackage to new <strong>First</strong><strong>Nations</strong> Chiefs andleaderso At a senior technical level,provide information to all<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> and continueto support a membershipdrive for the FNHDAOngoing • Regional Caucus Leadership & Adviceo Provide input and feedback into FNHCcommunications and outreach• FNHC Leadership, Oversight & Advocacyo Communications and outreach to all <strong>First</strong><strong>Nations</strong> on health issues• FNHDA / <strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Health Directors TechnicalAdviceo Outreach and development for BC <strong>First</strong><strong>Nations</strong> health directors• FNHS Operational Advice & Implementationo Provide technical, drafting, and logisticalsupport• Onboarding packagesent to each new<strong>First</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Chiefelected in BC• Consistent updatesand reports to <strong>First</strong><strong>Nations</strong> using avariety of means andmechanisms• Membershipparticipation in theFNHDA<strong>DRAFT</strong>- <strong>Resolution</strong> <strong>2<strong>01</strong>1</strong>-<strong>01</strong> <strong>Workplan</strong>19

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